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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Kurisa
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Kurisa The Mortal God

Member Seen 5 yrs ago


Kurisa Kuchiki

Kurisa sat in his office finishing up the days paperwork when a knock came at his door. Kurisa finished off his last piece of paperwork then looked up to the door as he sat back in his chair and spoke "Enter..." Kurisa knew who this was...and no doubt she was here for some work. In truth it was difficult...Kurisa had no missions set for a person of her power level and sending her on one of the more demanding ones without a partner would be suicide. In truth he had something planned yet he really didn't want to do it...but as it was he was in a tough position and couldn't refuse to let someone do their job

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Oblivion666
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Oblivion666 Pun Loving Machine

Member Seen 4 yrs ago


Rin Oda

She did like she planned she waited and when she heard enter she opened the door and closed it behind her. She would then bow to her captain before standing up straight. "Good morning Captain Kuchiki. I was wondering if you had any mission for me to do. If you don't then would it be okay for me to simply clear out hollows in the nearby districts?" She would do this routine so much to the point it wasn't surprising when all she could do was clear out hollows, but that was fine with her. She just needed to get stronger, as it stood she was much too weak to be even thinking of avenging her parents deaths by her cousins hands.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Kurisa
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Kurisa The Mortal God

Member Seen 5 yrs ago


Kurisa Kuchiki

Kurisa watched as Rin bowed and listened as she spoke, asking if she could clear out some hollow in nearby districts. In truth Kurisa was tired of sending her on these simple missions...she wasn't going anywhere. It was like she was stuck in a limbo. The hollow were to weak for her to get stronger and the Shinigami that had to be brought in were much to strong for her to face...yet Kurisa needed them brought in and after thinking it over a little he stood up from his desk "No. You will not be clearing out hollows again." Kurisa walked around his desk and past Rin as he stood in the doorway and spoke "Come with me. We're going on a mission..." Kurisa then began walking as he made his way towards the exit of the barracks
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by AbigailTenshi
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AbigailTenshi BloodCovered Nephillim

Member Seen 4 mos ago


While following Shinzo to his destination, he spoke up about the keeping the incident a secret. Nairin looked to Nishiki once he finished talking. "Got that?" "Yes Madam!" Nairin cringed a little at being called madam. "Don't start with that shit, it's Nairin to you... or Naynay" Even though she didn't necessarily like the nick-name, she only let Nishiki call her that so hearing her say it gave Nairin a sense of comfort. "Hehe, Okay Naynay!" Nishiki giggled cutely as they continued to walk. Before they knew it, they had reached the area.

Shinzo let both girls know that they had arrived before shunpo-ing himself to a comfortable seat. The first thing the girls did was remove their weights and place them in a pile in front of them. Nairin then looked around as Nishiki took a dramatic deep breath with a smile stretched across her face. "Ahhh! Doesn't nature smell so fresh? It's so nice!" Nairin rolled her eyes at Nishiki's statement but hummed a chuckle while walking towards Shinzo's spot and claiming a rock near-by but not too close. Nishiki then came skipping along and deciding to take a seat on Nairin's lap. "Hey! I'm not a fucking chair!" Nairin raised her voice a little but not too loudly. "Hehe, but you're much more comfortable than a rock! Even though you sleep like one" Her smile had turned into an amused grin as Nairin looked away and huffed. "Must you sit on me while my Captain is around..." She mummbled quietly, a light blush of embarrassment beginning to dust her cheeks for the second time today. Nishiki giggled and stood, sitting on a rock next to Nairin. "Better?" The still-amused girl asked. Nairin rolled her eyes again before looking at Shinzo. "So Shinzo, what will be our next training activity?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Oblivion666
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Oblivion666 Pun Loving Machine

Member Seen 4 yrs ago


Rin Oda

Her captains words caught her by surprise, instead of clearing hollows out she was going out on a mission and it was going to be with her captain no less. So this meant if she fucked up he had front row seats for it. No pressure though, "O-oh. Okay then sounds good sir." Rin said as she followed behind her captain unsure what would require his presence but if he had to be there it must have been super important. "What requires your intervention if its okay to ask?" Rin ask not able to contain her curiosity.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Kurisa
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Kurisa The Mortal God

Member Seen 5 yrs ago


Shinzo Harimaya

Shinzo continued to sit where he was, still trying to remain calm even as the other two messed around. Yet some things began to get on Shinzo's mind...that was when Nairin asked what the next training activity would be "The next one is easy...we head back...wearing the weights, you two will then go get something for us to all eat...after that...I don't know. I was planning to do more...but I need to find Shizuka...it's not good to let her roam around this long alone..." right now Shinzo really did wish to get back...the thoughts that plagued his mind were creeping from the depth's to remind him that no matter how strong he gets he is still a broken man...
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Kurisa
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Kurisa The Mortal God

Member Seen 5 yrs ago


Kurisa Kuchiki

As Kurisa walked with Rin trailing behind she asked the inevitable question of why he was taking her on a mission, or more why he was even needed "I need to keep myself sharp...I haven't been on a mission for awhile." Obviously Kurisa wouldn't tell her the truth...if he told her they were going to capture a strong Shinigami she would freak out no doubt and mess up during the battle...so long as he gave the impression that this was a standard mission she shouldn't have much to worry about...he needed her focused. After some time of walking they finally made their way out of the Seireitei and into the districts of the Rukongai...now to find the person they needed to capture...
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Oblivion666
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Oblivion666 Pun Loving Machine

Member Seen 4 yrs ago


Rin Oda

"Oh I see, well I look forward to watching you in action then Captain!" Rin said smiling a small smile, it wasn't everyday she got too see her captain in action so she would be witnessing a real treat today! And they would make there way to the Rukongai where Rin still had no clue what they were looking for. "So what are we looking for so I can help search? Just so this goes faster and so I'm not making you do all the searching." Rin asked, assuming they were most likely searching for a person. Considering they were inside the district and not outside.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by AbigailTenshi
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AbigailTenshi BloodCovered Nephillim

Member Seen 4 mos ago


Nairin watched Shinzo speak, noticing how much of a prominent feature his mask was to his face even though she tended to hardly notice it. "Back to the Seireitei with the weights on? Well, Okay then, sounds like a plan. And well that'll just be where this training will finish so you can focus on finding Shizuka. Besides, I haven't forgotten about this morning..." As she spoke the last part, her gaze moved towards Nishiki, growing stern as it did. Nishiki pretended to be looking away and acted as though she didn't hear anything while Nairin just stared at her. Then Nairin sighed. "I know I should of told you and I'm sorry for keeping her a secret... I was gunna tell you about her at some point... It's just... Complicated... You know?... I'll make sure she doesn't cause any more trouble" Nairin looked back at Shinzo with a relaxed expression. Even though this man was her Captain now, the Squad Eleven Kenpachi at that, she still saw him as a friend, one of the only people she could have a chat, a drink and actually hang out with throughout the damn Seireitei. Obviously since now he had Captain duties to take care of, Nairin hardly asked him if he wanted to go out as she always assumed he'd be busy or eventually get to the point where he wouldn't want to hang out anymore. He had changed quite abit since they first met, but that didn't change how much she valued him as a friend.

"So how you been? I feel like we haven't chatted in ages"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Kurisa
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Kurisa The Mortal God

Member Seen 5 yrs ago


Kurisa Kuchiki

Kurisa continued walking as Rin spoke, asking what she could do to help "There is no need..." Kurisa walked up to a man, standing behind him as the man then turned and jumped back a bit seeing Kurisa there "The hell? wh-wait..." The mans eyes caught Kurisa's Haori and then the mask causing his eyes to widen as he backed up further "Are you actually contemplating running from me?...if so then run...I'll give you a 5 second head start" The man took this chance and ran for it as Kurisa counted mentally to 5 before covering the distance the man had ran in the blink of an eye with a light Shunpo as he appeared before the man "I see you are no smarter than a monkey...did you think you could run from me? Even if you had used Shunpo your steps would have been so slow that I would have caught you with out even trying...Rin...handle this fools underlings. I will deal with this one personally..." As Kurisa said this a few men gathered around Rin, clearly underestimating her purely because she was a woman.

The man that was face to face with Kurisa backed of a little further as he gripped his Zanpakuto and unsheathed it before holding out infront of him with both hands "You wanna fight? fine...I'm not sca-" at that moment the mans Zanpakuto blade shattered into tiny pieces causing his eyes to widen "You dare to insult me by pointing such a weak Zanpakuto at me. Learn your place Monkey..." Kurisa then exerted his spiritual energy causing the man to drop to his knee's and sweat profoundly "The reports I got were clearly wrong...you're far from a challenge. I refuse to waste a single breath on a lowly man such as yourself...Rin...finish those underlings...you can take care of this one..." The man remained on his knee's even as Kurisa released his spiritual pressure...he sat there looking at his shattered Zanpakuto...trying to comprehend what happened "Do you still not understand?...A Zanpakuto is only as strong as it's Master...with a weak Master such as yourself it was no doubt your blade broke so easily. I only had to exert a little spiritual pressure to cause it to shatter...I released it from a life of pain of being used in then hands of a useless monkey...now go pick up your stick and fight..." Kurisa at that point awaited Rin to arrive and start to deal with this pitiful man
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Kurisa
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Kurisa The Mortal God

Member Seen 5 yrs ago


Shinzo Harimaya

Shinzo listened as Nairin explained why her friend was around, she then asked how he was...something he truly didn't want to talk about with how his mind was going right now "So long as she doesn't disrupt the lives of the other Squad 11 members or interfere with your training then I do not mind...however your friend should consider joining the Squad...we're always looking for new recruits and she would no doubt assume a high position in no time. She seems capable..." in truth Shinzo wanted to avoid the question of how he was feeling and so he stood up, his vision set on the waterfall as he spoke "Perhaps another time...this isn't the time nor place...we should be heading back." Shinzo didn't want to not talk to Nairin...but it was simply to awkward with someone he didn't know here...and Shinzo didn't exactly like to speak about his feelings...perhaps sometime he would tell Nairin..."Don't worry...one of these days we will talk...being a Captain is busy work...even if you did kill for your position, the work doesn't change..." Shinzo then shunpoed back to solid ground before speaking again "Let's go..." Shinzo then began walking back into the forest, making his way towards the Seireitei
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by AbigailTenshi
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AbigailTenshi BloodCovered Nephillim

Member Seen 4 mos ago


Nairin listened, taking a glmpse at Nishiki who was looking at Shinzo and also listening. "Okay" She responded to assure Shinzo that Nishiki wouldn't disturb anyone during her stay, however once he mentioned Nishiki joining, she just looked at the woman. Nishiki's expression was neutral so there was no telling whether she was considering joining or not. Nairin knew she'd do well, Nishiki always tended to excel more than she did but would purposely hold back as she didn't want to hurt Nairin's feelings, much to Nairin's displeasure. She had already lectured Nishiki on not thinking about her feelings and to just do what's best for the skill level she was at before, but Nishiki simply giggled it off and responded with "I will do what I want". Nairin couldn't argue with that so she just let her do as she pleased.

As Shinzo continued to speak, Nairin turned her line of sight back onto him and watched as he stood. She pursed her lips at the response she was given but understood. "Yeah, perhaps you're right" Nairin stood up also, stretching her body as Nishiki followed suit. The last thing Shinzo said on the subject prompted a small smile from Nairin. "Well whenever you're free, I'm always up for a drink or to just hang out. And that's understandable, I always assumed so which is why I just let you do what you need to do instead of bug you anymore" She let out a short chuckle before Shinzo shunpo-ed. Walking over to the pile of weights, Nairin put hers on first before helping Nishiki with hers. "Stay close Niki" Nishiki nodded with a smile before following after Nairin who trailed after her Captain.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Oblivion666
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Oblivion666 Pun Loving Machine

Member Seen 4 yrs ago


Rin Oda

"O-oh" Rin mumbled as they came across the man who already was panicking. Rin looked at him oddly as the captain was pretty much making the man piss himself. She then looked around at the gathering men looking at her which made her stare at them as her captain gave her order to deal with them. "Alright easy enough." She said and as one man rushed at her she shunpoed in front of him and knee him in the stomach and pushed him to the ground before running at anothe rmale and kicking his legs out from under him and doing Sai on him. A man rushed at her with a bat only for her to backhand the man and rip the bat from his hands and swipe his legs from under him and fro good measure hit him once with the bat to his chest. She was then told to finish with them and then take care of the man. "Okay just a second." Rin said as she grabbed each man and put them back to back and wrapped a horin around them before looking at the man on his knees. Rin looked at him as she raised her hand which generated another horin and she then tossed this at the man contemplating his life choices.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Axel
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Axel Red Haired Coffee King

Member Seen 20 days ago

Akuseru Hitomishu

After scolding the Squad 9 newcomers for their inexperience in their newly attained field, Akuseru went back to his room. Once inside, he began grabbing a couple things before storing them in a black suitcase. Anyone would realize upon entering his room that it was filled with stuff of extreme value. The major problem with the items of great worth though is that they were put everywhere imaginable. A silver cup of royal descent stood beside the lieutenant's hygiene products in the bathroom, all of the forks, spoons and knives within the kitchen had some great signicance to them and the sheets to his bed felt like they were intended for royal blood only. It was obvious that Akuseru had a knack for racking up valued objects but the treasure relics his room was only a small branch of it.

"Those idiot noobs took up most of my time and now Terain is about to begin the search without me!" Akuseru muttered angrily as he began digging through his dresser for something before pulling out a green oval shaped rock seconds later. Afterwards, he made his way out and proceeded to lock the door behind him upon successfully exiting the room. "Lieutenant!!!" The silver haired man stopped in his tracks before tilting in the direction of the individual calling him. The individual was apparently a female with long dark pink hair. "What is it?" Akuseru asked while giving the female shinigami a dark glare. "I was ordered to give this to you." The girl noted before handing him a letter with his name inscribed on it.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Kurisa
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Kurisa The Mortal God

Member Seen 5 yrs ago


Shinzo Harimaya

After some time they finally arrived back at the Seireitei yet as they got to the gates Shinzo stopped then turned to the other two and spoke "You two go ahead...I think I left something back there. I will see you at the barracks later." Shinzo then walked past them both, heading back in the direction they had come from. Once again after some time he arrived back in the forest yet stopped dead in the middle of it as he looked up and exhaled. Shinzo then took the weights off his body before removing his Haori and placing the weights on top of it. Once again Shinzo looked up the sky as he raised his right hand to his face, gripping his mask as he then tore it off his face releasing a smoky substance as he threw his mask down to the ground. His Sclera now turning black as his Iris's turned a piercing red and a hollow like mask forming over the bottom half of his face...as he did this his Spiritual energy began leaking out of him yet it was now pure black and gave off an immense weight as his killing intent could be felt through it

"Come at me so I can fucking tear you all apart..." Shinzo said as he looked around at the many piercing red eyes through the darkness of the forest...yet none would come close causing Shinzo to clench his hands into fists "I SAID COME AT ME YOU FUCKS!" Shinzo then gripped his Zanpakuto's hilt with his right hand as he unsheathed it and slashed from left to right cutting half the forests tree's down in the single stroke of his sword "If you wont come at me then I will come for you!" Shinzo then sheathed his Zanpakuto before taking a few steps forward and disappearing with shunpo, appearing infront of a hollow as he slammed his hands into it's gut, he then let out a roar as he tore the hollow in two, the hollows blood spraying over him as he then turned and ducked, avoiding an incoming attack from a nearby hollow. He then wrapped his right hand around the hollows throat as he then tore the very throat he was holding out from it's neck.

Shinzo carried on like this for a great amount of time, killing hollows brutally with his bare hands...after some time all that surrounded him was blood and bodies as he then fell to his knees and hit the ground with his right fist "Why...Why did they all have to die!? Why couldn't I have been stronger!? I could have saved them!...Nishi...Mother...Father..." as Shinzo said this his body hunched over a little more as he rested on his forearms and knee's, his vision looking at the ground below as it became blurry, the images of their death's flashed through his mind forcing tears to his eyes which in turn fell to the ground..."Why must I be so powerless..." a pair of feet then came into the view of Shinzo which prompted him to look up, seeing Shizuka looking down at him...Shinzo then sat back on his legs, still kneeling on the ground as Shizuka knelt down infront of him as Shinzo was about to speak his eyes widened as Shizuka wrapped her arms around him and began hugging him, his hollow mask then broke away as his eyes returned back to normal Shinzo then wrapped his arms around Shizuka...

"I wont let anything happen to you...I failed to protect what I cared for before...I wont let it happen again..." Shinzo closed his eyes however they shot back open as he heard Shizuka speak "You wont have to cry someday...I will kill what haunts you..." in truth...this was the first time Shinzo had heard Shizuka speak...although it wasn't much it meant more than a thousand words...Shinzo wasn't able to battle his demons...yet Shizuka was prepared to in order to protect the one she now considered her brother. She had seen Shinzo in this state many times...however she no longer wanted to see this...Shinzo had become the first person that she had become attached to, the first to accept her for what she was...and just like Shinzo...she wouldn't allow anyone or anything to take him away from her, he was her only family and he saw something in her that others did not and has put his life on the line many times in order to protect her.

"Thanks Shizuka...we best head back...I told them I would be back at the barracks soon." as they broke the hug Shizuka handed Shinzo his mask which prompted him to smile a little as he put it on and spoke "I'm glad you made this for me...it's the one item I cherish more than any other...let's head back" Shinzo stood up and walked over to his Haori before putting it on and then picking up the weights and placing them back on.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Kurisa
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Kurisa The Mortal God

Member Seen 5 yrs ago


Kurisa Kuchiki

With little to no effort the Bakudo wrapped around the man who was still staring at the ground "You wont fight? Very well...Rin ca-" Kurisa stopped mid sentence as he turned and batted away a bright blue arrow with the back of his right hand "That Arrow...that's one of a Quincy...but how? they're extinct..." a man wearing a hood and mask walked towards Kurisa clapping as he spoke "Well done Captain...you managed to deal with that quite well...now that I have your attention. Can you tell me if you've seen any pesky Arrancar around?" Kurisa looked at the Quincy with cold eyes as he spoke "No. I do however see a dead man before me..." The Quincy chuckled slightly before speaking once more "Oh I see...that's a shame. I got word from my Master that they were snooping around her and that their presence could prove somewhat troublesome...well then. I suppose I should be on my way..." With that the Quincy turned as a Bakudo 61 stopped the Quincy in place

"You think I would let you walk away from me without answers? You're kind are supposed to be dead..." The Quincy chuckled then spoke "I see...so it is going to be like that? Well then...let me put you in your place Captain." The Quincy then broke free from the Bakudo with ease yet this was far from surprising to Kurisa...this Quincy certainly seemed to have some power..."Well...I don't want to bore your subordinate by making her watch us fight...so how about I give her something to keep her busy?" at that point another cloaked being appeared at the other end of the street walking towards Rin. "I feel she will get in my way if she isn't kept busy..." Kurisa unsheathed his Zanpkuto as he then spoke in response "Then that makes two of us...make sure to try capture them Rin...these are high priority targets..."

Kurisa then shunpoed towards the Quincy and went to slash down their torso yet Kurisa Zanpakuto was stopped by a blade...one made by the Quincy "Shocked Captain? You aren't the only one capable of wielding a sword" The two then exchanged blows with the Quincy holding out well "Your Swordsmanship skills are impressive for a Quincy...However you are still full of openings" Kurisa released his left hand from his Zanpakuto's hilt as he pointed his index and middle finger at the Quincys mid section preparing to fire a hado 4 as a small arrow then shot through his let hand "As are you Captain..."


Rins fight

As the Quincy walked up the street towards rin he formed a bow in his left hand as he then formed an arrow in his right, placing the arrow into the bow he pulled it back and fired it towards Rin at great speed. The Quincy then disappeared and appeared above Rin firing a few more arrows down at her in an attempt to pierce her in several places.

(Note: Arrancars aren't a known race to everyone. Only a few Captains etc. know of them...the same applies to Quincies. I simply say Quincy and Arrancar for the sake of the reader so they can identify what they are.)
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Infinite Cosmos
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Infinite Cosmos XIV

Member Seen 15 days ago

A day before, Kyoichi had opened up the scroll for the first time and read the first section of it. What it contained was a riddle. It spoke of an old place, filled with cherry blossoms. Kyoichi took to it meaning that he is going to one of the places his great-grandfather had visited as a younger man. For this would be the first step in his journey to reclaim the sword that was passed from one master to another.

Arriving at the temple, Kyoichi quickly scanned the surroundings. It seemed too peaceful. Too simple. He assumed that there would be many trials and tribulations along the way. For iron forged with fire will stand the test of time. He saw an old monk, sweeping and tending to the grounds by himself. He did not pick up and traces of reiatsu from the man so he assumed that he was exactly as he seems. Just an old monk who has dedicated his life to his temple. Walking by him, he offered the monk a small nod. To which the monk did not respond, but instead he just kept on sweeping at seemingly nothing.

Checking quickly that his scroll was still secured in his backpack, he placed his left hand on the pommel of his sword and stepping into the temple. It was dimly lit and the atmosphere was peaceful. Something irked him, however. As soon as he stepped into the temple, all noise and light from the outside world seemed to have disappeared. It was as if he stepped into a sacred zone created by some entity. He scanned the area again, not picking up a trace of reiatsu still. Skeptical, he heightened his senses and paced about in the temple...

(Now, I'm leaving the role of the monk up to anyone that wants to play a fight with my character. I'm setting the monk's power level to that of a captain. Play accordingly please ^_^ Otherwise, no restrictions on the fight other than the monk should be just that, a monk. I do not expect him to have a pistol for Shikai lol~)
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by AbigailTenshi
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AbigailTenshi BloodCovered Nephillim

Member Seen 4 mos ago


Nairin and Nishiki followed Shinzo all the way back to the Seireitei, but then he mentioned that he had forgotten something.... Looking up at Shinzo, Nairin watched him walk off without giving any response. "Come on Naynay, lets get back, I'll make you something to drink since you must be thirsty!" Nishiki smiled at Nairin, however the woman couldn't take her eyes off Shinzo's disappearing figure. "What could he of forgotten? I don't remember him leaving anything behind..." Nishiki pursed her lips together before raising an eyebrow. "Yeah, I don't think we left anything. But Oh well" She shrugged her shoulders and continued to smile. Finally looking at Nishiki, Nairin took her weights off and passed them to her. "Take these back, I'm just going to check something but I'll come straight back after" Nishiki pouted at this. "Nairin you should just leave him to deal with his own issues himself. Just leave him alone" "I'm not going to do anything, I'm just.... curious. Promise me you'll go back to the room, please?" Nishiki sighed with a small reluctant smile. "Alright, but you come straight back or else I'll come looking for you" Nairin gave Nishiki a small smile in return as the girl grabbed the extra weights. "Thanks Niki" Turning around, Nairin broke into a sprint, following Shinzo's trail and the sound of his footsteps since that was easier than following his energy, atleast to her. Nishiki sighed again but smiled, later she'll definitely use this to make Nairin take her out since she really did want to check out the other barracks at the Seireitei. Walking in through the gates, Nishiki head for Nairin's room at Squad Eleven.

Nairin followed behind Shinzo before hearing his steps come to an abrupt stop. Stopping her own steps, Nairin disguised herself, hiding behind foliage while quietly making her way closer to Shinzo in order to see him. Pressing her body against a tree, Nairin peaked around the edge of the bark, her Captain in sight. She was just in time to witness Shinzo gripping his mask. Feeling anxious to finally see what was underneath, Nairin made sure she kept utterly quite and her spiritual energy down to it's minimum.... which wasn't hard since she wasn't that powerful. Anyway, eyes glued on the mask, Shinzo ripped it off.

'Wha... What's.... Happening?' Shinzo underwent a transformation, one that she had never seen before in her life. What... was he?... A spike of guilt shot through Nairin's body. She knew she shouldn't of followed him, she shouldn't even still be here. She was intruding on her Captain, but couldn't tear her eyes away. She cared too much to not be curious even though if Shinzo found out that she was there, he'd most likely start to hate her and would never want to speak to her again. It was too late to back out now though, the truth had already came to light. Shinzo's piercing red and black eyes, half hollow mask and black spiritual energy felt and looked terrifying to Nairin. She continued to watch as he yelled, his voice dramatically different, calling for the creatures who dared to surround him to attack. She moved her face an inch further behind the tree, only leaving her right eye a view to watch what was to come. In a brutal frenzy, Shinzo literally tore apart the Hollow who didn't even want to attack him. Keeping as still as stone at this moment was a must as all Nairin could think of was what would happen if he mistook her for a Hollow...

The carnage cause by this one man ended in a bloody pile of mutilated Hollow corpses before Shinzo fell to his knees. With wide eyes, Nairin continued to watch, absolutely stunned. She couldn't move a muscle even if she wanted to... He then released another yell, this one full of most likely reasons as to why Shinzo was this way. Nairin had long since heard and saw too much... And now this. 'D-Died?... Oh man...' The sound of tears hitting the floor came as another surprise to Nairin, but one she had anticipated. She couldn't do anything but watch, but then then sound of another set of footsteps arriving caught her attention. Shizuka showed up. How did she do that? Appear out of no-where but just when she was needed? The presence of this figure made Shinzo's hollow mask crack before shattering to pieces. Shizuka had seemingly brought him back to normal by just being there, no wonder they both were so close. Continuing to watch, the surprises only kept coming with Shizuka hugging Shinzo and actually speaking for the first time ever. Widening her eyes, Nairin was yet again absolutely stunned. So much had happened in such a small amount of time. Her curiosity had landed her into a danger zone, this was definitely the last time she'd follow it.

Feeling the intense need to leave, Nairin quietly began creeping away as the two embraced. Paying complete attention to the noise level she produced, Nairin made sure she didn't make any noise what-so-ever which meant her escape was terribly slow. Hearing Shinzo get up and speak about getting back really put the pressure on Nairin so instead of taking the same route she did to follow Shinzo, she ventured off on a tangent. She didn't know where she was going, but anywhere away from Shinzo and Shizuka was her best choice right now.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Phobos
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Phobos Quack

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

The massive figured raised its arms and moved them towards Ike's head to crush it. But before he could reach it Ike's fist went clean through his chest, a giant hole in his chest. All of the grunts' eyes were wide, watching as the massive figure fell over with a loud thud. The old man was the only one without the surprised look on his face. Instead it was grim and full of shame. It would look like Ike had taken care of their strongest warrior...

A quiet, hoarse voice with a hint of anguish spoke "Sand....River" Suddenly the ground beneath Ike softened and became like water, quickly sinking in anything that was within its grasps. Some of the grunts who got to close got pulled in within a matter of minutes, their pleas for help only making the old man seem more grim. In his head, he continued to ask the same question -Was this worth it-. The coat that covered the massive figure was now flat, the figure now gone as Ike was being distracted. From the sand below a massive deformed looking monster rose from it, towering over Ike standing over 7 feet tall. The monster let out a monstrous roar, echoing throughout the entire valley. It's roar sounded like the mixture of a bear, lion and hollow. All of the men looked in disbelief and fear, its face and figure making some of them step back. The ground beneath its feet were hard while the one below Ike was still soft. It let out another roar, swinging down both of its heavy arms towards Ike.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Oblivion666
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Oblivion666 Pun Loving Machine

Member Seen 4 yrs ago



Ike's eyes widened when his fist went right through. "I thought you said he would give me a challenge!!!! Shit I knew I should have.... what the fuck?" Ike said as the ground became water like pulling in multiple people while Ike just stood there scratching his head, mostly out of boredom though. Ike looked around the area and then at the old man but with a annoyed look not fear, and when the big deformed monster came out Ike remained stationary not trembling at all. Ike looked at the loud sounds it made on the ground but looked at the soft area for him. "Hmmmm" Ike said shrugging as he pushed himself forward and in a second starting moving all around the creature leaving speed clones behind and from above Ike came down towards the beast with a double ax handle just waiting to knock this sucker out.


Rin Oda

Rin was quite confused at this point the man they were after was over just like that. Then a weird man shooting blue arrows arrived called a quincy which made Rin just blink before she was given a blue arrow man to fight. Rin really had no clue what was going on at this point, all she knew was to dodgeeeee! Sh jumped to the side but the man was above her firing off more arrows, she raised her zanpakuto blocking two of them while one pierced her left shoulder from above. "Agh!" She mumbled as she looked at the man and started to fire off multiple byakurai's at him.
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