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Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Xenonia
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Xenonia QT3.14

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Name: Mycellium
Race: Tower-Fungus Deku
Appearance: Similar to that of the average Deku Scrub, but with pale white bark and a wide purple mushroom-cap rather than leaves atop his head. His eyes are a withered grey color, not showing any sign of the intelligent life that once lay within.
Spore Spit (6) (The sole purpose of Mycellium's life is to spread the spores of the fungus. It is all he knows.)

Burrow (3) (All Dekus have the innate ability to burrow, though Mycellium is less practiced than most)

Melody of Darkness (3) (A song learned by overhearing a Moblin chieftain. For some reason, it resonates with Mycellium.)

Personality: Mycellium does not have much of a personality anymore. All he does is spread the fungus, though upon being captured by the trade caravan, he has become more careful about it. He is quite passive in nearly all cases, knowing that his survival is key to spreading the fungus across the land.
Backstory: Sprouted from a cursed earth, Mycellium was born into the world with no purpose other than to serve the fungus that surrounded him and birthed him. His existence was a dull and terrible one for the most part. Perhaps the most interesting thing to ever have happened to him was upon his wandering forth from the forest, into the Tumult. As he spread the spores best he could, he came upon a group of moblins having a party to celebrate the capture of a group of refugees from the ruins of Castle Town. As they cooked the poor souls, the chief moblin began to play a strange and terrible song that somehow spoke to Mycellium, and soon he was echoing it from his trumpet-like mouth wherever he went. Most recently, Mycellium was captured by a trade caravan, and placed in a cage to be displayed as an oddity or perhaps used as an offering to bandits.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by clanjos
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clanjos Giant Hero

Member Seen 1 day ago

Name: Dingle Of The House of Tingle

Race: Hylian (Great Fairy)

Appearance: An inhumanly beautiful woman of slender frame and gentle disposition, Dingle wears a suit similar to her adoptive father's, a skintight green spandex unitard with red pants and a massive backpack. She has, in a scabbard at her side, a pirate's cutlass. Though it's usually bunched up in her pointy hat, she has a LOT of hair- it reaches down to the backs of her knees when let loose. It's a vibrant red that isn't that common among Hylians.

Scion of the House of Tingle (4 dice): The greatest hero of Hyrule, Tingle is known as "The Hero of Fairies" for protecting the Fairy Fountains across the land from destruction or corruption during the cataclysm. He has taught her the finer points of being a merchant, negotiating with shopkeepers, how to fly on a balloon, store things in her pants, mapmaking and geography, and looking good in a spandex suit.

Student of the Pirate King (3 dice): Linebeck earned his title of "The Pirate King" by ramming his ship through the heart of Gyorg, saving the Gerudo pirates from its fury. To Dingle, he has passed on the arts of swashbuckling, reading the horizon for weather patterns, navigation, and sailing.

Apprentice of the Garo Master (3 dice): Ingo is the Garo Master, a highly skilled infiltrator and assassin. Quick on his feet and silent in duty, Ingo has done his best to train Dingle in the arts of the Garo- stealth, deception, and acrobatics.

Great Fairy of Kindness (2 Dice): In truth, Dingle is not the daughter of Tingle. She is actually one of the last Great Fairies, the Great Fairy of Kindness. She can (theoretically) heal the sick and wounded, grant boons to noble travelers, enchant weapons, and even resurrect the dead.

Dingle has been raised by three of Hyrule's greatest heroes. She's noble, courageous, and merciful, viewing all things as equally deserving of life. However, she was also raised by Tingle. She is greedy, selfish, and tends to demand rupees for services rendered. But never more than a person can reasonably afford.

There is nobody in Hyrule who has not heard of the legendary exploits of Team Rupee. Tingle, the Hero of Fairies, Linebeck, The Pirate King, and Ingo, the Garo Master, are shining beacons of hope in this dark world. Heroes of the downtrodden so omnibenevolent, even Ganondorf must grant them grudging respect. They have traveled from one end of Hyrule to the other, seeking adventure, discovering treasure, and protecting the downtrodden citizens of Hyrule. What very few people know, however, is that Tingle has a daughter. Dingle was found alone in a cave in the Twisted Acres, in a dried-up pool of water, and Tingle raised her as his own child.

However, this isn't entirely true. Tingle DID find Dingle in a cave in the Twisted Acres- specifically, a fairy fountain that was drying up. This would have spelled doom for the infant fairy, so the eccentric merchant hero took her in. Knowing that the healing powers of a Great Fairy might be sufficient to cure the corruption of the Lost Acres, Team Rupee set to training the girl to be all she could be. After all, they were getting on in years, and the girl would need to know how to defend herself to protect a fairy fountain... and get the rupees to live well.

Twenty years later, she's joined up with the caravan to make a shitton of rupees and get her fountain repaired so she can begin the work of healing the forest's wounds.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Boomrocker
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Boomrocker I don't use contractions

Member Seen 7 mos ago

Name: No-Point

Race: Human (Round ears)

Appearance: The warlord known only as No-Point is a big guy. He stands at approximately six foot three and is built like a brick outhouse. His face is always hidden by a bandit mask. His hair is sparse and thinning, revealing that he may be older than his strength implies. Notably, his rounded ears are always on display, revealing him to be a subset of human always thought lost to history. His clothes are thick and rough, his jacket long, but removing it he reveals his huge, bare arms. He possesses a greatsword on his back which he has never been seen to use.


Terrifyingly Powerful [5] - No-Point is outrageously strong and intimidating. Someone punching him poorly is likely to break their hand. His fists are like giant meat-covered anvils. In addition to his size, No-Point has somehow received training in the ways of the Sheikah. He is not only strong, he is fast, precise and ferocious in his fighting technique. The end result is, not only is he a combat monster, but a terrifying man, gaining followers on fear alone.

Unexpectedly Clever [3] - For a brute, No-Point has a very canny mind. He is capable of strategy, tactics and logistics and a skilled orator. He speaks far more eloquently than one would expect of a warlord.

Born Into The Tumult [2] - The Tumult has been No-Point's home since birth. It is his domain, he has braved its many horrors, and very little information gets past him while he is there.

Moblin Army [2] - No-Point has beaten an army of Moblins into his service. They are typical Moblins that will follow him as his entourage. No-Point keeps them in line through fear.

Personality: The best way to describe No-Point's personality is 'clinical'. He is stoic, methodical, and slow to anger. His methods are pragmatic, rarely defined by emotion. While he speaks eloquently, it is rare that he raises his voice in anger. As a result, he is very capable of playing the long game as he possesses patience far beyond most other warlords. Don't be fooled, though. No-Point is still very self-serving and only looks out for himself.

Backstory: The man now known as No-Point has a past shrouded in mystery. As a round-eared human had not been seen for many years, where he came from is a mystery. His true name is unknown, or even if he had one in the first place. Rumour has it that he trained under the remnants of the Sheikah, but no one had heard from the Sheikah in years. What is known, though, is that he earned his name from the screams of the Moblins as he killed them one by one, entering their culture as a terrible demon, possessing ears with no point.

As a clear demonstration of natural selection, No-Point fought his way into leadership of a Moblin tribe by beating the everloving crap out of everything in his way. At some point during his travels, he obtained a greatsword similar to Biggron's Sword, but he never used it in his conquest. Instead, it served as a symbol of his leadership.

Now, with his Moblin army hidden away from the rest of the Tumult, he plots. He has designs on the Fortress, and Ganondorf within. The question is, what are they?
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Professor_Wyvern
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Professor_Wyvern The Black Painting

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Name: Boom
Race: Kokiri
Appearance: Boom is a strange looking creature. This child sized creature is incredibly pale to the point that surface dwellers would assume that Boom could in fact be an oddly intact walking corpse. Boom's fingers are abnormally lengthy, and his nails are all a shade of putrid yellow, which is the same color as his eyes. Boom has shaggy and greasy hair that extends to the middle of his back, which fail to cover his pointed ears. Boom is dressed in a pair of tattered thread-bare clothes hastily cobbled together. The most intact attire pieces he has are a pair of goggles with light blue lens, and a giant purple sack that he carries on him.


  • Bombchu Extraordinaire [5] - Boom is a master with Bombchus, who always keeps several on hand. Detonation, aiming, detonation, Boom really knows how to effectively use the Bombchus and make them go, well boom.
  • Dirty Coward [3] - Boom, like all Kokiri is interested in its own survival. As such, Boom has trained in the art of fleeing, abandoning 'allies' and begging in terror with desperate pleas when the situation looks unsurvivable.
  • Treasure Hunter [2] - When you live a life of digging, you tend to get attracted to shiny things. When it comes to finding shiny knick-knacks, Boom finds ways to get those shiny things.
  • Wilderness Survival [2] - Boom likes living. It is something that he'd like to keep going. As such he made sure to pick up on basic wilderness survival skills.

Personality: Boom is a selfish, greedy, and skittish individual. And more than that he is a fairly off individual. He is driven primarily by three things, explosions, survival, and getting shiny things. Boom is a pyromaniac and pyrophiliac, to the point that his desire gets past the Kokiri urge of surviving at all costs.

Backstory: Boom existed in the underground labyrinth of tunnels of the Kokiri. It was a life of drudgery. Dig, eat, sleep, survive, repeat. Boom followed this code for quite sometime, before it truly became Boom.

Digging with a simplistic stone tool, Boom would find the item that would change its life forever, the Bombchu. It appeared to be a non-threatening thing, so he had no reason to flee from it. At first he mistakenly activated it as he flung it down a random tunnel being excavated. It went off and collapsed it, and scarred off many of its kin.

And Boom was happy. Happier than he ever was in his life. It was moved to collect and repair all the bombs it could to use, to get shiny things and stay alive. Boom made too many enemies underground and had to flee the tunnels. And Boom knows the realization that the Caravan has people. And more people mean more shields against his enemies.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Duthguy
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Duthguy Someone who can't spell Dutchguy

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Name: Serola
Race: Zora
Appearance: Standing at 5 foot 9 Serola is relatively tall, he is built slender but with visible muscles. Like most Zora's he doesn't wear clothes and is covered in silver scales with dark blue spots at he extremities. His hand and feet are webbed and he has the for Zora's common eye color of purple.
  • At home in the water [3] As a Zora is not only an excellent swimmer he can breath underwater. When in his element he makes use of the additional maneuverability.
  • Spear wielder [3] Serola fights with a spear made from the bones of a predatory fish.
  • Electrocution [2] Serola can surround himself with an effective bio-electric barrier, which has both offensive and defensive properties.
  • Negotiator [2] As a Zora Serola makes a good negotiator, whether it's haggling for a better price or making some other kind of deal.
  • Culture buff [2] While Serola's area of expertise is Zora culture he at least knows something about every major culture Hyrule has.

Personality: While Serola isn't the most talkative creature in the world he does care about his friends. He can be quite stubborn at times, most often this involves Gorons which he with a few exceptions distrusts. He also deeply respects Zora culture and takes any insults to it personally.

Backstory: Serola loved the Hylian Everglades but he had always felt the urge to explore and see the world something his parents weren't too happy with. They however did accept this trait of him and did their best to help prepare him for his eventual journey while also teaching him about his culture.

On his eighteenth birthday his parent surprised him with a spear and more then enough rupees to buy a ticket in a caravan and with that as well as some supplies to make a living he set off.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Eklispe
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Eklispe SSP

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Name: Raisa

Race: Free Gerudo

Appearance: A rather tall flaming red haired woman with lightly colored skin and heavily armed. Her swarthy black robes hide a heavy assortment of weaponry leaving only her face visible. She has a sharp nose, lightly pointed ears, and keeps her long hair unbound at waist length hidden under her furs.

Martial Skills[6]- All Gerudo's are brought with a heavy training regimen learning them in the traditional use of Scimitars and spears, as well as the newer art of axe fighting devolved in response to their move to the tundra. In addition even in the severe cold of the tundra the natural flowing combat style first learned in the dessert is still upheld

Stubborn Conviction[3]- Freeborn Gerudos are naturally prideful and quite stubborn. Raisa in particular shows skill in convincing people to do what she wants through sheer tenacity

Iron Man[3]- The brutal climate of the Gerudo Tundra has obviously hardened Raisa's body to extreme temperatures. That in addition to the harsh training regimen of the Gerudo's allow her to keep going beyond what should be physically possible.

Personality: An adventurous Gerudo that grew up longing for an epic quest and wants just that. Raisa is always willing to start a fight and has bit of a superiority complex at times. She commits to things easily and makes friends fast, but she also stands by the promises she makes and the people she meets.

Back-story: Raisa grew up hearing tales of mighty heroes such as Impa, Nabooru, and Darunia. Of course she wanted to be just like these hero's and she eagerly threw herself into the training that all Freeborn Gerudo's went through. Although she was never quite the best she made up for it with the energy she put it. Perhaps Raisa fumbled with her weapons and tripped while running, maybe collapsed when trying to do the more acrobatic movements. But she tried harder than anyone. Her dream to be a hero fueled her ambitions and kept her warm when she went to bed at night. Eventfully Raisa was of age to be considered an adult and left her tribe seeking fame, fortune, and glory. Of course the first thing she needed was fortune, so she upon finding a small trading caravan and negotiating with the trade master briefly, and by negotiating I mean refusing to take no for an answer, she signed on as a guard and is currently saving her coins until she hears of a great opportunity to prove herself.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Dark Cloud
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Dark Cloud 💀Vibin' beyond the Veil💀

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Name: Aaelgus (or Aael)

Appearance: Tall, ghostly pale skinned young man of about nineteen years old, has starch white hair and pupilless eyes that are
yellowish white and glow a little bit giving him limited amount of low-light vision, his teeth are kind of sharp mostly his canines, he
wears a mask that covers his mouth and mostly his face, also wears a billowing black cloak, a grey scarf and well fitted leather boots.
Aaelgus's hands are talonlike and have sharp tips so he wears black gloves over them.

Cliches: Hardened Warrior (4)- Trained by his adopted father who was a Knight of the Hylian Royal family.

Kakorikian Bard (4)- Father was a really good musician taught him music skills at a young age.

Adventurer of the lands (3)- Aaelgus has been wandering for a while now has become seasoned at finding his way around.

Novice of the Dark Path (1)- His Curse has effected him to be able to use sacred magics of demonic origin.

Personality: He is quiet but friendly and good natured, at times he can be a little timid and when you know him he is very haughty and mischeivious, but also very imapatient, but knowledgeable about oddities and the unusal.

Background: Was cursed by a skull kid while tramping through the lost woods, he was cursed for defileing the Skull Kids peace, he got thought he was lost but found his way out and he was an abomination, he fled and started a life of wandering, he only returned to his village a few days later to find it close to deserted, he got his possesions his Lute and Flute, Two Swords that had the Hylian insignia emblazened onto the Blade and other musical sheets and he found a mask of the moon in his fathers house, he has wanted a taste of the adventureing life and he got it and now he travels the land looking for adventure.

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