The Justice League was getting older in 2020. While most of it's founding members are in their late 30's early 40's, Superman himself still looked nearly the same he had a decade prior. The League had gone through several incarnations over the years. There were also splinter units like the Justice League of America and the JL United, as well as the JL Dark led by none other than John Constantine. In the year 2020 however, heroic metahumans are getting to be fewer and fewer. Most alien races that don't appear to be human are often shunned by society, the now more alien Green Lantern from the planet Tandax was banned from Earth. The economy in the United States was still fighting a losing battle. Crime rates, especially metahuman crime, was up a record 120% from this time in 2010. Some metahumans operating as heroes are not welcomed by all of the 2020 law enforcers. Only the League has been officially sanctioned by the President of the 'States.. Young heroes have been 'sponsored' by the remaining members of the League to operate in Star City, the former home of the now deceased Green Arrow and one of the larger metropolitan cities with increased metahuman crime. Can the heroes in the Young Justice Program take back Star City from the grips of chaos and become real heroes like the members of the Justice League?
1.) No back-to-back posting.
3.) Make sense. If we can't make heads or tails of your posts they're likely to get skipped over.
4.) Get permission before using another player's character in your posts if it involves changing the scene or making actions or just ask to collaborate in the titanpad. Everybody will take beatings in this game in battle however, so don't get pissed if you get punched or blasted into a wall by the bad guys!
5.) Problems with the game or players should be sent directly to me through PM's. I don't want a bunch of bickering in the OOC.
6.) Abandoned characters will be used as NPC's or killed off within the context of the story.
7.) “I was waiting for [insert player/character] to make a move” is not an excuse to halt posting.
8.) There is no rule #8.
9.) My word is law.
10.) Obey the law.
11.) In the event that I'm offline for any period of time, the deputy GM (Aro) will take control and HIS word will then be law.

The headquarters was near the middle of the Star City forest/park that sprouted up months earlier after something to do with the Swamp Thing creature went down. It was still new, everything clean and without dust. The futuristic building was four stories high and a modern marvel. With the Justice League sponsoring these young heroes, Wayne Industries funded most of the project along with Kord Technologies. A few members of the League were on hand for the opening of the Young Justice Tower and the recruits came pouring in over the course of the next two days. Red Tornado, Black Canary, and one of many Batman androids Bruce Wayne now uses [after suffering a crippling back injury at the hands of Bane months earlier] were all at the Tower to show the young heroes the various levels of the HQ as well as basics on the tech such as the War Room, the computers and surveillance systems in the Monitor Room, as well as the YJ Program's personal quarters for all of the sponsored heroes on the upper level of the Tower.
A young man got off of a bus that drove on one of the only roads through the forest/park. His eyes glowed a yellow/gold and he tossed a small dufflebag over his shoulder as he exited the bus. Kilian Darukk looked to the sky to see what appeared to be a dark skinned girl riding a steel pipe. The young alien put his arm in front of his eyes to block out the sun from peering through the trees. The young girl who would later be introduced as Shock would not be the first sponsored hero to beat Kilian to the base. The triplicate man had increased physical attributes, but he was in no hurry. When patrolling as Ditto he never gets to take in the scenery as much. Earth is still an alien planet to the young man from Cargg.
After getting the full tour from the monotone Red Tornado, Ditto was shown his quarters on the upper level. The view from the windows on this level of the base were amazing. The tree line was just in view and you could see the rest of Star City looming in the backdrop all around. Kilian unpacked his things, changed into his uniform [if you could call it that] that consisted of a shirt and pants, and got ready to go back down a couple levels.
The kitchen was often a place the young heroes in the Program would bump into each other. Even the most recluse needed to eat. Ditto made his way into the area and saw the girl from earlier in the day cooking something that smelled amazing.
"What is this sauce she's concocted, and is that chicken?" the Carggite thought to himself breathing in through his nose and taking in every bit of the flavor.
"Barbecue chicken, guys! Almost done!"Shock turned to him and winked. A couple minutes later she plated it for him. "Tell me what ya think!"
The alien tore into the food that was also served with steamed veggies and a roll. The team already seemed tons better than living on the street and barely eating. The girl had winked like she knew what Kilian's response would be. No doubt the others would come for food when the aroma flowed through the air. Wiping some of the barbecue that seemed to cover the whole bottom of his chin and mouth, he swallowed his last few bites and wiped his mouth again.
"That was the best food I've had since coming to this planet. Can I get just one..." he began saying before Shock pulled the serving dish back.
"Hey," said Photon, appearing behind the man who seemed to be in the process of eating an entire chicken, "Leave some for the rest of us." He quickly made himself a plate so that he would be sure to get some. Looking the man over, though, seemed to tell him that the guy was a bit down on his luck. "So, I don't mean to be rude, but is this the first time you've had a decent meal on Earth? I can show you some good places to eat if you want."
"Superman introduced me to the round disk of cheese and other ingredients. Peat's Za?" the alien asked still not fully accustomed to the terran language he was struggling to understand at times.
"And somebody asked why I have a Pac Man on my shirt? Is he some sort of superhero like the Tornado guy and Black Canary? This is an interlac symbol for the letter 'd'..." Kilian continued pulling at his shirt, "How does this even resemble a man of any kind?"
"Interlac? Is that some sort of universal alphabet?" He'd never hear of it before and was curious, but the man had asked a question, so he would answer that question first. "Pacman is a video game character from when the graphics in such games were very crude. Do you have electronic games on your world? If not, I can show you after the tour is over."
"Interlac is like your alphabet and used by the members of the United Planets. My homeworld Cargg is among them. We had games on my planet, though I prefer to play my hibaso. It resembles your planet's guitars..." Ditto responded stepping back from the table.
The alien was bummed a bit, but still with that girl in the kitchen there's no telling what she'll cook next. The guy with the glowing suit seemed nice as well to somebody revealing themselves as alien and not metahuman. His next destination was this 'War Room' he'd seen Black Canary in earlier for a demonstration.
1.) No back-to-back posting.
3.) Make sense. If we can't make heads or tails of your posts they're likely to get skipped over.
4.) Get permission before using another player's character in your posts if it involves changing the scene or making actions or just ask to collaborate in the titanpad. Everybody will take beatings in this game in battle however, so don't get pissed if you get punched or blasted into a wall by the bad guys!
5.) Problems with the game or players should be sent directly to me through PM's. I don't want a bunch of bickering in the OOC.
6.) Abandoned characters will be used as NPC's or killed off within the context of the story.
7.) “I was waiting for [insert player/character] to make a move” is not an excuse to halt posting.
8.) There is no rule #8.
9.) My word is law.
10.) Obey the law.
11.) In the event that I'm offline for any period of time, the deputy GM (Aro) will take control and HIS word will then be law.

The headquarters was near the middle of the Star City forest/park that sprouted up months earlier after something to do with the Swamp Thing creature went down. It was still new, everything clean and without dust. The futuristic building was four stories high and a modern marvel. With the Justice League sponsoring these young heroes, Wayne Industries funded most of the project along with Kord Technologies. A few members of the League were on hand for the opening of the Young Justice Tower and the recruits came pouring in over the course of the next two days. Red Tornado, Black Canary, and one of many Batman androids Bruce Wayne now uses [after suffering a crippling back injury at the hands of Bane months earlier] were all at the Tower to show the young heroes the various levels of the HQ as well as basics on the tech such as the War Room, the computers and surveillance systems in the Monitor Room, as well as the YJ Program's personal quarters for all of the sponsored heroes on the upper level of the Tower.
A young man got off of a bus that drove on one of the only roads through the forest/park. His eyes glowed a yellow/gold and he tossed a small dufflebag over his shoulder as he exited the bus. Kilian Darukk looked to the sky to see what appeared to be a dark skinned girl riding a steel pipe. The young alien put his arm in front of his eyes to block out the sun from peering through the trees. The young girl who would later be introduced as Shock would not be the first sponsored hero to beat Kilian to the base. The triplicate man had increased physical attributes, but he was in no hurry. When patrolling as Ditto he never gets to take in the scenery as much. Earth is still an alien planet to the young man from Cargg.
After getting the full tour from the monotone Red Tornado, Ditto was shown his quarters on the upper level. The view from the windows on this level of the base were amazing. The tree line was just in view and you could see the rest of Star City looming in the backdrop all around. Kilian unpacked his things, changed into his uniform [if you could call it that] that consisted of a shirt and pants, and got ready to go back down a couple levels.
The kitchen was often a place the young heroes in the Program would bump into each other. Even the most recluse needed to eat. Ditto made his way into the area and saw the girl from earlier in the day cooking something that smelled amazing.
"What is this sauce she's concocted, and is that chicken?" the Carggite thought to himself breathing in through his nose and taking in every bit of the flavor.
"Barbecue chicken, guys! Almost done!"Shock turned to him and winked. A couple minutes later she plated it for him. "Tell me what ya think!"
The alien tore into the food that was also served with steamed veggies and a roll. The team already seemed tons better than living on the street and barely eating. The girl had winked like she knew what Kilian's response would be. No doubt the others would come for food when the aroma flowed through the air. Wiping some of the barbecue that seemed to cover the whole bottom of his chin and mouth, he swallowed his last few bites and wiped his mouth again.
"That was the best food I've had since coming to this planet. Can I get just one..." he began saying before Shock pulled the serving dish back.
"Hey," said Photon, appearing behind the man who seemed to be in the process of eating an entire chicken, "Leave some for the rest of us." He quickly made himself a plate so that he would be sure to get some. Looking the man over, though, seemed to tell him that the guy was a bit down on his luck. "So, I don't mean to be rude, but is this the first time you've had a decent meal on Earth? I can show you some good places to eat if you want."
"Superman introduced me to the round disk of cheese and other ingredients. Peat's Za?" the alien asked still not fully accustomed to the terran language he was struggling to understand at times.
"And somebody asked why I have a Pac Man on my shirt? Is he some sort of superhero like the Tornado guy and Black Canary? This is an interlac symbol for the letter 'd'..." Kilian continued pulling at his shirt, "How does this even resemble a man of any kind?"
"Interlac? Is that some sort of universal alphabet?" He'd never hear of it before and was curious, but the man had asked a question, so he would answer that question first. "Pacman is a video game character from when the graphics in such games were very crude. Do you have electronic games on your world? If not, I can show you after the tour is over."
"Interlac is like your alphabet and used by the members of the United Planets. My homeworld Cargg is among them. We had games on my planet, though I prefer to play my hibaso. It resembles your planet's guitars..." Ditto responded stepping back from the table.
The alien was bummed a bit, but still with that girl in the kitchen there's no telling what she'll cook next. The guy with the glowing suit seemed nice as well to somebody revealing themselves as alien and not metahuman. His next destination was this 'War Room' he'd seen Black Canary in earlier for a demonstration.