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Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Shadowcatcher

Shadowcatcher Carelessly Making History

Member Seen 8 mos ago

Based off the Movie Pacific Rim

I don't know if you've heard, but the world is coming to an end? Now, where would you rather die? Here!? Or in a Jaeger!?

Set in the time of 2034 and saying The Bridge was destroyed by the blast from Gypsy Danger but was reopened so we continue fighting the Kaijus. The blast did stop them from coming for a while and set back their category levels, but they are as relentless as before. We fight still using the Jaegers, but there are two different kinds now: Drift and Single models. The new single models alow for smaller, faster, and more maneuverability. The cons are they are less durable and have less power. Most times the are used for recovery missions and escorts through dangerous zones or paired with Drifts. The Kaijus, as said before, are coming a lot slower only 10 in the past year.

We haven't been perfectly safe in our defenses and have had some close calls, but in the year since they started coming again we haven't lost a singel Jaeger. Cities have been damaged and Jaegers have been pretty beat up, but we have always come out on top so far.

Here is how missions are going to work for the Jaeger Program. When we receive a reading of a kaiju then, depending on how many and how big, we will choose the most qualified Jaeger or Jaegers. Your qualification will be determined on how many Kaiju you have taken out, as well as how much damage to a city you have caused. If a fight is brought to a city that will count against you as well as how much damage you cause there. The more fights you win at sea the better your ratings will be.

With there being two models of Jaegers there are also two types giving you three choices: Amphibious Drift or Single, Air single. There can't be Drift air models because ther are simply to big to fly, and we can't have flying robots the size of skyscrapers. Deal with it.

The location of the Rift is now too deep for us to read, but we have a good guess by charting the paths from where the kaiju have come. The searches of the areas have come back negative so far which means we are just shooting in the dark right now.

When you first appear in the RP you will be asked to take a test based on your fighting skills. After your are chosen compatible for either drift or single Jaeger's you will do a simulation of 5 Kaiju fights. You must win at least four out of five to become a Jaeger pilot. If you are deemed worthy then you will recieve your own Jaeger along with your drift partner if you are chosen compatible. Jaeger's are chosen from all around the world and stationed in the Hong Kong Shatterdome so you can be sure that you will be matched with the best Jaeger for you.

(I advise those who will be assigned Drift Partners, that you get comfortable doing collaborations. I reccomend using titanpad.com for lengthy posts such as fighting, where both will need to be present, as it can drag on for a long time if done post by post. Regular interactions can be done within the IC easily of course.)

Do not be afraid of the test. The only way to fail is if you try your best to fail.

Here is a list of the Jaegers that you could possibly be assigned to.
Subject to change as characters get assigned to them

To apply for recruitment you need to simply give the following information.

Name: (Self explanatory)
Alias: (Nickname you want to be called?)
Age: (At least 18. Age does not equal experience, but younger ones will be tested harder to make sure they are tough enough to handle this kind of work.)
Appearance: (Real picture preferred)
Country of Origin:
Occupation: (Aside from being a Jaeger pilot, what else do you do to help out? Possible positions include: Research Division, Communications, Engineering, Recruitment&Training, and Leadership. If you can think of something else productive to do, that's alright too.)
Personality: (Optional)
Backstory: (Also optional. I believe this kind of RP allows for personality and history to be revealed during the RP, and is not necessarily that important for everyone to know.)

Roll Call

Player - Ranger - Callsign - Jaeger
@Shadowcatcher - Yanmei Long - Jade - Slayer
@RainbowReindeer - Valeriya Castus - Valentine - Crystoff
@Genni - Tomiko Fraser - Razor - Shiva
@Torack - Eric Banner - Smiley - Dirty ATL
@Monochromatic - Syberus Fuchs - Zerker - Dirty ATL
@Jangel13 - Angelo Ortega - Archangel - MK-7 Samurai
@Avanhelsing - Jack Logan - Wolf - MK-7 Samurai
@SimplyJohn - Jack Murdock - Bruiser - Cataclysm
@GingerBoi123 - Samuel Bute - TBD - Cataclysm
@Meridian - Diana Lee Watson - Sunny - Shiva

1. Depending on how quickly the rp moves, if you are gone for lengthy periods of time, you may miss a lot and struggle to catch up. Therefore, if you are gone for 3 days without prior notice to me (just tell me. you dont really need a reason, I know life is tough) you will receive a PM from me asking if you want to continue. You will then have 2 days to reply in which case afterwards i will have no choice but to remove your character. But remember, if you tell me before hand that you will be gone, you have an unlimited amount of time before you return. Also keep in mind that you need to try to put your character in a place where the others wont be stuck if you leave. Stick him/her in their room to sleep or something.

2. This is a Casual Roleplay, which means that in terms of writing a post, they need to be at least a paragraph. To me, a paragraph is at least 5 complete sentences. (That does not include any dialogue you have in your post.) It may be 3 sentences for you, but then again, its not your RP, is it? So, please do not be a spam poster. If you are not going to post a decent reply to someone, just don't bother until you think of something more to say.

3. In regards to fighting: if there is a Kaiju attack, first off unless your a Veteran Ranger, your not going to be able to take it down in like a paragraph. You need to write out your fight as if you were actually a noob trying to fight it. Talk about the struggle, if you got hurt, etc. I'm not the one who will write the fights, you are. It's fun and gets everyone else excited so please put some actual effort into a fighting post.

4. In the CS Tab, you will find that characters from the movie are going to be in the RP (for example Mako, Raleigh, Herman, and Newt) that you are free to take control of at any given time. (That is unless someone is using that person. If Mako is helping a recruit with their simulation, she cannot also be having lunch with you at the same time.) I will occasionally use them to add more depth to the RP, but I AM NOT the voice of them. Do not expect me to always be Mako and Raleigh just cause i use them for character development. I'm only one girl.

5. If you have any problems with someone in the RP (like if you are a Dual Jaeger pilot and your partner had been gone for a number of days) please PM me and I will help you resolve it. No point in starting fights in the OOC. (That being said, this is another exception to the first rule. If you leave for a number of days during a Kaiju fight and you stall a lot of people in the RP, you will be killed. Simple as that.)

6. Please have fun! I've put a lot of love into this RP and i want you all to do the same! I'f you are a new recruit and you see the IC has like 300 posts, don't worry. There will be a way to fit you in without any hassle. You wont have to read it all.

7. To show you have read the rules, somewhere in your cs put: "To fight monsters, we created monsters of our own."

Please post your character sheets in the ooc first and wait to be accepted until moving it into the characters tab!!!
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Shadowcatcher

Shadowcatcher Carelessly Making History

Member Seen 8 mos ago

Reserved for Additional Information, Updates, Questions, etc...

  • Be sure to check back here often, as I will likely be updating things here frequently.
  • I will be accepting 12 total members (not including myself) to join the RP and make a character (1 per person.) When those 12 spots are taken, we will be full. (At a total of 13 people) When a member decides to leave or is absent far too long, I will re open the number of spots accordingly.
    Total Number of Open Spots: 4
  • The IC is currently open for those who have accepted characters.
  • There is no posting order. Try to wait for at least two people to post before your next one, just to avoid spam and such. Obviously collabs can be posted however often you like since they are awesome reads. :)
  • Jaeger Capabilities Updated! Special thanks to Genni!! CURRENT LIST SHOWS WEAPONS AVAILABLE FOR ALL JAEGERS.

Shatterdome Layout

Floor 1 - Airfield, Skylift Helicopter Hangar, Supply Bays,1 Comms Array and Scanner Systems
Floor 2 - Auxiliary Jaeger Hangar Access,2 Drivesuit Interface Chambers, Engineering Workshops,3 Research and Development Department
Floor 3 - Kwoon Combat Room, Simulation Chamber, Gymnasium, Shower Room, Medical Bay, Meditation Garden and Swimming Pool
Floor 4 - LOCCENT Mission Control, Crew Quarters, Crew Lounge, Shower Room, Drift Sync Test Chamber and Evacuation Chutes4
Floor 5 - Main Jaeger Hanger Access,2 Marshall's Office, Mess Hall, Chapel, Armoury, Munitions Bays and Power Core5

Each level has surface access via elevators, stairs and maintenance ladders for movement around the base and emergency evacuation.
1 - Non-vital supplies only. Mechanical components and equipment are stored in the Engineering Workshops on level 2, medical supplies are held in the Medical Bay on level 3, food supplies are held in the Mess Hall on level 5 and ammunition and munitions supplies are held in the Armoury also on level 5.
2 - Although the Jaeger Hangar descends the full depth of the Shatterdome and has accessways on every level the two main access routes are on level 5 for the hangar floor and level 2 for maintenance access and Jaeger transferring to the Engineering Workshops for refit and repair.
3 - While previously dedicated to only the maintenance and repair of operational Jaegers the Engineering Workshops have now passed under the banner of the Research and Development Department in order to create new technologies for the latest Jaegers in the field.
4 - Evacuation points are available on every level of the Shatterdome, but as non-essential personnel are confined to level 4 during combat operations a dedicated drop shaft leading to a sub-level monorail is accessible on this level for rapid evacuation of the majority of the base's personnel should it be required.
5 - Main power core access is located on level 5, however the core itself is set into the sea bed beneath the base, so that it may easily be flooded in case of catastrophic containment failure.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Torack
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Torack The Golden Apple

Member Seen 6 days ago

Eric Banner




200 lbs



Country of Origin:


(Will be revealed in RP)

(Will be revealed in RP)

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Shadowcatcher

Shadowcatcher Carelessly Making History

Member Seen 8 mos ago

@Torack your character would be accepted, if you would have read the rules more carefully. *hint hint*
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Torack
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Torack The Golden Apple

Member Seen 6 days ago

@Shadowcatcher That was my bad! Fixed it
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Shadowcatcher

Shadowcatcher Carelessly Making History

Member Seen 8 mos ago

@Torack perfect! XD he is accepted, go ahead and place him in the character bin
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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Silen Syanka
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Silen Syanka The Daydreamer

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

@Shadowcatcheri am so Joining this soon
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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Monochromatic
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Monochromatic Manic Episode Full Blast

Member Seen 10 days ago

On my phone right now, but I'll work on getting a character sheet up once I get home.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Shadowcatcher

Shadowcatcher Carelessly Making History

Member Seen 8 mos ago

Great to both of you!
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Jangel13
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Jangel13 The angel of fortune

Member Seen 5 hrs ago

Name: Angelo Ortega
Alias: Arch Angel
Age: 20
Weight: 250
Height: 6"
Gender: Male
Country of Origin: Spain
Occupation: Engineer
Personality: a hard worker with a heart of gold pretty much covers Angelo in a nutshell seeing as how he has worked hard to both repair his jager and control it. Angelo knows how to fix it and use it and that's how he believes everyone should fight, like in the old ages while you may trust another blacksmith to make you a sword its always better to make it yourself cause you know you put quality and time into it that's the same feeling Angelo has about his jager. Angelo is a nice guy and while he isn't exactly a social butterfly that doesn't mean hes mean he just isn't very social to others but wont hesitate to step in and help someone if asked.
Backstory: an engineer and probably one of the youngest in his line of work but he had a talent for making things and repairing them and always working on jagers before but he secretly practiced in a simulator to blow off steam every once in a while it was only recently that Angelo has become good at it. Soon he was found out and instead of reprimanded was then able to join the program as a pilot.
Born in spain Angelo was raised to believe that family was the most important thing in the world and still does but as he worked with his father finishing a building their was a kaiju that came up nearby and despite how fast Angelo and his father could run they couldn't get far and as a result Angelo father was stomped to death and Angelo would have been dead next if a jager didn't drop in and killed the kaiju and that's when Angelo joined in as an engineer for the jagers to make sure their always battle ready...

Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Monochromatic
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Monochromatic Manic Episode Full Blast

Member Seen 10 days ago

EDIT; Moved it over to the character section.
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Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Shadowcatcher

Shadowcatcher Carelessly Making History

Member Seen 8 mos ago

@Jangel13 your character is accepted. Go on and post him in the characters tab :)

edit: be sure you read over the rules first before you move him to the char tab. you're missing something.

@Monochromatic take your time. Whenever you are finished, feel free to move your character on over to the char tab.

At work right now, so any other cs's will be accepted when I return home.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by RainbowReindeer
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RainbowReindeer trash

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

I'll have a sheet up soon.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by RainbowReindeer
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RainbowReindeer trash

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Name: Valeriya Castus
Alias: Valentine
Age: 24

Weight: 149lbs
Height: 5'11''
Gender: Female
Country of Origin: France
Occupation: Communications

Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Lennon79
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Lennon79 Senpai

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Shadowcatcher

Shadowcatcher Carelessly Making History

Member Seen 8 mos ago

@RainbowReindeer@Lennon79 both of our characters are accepted
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by RainbowReindeer
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RainbowReindeer trash

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Awesome, can't wait!
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Jangel13
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Jangel13 The angel of fortune

Member Seen 5 hrs ago

So we ready to go yet?
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Shadowcatcher

Shadowcatcher Carelessly Making History

Member Seen 8 mos ago

nearly ready to start up here. i be getting up the intro post by tomorrow :)
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Jangel13
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Jangel13 The angel of fortune

Member Seen 5 hrs ago

Let's kill some kaiju and send them back to hell!
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