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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Oblivion666
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Oblivion666 Pun Loving Machine

Member Seen 4 yrs ago


Sui laid on one of her couches with multiple cats laying on her as she had a clipboard and was writing on a piece of paper. She looked out the window and shrugged "Lieutenant, go get the lieutenant." Sui spoke to a cat who meowed in response and jumped off the couch and trailed out the door and through the halls. When the cat spotted his prey he pounced onto the Aku's shoulder and meowed in his ear. He then jumped off his shoulder and trailed back to the office where the cat would lay back on the couch on Sui's legs. "Good job Lieutenant." Sui would then look upside down at Aku and wave. "Hey, Aku I got some stuff for you to do. There is this dumpli- I mean establishment in the Rukongai that sells some crazy tasty I mean..... I want dumplings from this dumpling establishment in the rukongai.... If you get them and come back Ill spar with you."
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Axel
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Axel Red Haired Coffee King

Member Seen 20 days ago


Akuseru Hitomishu

After scolding the Squad 9 newcomers for their inexperience in their newly attained field, Akuseru went back to his room. Once inside, he began grabbing a couple things before storing them in a black suitcase. Anyone would realize upon entering his room that it was filled with stuff of extreme value. The major problem with the items of great worth though is that they were put everywhere imaginable. A silver cup of royal descent stood beside the lieutenant's hygiene products in the bathroom, all of the forks, spoons and knives within the kitchen had some great signicance to them and the sheets to his bed felt like they were intended for royal blood only. It was obvious that Akuseru had a knack for racking up valued objects but the treasure relics his room was only a small branch of it.

"Those idiot noobs took up most of my time and now Terain is about to begin the search without me!" Akuseru muttered angrily as he began digging through his dresser for something before pulling out a green oval shaped rock seconds later. Afterwards, he made his way out and proceeded to lock the door behind him upon successfully exiting the room. "Lieutenant!!!" The silver haired man stopped in his tracks before tilting in the direction of the individual calling him. The individual was apparently a female with long dark pink hair. "What is it?" Akuseru asked while giving the female shinigami a dark glare. "I was ordered to give this to you." The girl noted before handing him a letter with his name inscribed on it.

Akuseru opened the letter only to find a small thin red jewel inside it. "About time it came. However, this is worthless to me as long as I don't have the other. Still, I'm one step closer to opening the door that leads to unfathomable amounts of treasure."The lieutenant noted while raising it up into the sunlight. Seconds later, he turned to the pink haired Shinigami after realizing that she was still there next to him. "Is there anything else that I should know ab-!!!" Akuseru quickly jumped in response to hearing a cat's voice suddenly travel through his ear. Without even looking at the annoying little feline, he could tell who sent it without question. Only one group of animals had the audacity to pester him without fear of being utterly obliterated. As the cat jumped from off the lieutenant and proceeded to head back, he began to trail behind in its footsteps."Whatever else you had for me can wait...be seeing." The silver haired man noted to the woman while he continued following the annoying furry pest.

It didn't take long for the two of them to reach the captain's office but upon entering, he couldn't help but sigh stressfully at the sight of seeing the captain. Laid out on the couch relaxingly as if work was nonexistent was an individual who was supposed to one of the leaders of the Gotei 13. Instead though was a lazy female cat hoarder with nothing to show for her rank other than her exceptional strength and skill. "You requested my presence captain?" Akuseru asked depressingly as Captain Sanada waved at him while remaining in an upside down position.

"Hey, Aku I got some stuff for you to do. There is this dumpli- I mean establishment in the Rukongai that sells some crazy tasty I mean..... I want dumplings from this dumpling establishment in the rukongai.... If you get them and come back Ill spar with you." He stared into his Captain's eyes as she spoke only for him to break out laughing seconds after she concluded. "So you want me to go all the way out into the Rukongai Districts, just to get you some dumplings!? And in return...I get to spar with you? Hmm..I guess I'll take it...since fighting you is better than nothing...hopefully. So which district is the dumpling shop located in?
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by AbigailTenshi
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AbigailTenshi BloodCovered Nephillim

Member Seen 4 mos ago

"Phew, that should be far enough... Damn that was close"

Nairin wiped her forehead, looking up and around her to view her surroundings. Trees, trees, more trees... even more trees. 'Now where the fuck am I?' Wondering through the barks, Nairin listened out for any signs of life. Faint voices were heard off in the North-west direction, perhaps she wasn't as far from civilisation than she thou-"UUAH!" A strong force from behind unexpectedly hit her back, pushing her straight into the bark of the tree in front of her.

The force held her body firm against the tree. Just as she was about to turn around to see what it was, a hand grabbed her hair and smashed her head into the bark she was held up against. "The FUCK! GET OFF ME!" She yelled, albeit sounding like a mumble as her mouth was squashed against the wood. This force was surprisingly strong, making it difficult for her to move although she still tried.

"Listen to me. This never happened. You never heard nor saw me. I'll let you go and you'll wait for 10 seconds before moving. Ya got that?"

A voice spoke to her, sounding male. "Get The Fu-MMM!" The male further forced her face into the bark. "This. Never. Happened. Just Do As I Say." The male spoke his words clearly, definitely frustrated. Nairin glared as she tried to look behind her but didn't say anything, not that she could of anyway. After a few silent seconds, the force was relieved from her body before the rushing sound of footsteps slamming on top of dirt and twigs disappeared behind her. Rubbing her mouth, Nairin scowled and finally turned around, however the guy had already vanished. 'That fuck was that all about?! For fucks sake...' Growling a little, Nairin just continued walking towards the faint voices she had heard earlier, she didn't care enough to bother to follow whoever that guy was.

Spitting bark out onto the floor, it didn't take her long to emerge from the forest to find herself on the outskirts of a district. She couldn't recognise anything from this place, however the buildings seemed to look similar to the district she had grown up in. 'What district is this?' She once again took to wondering around, watching normal souls go about their normal lives. Kids played in the streets as adults chatted and laughed, it seemed to be quite a lively district. A clearly exhausted woman walked towards her direction carrying an evidently heavy basket. She looked like she was having a pretty hard time holding it up, meanwhile the other souls just walked passed without paying any attention to her at all.

Furrowing her eyebrows at this, Nairin took a breath before walking up to the woman. "Do you need some help?" This was a stupid question to ask, it was clear she did, but still she asked anyway. "Oh nono, I'm Okay Shinigami, I-I'm fin-Ouf!.. O-Oh my..." The woman fell forward as she spoke, Nairin must of distracted her, and thus dropped her basket. However before the poor woman could hit the floor, Nairin grabbed her left arm and held a hand out in front of the woman's torso to stop her from falling. She then helped the woman back onto her feet. "I got you, let me help you" After making sure the woman was balanced, Nairin walked over to the fallen basket, lifting it up and onto her right shoulder. It felt like hardly anything to her. "Lead the way" She looked back at the woman from over her left shoulder, giving her a small smile. The woman patted herself down before returning the smile. "Th-thank you, this way please"

Walking in front of Nairin, the woman lead her to her house and let her in. As Nairin stepped in, three children came rushing to the doorway. The woman stepped in and welcomed them all with a huge hug. "Mommy's home hehe, I hope you all have been good and stayed inside" Nairin set the basket down on a counter within the kitchen area of the room before turning around to look at the scene. The group of them hugged each-other tightly, clearly overjoyed to see each-other. The atmosphere surrounding them felt warm. Nairin stepped a little closer but stayed away as she didn't want to imposed.

Waiting until they had finished their embrace, the woman stood up, a bright smiling face directed to Nairin. "Thank you so much for your help Shini-" "Nairin... Call me Nairin" Without realising it, Nairin smiled back at the woman, which nodded. "Yes, thank you Nairin. Is there anything I could do to repay you?" Nairin chuckled a little at this. The woman didn't seem to have much as it was, plus clearly she had three children to look after on top of that. The father didn't seem to be around either, yet despite this she seemed willing to give back. "You could tell me what district I'm in? I got... kinda lost heh" Rubbing the back of her head sheepishly, Nairin let out a small chuckle. It was odd of her to not act cold towards someone she hadn't met before, perhaps her heart had been warmed from the scene or maybe she had changed, not so much power-wise but in other ways. "Oh I see, this is district 59" "Thank you" Nairin gave the woman a little bow before walking out of the house.

Shunpo-ing on top of a building, Nairin looked around, finally been given a sense of direction. 'I'm not as far as I thought' Continuing to Shunpo, and noticing how much faster she had gotten, Nairin made her way back to the gates of the Seireitei. With a mind plagued by questions and thoughts, she followed the pathways back to Squad Eleven. 'Today's been so fucking weird.... What the Hell is Shinzo? I can't get my head around it! And that fucking man, Who the fuck?-Why the fuck?-What the fuck?! Ulgh.... Atleast... that woman... was nice... hmm...'

"About time you came back!! Where have you been?! I was just about to go looking for you Naynay!!" The door too Nairin's room had swung open just as the woman was about to open it. An angry Nishiki stood in the doorway, hands on her hips while glaring at Nairin. "I went on a little adventure and got lost. Saw shit, did shit. I'm a grown woman Niki and I'm back now so chill out hehe" Nairin couldn't help but laugh at Nishiki's anger. "But Naynay... I was worried something bad happened..." Nishiki looked down with a pout, dropping her arms evidently upset. Nairin just slipped her arms around Nishiki's body and hugged the girl. This was rare, Nairin wouldn't usually do initiate a hug so it was expected that Nishiki would get a little shocked at the embrace, but nevertheless hugged back.

"Thanks for worrying about me Niki, but I'm Okay, trust me. I've just got alot on my mind" Nishiki smiled, but then something caught her eye. "And blood in your hair" Nishiki raised an eyebrow as Nairin released her. "What?" "Blood. You have some blood on the back of your head. Did you cut yourself or something?" Reaching a hand to the back of her hair, Nairin gabbed a few strands and pulled them softly before bringing her hand back to her face to look at her palm. Nishiki was right, there was quite abit, hopefully the people from before didn't see it although her silver hair would of made it rather noticeable. "Weird... Ohh shit..." "Listen to me. This never happened. You never heard nor saw me." Nishiki leaned forward a little to smell the blood on Nairin's palm. "That's fresh, doesn't smell like it's from a Hollow though... What the hell have you been up to Nairin?" "The hell Niki?! Why'd you smell i-Wait, what? I didn't do anything! Let me just go wash this shit off" Nairin finally stepped into her room and headed for the bathroom, some sense finally coming to the words the guy from before had said. Looks like there was a murderer on the loose or something... But then why didn't he kill her? 'Ulgh, fuck everything about today!!' "Later Niki we're going out for a drink." Nairin stated before shutting the bathroom door. "Um, Okay then Naynay!" Nishiki replied, finally closing the door to the room.
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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Kitsune
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago


Koyo was a little confused by the request at first as it simply sounded like something that a seated member could handle on their own rather easily. However when Sai had a bad feeling about something it was normally right, just like her very first missing, so being extra safe by sending her Lieutenant to help one of her beloved squad members was not out of the ordinary. "I understand. Hopefully nothing too bad has happened so you dont have to worry so much, ok?" She knew Sai couldn't help it but after all this time working with her she knew that her captain needed to be calmed. "I will go and check on them, and while I am there I will also do some shopping for dinner. I promise to make your favorite."

With a smile she pulled her scarf over her mouth "If there is no other information then I shall head out right away, maybe I will even bring along a few freinds so that they can watch my back... Also help with carrying the bags heh." She had not seen Aya for a while, though she was sure she could not bother the girl with this even if she did offer the girl food in exchange. Still two other members of their squad were sure to be willing to help~ She would wait for a moment to see if Sai had anything else to tell her, if not then she would give a swift bow and go to collect her sword before thinking who she could call.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Oblivion666
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Oblivion666 Pun Loving Machine

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Sui looked at him and held up a kitty at him. "Now, now don't sound so upset. The dumplings are going to be our snack for the spar, you are mainly going there to investigate this green haired female. She should be about 5'3 probably silly but while she may be silly she is highly dangerous. To the point even I don't think you might stand a shot at beating her. Not now anyways, so I just need to to simply observe her and see what she does. If you want to get me more information challenge her. Note if she sees you in a shinigami uniform she is going to try and kill you as she is a wanted criminal. So in a simple version you can observe and collect info that way. Or fight and get info that way. Just remember the dumplings. Any any one from district 60 to 70 here's a picture of her." Sui said putting the cat down and handing him a picture of the female.
"Oh and here is one because I know you are a pervert." "Well off you go." Sui said as cat began to lay down on her face.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by AbigailTenshi
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AbigailTenshi BloodCovered Nephillim

Member Seen 4 mos ago


Sai listened to her Lieutenant, feeling alot better about the situation. "Heh, Okay Koyo-shi. And that sounds lovely hmhm~ I wish I had more information but unfortunately I don't. I'll wait here patiently for your return" Sai smiled, evidently returning to her usaully happy self. She knew Koyo-shi could take care of it, although she would feel bad sending the woman out if this was only a simply and easily solvable problem. But, Sai cared deeply for every one of her members, the bad feeling she received urged for the help of her Lieutenant and the Captain had learned from many mistakes to always trust her intuition.

Only time would tell now.

Sai waved as she watched her Lieutenant take off before retuning back to her office to enjoy the rest of her tea. Perhaps it was time to pay a visit to a certain someone.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by AbigailTenshi
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AbigailTenshi BloodCovered Nephillim

Member Seen 4 mos ago

"You have no idea how much I needed that" Walking out of her steamy bathroom in only a towel rapped around her body and another wrapped around her hair, Nairin sighed in content before looking towards Nishiki who was sat on the bed. Standing, Nishiki smiled. "You wanna go for that drink now Naynay? I'm going to stay sober and look after you. Wouldn't want us both getting smashed out of our minds and ending up collapsed in an alleyway now would we~" Nishiki giggled as Nairin scoffed and rolled her eyes. "Aw come on, I don't want to drink alone, that's just sad" With a fresh new pair of underwear in hand, Nairin dropped her towels a began putting it on, clearly comfortable with being naked in front of her friend. Nishiki pretended not to notice, although that didn't stop a bright blush smothering her cheeks... luckily Nairin was facing away from her. "Why don't you invite Shinzo?" Nishiki asked while directing her eyes elsewhere to get the blush to go down. "Yeah, good idea, we'll stop by Shinzo's and see if he wants a drink first" Fully dressed, Nairin turned around, placing her hand on her hips. She raised an eyebrow at Nishiki before smirking. "Oi Niki, you hot or something?... Thinking about Shinzo huh? No wonder you want us to invite him, I'm onto you" Nairin teasingly narrowed her eyes at Nishiki, her blush was still pretty damn obvious and since she had just been speaking of Shinzo, Nairin could only make the assumption that it was because of the male. "W-what? N-No! It's not like that!" "Oh it's fiiine, I won't tell hmhm Now come on, let's head out" Nairin continued to smirk as she walked to the door while Nishiki followed, deciding that it was best not to protest.


"Oi, Captain! Open up!" Knocking on the door, Nairin spoke loudly before stepping back and crossing her arms, waiting for Shinzo to answer. Nishiki stood behind her, smiling out of excitement. "Oooooh~ This is gunna be fuuuun!"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Kurisa
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Kurisa The Mortal God

Member Seen 5 yrs ago


Shinzo Harimaya

Shinzo sat alone in his office as Shizuka had gone off somewhere yet again. Looking down at his desk he took a deep breath before looking up the roof and exhaling. There was just something about things right now...he couldn't think straight anymore, everything seemed twisted and warped, his world had crumbled so fast and it was as if he was fighting to hold it all together...regardless of where he got to, no matter how strong he got, no matter who he defeated...he could never escape the death's of those closest to him...and to see them all di-Shinzo was forcefully snapped out of trail of thought as he heard a knock on his door. Shinzo took one last deep breath before standing up and walked around his desk and opening the door to see Nairin and her...friend...who's name he probably heard but couldn't remember. He looked at her for a few seconds trying to remember yet came up with nothing so turned his attention to Nairin "Come in..." Shinzo didn't usually answer the door to his subordinates but for whatever reason he did this time. Turning he walked back to his desk and sat down behind it before speaking again "So what you two here for?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by AbigailTenshi
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AbigailTenshi BloodCovered Nephillim

Member Seen 4 mos ago


Nairin watched as the door opened, revealing the towering Shinzo. Now was one of the few times Nairin actually paid attention to his height, to which she concluded that he was one damn tall guy. The male stood silent for a few seconds, eyeing Nishiki, although she just looked at Nairin with the same excited smile as she waited for movement. Nairin just watched Shinzo, catching his line of sight before he let the two of them in. Raising an eyebrow as she followed in after Shinzo, Nairin couldn't help but feel as if there was something she was missing here. Ignoring that thought for now, Shinzo spoke up after he had taken a seat, in which Nairin smirked. "Well Shinzo, I wanted to ask if you felt like hanging out and having a drink? Ya know, like old times? Feel like going out for abit?" "Yeah! You must of had to do alot with being a Captain an' all, relaxation is important when in a stressful role" Nishiki unexpectedly added, making Nairin release a short chuckle noise. "What she said"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Kurisa
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Kurisa The Mortal God

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Kurisa Kuchiki & Kagiko Shuiji

Kurisa stood outside the Squad 12 barracks...he always hated this place, it was like a home for mad men and borderline criminals. If Kurisa had it his way he'd lock them all up and have them executed. Regardless he was here now and to see the man in charge. Stepping into the barracks he walked around, a few faces froze solid as their eyes widened seeing Kurisa around...it was truly a rare site to see someone such as Kurisa in a place like this. As he walked through the halls he could only imagine what sort of things they got up to here...Squad 12 was certainly the most shady Squad within the Gotei 13...countless traitors have arisen from this Squad.

After a short walk Kurisa finally arrived at the Captains office, yet once there he simply opened the door and stepped in to see Kagiko with his feet up on his desk and his hat covering the top half of his face as his head hung back slightly and the biggest giveaway...the snoring "So this is what the Captain of Squad 12 gets up to? Sleeping on the job..." hearing the voice Kagiko snapped out of his nap as he sat up, his hat still covering the top half of his face as he spoke "Ah no! This isn't as it seems! I work at night so I sleep in the day, I'm just on a different schedule to you all you see?"

Kurisa honestly couldn't take this man serious...it was hard to believe this was the supposed hard working Squad 12 Captain...even harder to believe that he was supposedly on a power level equal to Kurisa. "You've got some explaining to do..." Kagiko lifted his hat up onto his head properly as he looked puzzled at Kurisa "Hm? I'm not sure I understand what you mean..." Kagiko said as he took his hat off with his left hand and rubbed the back of his head with his right hand "Explain to me why there are Quincy running around the Soul Society" Kagiko's eyes widened for a moment as he then rubbed his chin with his right hand "I see...that is troublesome..."

"I should lock you up right now...this is no doubt the doing of your Squad" Kagiko chuckled hearing this "You could try Captain Kuchiki...you could try...however. What I do here is for the good of the Soul Society and it's inhabitants. Why there are Quincy running around is beyond me...even if you were to lock me up, that likely wouldn't stop those Quincy now would it? in truth...you'd only be making things worse...I'm the only man within the Gotei 13 that knows anything about the Quincy, so I can understand your suspicions, but I am not the cause...I'm afraid you are looking in the wrong place Captain. However be sure that I will look into this matter...with great interest..."

Kurisa listened as Kagiko spoke, this man did himself no favours with trying to look innocent "You best be careful Captain Shuiji...if you are behind this I will not hesitate to cut you down..." Kurisa then turned and exited the office leaving Kagiko rubbing the back of his head "So rude...waking me from my nap...I really should do some work..." Kagiko looked over to the computer to his right "Eh...to far...I'll nap a little more first..." putting his feet back up on his desk he put his hat over his face as he fell back to sleep
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Kurisa
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Kurisa The Mortal God

Member Seen 5 yrs ago


Shinzo Harimaya

Shinzo listened as the girls spoke about going out for a drink...in truth he didn't really go out anymore...or drink. He didn't want to let them down however as they seemed to be excited about it "I suppose...I could join you. I have one condition however...that we remain here and drink...I get enough hassle about the things I do as a Captain, I don't need anymore...however someone will need to go get the alcohol. I can pay for it of course...the last Kenpachi was kind enough to leave me his wealth...well...he didn't need it considering the state he was in."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by AbigailTenshi
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AbigailTenshi BloodCovered Nephillim

Member Seen 4 mos ago


"Awesome!" Nairin exclaimed, no doubt picking the word of choice up from Nishiki. "I'll get the drinks!" Nishiki spoke after, gaining Nairin's gaze. "You sure? I can get them you know" "Naa, I'm closet to the door anyway, I'll pay and Captain Harimaya can pay me back. I'll be back soon Naynay" Nishiki grinned before making her way out of the office, closing the door behind her. 'For someone who's not going to drink she seems eager-Wait... she'd better not be planning anything' Nairin raised an eyebrow at the door before shaking her head. 'She wouldn't do that... I hope' Turning back to Shinzo, Nairin grabbed the nearest chair and sat down, leaning back comfortably. "So Shinzo, now are you gunna tell me how you've been? Since it's just the two of us here right now" She eyed the male, her expression neutral.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Kurisa
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Kurisa The Mortal God

Member Seen 5 yrs ago


Shinzo Harimaya

Seeing Nishiki eagerly opt to get the drinks confused Shinzo...a little more when she said she'd pay. If she wasn't in a Squad...how was she making money? Shinzo didn't really want to think about it to much...no doubt she was doing something she wasn't meant to. Shinzo however was snapped out of his thought as Nairin sat down and spoke, asking him how he had been...he still didn't know how to answer that...how does one answer such a question? When everything inside you is chaos and you can hardly even think straight...how do you answer? Lying wasn't the way to go...neither was simply telling her everything...it was a decision that seemed impossible to make and it was a seemingly harmless question...at this point he had to spit some words out otherwise it'd truly seem like something was wrong "I've been alright...nothing different from the usual stress of being a Captain really..." was it instinct that had answered that? when his mind couldn't decide something else seemed to take control...however...he just couldn't tell Nairin of the things he'd gone through...there was to much and she likely wouldn't understand...
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by AbigailTenshi
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AbigailTenshi BloodCovered Nephillim

Member Seen 4 mos ago


Nairin waited for an answer. She didn't know what to expect or what she even wanted to hear from him, she just wanted to see what'd he say. When he came out with what he said, Nairin mentally sighed. She couldn't expect him to even open up even a little bit to her now, especially since she figured he had been keeping it all locked up inside for some time. She wasn't close enough to him to be granted such an easy way into his feelings... but Shizuka was, obviously. "Ahh I see hmhm. I should of assumed that, being a Captain is certainly harder than what I have to do. So do you like being at the top? I don't think I'd even be cut out for doing anything close to what you do. So much has changed since we met... who knew that back then I was arguing with the future Kenpachi heh" Nairin continued the conversation, giving a smirk as she spoke. She knew there was no point in asking anything personal at this point, but she was still fixed on getting to the bottom of what was going on with him... Why? She didn't really know why, nor would she ever wonder why.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Kurisa
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Kurisa The Mortal God

Member Seen 5 yrs ago


Shinzo Harimaya

Listening to what Nairin said he couldn't help but look down and away slightly as he spoke "Yeah...nothing quite beats it..." Being at the top?...what did he have to lose to get here...and what did he gain? "You could have beat me here if you had worked harder...but not everyone seeks the same goal. Being Captain may not be what you want...so what is it that you want Nairin? what is it you are looking for here in the Gotei 13..." Shinzo may have asked a serious question...but he wanted to know...why was everyone else here?
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by AbigailTenshi
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AbigailTenshi BloodCovered Nephillim

Member Seen 4 mos ago


Nairin listened to Shinzo talk, picking up on the not-so-happy tone in his first words. She didn't speak up on it, but it did provoke a thought, however now was not the time for that. "What I want?" Nairin repeated Shinzo's question more because she wasn't expecting it, although it was a good question. What did she want? Why was she even here? At the start it was obvious, but now since she didn't have the issues she had back then, she didn't have any reason to stick around. "Well.... um... I guess, I just want to get stronger" Nairin was stumped, she didn't have an actual answer, or more the only one she could think of was him, he was literally the only reason she decided to stick around, otherwise she would of probably left a long while ago. "I just like it here, it's a hell of alot better than what I had before... The main thing is, I don't have a goal, unlike you though ehh? So forward-thinking, surpassing everyone, looking after Shizuka of all people and you even have me and Aya working under you instead of beside you. You're just full of surprises, and you keep on climbing, are you trying to reach something?" Nairin returned the question, wondering what was the driving force behind Shinzo's need to push forward.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Kurisa
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Kurisa The Mortal God

Member Seen 5 yrs ago


Shinzo Harimaya

Shinzo listened as Nairin answered his question and it seemed she wasn't really here for anything one could call a goal. In truth hearing Nairin praise him irritated him slightly...he wasn't one for praise, especially as things were now...as for what he was reaching. That person...the one that stole the life right before his eyes. In truth this position meant nothing to him...however...he had the full intention of honouring it's title by spilling the blood of a being worth more than a million souls. "I'm merely looking for answers...ones that I will only find here...as for Shizuka...we're more in common than outside perspectives may see..."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by AbigailTenshi
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AbigailTenshi BloodCovered Nephillim

Member Seen 4 mos ago


Nairin watched as Shinzo responded in a vague way. She should of known he would. Currently she was now feeling done with talking about serious topics. "That so huh? Well I can definitely see one thing you two have in common..." She muttered the other part while looking away to her right. "Now where the fucks my alcohol! Dammit Ni-" "Right Herrrreeeeee~" Just as Nairin was about to finish her sentence, a voice chimed from the other side of the door, alone with the clang of many bottles. Jumping up from her seat, Nairin walked over to the door and opened it. "Shit Niki, I was only expecting two or three bottles heheh" Holding two full boxes, Nishiki grinned. "Oh please Naynay, I'd rather get you too much than too little" Waltzing into the room, Nishiki set the boxes onto the floor in front of Shinzo's desk. Grabbing two bottles, she used both of her thumbs to flick the metal caps off in an instant. "Here you go guys~" She placed one bottle in front of Shinzo and turned around to pass the other to Nairin after the woman closed the door.

Grabbing the bottle, Nairin looked at the boxes and then to Nishiki. "You sure you don't want to drink? Since we're hanging out here, you don't need to worry about having to look after me" Nishiki couldn't wiped the happy grin off of her face as she giggled. "Well, the real reason is that I don't drink anymore. It's not my thing. Besides I'd enjoy watching you get shit-faced hehe" "Seriously? Well shit, Okay then, I'm not going to force you to. I just need to relieve some stress... and I'm not planning on getting that drunk" Rolling her eyes with a chuckle, Nairin sat down in her seat and took a swig from the bottle. "Umm~... It's been too long sweet alcohol~"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Kurisa
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Kurisa The Mortal God

Member Seen 5 yrs ago


Shinzo Harimaya

Shinzo was curious as to what Nairin saw but before he could get anything out of her she changed the subject and like that the other girl arrived. In truth he didn't really want to drink but looked like he had no choice...as Shinzo thought about this a bottle slid into his view, now he really had no choice. Shinzo closed his eyes and took a deep breath as he took his mask off and then re-opened them as he placed it inside a draw in his desk. He then looked down at the bottle and picked it up with his right hand...he'd have to try stretch this out...after all he didn't really want to get drunk and so took only a light swig from the bottle. Shinzo never understood how people could enjoy the taste of alcohol...to him it always tasted like shit, the only reason he drank it was...well...was for fun...now he didn't bother...till now
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Oblivion666
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Oblivion666 Pun Loving Machine

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Rin Oda and Aya Oda

At the squad eleven barracks Aya balanced herself on a pole on her zanpakuto while yawning. "This is boring, Sittin buddy became such a butt clencher that you can almost hear it sucking in the amount of no fun in the world. Whats her name.... does .....ummmmm..... alcohol I think. Shizuka is quite literally the most fun around here. Atleast she stayed what she was." Aya complained to herself when suddenly her pole began to timber and when it landed on the ground with Aya laying in an outline of herself staring up at the sky, she saw Rin's face looking down at her. "Do I need to tell you?" Rin asked to which Aya just shook her head and jumped up tossing her zanpkauto aside. "Okay but this is literally going to be the tenth time I beta you." Aya said to which Rin huffed and held her zanpakuto out. "Well you are squad eleven so shall we use your sparring rules?" Rin asked to which Aya shrugged. "Go for it gurl." Aya said and held up her hand stopping Rin's blade strike. Aya then gripped the blade and chucked it and Rin across the field and through other members. Rin bursted back through them firing off byakurias to which Aya slid through them all and rammed her elbow into Rin's stomach.

Aya would place her finger against Rin's stomach and use Sho to send her skidding backwards. "I thought you squad eleven people didn't use kido?" Rin questioned to which Aya shrugged. "Eh, doesn't bother me. No one complained about it to me, besides do I look like I care?" Aya responded and shunpoed above Rin and slammed her face into the ground. Rin would growl as her skin turned blue with her hair turning to ice. Rin thrusted her hand forward which Aya slapped away and then smacked Rin hard enough to send her skipping across the ground and into a tree. Rin would activate her shikai and send Ice piercing out of the ground to which Aya's skin turned steel like and broke off upon hitting Aya's body. " And here is the tenth win." Aya spoke as she shunpoed behind Rin and wrapped her right arm around her neck while placing her right hand on her left bicep and with her left hand pushed Rin's head forward from behind and watched Rin flail her arms gasping for air before tapping out.

Aya would let the hold go and sigh as he told people to fix her wooden pole for her. "Now go back to squad six cus. I'm too bored for this." Aya said as she picked up a ball and proceeded to bounce it on her head as she walked around to go help refix her wooden pole. While Rin simply growled to herself as a female placed a hand on her shoulder. "Relax Rin, give it time. You wont get stronger by fighting people out of your level." The female said to which Rin just puffed her cheeks out and folded her arms. "Easy for you to say Chie, you are strong enough to go toe to toe with her." Rin said to which Chie laughed. "Yeah but she is much stronger than me still." Chie spoke, which Rin just stood up and walked off as did Chie.
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