Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by The Omnipotent Sphere
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The Omnipotent Sphere Of Omnipotence

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

@Thrashy I think you should bring in a co-GM who is not playing, anyone else will have a bias.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Inlaa
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Inlaa Yes, that's a dwarf with sunglasses.

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

@Thrashy I think you should bring in a co-GM who is not playing, anyone else will have a bias.

Unless you absolutely can't find anyone else that isn't a player that wants to co-GM.

I'm just going to play. I GM tabletop games IRL; that's more than enough GMing for me. I'm freakin' pooped out of GMing.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by babbysama
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babbysama The babby

Member Seen 2 mos ago

I agree with @The Omnipotent Sphere, if you can find someone of course. If not, I think we'll have to settle for someone inside the RP for the interest of time.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Thrashy
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Thrashy smashy-splashy

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

There's something wrong with my computer. It's slow as fuck and sometimes programs won't start. Might be a virus, but scans won't pick anything up. I will need to get it repaired, and I don't have access to other computers. Needless to say, I don't know if I will be able to GM this at all. I'm so SO sorry. I would hate to see the game die, though, so if anyone would like to step in temporarily and GM it until I can get this shit sorted, that'd be great.

Again, I am SO sorry :/
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Inlaa
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Inlaa Yes, that's a dwarf with sunglasses.

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

It's okay, we'll just have to burn you at the stake.

I mean accept your computer's faults. And take it from you.

...I mean, yes, understandable.
1x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by babbysama
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babbysama The babby

Member Seen 2 mos ago

@Thrashy Shit happens sometimes man, it's totally understandable. Hope you'll be able to get it fixed soon. I still want to participate regardless, I think it'll be a really fun RP and we have a lot of great players involved. I don't think I myself am up to the task, but if there is anyone willing to step in as temp-GM I would still be totally down for being involved in this RP.

In the meantime, if nobody minds I can help work on vassals to expediate the process a bit so we can get the OOC up. Would that be alright with everyone?
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Roleplayer001


Member Seen 4 mos ago


The Honorable Kingdom of Runvall

Capitol: Ehren
Northern City: Macht
Eastern City: Schwere
Southern City: Gewalt
Western City: Sulze

House Ehren
His Majesty, King Baldur the Good, 40, Sovereign, has maintained a good and stable reign. A warrior of renown and a good judge of men, although too passionate for his own good.
Her Majesty, Queen Consort Marina, 32, Wife, in love with Baldur and a former beauty.
His Royal Highness, Prince Wolfram the Third, 20, Son, wants to give Runvall economic and administrative reform
His Highness, Prince Franz the Second, 18, Son, wants to be an adventurer and fix the world's problems.
Her Highness, Princess Alicia, 18, Daughter, downright gorgeous and wants to get married. Twin of Alicia.
Her Highness, Princess Renate, 13, Daughter, precious gem of Baldur and still innocent.
His Highness, Prince Swen the Griffin, 35, Brother, wants to gain his own title and form an elite order even among the elite. Celibate.

Almost completely humans.

Runvall was originally a few independent farming towns out in the unclaimed wilderness. A thousand years ago, dragons and all sorts of mythical beasts started to show up out of no where and terrorize the villagers. Knights and adventurers came to the area, seeking to make a living by fixing the peasant's problems. Over time 5 major forts of operation were built to act as bases of operation in purging the lang of great beasts. Eventually merchants and other peasants started to build up cities around these areas and seek a profit by maintaining the forts. This built friendship and dependence on both sides of their relationship and the values that define Runvall to this day.

Generations passed and eventually the vast majority of the great beasts were driven out or slain, and there was much rejoicing. The question of "now what?" arose. The knights could go home, but after spending two hundred years purging the darkness of Runvall they realized Runvall was home. The knights could go conquer, but they were tired of fighting. So the knights stayed with their keeps and continued doing what they had always done - keeping the land clear of darkness, fighting bandits, or going off elsewhere and then coming back home with their paycheck. Eventually leaders for each of the forts were elected based on deeds, and the forts combined into Runvall.

Over time government developed, and due to the continuous state of peace the land developed into a healthy society where farmers could profit, knights could be just, and infrastructure could be developed. Recently however, a debt has hit the throne because of a drought that passed through the land. Taking out loans to support the peasant class and prevent mass starvation was worthwhile, but expensive.
Traditions & Culture
Defend those who cannot defend themselves! Triumph over those who wish to spread darkness! If we stay stalwart in our conviction, we will make this world good!

The Runvall military is well equiped, trained, and motivated. While smaller than most armies, they can pack a punch if used with an ally. Alone, Runvall faces several difficulties.

The only peasants that fight with the Runvall army are the archery corp. While well equipped and somewhat trained, they are by no means re-known. About two thirds of the army in wartime is filled with longbow levies trained to shoot in volleys and provide support for the knights.

Everyone else who fights is a knight. They have a strong military tradition focused around chivalry, loyalty, and honor. Incredibly motivated by the Task, their morale is intense. This is the major feature of the Runvall military and is what makes it a pain in the neck to fight.

First, the knights have Rankorian horses. These horses, possibly spawned by magic, are difficult to compare to normal horses. They can carry heavy armor without a problem, can be aggressive, and can go incredibly fast.

The knights usually charge first with lances, capable of shattering all but the most elite heavy infantry. Then they fight with heater shields and longswords, using the horses and their maneuverability to their advantage. Killing a knight on one of these horses is a difficult task - the knight and horse are both wearing full plate armor to help deflect arrows.

When fully armored, it is difficult but possible for opposing light horsemen to be able to catch up to these heavy knights. However, you still have to kill these elites. Seriously don't bother running away. If necessary a horn will be sounded and the knights will return to get new lances and once again do an incredible charge.

Runvall also runs excellent supply caravans in peacetime, and that practice helps with wartime as well. The ability to keep troops well fed and watered is something Runvall is known for - many armies have to pillage the land they are in to sustain themselves, but the caravans of Runvall make that unnecessary for the knights. Overall, the knights make the Runvall military maneuverable, devastating, and quick to get around.

One of the reasons that Runvall is able to maintain off of caravans though is that the army is small. Compared to a nation of it's size, Runvall only has about 70% of their numbers. This helps keep coffers full and peasants from dying, but makes maintaining a drawn out battle somewhat of a challenge.

Additionally, the job of the knights is to defend the weak. That means not sending the weak in front of you as infantry as cannon-fodder. The Runvall infantry consists of knights whose horses have died on the field of battle and are forcing a fair fight from the ground.

Finally, Runvall has no experiences with siege warfare - this kingdom was made in peace, not conquest. While the castles and forts of the old orders are incredibly strong, offensively Runvall has no idea about what to do.

These weaknesses force Runvall to work with an ally to be able to hold ground or take land. Luckily, Runvall has a good reputation as an ally and can be depended upon for cavalry support.


Known as honorable to a fault, a dependable ally in both peace and war, and a bit out of place in this world.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Inlaa
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Inlaa Yes, that's a dwarf with sunglasses.

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

@Thrashy Shit happens sometimes man, it's totally understandable. Hope you'll be able to get it fixed soon. I still want to participate regardless, I think it'll be a really fun RP and we have a lot of great players involved. I don't think I myself am up to the task, but if there is anyone willing to step in as temp-GM I would still be totally down for being involved in this RP.

In the meantime, if nobody minds I can help work on vassals to expediate the process a bit so we can get the OOC up. Would that be alright with everyone?

I'd be fine with you working on vassals. And in all seriousness: no big deal, Thrashy.
1x Thank Thank
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Melkor
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Melkor The Nerd Formerly Known as Melkor

Member Seen 6 mos ago

I posted my nation's location.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Rae Zer
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Rae Zer Fear the Rae Zerg!

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

I posted my nation's location.

Your location overlaps Inlaa's Nation's lands.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by babbysama
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babbysama The babby

Member Seen 2 mos ago

We could even divide the work of creating vassals, or even let the creators of the NS create vassals for themselves (though I do like what Thrashy was doing). I'll start working on Runvall's vassals.

Can we all agree to close new applications for now? Is there any land even left? Also, I know Thrashy said something about filling in the rest of the land with petty king territories and bandits and stuff like that---NPC nations that could add flavor and an element of chance to everything.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Melkor
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Melkor The Nerd Formerly Known as Melkor

Member Seen 6 mos ago

<Snipped quote by Melkor>

Your location overlaps Inlaa's Nation's lands.

Sorry about that, I didn't notice. I guess that I'll withdraw my interest because I'd have to re-write a ton of my NS to change my location. Happy RPing!
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by ulsterwarrior


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

I'm just wondering, have I been accepted? Because if so, I can help create vassals too, if you want the help.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Rae Zer
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Rae Zer Fear the Rae Zerg!

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

I'm just wondering, have I been accepted? Because if so, I can help create vassals too, if you want the help.

There has been no mention of your acceptance. Personally I think your sheet is fine, what does everybody else think?

As for Thrashy's leaving. If y'all want I'll take the mantle of Gm and drop my nation until we know if he will return or not.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by babbysama
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babbysama The babby

Member Seen 2 mos ago

@Rae Zer I would be fine with this.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Slamurai
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Member Seen 3 mos ago

Whatever gets our show on the road soonest!
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Rae Zer
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Rae Zer Fear the Rae Zerg!

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

@ulsterwarrior I would say you are accepted. Does anybody feel the opposite? If not, then I shall begin work on your vassals.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by JaymesDL


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Hello, ya'll I read he beginning post and am very interested in joining. Joined the site because I was looking for a nation RPG like this in fact. I was wondering if there was still a spot on the map open? I'll start reading the other people nations and figure out my own if there is if not then maybe next time. Thank you!
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by The Omnipotent Sphere
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The Omnipotent Sphere Of Omnipotence

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

@JaymesDL Our current GM situation is a little confused, as Thrashy is having difficulties.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Inlaa
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Inlaa Yes, that's a dwarf with sunglasses.

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

As for Thrashy's leaving. If y'all want I'll take the mantle of Gm and drop my nation until we know if he will return or not.

@Rae Zer You seem like an alright sort, so I have zero complaints about you GMing.

Concerning vassals, I like the idea of someone else making them for me. I want to see what someone else's take on my vassals would be.
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