Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by BeautifulSnow
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''Then where is he?'' Layla asked, she heard him putting on clothes and when she heard him coming closer again, she turned around. ''Who are you?'' she asked again and was a little amazed by the clothes and all the weapons he wore. ''Okay, now I am really curious about who you are.. and don't tell lies because I know when someone is lying'' she said
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Lucifer Lover

Lucifer Lover

Member Seen 10 mos ago

"I'm Nexon the Night Furry" he said slowly as he walked past her slowly toward the village of Berk. He smiles eyes closed gently as he walked slowly "your the chiefs daughter I can smell him on you" he said slowly as he walked.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by BeautifulSnow
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''Wait.. you are... You are the night fury?'' she asked and looked at him. ''But your wing.. It's almost sliced off..'' she said. ''Can you still change while injured?'' she said. She nodded when he said she was the chiefs daughter. ''Yes, i am... And the man that injured you... or your dragon form... is my so called Fiance'' she said and sighed. ''My father wants to force me to marry him because he thinks that man will be a good next chief.. I know he is only wanting to become the chief so he can 'for the sake of Berk' kill every dragon... Starting with the ''Terror of the Night Sky'' '' she said and then pointed at him.

''And with that name, I mean you'' she said and walked off, collecting some stones and laying those in a circlet. ''I hope you don't mind me, making a fire and prepare some fish.. Taking care of a dragon and being scared for my life does make me pretty hungry'' she said with a wink and then broke some twigs from a few near by trees and laid those in the stone circlet.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Lucifer Lover

Lucifer Lover

Member Seen 10 mos ago

The male shook his head and spit out a small flame to help her with the fire. He looked around the forest "I can shift when I am hurt I still can't fly or anything but I am known as a king night fury meaning my ranking is higher then dragons" said sitting down with a snort of laugh. "I like to see him try take me on"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by BeautifulSnow
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BeautifulSnow Your friendly she-wolf

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''I don't like to see him try to take you on..'' Layla said and looked at him. ''I didn't come here because I have some death wish, tough you might have thought that when you first heard me.. I came here, to this forest, to you, to find a way to show the people of Berk that the dragon's aren't a real thread for us'' she said.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Lucifer Lover

Lucifer Lover

Member Seen 10 mos ago

He raised an eyebrow confused "and how do you think I could help you show that?" Asked slowly looking down slowly. He sighed gently as he looked at the sun that was rising from the land.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by BeautifulSnow
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BeautifulSnow Your friendly she-wolf

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''By stopping to hunt on our sheep..'' Layla said and pointed at the fish. ''Okay.. Now I brought too much with me, this is gonna stink..'' she said and sighed. ''Anyways, what I mean is that there is more than enough fish in the lakes, sea, rivers.. And I do not believe that you don't know how to hunt on a fish'' she said with a little smile. ''Come sit down Sky.. Ehm, I mean Nexon.. Sorry, as I explained, in Berk they call you Terror of the Night Sky, I shorted that with Sky.. But I'll try to call you Nexon from now on... or Sir.. What ever you prefer... my name is Layla'' she said. ''and don't you dare too call me Princess... I am not one so i don't want to be called one'' she said.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Lucifer Lover

Lucifer Lover

Member Seen 10 mos ago

"Well sorry I like sheep I'm not stopping be a use you tell me " he snorted rolling eyes "Don't tell me what to do or I might bring you back to your village" he said snippy not in a good mood to deal with her. He then said "Go home " said walking off toward Berk slowly to deal with some merchants and smiled selling off two of his daggers and smiles as he played with some of the kids. His wings and tail where gone from sight.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by BeautifulSnow
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BeautifulSnow Your friendly she-wolf

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Layla looked at him and couldn't believe what he just said, after bringing him food, helping him with his wounds and even treating her own people like strangers for his safety he simply didn't listen to her and told her to go back to Berk. She followed him and her father and mother walked to her, hugging her and saying they where so happy for her to be back. She looked at Nexon playing with the kids and narrowed her eyes a little. She could do a lot now to harm him, but she wasn't like that.

Her Fiance came walking to her and smiled. ''so you came back, i am so glad you are save now..'' he said, totally faking his happiness. Layla gave him a smile and then walked to the house of her parents where she changed her clothes and after coming back she saw Nexon selling some of his equipment. ''Oh I would like to buy those daggers, you never know when they come in handy.. Maybe by slaughtering the Terror of the Night Sky'' she said and laid her hand on the daggers. ''I'll trade them with you for five sheeps a dagger'' she said and looked at him with a smile.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Lucifer Lover

Lucifer Lover

Member Seen 10 mos ago

The night fury smirks "well these daggers do not harm night flurries sad to say but they do have some benefits to them" shrugged looking at her with sharp eyes as kids crawl on his back happily as he smiled "Show me the sheep first" he said.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by BeautifulSnow
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''Well, we will see how that will end then, I don't know when or even if I will ever use them'' she said and then took the kid from his back. ''You need to go back to your mommy little boy, next time this man comes back to berk, he will be able to play again'' she said with a kind smile, she brushed trough the kids hair and it nodded with a smile and then walked off.

''Follow me'' she said and walked off, she walked with a certain amount of natural grace that every man would stop what they did to see her pass by, she smiled at them with the kindest smile probably ever seen by Nexon and when someone asked her something before they got to the sheep meadow, she stopped with a smile and answered happily. After she answered the questions that had been made by a young women, a few years younger than her, she looked at Nexon and gestured him to follow her a little further until she stopped before a fence.

''I would trade that group of five and that group of five for the daggers'' Layla said, pointing at some okay looking sheeps. ''I sure believe the daggers are very good but because of the dragons and mostly the Night Fury who lives close by, are most of our sheep already death before we even could get new lambs from them, or shave them for our clothes'' she said. She looked at him, her eyes where kind but also a blink of sadness he could see in there. ''We might look like a very strong village and of course we are strong and know how to survive but the dragons give us a hard time getting our houses up, and warm enough for the winters'' she said.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Lucifer Lover

Lucifer Lover

Member Seen 10 mos ago

He rolled his eyes "your only getting two daggers others pay rather nice Money for these daggers. I only need two sheep really. Ah don't worry about the night fury that scares every living person here he us rather harmless if you know how to approach him the right way" he said smoothly as a younger dragon ran up his back and hissed. He smiles petting the babies head "Not all dragons are evil. Most are harmless its you and your kind that has created the war of the dragons" he said and handed her two daggers and got Hus two sheep it was a male and female . he had a reason for this.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by BeautifulSnow
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BeautifulSnow Your friendly she-wolf

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''And what exactly is my part in the war? I went to the forest and found you, helped you, gave you more food and even protected you when your wing got sliced off'' Layla said. ''Maybe my people are so dumb to think that every dragon is the same but you are right now doing the same with us'' She said. She took the daggers and placed them in her belt. ''I am not like everyone else here and one day a family member will show Berk that we can live together with you all, why is it so bad that I want to help him or her a little?'' she asked. She walked to him and looked straight in his eyes. ''Tell me Nexon, what is it that we do so wrong?'' she asked
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Lucifer Lover

Lucifer Lover

Member Seen 10 mos ago

"Because face it princess you know everyone in this who damn place would rather murder every living dragon then ever help them." He said venomously eyes glowing it's intense color "Now if you are smart read your books and figure out what you did so wrong" he snorted as he turned and walked off with the sheep dissapearing into the forest and was gone
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by BeautifulSnow
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BeautifulSnow Your friendly she-wolf

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''But that are the people around here.. Not me'' Layla whispered and with her hands she made fists and kept pushing her nails in her hand until it started to burn a little. She walked away and straightly went home where she walked to her room, took the books about dragons and started to read them.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Lucifer Lover

Lucifer Lover

Member Seen 10 mos ago

The Nightfury was gone and into the woods he went with the sheep. she wouldn't find out a lot about Dragons and humans and nothing to really learn about then the stories showed dragons destorying villages and towns and killing people. So humans had to have had a right ....Right ? or was there something that the books didn't tell them.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by BeautifulSnow
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BeautifulSnow Your friendly she-wolf

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''There must be more.. Something tells me there must be more... But I don't have to ask that Night Fury for help anymore even though I have helped him with saving his wing and bringing him food..'' She mumbled to herself and sighed. She looked outside, the sun was about to set and she didn't know what to do.

She felt a little sleepy yet didn't wanna sleep before she knew a answer, her weeks in the forest hadn't brought her much sleep either but she didn't mind it. She had a reason to do this, She wanted to show her people that dragons weren't monsters like they thought. She closed the last book and opened 'the book of dragons' and saw there was little information about dragons and about their powers. She got on the page from the Night fury and saw there was no information of him at all. She closed the book and decided to go to the cave again in the morning, he probably would be a human then again and maybe she could bring him something he could use... Not that she knew something he could use but she could alwaus try.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Lucifer Lover

Lucifer Lover

Member Seen 10 mos ago

The night brought nightmares, their wings catching on fire and eyes glowing as they burned a few sheep into mulch and took them off. Then the dragon burned a few homes down but left the cheif and the main high familes alone and flew off. The Nighfury was asleep in its cave peacefully the sheep in the cave safe and sound
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by BeautifulSnow
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BeautifulSnow Your friendly she-wolf

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Layla looked at the attacks and wrote it down, she had not seen Nexon in the sky or his plasma fires so that meant he wasn't here. Somehow she could feel he wasn't. The people defended themselves and when the dragons took off again, those who had lost their house went to the big meeting house where they had made beds for those who would lose their house in a dragons attack.

She decided to go and sleep some for now but tomorrow she would go to him again and she didn't care if he would burn her or not. She wanted answers and it seemed that he knew what go's wrong. She would this time use her stubbornness that she owned as a viking and wouldn't leave until he would have given at least a few answers.
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