Name: Rose
Age: 16
Rose is a kind and sweet young girl, who puts the needs of others before her own. People usually expect her to have a lot of confidence due to her beauty but actually she's really insecure. The fact that people think she's beautiful makes her incredibly self conscious and doubtful of herself. She doesn't know if they like her for her or because of the way she looks. Aside from her insecurities she has an adventurous spirit which often forces her to push aside her fears and take a leap of faith. She has an almost childish curiousity and loves to go to new places and cities. When she grows closer to someone she will start to feel more at ease which brings out her more mischivous side.
Rose grew up in a tight knit family with two older brothers to watch over her. Her mother worked at the much famed flower shop in the sprawling metropolis Goldenrod City. She doesn't remember much of her father and the only thing she knowns for sure is that he and her mother seperated when she was really young. To provide the flower shop with the flowers they needed for sale Rose and her mother grew their own garden at the back of the house. It was well known throughout Goldenrod City that the flowers of the shop were of superb quality. People from all over Johto came to Goldenrod City to buy their flowers there.
Her older brothers were very protective of her, sticking up for her when needed. They kept all the boys who were interested in her miles away. When her brothers left to become pokemon trainers a lot of the boys in New Bark Town were finally able to ask her out. Rose soon felt they only wanted her as a girlfriend to show her off to their friends. So she decided she wanted out of New Bark Town and become a pokemon trainer herself. Nobody thought she was able to do it and she wanted to prove them wrong.

Gender: Female
-Water Sport
-Stun Spore
Personality: Budew is very dependant on Rose for its care and doesn't like to stray too far away from her. She loves fresh spring water and enjoying the warm sun. She is scared of wild pokemon and will use stun spore to escape from them.
Ability: Natural Cure, Natural Cure heals any status conditions upon switching out.

Level: 13
Gender: Male
-Karate Chop
-Low Sweep
Personality: Machop is fearless and very protective of his trainer and his companion pokemon. He will not back down from a fight and keep his trainer far away of danger in any way shape or form be it other trainers or pokemons. He comes across as tough and relentless but actually he can be very caring to other pokemon, especially Budew. He acts as a sort of big brother to the tiny bud very similar to the relationship between Rose and her brothers. Machop often acts on his own accord and even occassionally escapes his poke ball like he did the first time he and Rose met.
Ability: Guts, increases his attack power when he's either burned, asleep, paralyzed or poisoned
Other: Colton one of Rose's older brothers lent her his Machop. He caught it for her to use while she trained her weaker pokemon. Machop has an intense dislike of Ashley the ex-boyfriend of Rose and her rival.