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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by AbigailTenshi
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AbigailTenshi BloodCovered Nephillim

Member Seen 4 mos ago


Nairin chugged down a little more of the liquid, wanting to feel the sudden reaction her body would give to the toxic juice. She didn't want to feel angry or upset or confused or anything anymore... this helped her let go of her thoughts which were the main caused to all the emotions welling up inside her. Closing her eyes for a few seconds, she reopened them to find Shinzo's mask had been removed. 'That mask...' A few images flashed in her mind, to which she chugged down some more liquid just so they'd go away. That was all Shinzo's business and if he wasn't going to share it with her then so be it, she'd just have to deal with the burden of already knowing his secret against his will.

Nishiki found a spot leaning against the edge of Shinzo's desk while watching Nairin who appeared as though she was in her own little bubble. Turning around, Nishiki looked at Shinzo. "Captain, why do you wear a mask? Your mouth doesn't seemed scarred... it's rather attractive so why hide it?" Nishiki made small talk since seeing Shinzo without his mask peaked her curiosity. Originally she thought that his mouth was probably disfigured or something, but clearly that wasn't the case. "Yeah Shinzo, want to tell us?" Nairin chimed in.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Kurisa
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Kurisa The Mortal God

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Shinzo Harimaya

Shinzo continued to take small swigs of drink out of his bottle of drink when the girl who's name he still couldn't remember asked him a question about his mask. Hearing this Shinzo put his bottle down on his desk and just gave the simple answer "I wear it because Shizuka made it for me...I can only assume it makes her happy and so I wear it everyday" this was the truth yet there was more to it than that...Shizuka had un-natural senses and so long as Shinzo had this mask on his person she seemed to be able to find her way back to him...he couldn't describe what it was but he knew it'd upset her greatly if he were to abandon it
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by AbigailTenshi
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AbigailTenshi BloodCovered Nephillim

Member Seen 4 mos ago


"Oh, well that's so sweet! Maybe I should make you something Naynay hehe. If I did, you would wear it everyday?" Nairin looked up at Nishiki as she made her suggestion. She thought about the idea before responding. "Depends what it is..." Nairin didn't really care for possessions, having Nishiki back was more important to her than anything anyone could give. Nairin chugged her drink once again, this time drinking it all the way until it was empty. Some of the liquid slid down the corners of her mouth but she didn't care. Once the bottle was finished, she slammed it down on Shinzo's desk while panting lightly and wiping her mouth. "Another Niki" Nairin looked to Nishiki who nodded before bending down to grabbed another bottle out of the box. She passed it to Nairin, who in all of her eagerness to get the cap off, accidentally cut along her thumb due to a sharp edge of the metal. Giving a growl identical to an angry dog, Nairin looked at her thumb.

Rushing to Nairin's side came Nishiki at the sight of the woman's thumb. "Gees Nairin, be careful! I could of opened it for you if you asked" Nishiki eyed hNairin's thumb as a bubble of blood began building. "Hey, it was an accident... Not a big deal" Nishiki looked up at Nairin who looked away before looking back at her thumb. She then lifted the cut to her mouth to suck the blood off and hopefully stop it from bleeding. Nishiki watched as she did. "Lemme get you something to wipe it with" "No, it's fine, just open the bottle please" Holding the bottle towards Nishiki, the latter took it and noticed a bit of Nairin's blood on the cap. Within another second, she flicked the cap off before returning the bottle back to Nairin. "Take it easy Naynay, just relax Okay?" As Nishiki smiled, Nairin grunted in response before taking another swig.

"So Shinzo, I've got a question. Why Shizuka? Out of all the people you could of adopted, what made her so special? Is it just because you and her have stuff in common? Or maybe because she was 'Squad Eleven' material or something?" Nairin spoke up, which prompted Nishiki to turn around and look at Shinzo with another question. "She was adopted? From what district Captain?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Kurisa
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Kurisa The Mortal God

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Shinzo Harimaya

Shinzo watched the two converse as Nairin started chugging her drink down. It seemed as if she hadn't really changed all that much...as the two continued on Shinzo ran off into a trail of thought before being snapped out of it once again as Shinzo was asked another question...this time about Shizuka. This one seemed inevitable, anyone and everyone who knew Shizuka would ask this "I can't tell you why...the reason is something no one else would understand and something people can't know...even though I adopted Shizuka, I have yet to find everything out about her...and if I did know I'd leave it up to her to tell people..."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by AbigailTenshi
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AbigailTenshi BloodCovered Nephillim

Member Seen 4 mos ago


"Oh Okay, understandable, sorry for asking Captain" Nishiki rubbed the back of her head sheepishly, meanwhile chuckles came from Nairin. "Hmhmhm... hmhm... hmhm... Okay" She took a few more swigs of her drink after her reply. Nishiki looked at her for a few minutes before back at Shinzo. "I wish the best for you and Shizuka, I would of never have guessed that she was adopted... Not that it's a bad thing, it's wonderful that you adopted her heheh" Nishiki smiled cheerfully at Shinzo, honestly with good intentions. "So Nairin, have you erm..." "Nope" Without even needing to look at Nishiki, Nairin knew what she was suggesting and responded hurriedly. "Don't mention it again." Nishiki nodded to this, an uncomfortable look spread across her face at first, but then she shook it off and replaced it with a smile as usual.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Kurisa
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Kurisa The Mortal God

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Shinzo Harimaya

"It's fine...people get curious..." Shinzo took another swig of his drink as the two girls exchanged words once again, this time something more serious seemed to have arisen but it wasn't Shinzo's place to ask...instead he took yet another swig of his drink only to find the bottle was empty...much to his displeasure...he was hoping it still had more so he could try make it last but it seemed he had drunk faster than he thought "Best get me another...this one is out." Shinzo looked at the crates of bottles then spoke "So you intend to drink all of them?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by AbigailTenshi
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AbigailTenshi BloodCovered Nephillim

Member Seen 4 mos ago


Nishiki bent down to swipe another bottle out of the first box before removing the top and handing it to Shinzo. "Clearly not, Niki got too much, but I guess there's no harm in trying to drink most of it. Would do me some good, that's for definite" Nairin replied to Shinzo's question, chugging down a little more of her drink before smiling and closing her eyes. "Hmhm, my heart feels warm... two more bottles and I'll probably start feeling dizzy" "And then two more bottles after that you'll probably start feeling sick so you shouldn't have many more after your next two" Nishiki added her view, she didn't want Nairin to get to the point of throwing up everywhere. "Ulgh, just let me drink as much as I want Niki, you're the one who bought so much" Nishiki pouted at this. "I could take the other box back... I probably should shouldn't I?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Axel
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Axel Red Haired Coffee King

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"Yeah, yeah and I'm assuming that these dumplings will be coming out of my pocket like always. And I'm flattered by your ignorance captain but I doubt she'll even make me break a sweat. Still, I will be cautious and try to refrain from dirtying up her face more than it already is when I he-!!" Akuseru's eyes widened as Captain Sanada handed him a picture of the target.

"I see...so that's why you said I couldn't beat her and to be honest, I'm not so sure anymore. This is bad! She might be even hotter than you on your bad days. *Coughs* And today is one of them if you didn't notic-!!" His body suddenly started to go into shock upon seeing the second picture. Luckily, the lieutenant reverted back to his usual self seconds later. "I'm not sure what made you think that but I'm not a pervert so I won't be needing that picture." Akuseru noted before shunpoing off only to come back in right after. "However, I thought about and realized that there's a possibility that she might not be fully clothed. Soooo, if my hypothesis turns out to be true then I'm going to need that picture for uhh..for the mission." He noted before taking the picture and shunpoing off in the direction of the Rukongai district once more.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Oblivion666
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Oblivion666 Pun Loving Machine

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As soon as he shunpoed off Sui looked at the cat and nodded. "Yep hes going to get the shit kicked out of him. By her then me. Probs shoulda mentioned she knows Bankai, meh he will be fine." Sui said to which every cat meowed as she placed a paper over her face and took a nap. Meanwhile with Akuseru as he would shunpo to the Rukongai district he would have to be ever so careful on his dumpling shop choice. Not that it actually mattered which one he chose, but who knows the better he picked the better the reward. Today seemed to be big on dumplings as promotions for them were all over the place. Some a little more aggressive than others.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Kitsune
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@Oblivion666 @Kurisa @AbigailTenshi


Landing on one of the many walls Koyo felt a tile break under her foot, she panicked a little but with her new found strength it happened often, thankfully it was self repair. Pacing along the wall she had to think on who to bring along, after all she was not about to carry all the shopping bags alone so she needed some lackys! Ah that is right, two of her favorites to use would be more than enough for this, if they accepted that is which was more than likely given everyone in their squad owed her for the food she made.

Calling in her personal hell butterfly she sent off a message to Akira and Sotaro Takudo telling them "It is of the utmost importance that you accompany me on this mission to the human world. Meet me by the gate as soon as possible." She had done this before though, so they may have caught on that she was simply doing a seemingly simple mission just to get something from the human world. Either way she had little time to waste so after sending off the butterfly she dashed off towards the gate, after all she had to get the Spiritual Limiter unlike the other two. She would then wait to see if she got a response from them, if she didn't then she was fine going alone.

"Ahh, I hope it is a nice day in the human world. This may turn out to be pretty fun~"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Kurisa
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Kurisa The Mortal God

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Laying under a tree Akira slept soundly, which was odd for a being that was now mostly mechanical but he mostly did these things for fun. He was then awoken by a hell butterfly landing on his nose which caused his eyes to open slightly as he listened to the message before commenting on it "I have to? Uh~ There better be candy in this for me..." Akira made his way to his feet slowly as he stretched his arms out and stumbled a little before rubbing the back of his head with his right hand. He then took a few steps forward before using Shunpo to reach his destination and once he arrived he had a lollipop in his mouth...one he no doubt stole from someone. However...the bad side was that it was blackcurrant flavour...Cherry was Akira's favourite so this Lollipop was somewhat disappointing, just as well he was going to the human world
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Oblivion666
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Oblivion666 Pun Loving Machine

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Meditating in his usual spot that he found in a forest next to a waterfall. Its how he spent most of his days besides patrolling the human world sometimes. He would open his eye to see a hell butterfly on his shoulder to which he stood up and cracked his neck. "Need me? What an odd lieutenant." Sotaro spoke before shunpoing off to the gates where he sat and awaited Kitsune and the candy thief Akira. Although he wasn't sure what help he would be besides holding hollow off.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Phobos
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Phobos Quack

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For the first time, Yakima chuckled at what Sieg had said "True, with your band of warriors I'm sure no one will dare to stand against you" Unless there's that one last light of hope Yakima kept in his head, finishing the last of his tea. "I see...your reason for choosing that is interesting. As I said before, you will not get any opposition from me as long as what you say is true. If your reasons truly are just, then you have my full support" Yakima was about get up and leave...he didn't want to stick his nose in this business and just wanted to get the hell out of there but....it wouldn't be right if he let it go "Just one last question. This one has nothing to do with your plans to conquering the Soul Society but...you said you had three remaining siblings correct? One being called Aya? What is going to happen to them?" He asked with a raised eyebrow.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Oblivion666
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Oblivion666 Pun Loving Machine

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"I am glad then, I would rather make this a bloodless fight if I could, but the current head captain I doubt he will simply step down. Oh well his rule has led to this current state, so he was going to be a casualty no matter what." Sieg said and listened to Yakima speak this time about his siblings. "Two siblings, one is a cousin. Aya and Chie shall live even though they will try and kill me no doubt. Rin my cousin however is a pure demon, and as such I can't let her live, she will die. Even now I hear about the Ice Snake of squad six, she is already showing signs of losing herself to her demonic side." Sieg said when suddenly Ike stood up and looked at Sieg clenching his fists. "I have a question now."

Sieg looked at Ike and motioned for him to speak. "What about the clans some of the shinigami come from, what if the ones in the Seireitei fight back? What would you do about the clan members that weren't involved but raised those that did?" Ike spoke to which Sieg stood up and looked down at Ike. With no action going on it was clear to see Sieg was a tall individual as he towered over Ike a bit. "I would cast the clan out of my Seireitei. Only if the uprising kept being persistent though. Is this about the one you were kicked out of? the Tsugi clan?" Sieg asked to which Ike looked at the ground and nodded. "Then I will cast them out, I consider you two parts of my family now and as such I look out for your best interests." Sieg said to which Ike looked up and smiled a bit, Sieg then looked at Yakima and raised his hand. "Speaking of family I have a question. Have you seen my daughters around? My little one wanted Ice cream and my eldest decided she would take her to get some..... its been several hours." Sieg said reaching into his coat pocket and pulling out two pictures of them.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Phobos
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Phobos Quack

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Yakima raised an eyebrow at what Sieg had said, both about Aya and how they were considered to be in their family. The names Rin meant nothing to him but still...she was..no it was not his business. He remained quiet as Ike asked about his family, a reasonable question. It seemed that Sieg wasn't as merciless as what the records portrayed him to be. Or maybe that was because they weren't on his bad side.

Yakima took a good look at the photos of the two girls. He shook his head "I have not but if I do, I'll let them know that you were looking for them. And if they do stop by, I'll be sure to send them in your direction"
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Axel
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Axel Red Haired Coffee King

Member Seen 20 days ago

Arriving at the 62nd Rukongai, Akuseru quickly noticed that something unusual was going on. Residents of the area ran around crazy like while slapping houses with food flyers as if their very lives depended on it. Then again, maybe it did, since no customers meant no money and insufficient funds meant that they would be unable to preserve their everyday lifestyles. Still, if that was the case then why haven't they started acting out of desperation sooner? The lieutenant wore a confused look as he strolled through the streets before coming in close contact with one of the flyers. He detached it from a wall while forming an even more perplexed expression. "A dumpling special? What the hell makes a dumpling so special?" The silver haired man pondered before stuffing the flyer in his pocket and heading toward the shop written on the piece of paper.

Upon entering the store, Akuseru hastily made his way for the counter without taking any detours; not like the place had anything of real value to look at anyway. Taking the flyer out and smashing it on the counter, he rung the bell right afterwards in order to get some answers as well as some good dumplings. Seconds later, an old man with long grayish messy hair came from the back before walking up to greet the lieutenant. "Good day sir!! What would like to have today? Also, I should note that we are selling dumplings at half price but only for this day only." The man said with an overjoyed look on his face.

The store owner seemed so happy to see a customer that Akuseru was on the verge of ruining the man's good mood. "So the dumpling special is really some half price nonsense? Well that's misleading if I say so myself but I want some dumplings. As for how many, I dunno, just give me enough for five people. And btw, wearing faces like that one is going to get you killed someday, so I'd suggest you turn off you're sunny light bulb real soon."The lieutenant advised in an threatening tone, causing the owner to rush into the kitchen in a hurry.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Oblivion666
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Oblivion666 Pun Loving Machine

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Sieg smiled an nodded at him. "That would be appreciated, Im sure you know how worrying it can be when your little girl is out longer than you thought she would be. Well I don't want to intrude any longer than I already have, and I know you said it was on the house but I'll still pay for it." Sieg said snapping a finger which made a man stand up and hold up a card which upon touching released a bag of money from it. "Thank you Kenshi, your zanpakuto truly saves us time with carrying things." Sieg praised to which Kenshi nodded and took his leave as did most of the group besides three people. One went up to Yakima and held out her own money in a little bag. "Can I get my own dumplings so i can give them to Angelica?" She asked to which Sieg stared at her. "Shes a hollow, shouldn't you feed her other hollows Nyx?" Sieg asked to which Nyx pouted. "She can eat other things, the hollows just make her stronger." Nyx said before looking at Yakima. "Wanna see her? Shes really friendly unless I tell her to attack. And shes just outside too." Nyx said and sure enough a hollow poked its head in while sticking its tongue out like a dog would. "Ahh no bad Angelica! You can't come in!" Nyx said rushing over to push Angelica out to which Sieg looked at Yakima and laughed a little nervously. "I promise they are good people. They are just passive destructive you could say. Well come on son were heading on back to headquarters. Miko do your patrols and then come back." A red haired male stood up and simply walked out while a green haired female nodded and bowed to Yakima before shunpoing off. Ike would look at Yakima with what the fuck written on his face.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Kitsune
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"Ah you arrived! Don't worry, I am sure we can pick up a few things you want in the human world as well."

Koyo she had to reward the good shinigami for their obedience and coming to help her, of course she was thankful as well but it was funnier this way. After getting her seal on her hand Koyo ordered the door opened and with that moved inside with the others to start making their way to the human world, but on the way she thought she better explain what happened. "According to the captain someone has not reported in from their post, so we are going to check it out. It is just likely that a hollow has prevented them from checking in, or they are simply hiding due to one reason or another, so no need to worry."

Really the second outcome was a little more scary, to have to hide from something instead of trying to fight it meant it was powerful... Still she had better not worry herself let alone the two beside her. Soon enough they came out into the human world "Follow me" With that she vanished to the roofs above, making sure to allow time for the others to catch up as she made her way to the outpost.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Kurisa
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Kurisa The Mortal God

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Akira listened as Koyo spoke, in truth he was really only here to get some candy as his duties weren't exactly Squad 13 orientated anymore but he still tagged along here and there to help out. Following Koyo they soon arrived in the human world where Akira followed Koyo to a roof and followed her from there, however Akira stopped a few times to look over the edge the buildings where he activated what he liked to call his Candy Vision. Somehow along the way he had managed to get some candy and was cramming it into his mouth as he continued to follow Koyo to wherever it was she was leading them
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Oblivion666
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Oblivion666 Pun Loving Machine

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Simply doing as he was told he followed along the two and noticed Akira and their trips to the human world. He didn't really see why they would be needed, mostly him. Well as they made it to the human world and moved around Sotaro noticed Akira with candy and shook his head knowing that he just robbed a poor child of his belongings. Whenever Akira went out a child was always going to be a sad child that day, really the captain should discipline this behavior and not encourage it with more candy.
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