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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Phobos
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Phobos Quack

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

The beast looked around, confused and its rage growing more. It swung at the Ikes, its fists phasing through them and not even hitting Ike once. It let out another roar, swinging at another speed clone only for it's attack to phase through. Suddenly, the beast was struck in the head from above. The beast was dropped to its knees, a loud crack coming from the point of impact. Blood dripped down the crack in its as it raised its head, a low growl coming from it as it stared at Ike with its blood crazed eyes. "Sand....Grasp" The same low voice spoke again, multiple arms raising from the ground of hardened sand. They all reached out towards Ike from behind as the beast sent a right hook towards Ike's chest. The same spot where the hole used to be at from Ike's fist.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Oblivion666
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Oblivion666 Pun Loving Machine

Member Seen 4 yrs ago


As Ike's attack hit with a cracking sound he jumped back an looked at the beast with a bored look. He looked behind himself to see the sand like hands coming for him and the beast doing a hook which made Ike Groan in annoyance. With his left arm he stopped the monsters punch and with his right destroyed the hands with ease as he glared at the beat and clenched his fist with his hand. "Aren't beasts like you suppose to obey Alpha? Can't you tell that no matter what you do its no use? Now when I say bow, you will fucking bow!" Ike said as he raised his spiritual pressure and glared at the beast with no longer an annoyed look or a bored one. It was a look that stated it was reaching the point of no return soon.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Phobos
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Phobos Quack

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

The beast paid no attention to Ike's words, raising its other fist and preparing to swing it at his head. It had a blank state of mind and the words Ike spoke meant nothing to it. However, his spiritual pressure had more meaning than all of Ike's words. The crushing feeling on its shoulders showed the difference in strength between the two. Everyone around the fight had dropped to their knees and hands a long time ago, the pressure nearly crushing their bones. But the beast rose up, blood dripping from its missing hand. It knee Ike was far stronger than it, however it didn't waver. It let out a massive roar, everyone clenching their ears. Some of the grunts ears popped, collapsing onto the ground. It swung its arm aiming to close-line Ike in a last desperate attempt.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Oblivion666
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Oblivion666 Pun Loving Machine

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Ike ducked the fist and shook his head at it as it tried a last effort attack and swung its arm to Ike's neck, yet Ike just stood there stationary and glared at the beast. "I have more than one way to make someone bow." Ike said clenching its arm with his left hand so the beast couldn't escape him and with his right hand he held his palm out straight and frowned. "You poor creature, having to die over something stupid. I'll let you devour these assholes in your next life. So wait for their arrival and take all of them to hell when you are satisfied." Ike whispered to it before thrusting his palm forward to pierce through its chest. All while he did this he glared at the old man with almost a devil like expression.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Phobos
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Phobos Quack

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

It growled, it's burning eyes glaring down at IKE as he held him in place. He struggled to move but was stuck due to Ike's strength. It roared at him, Ike's palm passing through its chest and cutting off its growling. The old man sweated profusely "Death, rebirth. T-that is the natural order of life. Things grow old, they die and they are reborn into the next life. This rule applies to both humans and souls...except for that monster. Death means nothing to it"
Suddenly, it's wound closed around Ike's arm, a tight grip on it. It opened its eyes, burning red with rage. It's arms had grown back, the beasts strength growing with each death. "Sand Trap The ground beneath IKE softened to sink him in but Immediatly hardened, aiming to trap him. "These are the monsters, known as the Oguro Brothers" The beast let off an incredible roar in front of Ike, a massive shock wave generating due to it. Everyone behind Ike was sent flying to their deaths, including the same old man who hired him.

"Our employer is dead" A small, mole like deformed man with a gas mask rose from the ground, glaring at Ike. He was far enough to be safe from Ike's physical attacks "But your flesh is more than enough. If Bako devours you, he will be invincible Kekeke Air Chamber" He moved his hand in a circular motion, sucking out the air around Ike. The beast prepared a barrage of punches, sending them downwards towards his face.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Oblivion666
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Oblivion666 Pun Loving Machine

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Ike returned his gaze to the monster as his flesh wrapped around Ike's arm. "Ewww this feels fucking weird!" Ike mentioned as the old man mentioned why this beast was suddenly stronger. "Well that seems unfair for me." Ike mumbled as he sank into the ground with it hardening around him. "Fucking really?" Ike then stared at the beast as it roared at him a shockwave hit Ike but the beast was still nowhere close to Ike's strength. Out of the corner of his eye he spotted a man probably the one doing this sand harden shit. Ike growled only to go wide eyed as he had a harder time breathing. "Oh.... you shits are dead...." Ike said breathing heavily now as he used his strength to crack the ground so he could pull himself out while the punches being laid upon him were now somewhat irritating to receive. 'Shit being on the down low sucks! I had to leave my zanpakuto at the house!' Ike thought as he ripped his arm out of the beast chest and got to his feet. Ike looked at the mole like man and glared at him, but just as Ike was about to go after him a sudden immense spiritual pressure caused Ike to fall straight to the ground and lay on the ground flat. "W-what the?" Ike spoke as a red haired male walked past him.

"My how rude. This is my favorite place to relax, so I don't like you nobodies messing around it." The male said as he raised his blade with it splitting so it was hollow on the middle but connecting on the bottom. He aimed the sword at the monster and next thing the monster would see would be a monstrous size burst of flames coming at him. and with a rock in one hand he chucked it at the mole like guy with such power that the rock seemingly vanished from sight from how fast it was going. Ike just looked up at the male with his body shaking. 'What.... what kind of power is this???? Is he even a fucking peasant???'

Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Phobos
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Phobos Quack

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Both the beast and the mole man dropped to their stomachs, the beast glaring at Crimson hairedan as the mole man could hardly breath. The beast opened its mouth to roar but instead a whimper came out, engulfed in flames and reduced to nothing but ash. The brothers eyes widened in complete and total fear "W-Wha"Before it could finish, a rock flew through its skull. His eyes rolled back, body going limp as his life extinguished in a blink of an eye.

A soft breeze passed through the area, Yakima appearing beside Ike. He fought off Siegs monstrous spiritual pressure with his own. The pressure softened around Ike but his body would still feel heavy. Yakimas spiritual pressure wasn't enough to completely negate it. He didn't want to reveal his position even more than he had. He left out a heavy sigh For fucks sake, those damn grunts had to come today. And now...this...Crimson hair...monstrous Fire abilities...it can't be He looked over to the Crimson haired man, his face calm an serious. He cleared his throat "It seems like my incompetent employee caused some damage to this area. Although I can not repair the damaged they've , I can offer compensation. I own a small Dumpling and dango shop not too far up the road. It may not be the nicest but we make up for it in hospitality and coziness. Both dumplings and dangos will be on the house, to your hearts content."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Oblivion666
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Oblivion666 Pun Loving Machine

Member Seen 4 yrs ago


In literally no time at all both of the monsters were dead, taking this man not even five seconds to kill them while Ike did kill them just not entirely. Yakima would appear lessening the pressure around Ike who was still scared stiff, the man would look at Yakima with a curious look. "You can still stand? Impressive." The man complimented as he lowered his spiritual pressure to the point Ike could now stand still shocked and trembling. So when Yakima began speaking he shook his head. "Worry not about this place. I give to the less fortunate and I can have this place fixed up. I wont however deny dumplings." He said with a chuckle and extended out his hand. "My name is Sieghardt Oda, or Sieg for short."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Phobos
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Phobos Quack

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Yakima let out a mental sigh of relief, the massive pressure finally lifting from his shoulders. It was still far from over so Yakima kept his serious face the entire time. Even after hearing his name, Yakimas face never changed. A singke hint of hesitation could mean death. Yakima extended his hand out and shook Sieg's hand "Its a pleasure to meet you Sieg, I am Yakima Saiyo. I was once a captain of the Seireitei but fled due to criminal charges" He told Sieg, trying to relate to him "That explains why I was capable of standing even though it was difficult. My shop is this way if you could follow me" Yakima was careful with his wprds, not wanting to say the wrong thing. Neither him or Ike had their zanpakutos, so they were at a massive disadvantage. Yakima began to walk towards his shop, hoping Sieg would follow.

They would end up in Yakimas shop, except a few things were missing. There were no customers and both Midori and Hanami were completely gone from the area. Yakima had prepared for this. "Take whichever seat you'd like. Ike, prepare Mr. Oda some tea. Youll find everything you need in the back" In the bacm room were two zanpakutos, hidden and resting beside each other. One Yakimas and the other Ikes. He prepared for the worst. He turned back to Sieg "How many dumplings would you like? We may not have a lot but we have the best dumplings in the area"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Oblivion666
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Oblivion666 Pun Loving Machine

Member Seen 4 yrs ago


"Oh? That would explain a bit. Then I should tell you about myself as well. I too am an ex captain of a broken system, although when I was captain I don't quite remember you being around, so you must have came around after I left." Sieg said as he looked at Ike's broken face. He patted Ike on the shoulder and smiled. "Its normal to fear overwhelming power, its reckless to try and beat it. I can sense you were way above those monsters child, come we can talk while eating some delicious dumplings." Sieg said as he walked with Yakima with Ike trudging behind. As they got there Sieg would see nothing there not even staff members, but took a seat as he was offered.

Ike walked into the back and just prepared the tea like a mindless zombie. Sieg pondered the question he was asked and laughed. "Surprise me Yakima." Sieg said and watched Ike sulk out with the tea and place it before Sieg. "So what did you do to become an ex shinigami boy?" Sieg said to Ike who looked up for a few seconds before lowering his gaze. "I.... I killed the squad 8 captain... I lost control of my bankai and next thing I knew I had just murdered her." Ike responded which made Sieg look at Ike with a serious expression. "So you killed Inti? Must be one hell of a bankai to do such." Sieg said sipping the tea and placing it back on the table. "Since we are sharing our renegade stories, then you should know I killed my entire clan. Only a few members of the Oda clan lives and for good reason. My sisters Aya and Chie and my cousin Rin. Although Rin is only alive due to the fact she was a shinigami at the time. My sisters because they are half demons and not pure. Pure demons eventually succumb to their demon instincts and that would cause problems. So I decided to stop the Seireitei from having to fight a horde of demons, yet look where that got me." Seig told sipping the tea some more before he looked at Ike. "Whats your last name?" Sieg asked which made Ike frown. "..... I don't have one anymore. They kicked me out upon learning that i killed Inti. It use to be Tsugi." Ike said which Sieg noted then looked at Yakima. "And yourself? Not the name part, the crime part."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Phobos
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Phobos Quack

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Yakima nodded at Sieg's words, heading to the kitchen as Ike came out with the tea. Yakima could see it in Ike's face that there was no chance Ike would fight Sieg. He merely gave him a nod, walking past him and into the kitchen to cook the dumplings. From there, he could hear the conversation going on. He never bothered asking what Ike had done since it wasn't his business. Why bother sticking your nose in somewhere you don't belong. When he heard the reason, Yakima's face became slightly grim So that was why He sighed, his face returning back to its stoic self, and coming out with a giant plate with dumplings stacked on top of each other forming a pyramid. He placed it on the table, along with 3 plates, chopsticks and three small bowls that had soy sauce in them.

Yakima's face was serious when he answered the question "I was accused for the mass murder of my whole clan, including both my daughter and wife. I pleaded my case to Central 46, but I'm sure we both know how stubborn they could be. Things turned for worse and I showed them how mortal they really were. I let them live...barely." He took a seat across Sieg, taking a sip from his tea "Well that's what I've figured what Central 46 is telling everyone back in the Soul Society. Truth be told, I'm innocent" He took another sip "But then again, I'm sure most criminals claim to be innocent" He looked up to Sieg "Although...I'm curious as to why you would be so close to the Soul Society. I figured a criminal of your caliber would of fled to a separate dimension"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Oblivion666
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Oblivion666 Pun Loving Machine

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Smiling at the tray of dumplings he listened to Yakima's tale while devouring one of the dumplings in no time at all. "Ahhh so corruption from within, sounds about right. And truthfully I rather trust a criminal, I find that they are the ones who tell the truth while the hero's are the liars." Sieg responded then smirked when asked why he was still in the vicinity of the Soul society. "Its simple, Im building up my own force. A force full of criminals that the soul society put on the execution list. And some day maybe in a few years I plan to take over the Seireitei and do away with the Central 46. I will make the Soul society a fair even place. A place where each district isn't better than the other. Most certainly not a place where some districts are just forgotten entirely. So when that time comes I will warn you to stay away and not risk getting involved. I'd hate for you and your family to become an unwanted casualty." Sieg spoke not seemingly caring that he was giving away his plans for the future, maybe its because he knew deep inside they couldn't tell and if they wanted to tell wouldn't.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Phobos
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Phobos Quack

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Yakima took another sip from the tea, looking back over at Sieg "That sounds good on paper, but such places never work out. There is no such thing as fair as long as there are those that want more than others." He placed the cup down on the table. He knew this wasn't everything to Sieg's plan. But it no longer concerned him. "But do not expect any resistance from me. The Seireitei is nothing but the past to me"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Oblivion666
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Oblivion666 Pun Loving Machine

Member Seen 4 yrs ago


"Very correct, as long as those people live my ideal world will never be. Thats why they will not live in my ideal world. I will cast them out and they will have a choice of going to the human world to live out the rest of their lives or choosing to live far away from those that wish for fairness. And those that choose to deny both my kind gestures will be forced to the human world, as a new person that is." Sieg said eating another dumpling whole before nodding at Yakima. "It doesn't matter if you resist me. The outcome wont change, it will just be more sad if I have to end you. And thats just how you should remember the Seireitei." Sieg said before he heard a group of people walking and then enter the building. Ike looked at all of them and again started trembling. Each of them were like monsters on their own. What kind of people was he meeting today. The pressure each of them were letting off was crushing but not badly as Siegs was. Sieg however looked at them and glared and their pressure went down instantly. "Sorry you'll have to excuse them, Im still teaching them to hide that part of them."

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Phobos
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Phobos Quack

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Yakima raised an eyebrow "Is that really all? Just banishment? That won't work without crushing their spirits, otherwise they will just group up and rise up against you. From the sound of it, it actually seemed like Yakima was more on Sieg's side than the Soul Societys. Then a small group of incredibly strong warriors walked in, Ike trembling once again. "Ike!" Yakima said aloud to snap him out of it. His face was unphased by the appearance of this group. It was a good thing Midori was a master with Shunpo, otherwise Hinami woukd of been injured with so many large spiritual pressures. "That is not how we greet new customers. Gather -insert number- cups and one for yourself. Theres no reason to be afraid. If they wanted to kill us, we'd be fighting for our lives right now" Yakima took a sip, turning his attention back to Sieg.

"Its fine, as long as no damage is done to my shop. However Ive had a question on the nack of my mind this entire time. Why the Soul Society? Why not just form your own empire or home?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Oblivion666
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Oblivion666 Pun Loving Machine

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

"If I could break your strong employee's spirit with one move, I don't think I will have to worry about an uprising, but they are welcome to try. They just have to note that when I give you one kindness, you best accept it as the second time I do it wont be as kind." Sieg said while Ike shook his head and walked to the kitchen grabbing the number of cups he could find, while the members sat down at the tables and chatted like regular friends would while Yakima asked the question why the soul society. Sieg would chuckle at this before responding, "Because if I want things to change for everyone then I need total control over everything. Simply being an inspiration for the districts ignored by the Seireitei isn't good enough. And all my family agrees with me." Sieg said which made everyone raise a fist in the air with a grin. Ike would then come out carrying a platter of drinks and setting it down on the table.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Kurisa
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Kurisa Kuchiki

-Rin's Battle-

The Quincy twisted in the air gracefully as he avoided the constant Byakurai before landing with his back to Rin before he spun in place to face rin, an arrow already pulled back in his bow as he fired off one large and fast arrow towards Rin. No matter what one thought these Quincy seemed far from a joke...and far from dead.

-Kurisa's Battle-

The clash continued between Kurisa and the Quincy he fought, it seemed however that the Quincy was making a mockery out of Kurisa by trying to challenge him in an area he excelled at...To Kurisa this was unacceptable...a bow user using a sword? and to such great effect...this did not sit well with Kurisa and so he'd pull out skills he had reserved for those that challenged him equally in terms of Swordsmanship. As the two clashed again Kurisa pressed his Zanpakuto against the Quincies sword, pushing the quincies back slightly...yet Kurisa stared at the quincy, looking at him dead in the eyes and only then did Kurisa's odd eye colours become obvious to the Quincy which had distracted the Quincy long enough to use a technique his eyes would have been drawn away from, with Kurisa's left hand he pulled back his middle finger as his palm faced the sky, then releasing it the quincy would be dealt a great blow to the stomach by an invisible force causing his eyes to widen as blood shot from his mouth and sent him flying back a great distance

"Do not flatter yourself Quincy...you will fall just as you did thousands of years ago...you still cannot stand up to the Shinigami..." The Quincy emerged from the dust, wiping the blood from his mouth with his right sleeve before speaking "You truly are ignorant Shinigami...it is this ignorance that will be the downfall of you...while you're looking at us the true enemy is walking behind your back and preparing to strike. We Quincy do not care for the war you and the elders waged thousands of years ago...we are not the same as back then. However if you insist on fighting us then I cannot disappoint...if I cannot find any Arrancar to report about to my Master then I will report to him about how doomed the Shinigami truly are..." Kurisa listened as the Quincy spoke...was he not bitter about losing thousands of years ago? did he not hold a grudge? "Just what sort of Quincy are you?...are you going to not avenge the ones that fell by Shinigami hands?"

The Quincy simply chuckled as he stopped a distance from Kurisa "As I said before...we Quincy here and now are not the same as them...what we care for is different from what they care for...our very cores separate us from them. In fact...we are closer to you Shinigami...I do not expect you to understand however. That is why I will show you..." The Quincy held his sword out infront of him as it began to glow yet a mans hand gripped the blade stopping it, this caused the Quincies eyes to widen as he knew instantly whose hand this was and immediately knelt down and bowed his head...the Quincy that had been fighting rin also did the same...the man however wore a cloak which covered his face yet he spoke clearly "There is no need for this fighting...we will be returning home Kurisa Kuchiki. You will permit this..."

Kurisa narrowed his eyes slightly as he then spoke "How do you know my name? And what makes you think I will simply allow you...the enemy to walk away from me?" The man simply sighed before speaking once more "I know every Captain in the Gotei 13...I have records on every Shinigami in the Seireitei...even those going through the academy as we speak. However let me rephrase the last bit of what I said before...we will...be going home. If you come at me now...I will humiliate you before your subordinate..." Kurisa did not believe these words...and to stand idly by while this man spoke to him in such a way would also be humiliating. Kurisa then used Shunpo to try appear behind the man yet was stopped mid Shunpo by the man gripping Kurisa's right arm with his right hand "You're fast...however...you're not bright...I thought a Kuchiki would be smarter than this" Kurisa's eyes had widened at this...being stopped so easily...and yet that wasn't the thing that shocked him most...it was this mans spiritual pressure...it was crushing even to Kurisa...just who was he? The man then spoke quietly enough for only Kurisa to hear "I will spare you humiliation this time Kuchiki...but attack me or my men again...and I will be forced to retaliate..."

the man released Kurisa's arm, letting his shunpo continue...all that had happened...was in the blink of an eye. Kurisa was now behind the man where he intended to be yet the man had vanished, along with his subordinates. Kurisa's eyes still wide however...no one had ever been able to see him...yet to be able to catch him like that? it was if this man could slow down time...but that was impossible...Kurisa's looked then returned to normal as he sheathed his Zanpakuto and walked towards Rin "We will be returning. See to it that you go to Squad 4 for tha-" Kurisa was cut off mid sentence as he glanced upon the torn fabric where Rin had been hit by an arrow...the wound was no longer there, it was if it had been healed...Kurisa then looked at his left hand to see the same effects...the wound he had suffered was also healed. Just what were the Quincy playing at?

"Nevermind...Call for some other members of Squad 6 to help take these criminals back to the cells of Squad 6. I have to go pay a visit to the Captain of Squad 12..." with that Kurisa disappeared with Shunpo.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by AbigailTenshi
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AbigailTenshi BloodCovered Nephillim

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"Captain!" A female Shinigami stood within the doorway at Sai's office while the woman was pouring herself some tea and enjoying the sun that leaked into her space through the door and windows. Smiling up at her Squad member, Sai's expression soon showed concern once she had picked up the look on her Squad member's face. "What's wrong Hetaiku?" She asked. It had been pretty quiet lately in the Human world, so quiet that Sai actually began enjoying the peace but of course, just as she was getting used to it, something had to happen.

Knock, Knock, Knock "Koyo-shi, it's Sai, I need to speak with you" With a neutral expression set upon her usually smiling face, Sai knocked on her Lieutenants doors and waited in silence. It came to no surprise when she appointed Koyo-shi as her Lieutenant since the girl was a perfect fit for the post. She was definitely a wonderful Lieutenant to work with and did well at her job, just as Sai had expected ever since she had accepted her into the Squad.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Kitsune
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Knock, Knock, Knock

Lifting her hand to her face Koyoshi let out a small groan as she awoke from her slumber, her body still weak from all the training that she had done before. Taking short naps like this was nice since it got her ready for the rest of her duties, but training with her zanpakuto was a real drain. It was both parts training and containing the beast. After all since she had become so strong it seemed like the more she pushed herself the more chains that were broken on her zanpakuto's spirit and for some reason... It worried her...


Either way it didn't matter right now, her captain was calling for her so she needed to leave the nice... comfy... bed... Sitting up like a machine she slowly forced herself to stand up from her bed. She straightened her clothing and fixed her hair, making sure that the wrappings around her chest were nice and tight as well. She had been so thankful to notice her body was still developing it brought a smile to her face. She didn't really know it herself but she had become a sort of mascot for the squad, though really it was clear to see why, but she just thought they were just friendly.

"Ah right Captain!"

She announced out load before dashing for the door, grabbing her scarf and slipping it on as she opened it, though not looking where she was going she bumped right into Sai, though the girl was still little so it was like running into a wall for her. "Uuuu" She rubbed her nose before looking up to Sai "Captain! Sorry. Did you need something from me?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by AbigailTenshi
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AbigailTenshi BloodCovered Nephillim

Member Seen 4 mos ago


Sai stood in front of the door, a small smile brighting up her neutral face as she heard Koyo-shi from inside the room. The thought of how much she had grown as a Shinigami swung into forefront of her mind for a moment, but then the reason why she was calling for Koyo-shi wiped the smile right off of her face. This may not have actually been as serious as Sai might of seemed, but she was not the type to simply brush of a potentially dangerous situation whether or not it was something small.

The door soon opened but without being vigilant, Koyo-shi accidentally bumped right into Sai's torso. Sai naturally stood still, not effected by the small amount of force Koyo-shi produced. Looking down at the girl, Sai couldn't help but stifle a small laugh at Koyo-shi's ditsyness. Taking a step back to give Koyo-shi room to exit, although she wasn't expecting the girl to dart straight out of the room, Sai shook her head with a smile before returning her neutral expression. "Don't worry about it Koyo-shi. Now, I do need you to do something for me. Hetaiku came to me with urgent news, it seems that one of the members of our Squad that was meant to be guarding a post in the Human world has gone missing. I've tried to sense him and oddly enough I can't seem to find him anywhere. This may be a simple situation; he may have passed out or had gotten knocked out somehow and is sleeping somewhere, but I have a strange feeling about this." Looking down to her left, Sai pursed her lips and screwed her eyebrows together, trying once again to sense the member but yet again, no luck. Looking back to Koyo-shi, Sai's expression seemed to have grown a little more serious. "I would like you to inspect his post and see what you can find. He was guarding the outskirts of Matsumoto in the Nagano Prefecture in front of a forest area. You can choose whether you'd like to take another member with you as back up or not, but I'm leaving that decision up to you. I want you to find out the issue and if you feel it is within your power, eradicate it. In the unlikely case that you feel you cannot handle whatever has caused this, return immediately and we'll assess what to do next from there. So that is your briefing and as usual, I have faith in you, Lieutenant" Sai smiled after she had said what she needed to say and awaited Koyo-shi's response. She was in fact putting all of her trust in her Lieutenant's decisions since she knew Koyo-shi wouldn't let her down.
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