Hidden 10 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Ganryu
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Ganryu Overlord

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By RP/World

Essense of the World:
Zeki Glaedwine
Edgar Delano

Yue Xiang

Umichi Kamimizu
Hibiki Hojo
Kobuto Kurogana
Chiyome Mochizuki
Mochizuki Tonbo
Tida Oda
Uemura Monzaemon
Matsuri Hyuga
Riku Orochi
Mitsunari Takeda
Shingen Takeda
Ayumu Susumu

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Ganryu
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Ganryu Overlord

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Essence of the World:

Zeki Glaedwine "Mr. Glaedwine"
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Ganryu
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Uemura MonzaemonThe Immortal

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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Name: Matsuri Hyuga
Nickname/Alias: Matsuri of the Bells
Gender: Female
Age and date of birth: 19, December 26th
Age Appearance: 19
Sexuality: Straight

Hideyori Katsunori Hyuga
Length and build: 5'10
Weight: 140
Favorite weather and season
Snow; Winter

Village: Hidden Leaf Village
Birthplace: Hyuga Compound
Organization: Dragon Lotus

Clan/Bloodline: Hyuga; Byakugan

Rank: Experience Chunnin
Chakra Nature: N/A


Matsuri is a meek and kind girl, who doesn't want to feel like a burden to those around her. This can cause her to be more than a little reckless if it causes those around her not to be in danger.

She finally has felt she's found her place in the world, and is happy with it. She's willing to defend her niche if necessary, and secretly want to prove to everyone that despite being called talentless, she's not worthless, and has some self esteems issues she's trying to conquer. This is part of the reason she doesn't use any ninja tools or weapons, somewhere, she wants to prove those who called her worthless because of her weak eyes, and trouble learning Gentle fist wrong, so she uses them as her primary weapon, with her own talents in genjutsu thrown in.

Matsuri thinks of herself as a coward, because she's afraid of power. She's afraid of the damage it can cause, but she continues to grow stronger because she's absolutely terrified of being powerless against someone else. Being a prisoner did not help this view any.

Matsuri's also become a bit more of a loner because of her imprisonment, often having flashbacks and episodes. She doesn't want her team mates, or anyone else, to see her vulnerable side, so she has a nasty habit of keeping secrets, and because she can't quite keep her flashbacks a secret, she tries avoiding people. She ironically doesn't want to worry people, which is why she keeps so much to herself. She'd rather take on their burdens than let anyone else take hers, which is also why she doesn't talk much about her home life. In fact, she doesn't talk much about herself at all if she can avoid it.


Theme Song:
(Either a link or a video, optional though)


High Intelligence
High Genjutsu -
Good Taijutsu - combine for Gentaijutsu
Good Speed
Good Sensing (her eyes)
Average Chakra

Special Traits

Very weak Byakugan, can't see chakra points normally.
Suffers PTSD to bright flashes of light.

Kekkei Genkai:

Name of Kekkei Genkai:
Matsuri's byakugan is relatively weak, unable to clearly see chakra points, barely able to see her own. Overuse, or even what most byakugan users consider normal use causes her eye to bleed.

Name of Kekkei Genkai:
Implanted Sharingan. After losing her left Byakugan, a Sharingan was implanted in it's place. Matsuri constantly wears a blindfold over it, because it constantly records information, memorizing details, and causes her to become overloaded with information. Whenever she removes the blindfold to use it, she suffers a brief episode of PTSD because of the flash of light, so she's hesitant to use it.

When she does use this along side her Byakugan, it increases her taijutsu, as she starts to read her opponents movements, and memorize their style, able to predict their movements, to a certain extent. Her experience doesn't make her able to use the sharingan's ability on skilled taijutsu experts.


Custom Jutsu

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Akira Hikaru - The Light Brat


Shingen Tenjin The Strategist of Heaven


Mochizuki TonboThe Freespirit of the Desert

Name:Mochizuki Tonbo
Nickname/Alias: The Free Spirit of the Desert.
Gender: Female
Age: 15
Rank: C

Village: Hidden Sand Village
Birthplace: Hidden Sand Village



Mitsunari TakedaChained Sword Takeda

Name: Mitsunari Takeda
Legendary Narcisist, Sealed Sword Takeda
Gender: Male
Age: 30
Sexuality: Straight

Village: Kiri

Organization: If applicable.
Clan/Kekkei Genkai (or hiden): The Takeda Clan!

Chakra Nature: Lightning Release, Yin Release


Name: Ryuunosuke Hikaru
Nickname/Alias: The Crimson Phoenix
Gender: Male
Age: 35

Village: Hidden Cloud Village
Birthplace: Hidden Cloud Village

Organization: If applicable.

Rank: A-ranked Jonin
Position: Advisor
Chakra Nature: Fire

Additional Appearance Details:

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[color=]Last Name, First Name - Title[/color]

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Kurogana Kobuto - The Fox

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Kamimizu, Umichi - The Blood Dancer

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Zeki Glaedwine "Mr. Glaedwine"
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Ganryu
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Pahaad: War and Necromancy

It seemed like the world was collapsing around the mountain city Pahaad. It had seemed like the last safe haven from the approaching Amol Empire, yet something is amiss. Amol was a relatively small country without the resources to even bother its nearby citystates, let alone conquer them and turn to empire.

Amol hardly keeps the reason a secret, yet none can bring themselves to believe it: a necromancer is among their ranks. For the first time ever, a man claims to have brought back the dead, legions of them. The army of the dead, The Returned. The Returned continue to decimate the armies put infront of them, as every Returned cut down was replaceable with the next.

Yet, if this was all, things would be less bleak. Monsters, in numbers never seen before, ravage the country. The guilds and their hunters cannot keep up with the demand for work, and the city guard has their hands full keeping them out of the city. Ontop of this, natural disasters, such as mudslides and tempests occur nearly weekly.

The only conclusion the faithful have is that the gods are angry with them. This suspicion only grew after the Temple of the Three Gods was destroyed by lightning, and the mana flow has noticeable been fluctuating around the area, frustrating magic-users, both Caster and Refiner alike.

Despite these troubled, Pahaad still stands as the safest city on the Western front. It is flooded with refugees, hunters looking to make a names, and deserts and spies for Amol alike.

Without a doubt, history is in the making, and heroes will find their way from all walks of life.

World Overview

The overwhelming force in the world is Mana, the energy of life itself. Mana cannot be created or destroyed, but it can be polluted and renewed. Whenever mana is used, such as in magics, it is polluted. Whenever mana flows through life, it renews itself. The flow of mana revitalizes life, and as such, areas heavy in mana are heavy in life, such as forests and the like. Areas devoid of mana, are devoid of life, such as deserts. Mana is easily influenced by its enviroment. Mana found in cold areas will already have a cold feel from it. This influence is called coloring.

The flow of mana refers to its movements, and the paths it takes around the world. Mana concentrations change, and so, eventually so do the bio domes of the world with it. Just as life is important to the renewing of mana, so is death, as the souls of the dead guide the mana as they are drawn to the Land of the Dead before moving on to the next realm.

Mana's energy and ties with life occasionally bring with it odd effects. In extreme heavy concentrations, it may either create, or alter life in an area. Monsters that roam the world are animals that have received such heavy doses of mana as to change their very form, and are voracious to maintain their new high need bodies.

Human's have found varying uses for mana, mainly in magics. Two forms of magic exist, Casting and Refining. Casting mana is the art of drawing mana inside one's self, and coloring it to change its form. The color and form the magic takes depend on the mentality of the one casting it. Casted Magic could become a blazing fire, or a blast of ice. In order to cast more than one type of magic, a Caster must be able to change his mentality. Because of this, the mental state of a Caster is of utmost importance, elsewise they could end up casting the wrong manner of spell (especially bad if one is a healer for example).

The other form of magic is called Refining. Warriors tend to favor this form. Rather than focus on changing the color of mana, a Refiner focuses on changing it's shape, condensing it around them, and increasing either their physical abilities, or objects they are touching. They can sharpen a sword, or harden their skin to absorb a blow. A swordsman's aura, or a fighter's ki are examples of Refining magic.

The use of magics has not always ended well. For example, a group of humans once experienced a similiar changes to their bodies as monsters. Known today as Beastkin, approximately 2,000 years ago, a man named Baladeva and his followers sought power that came with mana, and so they traveled to the most concentrated parts of mana, following the mana flow itself. It became so important to them, a mist of it eventually replacing the very blood in their veins, and granting them great physical strength.

However, the gods looked down on their desires, and cursed them. Their bodies began to be unable to cast magic, unable to color it. Instead, they were the ones influenced by mana, taking on the essence of whatever life the mana had travelled through, becoming beastmen. Some grew wings, others grew horns, all to varying degrees. Some beastkin could pass for a human still, others could almost pass for a monster. To this day, most Beastkin are nomadic, as they depend on mana to survive still. They have developed an old and traditionalist approach to life. They worship nature and strength, and call Baladeva their god. The constant nomadic lifestyle has grated some, and some of the newer Beastkin reject it, and have travelled to more liberal human settlements.

Mana's effects extend further than either man or beast however. Carrying with it the essence of life, in high concentrations, mana has occasionally spawned life, creating beings long before man. These beings, the fairfolk, or fae of old, searched desperately for purpose. Some, having fulfilled their search, and having gained immense power, began to govern an aspect, and became what the humans call gods. Most however, are still in search of both power and purpose. Fae tend to be masters of casting. Most Fae while young help traffic the dead. The recent events have cause many of them, seeing the recent disturbance with the Mana flow as their chance, have sought out human villages in search of the disturbance.


Terms & Races:

Character Sheets


The Returned


Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Ganryu
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Ganryu Overlord

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[CENTER][h2]Name, Alias[/h2]
[IMG]Character Appearance pic URL[/IMG]
Summary:(Describe them in one sentence, will use on front page roster)
[b]Rank:[/b] D
[b]Village Affiliation:[/b]

[h2]Person Information[/h2]
[hider=Personal Info]
[b]Fame:[/b] (Leave blank for now, when you do something worthy of note, put here, like when you kill a powerful nin, or fend off a bunch of ninja.)


[h2]Combat Information[/h2]
[hider=Combat info]
[h3]General Information[/h3]
[b]Combat Summary:[/b] (Sum up how your character fights in a sentence or two)

[b]Skills:[/b] (List what your char is good with. Here's the ranking for it
S - A - B - C - D - E
Legendary- Amazing- Great- Good - Average - Bad
You get 2 Good Skills to start off with (Like Good Genjutsu, or Taijutsu))

[b]KG/Hiden:[/b] (Do you have a KG or a Family Hiden? Describe it)
[b]Mastery:[/b] (How good are you with the above if you have it)

[h3]Weapon & Summoning List[/h3]
[b]Standard Weapons:[/b] (Any additions? Do you carry around more Explosive tags than most?)
[b]Unique Weapons:[/b]
[b]Special Skills:[/b]


[b]Summon Contracts:[/b] (What animal?)


[b]Unique Traits:[/b]

[b]Personal Summons[/b] (any summon with a name)
[b]Personality:[/b] (Short)

[b]Jutsu List[/b]

[h3]Canon Jutsu[/h3]
[url='wiki url']Jutsu Name[/url] - (Any modifications or restrictions to it?)


[h3]Custom Jutsu[/h3]
[b]Type:[/b] (Offensive/Supplimentary? Ninjutsu/Taijutsu?)
[b]Rank:[/b] (What rank, E-S is it? Pick only one rank for a tech.)
[b]Hand Signs:[/b] (how many)

[b]Type:[/b] (Offensive/Supplimentary? Ninjutsu/Taijutsu?)
[b]Rank:[/b] (What rank, E-S is it? Pick only one rank for a tech.)
[b]Hand Signs:[/b] (how many)

Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Ganryu
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Ganryu Overlord

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Name, Alias

Summary:(Describe them in one sentence, will use on front page roster)
Rank: D
Village Affiliation:

Person Information

Combat Information

Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Ganryu
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Ganryu Overlord

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The powerful always fear the weak gaining power. Such was the case when the Hidden Whirlpool suddenly began to harness the power of the tailed beast, gathering two such beast, and experimenting with power and seals not even the major villages could compete with.

In fear as much as vengeance, 3 great villages gathered together to wipe the Hidden Whirlpool Village off the map, leaving nothing but ruins. The Hidden Leaf, The Hidden Stone, and the Hidden Mist created the most strained, but oddly desperate union the ninja world had ever seen. Their very elites were deployed in the village: The 7 swordsman of the mist, the ANBU blackops, the Explosion corps, and all 3 kages came down like a death sentence on the village. All the power it had gathered was either not enough, or caught completely off-guard, and so it fell.

Even razing the village was not enough for the unholy alliances, and so, to ensure the village would be unable to rise, they left several squads behind to monitor the remains, and work from there. With nothing but rubble, many of these squads are genin squads, with no more purpose than to monitor the area.

Still, the truce is not an easy, nor firm one, and the 3 villages constantly bicker about area within the ruins: to the north, the Stone lays claim; to the east, the Leaf; and the west, the Mist.

Despite the heavy efforts, some of the Hidden Whirlpool remain, effectively rogue ninja with no home. Some attack the coalition when able, others simply are trying to survive as ninja, trying to pass as ninja from their oppressors.

While the execution of the village was quick, the aftermath is not. Some question what was so terrible from the Hidden Whirlpool to elicit such a response? Some are convinced their was more to their frightening coalition than meets the eyes, that there is some secret being kept. Either way, the camp in the ruins of the Hidden Whirlpool is unsteady at the best of times, and now everyone must deal with the consequence.

Rules and Welcome Center

Character Skeleton

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Kicho Hashiba

Summary: Scared out of her mind, Kicho just wants to move forward and help her friends.

Age: 13
Rank: D
Village Affiliation: Hidden Leaf

Person Information

Combat Information

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Kojiro Yoshitsune

Summary: (Describe them in one sentence, will use on front page roster)
Age: 14
Rank: D
Village Affiliation: Hidden Stone

Person Information

Combat Information

Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Ganryu
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Ganryu Overlord

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Character Roster

Hidden Stone Village:

  • OPEN
  • OPEN
  • OPEN

Hidden Mist Village:

Hidden Leaf Village:

  • Sano Nara
    An ambitious youth who will always try his very best to succeed
  • Hitomi Hyuuga
    Invisible and untouchable is the entirety of who she is.
  • Hiyoko Uchiha
    At some point, the mother must push her fledgling out of the nest and see if she will fly.
    Team 2
  • ???? Haruno (Neyu, you get that damn character back here!)

GM's Whatever Team:

  • Kareha Senkai
    There’s something about Kareha, death seems no longer content with simply following her, now he seeks to betroth her.
  • Kicho Hashiba
    Scared out of her mind, Kicho just wants to help her friends.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Ganryu
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Kyogen Akechi

Age: Appears in 30's

Gender: Male

Height: 6'5

Weight: 220 lbs

Hair Colour: Black

Eye Colour: Brown

Birthday: May 4th

Clan/Family: Akechi Clan

Race: Shinigami

Rank: 7th Division Lieutenant

Spiritual Energy Colour: Green

Personality: Kyogen has a seemingly carefree demeanor, and takes every opportunity he has to mess with people. Nothing seems important to him, and he does things according to his own schedule.

Deep down, Kyogen still feels guilty, and using his 'messing with people' as a chance to take his anger out, often taking it too far. Infact, his guilts severe enough, Kyogen sometimes wanders into the 'death seeker' category, yet his fear of death makes him never act on it himself. Instead of actively trying to hurt himself, he takes on as many dangerous missions as he can, and always volunteers as vanguard. He also has a tendency to mess with the 11th division as well for this same reason.

With his captain, Kyogen is a complete opposite: he seems insane and unorderly compared to her elegance and control; she is nice, he is down right vicious at times; he is free, she is strict; and her idealism clashes with his pragmatism. Noting her 'change', he always tries to show the world as ugly, and ideals having no place in it. Despite that, he enjoys someone to contrast with him so much, in some ways, it gives him hope.

History: Officially a noble, Kyogen grew up in the Seireiti, as part of the Akechi clan. The entire clan were shinigami, and expected Kyogen to be one from an early age. Not only that, but they expected him to act like a noble. Kyogen never cared about nobility, or the image associated with it. He felt like the Seireiti was stifling, and refused to act the part. He longed to live in the Rukongai.

He and his father often clashed. During one 'training' excersize, his father went too far, beating him in the name of 'training'. That day, Kyogen snapped, and killed his father in the name of 'training' with his zanpakuto. Although it went down as a training incident, Kyogen left his house, and his zanpakuto was left there.

For years he begged in the Seireiti, but was hardly ever helped. In the end, he did end up becoming a soul reaper, partially out of desperation, and partially out of guilt for his father.

To this day, he hates his last name.

Idealogical rivalry with captain. (She has some, he doesn't)




Skills & Masteries

*Zanjutsu -N/A

*Kido - Not very Proficient

*Hakuda - Master

*Hoho - Expert

Hakudo Skills

Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Ganryu
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Ganryu Overlord

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Zeki Glaedwine

Puttin' on the Ritz/|\Thrift Store
"Information? How much I know depends on how much you pay. No, no put... most of those coins away.

Age: ????
Apparent Age: 40
Race: Licentia- Eximius class
Sub-race: Geist-possessed human
Geist- The only part of a Geist body that is physical is the soul core they possess, making them extremely vulnerable. In order to circumvent this, Geist often overshadow others, leaving behind their core. Should their proxy body be destroyed, they regenerate at their soul core. Should someone destroy their vulnerable core, they die.

Personality: A man absolutely afraid of boredom, Zeki never stops moving, or working. Anything to stop the thought of having to be bored. Zeki even hates having to sleep, as that let's him gather his thoughts. This is one of many reasons Zeki is always scatterbrained, and ADD about everything he does. The one thing that never bores Zeki, and never has, is humanity as a whole. Neither the prae nor licentia could hope to compete with their adaptiveness in all things magical, and technical. Their short lives only seem to make them more interesting to Zeki.

Zeki is not however wholly benevolent. Zeki lives for what is interesting, and if poking things causes a war, or a huge fight, it will be poked.

Zeki is also very much a coward. He is afraid of dying, and doesn't want his precious body destroyed, and so he acts more as the hand behind the scenes. This has made Zeki very much live by proxy, and very manipulative.

Zeki's friendliness with humans has made him looked down upon by many Licentia. The only racial gap he has more with are the Prae, who Zeki considers thoroughly uninteresting, and very annoying. Their loyal society, and long lifespans make him sick. He will grudgingly do business with them, but gouging them is no skin off his nose..

An ancient being from Torqueo, when the plane was much more violent, Zeki was once a Licentia named Amrit. He would fight, betray, and murder all those in his way on his way to trying to rule the realm. However, as he grew older, he discovered something that horrified him. He became bored.

Betraying others was second nature, and so easy he might as well go to sleep. There were those stronger than him, but draining others to catch up was so repetitive, it lost its flavor. Ruling his lands was always the same, the same manner of Licentia always served him, their long lifespans making very little change. Rebellions would happen, he would squash them. The same places, always the same. Even his cycles became repetitive, nothing really new began to appear when he underwent his growth cycle, a rarity among his kind.

In a cry of madness, the warlord simply left, leaving behind everything, even his proxy body, and his strength, escaping the madness to the human world. He came to the human world, where things seemed to constantly change. The way they could combine technology with magic was awe-inspiring.

However, he could not live among the human world, as they would constantly try to kill the geist. He needed a body.

Luck shone on him, as he found a dying merchant, desperate for any cure to extend his life, anything to set his affairs in order. Zeki promised him healing, on one condition, his body after 5 years.

Desperate for any time he could gain, he agreed, and Zeki used most of his remaining power to heal him, and began to possess him, slowly at first, until the 5 years came to an end. Despite the struggle, the Licentia kept his end of the bargain, and gained the merchants body... and his life. Zeki loved it. Never had he staved off boredom so well. He was constantly busy, and infact, he hated the times he had to sleep and rest. The sense of excitement changed something in Zeki, and he became an Eximius only after losing everything. Humans were constantly different, something exciting. Torqueo had a stagnant history, humans were never the same.

And so time passed, until the city of Ominar seemed to be built around the Licentia. However, one event changed things, and actually managed to incur Zeki's anger. The prae took over. The prejudice against his kind was hardly new, and Zeki's appearance as a human helped avoid much of it, but the sheer thought sent him to a rage. The fact another race would conquer these humans he had come to love was unthinkable. As always, Zeki has put an indirect hand against the Prae, giving free information and tips against them, and (not so)secretly helping the rebellion. Zeki currently hides from the Prae by having his shop become a covert operation in the back of the trinket shop The Twilight Spirit, whose owner owed him a favor.



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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Maria Uther

Shoot all your problems away/|\[url=link]WIP[/url]
Age: 23
Apparent Age: 23
Race: Human
Sub-race: Cockney


Maria is very straightforward and honest. It's the traits she most learned from her father, who lived by the motto, and honest day's work for an honest day's pay. He never believed in lying, or trickery, so neither does she. Her honesty however is extremely brutal, and extends to her emotions. If someone makes Maria mad, she will flay the person alive with her tongue, whether or not the insult was intentional or not.

Despite the trigger temper, most of the time, Maria's very giving, even if crass, and she's extremely defensive of people around her. If Maria thinks something is for people's good, she'll do it without a split second consideration, or the recipient's consent.

Maria has two fears, a fear of touch, and a fear of magic. The latter came from witnessing her father's arrest, and she's not sure about the first. The latter also has given her an extreme prejudice against mages, she hates them and magic in every sense.


Maria grew up in the poorer parts of Ominar, part of the slums many Licentia would later be forced to move to. Her father was a factory worker, and the only way he could provide for his large family was by working ridiculous hours. Even as strong and efficient at his job he was, he never seemed to get a raise. Maria once asked him why he never tried getting a better job, or learn magic to help, to which he'd respond "I do a honest day's work, fer an honest day's pay, don't need no magic for t'at".

His wife didn't agree, and after the separation, Maria became more or less in charge of the household at the age of 13 as things tightened down.

It was stressful, but happy for her, and all her memories of her father were happy ones. He would always come home with sweets, and although he was tired, he still made what little time he had for his children. Maria tried to help as much as she could, and at the age of 16, she got a job. The owner of a gun range was a family friend, and so Maria began work there, cleaning up targets, and setting up pigeons. The friend couldn't help but laugh when she'd been offered to shoot for the first time, and came back with a black eye.

She worked their for years, and picked up how to use a gun. Of course, she was free to shoot, but had to clean up just the same after every time. She asked alot of questions, and her boss always seemed to know the answer. She even began competing in tournaments, though she never won any, she got close several times.

One day, on a break with her boss, she started asking about the design of the gun she was using, and added a few suggestions. Laughing, he noted it'd be a great idea, if she could find someone to make it. Thinking about it, he did know a contact. Introducing the two, the gun designer took quite a liking to Maria, and offered her a new job, despite the fact she was barely old enough to own a gun herself.

Maria was quite successful, and began saving up money to move her family out of the slums. The current politics never seemed to bother her, who cared who was in charge, it didn't ever seem to help her any. The fact the prae took over only began to aggravate her when one of her neighbors, Ms. Sylph was forced out of her home. She was actually a kind licentia, who'd Maria'd helped out for odd jobs as a kid. Maria was different from her very vocal father in this reguard, who always referred to the prae as a "bunch'a berks".

One day, a year ago, as she was visiting her father, her life views seemed to change. Hunter's stormed the house, accusing her father of being possessed by licentia. Her father was strong, but the magic they used bound him in an instant, and he couldn't break free, no matter how much he struggled. Maria had never heard so many swear words, and swearing seemed to be her father's mother tongue.

The next few months were terrible for Maria, as the prae and hunters brutalized the slums, with the inhabitants being great scape goats. Maria herself was accused of being possessed, a similar raid occurring in her home. There was one big difference between her and her father. Her father never kept guns in the house. Maria doesn't remember much of the event, she only remembered waking up in a neighbors house, her hands still trembling. Mr. Sylph was there, and had assured her, he'd helped with the bodies (which somehow did not comfort the girl too much).

Maria had never been so glad to live in such a hellhole, as the hunter's only occasionally made raids to the place, so while wanted, Maria only had to worry about running if one was spotted in the area.

Deciding she couldn't let the prae get away with this.


Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Ganryu
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Yue Xiang

~"Shinigami are symbols of hope. You'd better act it."~


Bakudo #80, Kagesa(Shadow chain):
Iga, rise, hunt from the shadows,
strike, seal, return to nothing.

An adaptation of Sabou Sabaku that forms chains from an opponents shadow, wrapping around them, binding them to their own shadow. This tends to be more effective against faster opponents.

Bakudo #99, Fuuin-Izanami(Sealed Izanami):
The dead left now undying
Return to the abyss
Rise no more against us
fifteen thousand, ten thousand
You have lost this battle.
No more to wander Earth
Sink, Fuuin Izanami

An extremely difficult kido, it requires contact, long enchantment, and time. The kido forms a seal on the opponent, that binds the opponent with their own reiatsu, deeply integrating with their body. Because of this, the seal is as strong as their opponent. An opponent with Acidic, or otherwise reiryoku eating reiatsu, or damaging in any way will be damaged by it as it leads it straight into them, removing their resistance to it. The kido can be broken by outside help.

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#26 bleach.wikia.com/wiki/Kyokk%C5%8D
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#37 bleach.wikia.com/wiki/Tsuriboshi
#58 bleach.wikia.com/wiki/Kakushitsuijaku
#61 bleach.wikia.com/wiki/Rikuj%C5%8Dk%C5%..
#62 bleach.wikia.com/wiki/Hyapporankan
#63 bleach.wikia.com/wiki/Saj%C5%8D_Sabaku
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#75 bleach.wikia.com/wiki/Goch%C5%ABtekkan
#77 bleach.wikia.com/wiki/Tenteik%C5%ABra
#79 bleach.wikia.com/wiki/Kuy%C5%8D_Shibari
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