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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Klyix
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Klyix Cyber Dolce Vita

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She didn't wear her anger like Victor but she made no move to stop him as he turned on Fury. However when he paused to look back to her Kats gaze hardened. Now was not the time for sentiment and reforging the fallen family. That thought was quickly interrupted by Shade's shouting. She rounded on him, glaring with venomous eyes. "Do not ask questions you have no possible way of knowing the answer to. Perhaps you should be asking how many invasions this realm has been protected from on account of us." They had forgotten how weak they were, thought they were running when they were only beginning to blindly stumble out of the mist.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Erklings25
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Erklings25 Abracadabra

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Finnigan watched the guy in the lab coat get the bottle back. He glared at W.I.N.G "You have no idea how painful it is!" He roared and pulled up his sleeve exposing the scar it gave him. It was large. "Side affects include serious bodily harming. How else did I get this?" He asked, his usual musical voice sounding rough. He the walked between Shade Kat and Victor He stared at both of them, with a hardy expression, covered by the shadow of his fedora. "Shut up!!" He yelled, "I'm sick of the arguing, it's not good for my head!" He took out his pencil and turned it into his gun, aiming it expertly at them "Shut up it I'll shoot you all!" He roared. Fury tried to grab the gun, but Vicotr took the wind out of him, he could barely move.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Klyix
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Klyix Cyber Dolce Vita

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

When Finnigan began yelling at Shade and her she quickly turned her head to look at them. As the situation developed a cold composure came over her as she shifted her body to face him head on, her eyes trained on him at all times. She didn't flinch as the gun was pointed in their direction, or when Fury unsuccessfully tried to tackle him. "Then shoot, lover boy." It wasn't a challenge, or a plea, just simply said words. And so there she stood, unmoving, as she watched and waited.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by makarov
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makarov Miss Graceful

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Ozone's eyes were glowing violently blue like little arc reactors, "My father protected this realm countless times from things you mortals couldn't even hope to comprehend." His hand rested firmly on Mjolnir, "Even I have fought in mankind's favor many times." He looked to W.I.N.G., "If you say so...This could have been our downfall before the team had even begun...It needs fixed." But when Finnigan drew his gun the air around them all began to crackle with electricity, "If you think you can get that shot off before I return you to the dust Midgardians were born from...You're more than welcome to try." Ozone's eyes sparked as well now, as if waiting for a reason to bring about judgement.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Hadesdotter
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The face of Jenny would grow cold at Finnigans words. " i know a thing or two about pain. Think about when Captain Rogers got his abilities for the first time, he is no stranger to pain either. He is already asleep it'll be easier." At his sudden explosion W.I.N.G would look perplexed, however as soon As the Director was clear W.I.N.G would deliver a blow to the back of the deranged hero's head, knocking him unconscious before anyone else could react. The droid would simply pick his body up and gently set him on a neighboring cot. "Director if you need me I'll be in the nest. I think the others need to work on their team building." And with that the Droid would simply walk out the door of the infirmary.

Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Erklings25
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Erklings25 Abracadabra

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Finnigan flew to the ground. The only chance to get rid of any evidence of his past, ruined beacause of some high and mighty solider. He awoke later in the infirmary, snarling his head off. He beckoned one of the doctors, "Excuse me, sir. I was just wondering can tell me, how I got here?" The doctor explained he was brought in there by W.I.N.G. He smiled pleasantly, pulling his hat down. "Thanks!" He just got up and walked away, the doctors where to afraid to do something about it, he was supposed to be violent. He re-entered the lab and leaned against the wall, eyeing the evidence of his terrible past. The sedative.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Cuccoruler
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Cuccoruler The Banana Chicken

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Cinia had just entered S.H.I.E.L.D. base where the others were, she had only just recently been called in and had never been there before. She was in her costume at the moment as well with a few chickens following her as if they were there to protect her. Her powers weren't much in the way of impressive but she had found ways to use them strategically enough to be of use. Although her father was never an avenger he was a defender which was just as important.

"Where was I supposed to go?" She asked herself realizeing that she was entirely lost and had no idea where she was supposed to be going in the first place. As such she started to send out her chickens throughout the building looking for where she was supposed to be. She had complete control over them and as such they could even relay a sort view, though it was more of they would alarm her to where she was supposed to go.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Klyix
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Klyix Cyber Dolce Vita

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Kat remained silent, standing still throughout the whole farce. Watching as Finnigan was carried from the lab she turned back to those who remained. "He's unreliable, manic even. Liars and deceivers I can work with, at least they're consistent in their treachery. But his kind? At best they're infuriating, at worst fatal." She shook her head, pausing for a second. Then suddenly she turned her attention to Fury. "Look at this team you've put together. In what possible world would this ever work?" Her words were sharp and her eyes were just as hostile.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Erklings25
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Erklings25 Abracadabra

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Finnigan saw somemthing odd out of the corner of his eyes. Chickens, lots of chickens. Nobody had noticed he was in the lab, so nobody would notice of he snuck out. "I need to perceive this peculiar situation, beacause it would be perplexing if I missed the fact that poultry have taken over civilisation." He accentuated the p's in the sentence. He carefully followed the swarm to a girl dressed like a chicken. He silently laughed before saying "Excuse me, miss. You seem to be a bit lost." He looked her over. "Sorry for asking but why the hell are you dressed like a chicken?" His eyes were full of mirth, covered by his fedora.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Cuccoruler
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Cuccoruler The Banana Chicken

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Cinia turned to see someone coming towards her and asking if she was lost. "I am lost, actually, I was called in to meet I think Fury, something about putting together another team." Cinia said giving him a sweet smile. She didn't mind if people laughed at her costume, honestly that's what she wanted. The whole point of her costume was to make people smile and laugh and that's what made her happy. "Anyways do you know where I would be going for that?" Cinia asked as many of her chickens disappeared through magic circles around them.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Erklings25
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Erklings25 Abracadabra

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Finnigan raised an eyebrow. "A team, you say? Well you've come to the right place. Even if most people on this team already harbour grudges against each other." The he did something he would never normally do. For anybody. He lifted his hat so she could see his smile, a friendly handsome smile. "Follow me." He said, in a strangely calm tone. He laced his arm through hers, and pushed his fedora back down. "So, I'm Finnigan. Might I have the pleasure of knowing your name?" He asked, with several measures of self-confidence in his voice.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Cuccoruler
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Cuccoruler The Banana Chicken

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Cinia smiled at the man told her his name. "I'm Cinia Switzler!" Cinia said with a smile. She didn't always like to admit who her father was, mostly because what followed was often the whole How does that even work? question, one that was a bit complicated for her to answer, but in short it was a form of cloning.
Cinia continued to follow him as she looked around the area at all of the agents they passed. "The team doesn't sound very well put together, Have you considered using management tactics? Team building exercises?" Cinia asked as a chicken followed her. This specific chicken was named Greg, and greg was more adventurous than the other chickens.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Erklings25
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Erklings25 Abracadabra

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Finnigan sighed. "Mainly my fault about the whole, grudge problem." He did air quote when he said 'grudge'. "It involves an argument about S.H.I.E.L.D's defence systems and my pistol. Long story short, everybody thinks I have questionable sanity. I don't really, it was just the side effects of some medication they uses here. I become more jerk-like and violent." He laughed, trying to lighten the mood. "Anyways, it's nice to meet you Cinia." He eventually found the lab and yelled, "Hey! Guys, Fury!" He waved his hands for attention. "Another hero has come! Cinia, the team. Team, Cinia." Fury nodded at her, rather dismissively.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Teoinsanity
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Teoinsanity Lost on Jeopardy

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

"Oh god"

Shade yelped as he saw all the chickens ,he would create for himself a barrier made of shadows .

"I played enough Zelda to know where this is going!"

he says as he hides himself
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Cuccoruler
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Cuccoruler The Banana Chicken

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Cinia turned to look at the man who said something about Zelda. "Oh don't worry they aren't that bad." Cinia said, though all of a sudden her face changed to a far more sinister look. "Their worse!" She said before laughing out loud, then her mood changed again to being a bit more calm again. Cinia smiled to the others before deciding to introduce herself. "My name is Cinia and I go by Annoyed Cucco by the media." Cinia said with a smile. Cinia did have some mood swing problems, but for the most part she was very sweet.

At this point Greg the chicken started to get closer to all of the heroes in the room. Eventually he came up to Fury and started to rub on him like a cat. It seems that Greg had taken a liking to Fury.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Teoinsanity
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Teoinsanity Lost on Jeopardy

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Shade would get out of his little shadow shell ,he already was in his shadow form. Shade got a good look at her before getting nervous and swetiing shadow goo.

Sh..She's buetiful

He thinked in his head as he turned into his normal form and got his sunglasses back on,and shook his head to snap back into reality.

"Hello ,I am King,and You are?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Erklings25
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Erklings25 Abracadabra

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Finnigan snickered. "Dude, she just introduced herself." He laughed. He must admit, she was rather cute, but he couldn't fall for somebody else. The cogs in his brain started turning. What if, he thought I pretend to like her then pull of my usual breaking up trick. But this time don't say 'it's not me, it's you.' He stared at her for a bit longer. Oh stuff that! Just admit it Finnigan old buddy! You've fallen in love with one girl, then given her up and fallen in love with another. Dammit.Fury stared at Greg in a state of shock. He re-gained composure and said "Listen, you may need to change out of your costume. Would somebody show her where to go?" Finnigan quickly said "Me! Me! I'll go!" A grin spread across his face. "Fine fine, Mr Castle. You can go, just don't attempt to kill her." Finnigan growled "That was one time, and I didn't really mean to kill anybody." He strided over to Cinia, "Let's go!" He smiled and placed one hand on her back, and lead her to the only place he knew where there was a place to change. The simulation room.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Cuccoruler
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Cuccoruler The Banana Chicken

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Cinia smiled, she hadn't expected for people to look at her as if she was that beutiful, course her mother was movie star, so she had that going for her. "So your Frank Castle's son?" Cinia said to him as she followed, Greg the chicken was close behind her. "I heard he used to be brutal. That actually explains alot." Cinia said recalling some of the stories she had seen on the news about him. Her father never really talked about it much. Greg in the mean time kept looking at Fennigian as if he saw him as a rival.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Hadesdotter
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Over the intercom Finnigin and Cinia would hear a woman's voice. " Oh hey! Miss Switzler welcome to S.H.I.E.L.D !! Just saying there is a ladies room down the hall to the left with a change of clothes in there as well, they don't keep anything in the SIM room Finnegan you know that." The voice would cut out of the speaker and about fifteen seconds later the voice would come back " Oh by the way I'm Jenny Stark, if you need anything just hollar !
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by makarov
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makarov Miss Graceful

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Ozone drew in a breath and let out a drawn sigh, "This is all madness...every damn bit of this is insanity." Victor put away all his weapons and approached his cousin,"They won't heed your warning Kat..." Ozone's eyes were that cold gray that his father never had, "I grow tired of this silly gathering...every moment we spend talking the enemy draws nearer."
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