im going to fucking kill you
how was aunties.
<Snipped quote by LowKey123>
im going to fucking kill you
how was aunties.
“Success is blocked by concentrating on it and planning for it... Success is shy - it won't come out while you're watching.”
Real name: Chad Formost
Gender: Male
Age: 17
Birthdate: January 17th
Grade: Junior year.
Hobbies and interests: Dungeons and Dragons (Role playing), Music, Videogames, Reading, and Writing.
Personality: At first I am very shy, but once you get to know me I open up a lot. Laughing, singing and embarrassing myself in front of my friends is my specialty. I tend to avoid strangers or people I’m not talking to face to face. That’s why I’m not to fond of this project. I’m also usually happy. Smiling is one of my favorite things. Usually I’m not upset unless it comes to my family or grades.
Life before now: My life before now has been alright I guess. My grandpa was a big influence to me at younger ages, but when I was fourteen he passed away. A short few months after, my grandmother passed away too. Both of cancer. My parents worked a lot so of course I got attached to him, I lived with him. I can even remember calling him dad a couple times. As a child though I always got straight A’s at school and my parents had enough money to buy me anything I wanted. I never really wanted anything other than books though. Every Now and then I would ask for something else, a new videogame, a new console, stuff like that. I would also ask for new instrument. I am in marching band and play the Bass Clarinet. I also know how to play the Tuba, Guitar, Double Bass and Trumpet. I had a lot of time on my hands. Being this big of a band geek gets me bullied every now and then but I shrug it off. I didn’t have many friends, only a couple. Not because nobody liked me, but because I chose to stick to myself. I was to focused on school to get a girlfriend, too caught up in band to go out and about with friends, and I had too many books to read to do anything else but practice my instruments, read, write, Play D&D, and make songs. I only made time for those things. I can’t really think of much more to add about my life before now.
Screen Name: InvariantName
Thoughts on the project: Like I said before, I’m, not a big fan of talking to somebody I don’t know over a computer. If I want to meet somebody I’d rather get to know them face to face. Other than that though I think it is a great idea! It gives people something to do, it lets us meet new people, and it is for a grade. It also let’s us write and increase our typing skills. It’s a very good social enhancer
Here is my character again. I didn't want to post it in the CS yet just to make sure.
Is this dead?
<Snipped quote by Treepuncher121>
No, sorry, just waiting for everyone who hasn't posted on the previous RP to post and I'm pretty busy this weekend.
You're paired with Low's charrie once he posts his CS.
<Snipped quote by RainbowReindeer>
I've already posted my cs...?
what's supposed to be happening now?