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BuriedComic7 Soft Taco Enthusiast

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Marx
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Marx The number you have dialed has been disconnected.

Member Seen 28 days ago

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Gareth

Gareth KingKlutz

Member Seen 7 mos ago

Name:Michelle Tero

Age: 18

Gender: Female


Personality:She will approach people even strangers if she has a reason to. She loves to work hard and gets angry with people who sit back and reap the rewards from others hard labour. She is honest and will tell people what she thinks even if it could hurt someone's feelings. She loves jokes even though she can't think of a single one herself.

Likes:Getting work done, being outdoors, helping other people out, ice cream sandwiches, skateboarding, shopping.

Dislikes:People who put their muscles before their using their brains, fighting, lazy people, pickles, bullies.

Power:Sound Manipulation

Biography:Michelle was born and lived the early part of her childhood in the village of Lisen. From an early age she learned to be responsible as she had four younger brothers and sisters to look after. Michelle herself was taught the basics of how to look after everything at the young age of ten. She didn't mind that she had a lot of work and that she couldn't go to school, except for the summers when her parents had a few months booked holiday to take time away from their jobs.

It wasn't all work for her at that time, her and her family went on trips across country to go camping, to water parks, to mountain climbing, all this outdoors y kind of stuff. These trips built her confidence and helped her make new friends.

At the age of sixteen she moved to Pavar, and started at the school there in grade ten, it was tough at first being in a new area with new people but she adapted. And when she was lonely she always went for a walk and saw the sights and that would take her mind away from negative thoughts. At high school she started to hang out with a couple of friends she made and then went out around the city shopping, skateboarding, to the theatre, to the convenience store for a soda pop, with the little money her parents bothered to give her here and there.

Her Awakening: It was the summer after she had finished her grade ten year when they were on a camping trip. This particular day just her and her dad decided to hike up a moutain and they were most of the way up. Michelle was getting sick of having to wait for her father to catch up to her and she looked over her shoulder to see a grizzly bear right behind him, she wanted to faint. Her eyes went wide and her face became almost the color of chalk as she tried to get a word out to warn her dad. Her father saw the look she gave his way and checked behind him and panicked as he slipped on a rock and fell in front of the bear.

The bear saw a victim and raised its paw to put it down and that's when michelle yelled, "NO!!!" a sound wave came out of her mouth and struck the bear hard, it put a paw to its head as it must have had a bad headache and ran down the mountain away from them.

She was confused at how her voice had changed like that, but obviously it had and then the shock of everything that just happened came crashing down on her. She hugged her dad and made sure never to let him out of her sight again while they were on that camping trip.

When she entered grade twelve she decided to get a job directing traffic with her special voice, and she has been doing that ever since.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Shoe Thief
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Shoe Thief The Real Shoe Thief

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Name: Hunter Monroe

Age: 19, Senior

Gender: Male


Power: The power of Electrical Manipulation

Personality: Hunter is one of those people who can be either your best friend or your worst enemy. He has a tendency to get defensive about himself and the people he cares about and will take action if he feels need be. He will not start a fight if he doesn't have too though, This does not mean he isn't willing to get into a fight. For the most part Hunter is mellow and tends to be easy going. Though he also tends to have a short attention span to the point of random things may be said every once and a while, or if he doesn't like you much may easily ignore you.

Likes: Guns, games, good stories, his friends and Family.

Dislikes: Bills, work, people using money and power to control others aggressively, bills.

History: Hunters family has lived in Pavar for generations, though this also means he doesn't have much family outside of Pavar. With his parents divorced his mom moved out of Pavar well his dad stayed in it. After a car accident with his dad though Hunter was forced to balance school, work, and taking care of his dad and his younger brother. His mom is encouraging both him an his brother to move in with her, but he is determined to let his younger brother stay in the same school for the last few years. So if he moves, his dad can't take care of his brother.

Awakening: Hunter has decided to go out late one night, his brother was at a friends and his dad had enough medication to get him through the week, plus he's pretty sure there was something about the draft going on. Hunter didn't watch football really so he took this as his chance to get out. He didn't have a lot of money to spare but he had enough to go into town and walk around, it was late, maybe 11PM? Curfew was definitely in effect. But Hunter was not in the age range anymore, he could do what he wanted now.

After walking for a while the cool desert breeze started to get to him, He left his jacket in his dads truck, which was who know where. And everywhere was closed for the night, other then the mall, most the places in there would be closed but for some reason the mall it self was open. Hunter didn't care, he was going to enjoy his night out.

He didn't get far though, He made it half way through the parking lot before his headache kicked in. He has been getting them on and off for the last week or so, but this one was the worst. He tried to stay calm but he still let out a muffled scream, then it stopped. He was sitting there on his knees and he felt like his head was just cleared of any and all pains. Like nothing happened. He felt great actually! He went into the mall pumped up but the doors didn't open, they stayed shut but the mall was definitely open. Hunter tried to apply some force to the door, sometimes they were built with that emergency release set up. but the second he put his hand on the door it shot open, not just fast, but sparks flying door going off hinges flying.

He didn't believe it at first... But he kinda got the idea when people were starting to look at the events at the door. "Someone... should fix that..." He tried his best to walk casually into the mall, he wasn't good at it though, he was still freaked out about what was going on. Did he do that? was the door broken? He sat down int he food court and starred at his hands. "No way that was me... Just... No way..." Then as if on cue a few sparks jumped from one hand to the other, then back. But Hunter just sat there, as if this was normal, it felt normal. Oh the possibilities were endless.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Winter05
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Winter05 Queen ♔

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Name: Crystal Teufel

Age: 18 years old

Gender: Female

Power: {Dry Ice Manipulation}

Personality: Secretive. Nonchalant. Anti-social.

Likes: Dark Chocolate. Tea. Hot Cocoa. Small animals. Music. Anything cold.

Dislikes: Noise. Heat. People. Smell of smoke.

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by 22ice22
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22ice22 Solid Sentient H2O

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by corrosive


Banned Seen 3 yrs ago

Name: Carson Anthony Graye.

Age: Seventeen (Senior).

Gender: Male.

Power: Duplication (temporal) - Ability to bring past and future versions of oneself back to the present.

Personality: Carson is full of wasted potential, a kid who grew up being told that he was smart and that he had a chance to go very far. He was imaginative and creative, often writing silly stories or drawing strange monsters. Though he is smart, incredibly clever and prone to thinking of complex plans and ideas, he's also very lazy. The extent of this laziness is almost horrifying, he has a tendency to never complete assignments, sometimes to never start them at all, it's nearly ridiculous the levels that he's willing to go to avoid doing them in general. Prone to trying to avoid tests and to trying to skip school, Carson is almost always ready to jump at a moment's notice. Too preoccupied in his own self to care about the grades that he's let drastically fall. Though he tends to look on the bright side and keeps an almost amused air about everything that he faces.

Likes: Parties, smoking, meeting people, beaches, rain, animals, video games, drawing.

Dislikes: Arguments that involve screaming or loud noises, math, dreams that end on cliff hangers.

History: He was born here with his mother and father, a pair who were often on the fritz of divorcing and that kept him almost always on the edge, made him sort of act out. He became very good at story telling, found a penchant for weaving tales to all who would listen to him but as he got older, his parents started to find that the tales had become clever lies and that the boy was no longer making his gentle stories but instead finding new ways to trick them into letting him do just about everything he wanted to do. This often got him in trouble, leaving him to his own devices, the boy started to rely on his story telling to guide him forth, found ways to weasel out windows and he ended up constantly getting in trouble. This new habit of sneaking out at night and becoming somewhat lazy with his school work lead him to dropping in his grades and the stories gave way to his new hobbies, bumming cigarettes and disappointing his dear parents.


Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Penguin
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Member Seen 6 mos ago

Name: Rosaline Gale

Age: 17 (Senior)

Gender: Female

Power: Telekinesis

Personality: Rose is a quirky individual, always looking to have fun in any way possible. She's outgoing, super friendly, and never afraid to speak her mind. Despite being very kind, she's got a bit of an attitude and never fails to say something sarcastic. She's as stubborn as a bull and will not change her mind once it's set on something. Rose is also on the reckless side. She often jumps into situations too fast, especially if a loved one is in trouble.

Likes: Cats, comic books, baking, coffee, music, skateboarding, italian food, the color pink

Dislikes: Rude or judgmental people, smoking, liars, schoolwork

History: Rosaline's life has been up until this point quite normal. To her knowledge, she was born to Benjamin and Jocelyn Gale. They had always lived in Pavar. She had been close with both and was well-raised to be an intelligent and lively girl. Benjamin and Rose had done everything together. The two of them were best friends. Then one day, when Rose was around twelve years old, he left without a trace. Her mother had no explanation to give her other than that she was too young to understand. Even today, Rose still hasn't gotten a clear-cut reason from her. Nonetheless, the two remained close over the years.


"Rosie! Hurry up! The doors open in thirty minutes!"
The sun rays beat down on the streets as two young girls rushed to the Sand Creek Mall that Saturday morning. Everyone knew today was the big sale. The short, skinny blonde girl in the black knit beanie swerved right and left weaving through the crowd of people as her taller, brunette friend ran up ahead of her. The sun beat down on them hard that day even so early in the morning. Her friend was the track star of the school. Even on a skateboard, Rose was working up a sweat trying to keep up with her.

"Geez Hannah! Can you go any slower?"Rose playfully called up to her friend, "The mall isn't going anywhere!"

"The mall might not be moving but that Betsy Johnson bag might be!" The girl yelled back over her shoulder. She was so far ahead now that her voice was being carried off by the wind. Rose barely understood what she had even said.

Rosaline groaned and picked up her skateboard, "What!?"She yelled. "Hannah where-.."She got on her tippy toes to try to get sight of the girl, craning her neck, her fair hair spilling down her back. "Fudge brownie..."She muttered, cursing in her own strange way. She went to sprint forward only to find her body being jerked backward. A big hand covered her mouth and another wrapped around her waist, yanking her into the dark, filthy alleyway. She was dragged behind the dumpster and soon she was greeted by the cool feeling of sharp metal up against her neck.

Rose's eyes darted left and right, sizing up the situation. Three tall figures stood in front of her, all wearing masks that hid all but their eyes. The tallest one was holding a knife to her neck. He had to bend down to do so. Rose almost laughed despite her building fear. She was so pathetically short. "Uh. You boys heading to the mall too? "She asked nervously.

"Shut up." The one with the knife snapped coldly. "Take out your wallet now, blondie."

"Okay."Rose whispered. She didn't really have much of a choice other than to pull her backpack slowly off her shoulder and began searching through it for her wallet.

"She's very cute. I bet we could get away with messing with her for a while too."One suggested.
His friends laughed, "We totally could!"

A sharp jolt of terror went through Rose's body and she stopped searching to clutch her bag in horror. Giving up a couple of twenties was one thing but that was a whole different level. She looked up with wide eyes, hearing sudden thuds. The three men were flying through the air. Two smacked hard into the wall while the other went rolling on to the floor. "What even..." Rose questioned it for maybe a millisecond before throwing her bag back over her shoulder and sprinting out of the alley. She bumped hard into someone and glanced up. It was Hannah.

"Rose what the hell are you doing? Let's go!"

Rose stared at her for a moment, her mind still whirling from the incident. Her heart was pounding hard against her ribs, threatening to pop out of her chest. "Umm... Sorry. " Rose managed to utter in reply.

"Yeah whatever." She sighed and grabbed Rose by the wrist, dragging her down the street. Rose looked over her shoulder to see the thugs emerging from the alley, rubbing their heads in pain. They seemed as confused as she was.

Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Marx
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Member Seen 28 days ago

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Apollo
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Sayuri Suzuki





Atmokinesis - the ability to manipulate the atmosphere, like making storms.

Sayuri is quiet and reserved. She prefers the company of books and enjoys being in libraries or coffee houses. She loves music and must always have music on. She can be a bit distracted sometimes since she has Obsessive Compulsive Disorder. She can sometimes have mood swings that come out of nowhere.

Likes: Anime, music, manga, reading, sci-fi, researching, libraries, learning, swimming, kayaking.

Dislikes: Tardiness, being told her opinion is wrong, not being taken seriously, black coffee, hovering adults, being part of a group, not having her own private space.

Sayuri was born in a small seaside town in the countryside of Japan. Her mother is Japanese and her father was American. They lived in Japan for the first five years of her life before moving to Pavar. She speaks fluent Japanese and English with native accents. She is an only child and sometimes she wishes that she had siblings, though this feeling is usually at war with her introverted personality. She’s always done good in school and she had plans to eventually go to Oxford to earn a degree in Astrophysics, however, a very powerful event in her life changed everything.

When she was 15, her father was killed in a mugging as he was coming home from work. Her father’s death devastated Sayuri and her mother. She started feeling depressed and she had nightmares. Her mother became distant, when before she used to be warm and loving. Sayuri felt her mother drift away into herself. It hurt Sayuri that her mother was still there, but leaving her to fend for herself emotionally. Her mother started taking pills and no longer treated Sayuri like her daughter. She became cold and threw herself into her work as a bank executive.

Sayuri began to have difficulties managing her emotions. She started to have more mood swings and she occasionally felt the urge to snap at people and tell them mean things - though she never did. Her grades began to suffer. She was still learning, but she wouldn’t do her homework and didn’t care about turning it in. She didn’t care about the future or where she would go to school. Life seemed meaningless to her. What was the point of living when you could get mugged inches from your car and murdered?

Even after realizing she had a gift, it only made life harder for her. Her gift was volatile and it meant that she had to try and keep a tighter reign on her emotions. It was enough to make someone crazy. Sayuri believed that she would eventually go crazy.

Everyone was crying. Her mother was crying - the last time she ever would. Her aunts and uncles were crying, the hypocrites. They never liked her father and it made her sick that they were pretending to now. All of her father’s friends were there. He hadn’t had any blood relatives. Her father had always told her that she was his whole world.

Sayuri hadn’t been able to cry. Her mother had slapped her in the car minutes before the ceremony at the graveyard, but she couldn’t cry. It was like she’d dried up before she’d even had a chance to shed a single tear. Even the black suits and black dresses and black mesh covering her aunts’ faces, and even the priest making his speech over her father’s casket as it was being lowered - none of it let it her cry. It made her angry, but she couldn’t even hold on to that anger. It was leaking out of her. Leaking out like the tears were supposed to.

She looked up at the clear sky and the scorching sun. She felt hot in her black mourning dress. Her father would have thought this was funny. People wearing ridiculous clothing during a hot summer day. The sky was trying to cry too. She could feel it in her bones. But it couldn’t cry. Not until she did.

The priest stopped speaking and people formed a line to pour dirt into the hole where her dad would live for the rest of eternity. When it was her turn, she picked up a handful of sand.

“What a strange custom,” she thought - and then she opened her hand and started to cry. She fell to the ground and a pain so absolute blossomed inside her soul and filled her completely. She let out a silent scream and tears streamed down her face so violently that she could feel herself being hollowed out. Someone was at her side, she didn’t know who. Water began to pool underneath her and she thought it was strange that she could cry so much as to create a pool. And then it seemed to go dark. She could hear people calling out to her, but she didn’t want to hear them. Thunder boomed. Someone tried to move her and she cried out. There was a flash of light and then - boom! The thunder was right on top of them and she could feel buckets of water pouring down on her. Why were they throwing buckets of water at her?

She finally looked up. The sun was gone. Instead, dark living clouds covered the sky. They roared with anger and sadness and she knew that it was her own anger, her own sadness, trapped in those clouds.

“Where did this rain come from?” She heard someone yell. Everyone around her was drenched and trying to find cover. It began to hail and large chunks of hail hit the ground around her. One of her uncles would later have a black eye were one large piece of hail hit him. Lightning fell from the sky. The wind howled and she could feel it fly by her faster than she ever had before. Part of her mind registered tornadoes in the distance. People were trying to stay on the ground, but she saw the priest carried past her by strong winds. She almost laughed in hysteria.

She could feel bits of debris hitting her face, but she didn’t care. Her emotions were pouring out and she didn’t want it to stop. But part of her knew that she had to stop. And so she did. Her energy had expended itself. She could feel the clouds moving away. Rays of sunlight shone through the dark clouds. The rain stopped and so did everything else. When she looked up at the sky again, the sun was back. She fell to the ground and let herself smile sadly.

“Goodbye father,” she said. She has not been able to cause a storm like that again and wasn’t sure if she ever would be able to again.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by BuriedComic7
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BuriedComic7 Soft Taco Enthusiast

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Voidself
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Voidself Virtually Nonexistent.

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Name: Theodore Harrison.

Age: 19.

Gender: Male.

Power: Plant Manipulation: The ability to manipulate plants.

Personality: Haughty and spoiled, Theodore breezes through life like he owns it and often doesn't take the feelings of others into consideration. A selfish nature but also a quiet one, he becomes overwhelmed by loss of control and that can force him into sullen solitudes. These solitudes often end in spiteful anger and he is also prone to fits of frustration, easily unsettled by even the smallest things. Though he isn't all negatives, he has a childlike awe for the small things things in life and he becomes heavily interested in whatever he sets his mind to.

Likes: Cats, starry nights, collecting books, reading, summer days, nature, cloudy days, astrology, astronomy, Christmas.

Dislikes: Cigarette smoke, winter days, fog, frost, most insects, chocolate, dogs.

History: Born in Manhattan, New York, he spent a good portion of his life living in a very expensive apartment with his single father. He never knew much of his mother and he never cared to know much, his father didn't like talking about her and he didn't like pressing for details. They moved to Pavar when he was fifteen and he's kind of been holding a grudge about it ever since, he'll swear up and down that he was cheated out of a perfectly fine life in New York.

Hidden 10 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Whoami
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Whoami All things atmospheric...

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Kana Matell

18 (Senior)


Kana has some muscle definition that suggests she is very active in her day to day activities. On her left shoulder is a flaming sun, on her right is a crescent moon. Between her shoulder blades, there is a compass tattoo. Kana has piercings on both of her ears, just small ones, and a larger piercing in her belly button. She has two precious gems inlaid in the back of her hands, a form of body modification that isn't very common. The gem in her left hand is a blood red ruby and the gem in her right hand is an azure blue sapphire. Both gems are pure and flawless, she never discloses the price of them. Strangely enough, the gems don't seem to bother Kana in the slightest. She changes her style up every other week, which usually includes different coloring in her hair or a totally different style of clothing.

Kana prefers colorful clothing and has a 'mix-it-up' attitude with them. She doesn't care if her top doesn't match her sweater. Kana usually wears knee-high socks with shorts or a skirt but jeans aren't an uncommon sight with her either. She enjoys hoodies of varying style but likes the zippered ones the most. Kana will commonly wear fingerless gloves to keep the inlaid gems out of sight or arm gloves on colder days, she doesn't keep the gems a secret but she doesn't like it when people gawk at them. Sometimes Kana will wear caps.

Astral-Elemental Synchronicity
Kana is attuned to astral patterns of the sun and the moon and draws elemental energies from them both. During the day, Kana can wield the element of fire. At night, she can wield element of ice. When both the sun and the moon are in the sky and are visible, Kana can wield both elements. When the moon eclipses the sun, her ice wielding powers are doubled. On the rarer occasion that the sun emits a solar flare, Kana's fire wielding powers are doubled. During the day, Kana's eyes glow a fiery orange color; during the night, they glow a brilliant azure blue.

Kana is a bit of a problem child. She is quite rebellious and fiery, taking her pride to the next level if somebody tries to dent it. Loyalty is one of her biggest morals, she will kindly treat those who know how to keep a secret or come to her side when she needs a hand. She can't stand being called butterfly, and will often use her power as a means to intimidate if she is called that. She may come off as a bit of a bitch normally, but deep down inside, is a girl who wanted a happy family and happy life. Her desire for that makes her long for a lasting friendship with people that she can call a brother or a sister, but her exterior attitude often pushes people away. Those that do manage to breach her hard exterior, find a girl that had no control throughout her childhood. When it comes to talking, Kana is rather unfiltered and will say what she has on her mind most of the time.

Kana is an avid racer and a competitor at almost anything she sets her eyes on. She loves driving and she actually seems totally at ease when she in the driver seat of a fast car. When competing against somebody, she will take a defeat honorably and respect her opponent or encourage them if they lose. Kana enjoys the company of others who are into fun competition, and that is the best way to get to know the girl behind the bad ass. She takes up a challenge on a whim if it is claimed she can't do something which can sometimes be exploited to get the best of her.

While Kana may seem like a delinquent, she is actually very smart. She is always on time with her classes and diligent, never complaining about a bit of extra work. Kana tries to keep her intelligence masked with a somewhat thuggish attitude, finding it funny when people think she will hit first and ask questions later, only to get a nasty surprise that she outmaneuvered and outsmarted her opponent in a battle of wits. The result: A quick thinking glass cannon.

Kana doesn't like talking about her family, and often tries to change the topic when it comes around.

Street racing, parkour, physical activity, competition, electronic music, old-school horror movies

Self-doubt, disrespect, show-offs, cheesy romance, gangsters, police

Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by RainbowReindeer
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RainbowReindeer trash

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Gnome Johnson
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Gnome Johnson Vertically Challenged

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Warm Regret

Warm Regret

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

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