Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Rae Zer
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Rae Zer Fear the Rae Zerg!

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

<Snipped quote by Thrashy>

Thanks. I should be done with the NS soon. I was wondering how you guys made those border adjustments. I'm not sure how to do it.

I used imgur's editing software which allows you to draw on a picture. I'm not sure about everybody else.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by The Omnipotent Sphere
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The Omnipotent Sphere Of Omnipotence

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

@ulsterwarrior I don't know how much instruction you need, but:

I uploaded it to http://imgur.com/.

After making an account (really easy), scrolling over your account name in the upper right will make a drop down box appear. Click "images" and then upload from the web.

Paste the image link of the map in the box that appears. Click the image when it uploads, edit, advanced, draw. Crudely demarcate your realm, save and paste in your sheet.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Inlaa
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Inlaa Yes, that's a dwarf with sunglasses.

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

...I just realized that I COMPLETELY forgot to fill in the Economy section.

Let me add that today.

@Inlaa The deity shares a common mythological origin with the Ospain Pantheon, and their version of her is located Here. Working off those names, her name in Jura is Surana, and they believe the moon is her consort (named Juran). She is sometimes referred to by name, but more often she is called "the Goddess" or "Mother Light."

And I'll fix that shortly.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by ulsterwarrior


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Name: Aranor
Capital and Major Settlements:
Alayun, The First City
Ruler and Royal Family:
King Halavor (appears 24, actually 652), King of the Forest
Queen Alys (appears 22, actually 645), Queen of the Waves
First Warden Valerion (appears 18, actually 331), Commander of the Green Wardens, Son of Halavor and Alys
Princess Edeneth (Appears 16, actually 225), Daughter of Halavor and Alys
Elves, with the few exceptions of humans that have been deemed worthy and accepted the Ways.
Kingdom Traits:
Beloved by the People
Wondrous Beauty
Military Traits:
Masters of Ambush
Good Equipment
Light Armor
Good Archers
Riding the Waves
The Green Wardens (custom): The Green Wardens are an elite group of warriors whose sole task to prevent any outsiders from entering Aranor. They are some of the greatest marksmen in Seyan, as well being proficient in hand to hand combat.
Trade Traits:Agriculture
Even Your Horses Look Weak
Arguable Claims
Shoot First, Ask Questions Later (custom +1): The Green Wardens are an agreesive group. Generally, when they see outsiders approaching their woods, they will attack them first, before asking questions. This tactic may meen the safety of Aranor, but it also means a general dislike from all outsiders.
Aranor is a great mystery of Seyan. Not many know if it or what secrets it hides. Many outsiders have dreamed up fantastic stories of what happens in those thick woods, many of which are untrue. They claim that the Elves can still manipulate magic, a skill they lost a long time ago. Others say that they worship demons, offering the souls of innocents and kidnapping children to convert them. However, Aranor has a relatively simple culture.
The Kingdom of Aranor is actually divided into two different peoples. There are the Visalar, those who follow Visnar, the God of Nature, and dwell in the forests. Then there are the Malisalar, those who follow Maalissa, the Goddess of the Occean, and dwell by the sea. Both equally respect each other and consider each other their own. This union is signified by the custom of marrying the ruler of Aranor to one of the opposite people. So, as King Halavor is a Visalar, he married Alys, a Malisalar.
Aranorians believe in equality and no one person is put above the other. There is no landed nobility, though there are those who rule over certain sections of Aranor, ensuring its safety. Males are considered equal to females, and even lesser to some radical Malisalar. Everyone lives in peace, devoting their long lives to the preservation of nature and the prevention of the harmful ways humans destroy it.
The Aranorian army is primarily comprised of the Green Wardens. These men and women devote their lives to patrolling the borders of Aranor, preventing anyone from entering their woods. They are expert marksmen, some of the best in Seyan. Aranorians practice archery from birth, and their long lives add to their expertise. The Green Wardens blend well with the forest, becoming part of it. Due to this, they are often called the Hidden Demons by outsiders. The Green Wardens are the only part of the military, or any Aranorians, seen by outsiders, and it so assumed that they are their entire military.
This is wrong, though. Aranor actually has a strong military of infantry. They are mostly pikemen, wielding the ilathu, a long staff with a large blade at the end. However, they are also skilled in archery and swordsmanship, like most Aranorians. Despite having a well-rounded infantry, these men are light armored, as Aranorians prefer speed to defense. Also, they have a pitiful cavalry, as they cannot think of risking the lives of horses in battle. Aranor does have a strong navy, due to the efforts of the Malisalar. They are small, swift vessels, yet extremely powerful.
Overall, Aranor has a strong military, though it is wasted on them. They are not aggressive. They do not seek to conquer and pillage. This military was created only out of necessity, as a means to defend the land they love so much from those who destroy it. Aranor will never sally out of their land, unless it is absolutely needed. That time may be coming, though.
Aranor does not have the strongest of economies. They don’t even have a set form of currency. They practice trading and so do not mint coins. However, due to Aranor’s love of the land, they have some of the most fertile and beautiful soil, causing them to buy access to the trade between other nations. Aranor does not often trade with her neighbor states, though she will, if she deems it necessary.
Aranor follows the Ways. It is the ancient path of living, as declared by the God Valis, the creator. It dates back from the ancient days of Elven history. Very little is known of the Ways, even for the Aranorians, as much of it was lost. However, what they do know is that it states how they should live in nature. They shall not kill for sport, only for necessity. They shall not cut down a single tree; unless it is has a purpose, and that must be limited. Life should be preserved at all costs, and those that must be taken must be mourned. Nature must be preserved at all costs. These are the Ways.
Aranor believes in three gods, who represent harmony with nature. There is Valis, who created the earth and all that is upon it. Then there is Visnar, the Lord of the Forest. It is believed that he runs among the trees, hidden, yet still among his children. Then there is Maalissa, the Queen of Waves, who dwells beneath the sea. It is believed that she created all water, from the great oceans, to the smallest of streams. Aranor believes that Elves are the children of Visnar and Maalissa, and that is why they have long lives. They believe that it was from them that they were declared the Ways, as Valis wished it.
Aranor accepts other religions, as they know the younger humans are foolish and blind. They allow them to worship their false gods, knowing that the Ways are the one true faith. They will fight no war over religion, or judge no man by what he believes. They simply wait patiently for the Ways to enlighten them all.
Aranor is not well liked among the other nations of Seyan. Since they attack anyone that comes to close, they have developed much distrust of the other peoples. Aranor does not trusts others, either. Much mystery surrounds Aranor, causing many fabled tales to be told of them. They are often the subject of stories told to children to make them behave. Aranor, though it does not trust the other peoples of Seyan, does not dislike them. They are proud to see how far these young humans have come and where they are going. As long as they do not bother Aranor, they are happy to let them live out their lives.
Aranor was once part of the great Elven Empire of the same name. This empire spread across all of Seyan, and all were happy under the Ways. Elves could even practice magic. Much time passed, before the first humans arrived. At first there was peace between the two peoples, as the elves taught the humans much of what they knew. Some humans even came underneath the Ways. However, as more and more humans arrived, war broke out as the humans began to Break the ways. They hunted the beasts of the woods for pleasure. They cut down entire forests. They destroyed nature. And so, though the elves did it with much remorse, war began.
It was a long war, one that claimed thousands of lives. The tide would often turn back and forth, with no one clear winner in sight. Eventually, though, the overwhelming numbers of the humans began to win out. The Elves fought valiantly, yet there was no hope for them. The Aranor Empire was shattered and most of its people were slaughtered. Those that survived scattered to the wind. Eventually some banded together and found refuge in the south of Seyan, hiding in the forests as the humans squabbled over the land they had won. Eventually, they forgot the elves. And so, hidden in secrecy, the kingdom of Aranor was founded, with Halavor’s father, Yunavar, the first King. Now, it is Halavor’s task to continue on the survival of the Elven race.

OOC: Please make any edits you feel neccesary. I'm not sure if I made these guys too OP. Thanks. Also me and Jura are close I just hope we're not overlapping.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by The Omnipotent Sphere
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The Omnipotent Sphere Of Omnipotence

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

@ulsterwarrior We may be touching in a few places, but from careful analysis I don't think we're overlapping in any significant manner. Thrashy will probably just adjust the borders when he manually to fit.

As for your nation, although I haven't finished the sheet, they sound like a mix between the Dalish and Ferelden from Dragon Age. Cool.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by ulsterwarrior


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

@ulsterwarrior We may be touching in a few places, but from careful analysis I don't think we're overlapping in any significant manner. Thrashy will probably just adjust the borders when he manually to fit.

As for your nation, although I haven't finished the sheet, they sound like a mix between the Dalish and Ferelden from Dragon Age. Cool.

I didn't even intend for that to happen but awesome. I love both of them.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Rae Zer
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Rae Zer Fear the Rae Zerg!

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

@ulsterwarrior, it seems that Aranor shares the same flag as Operian. Then again, I have three flags with the one your using representing the royal flag in Operian.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by ulsterwarrior


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

@ulsterwarrior, it seems that Aranor shares the same flag as Operian. Then again, I have three flags with the one your using representing the royal flag in Operian.

Sorry about that just edited it.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by The Omnipotent Sphere
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The Omnipotent Sphere Of Omnipotence

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

@Rae Zer A kingdom split long ago? Sounds like you guys could workout a cool connection there. Maybe the elves used to rule the entire island?

edit: wait, was thinking of KabenSaal's nation.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Slamurai
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Member Seen 3 mos ago

@The Omnipotent Sphere, @Aristo, I decided to include elements of your nations in my backstory - namely, Xiang's military conquests and the religion of Jura. Let me know if what I've done is okay with you. I can remove what I wrote if necessary.

That's fine by me! What do you suppose your peoples' stance is towards the Xiang at present?
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Inlaa
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Inlaa Yes, that's a dwarf with sunglasses.

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

<Snipped quote by Inlaa>

That's fine by me! What do you suppose your peoples' stance is towards the Xiang at present?

The Commonwealth is fairly split on the matter. Torvell, for the most part, see Xiang as a harsh lot of conquerors and advises the dwarves to not associate with them. Some of the dwarven Merchant Princes feel the same way, most feel neutral on the matter ("As if their crude machines could breach our walls anyway!"), and some see them as a good potential ally to be worked with... But making a proper ally of them would either mean finding a way to dazzle them with dwarven splendor (doubtful - Xiang has a larger, more powerful empire with beautiful buildings) or to find a way to get someone whose interests align with the Commonwealth's onto the throne.

Crowned Prince Amglam Forisen is part of the last group. He thinks such a large and potentially dangerous neighbor should be turned toward another direction before things get out of hand and is more than willing to engage in diplomatic talks. If you can't kill the tiger, you lure it to someone else's home.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by KabenSaal


Member Seen 2 yrs ago

@Rae Zer A kingdom split long ago? Sounds like you guys could workout a cool connection there. Maybe the elves used to rule the entire island?

edit: wait, was thinking of KabenSaal's nation.

We are totally also based on a slightly more aggressive, settled dalish.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Slamurai
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Member Seen 3 mos ago

@InlaaGotcha. Looking forward to seeing how things will play out! The Queen will likely want an audience with Prince Amglam at some point.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Inlaa
Avatar of Inlaa

Inlaa Yes, that's a dwarf with sunglasses.

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Okay. Fixed the lack of an economic section (I seriously just forgot that) and I think I did the necessary tweaking concerning religion.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by babbysama
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babbysama The babby

Member Seen 2 mos ago

So after the vassals for the last two NS's are done...OOC?
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Melkor
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Melkor The Nerd Formerly Known as Melkor

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Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Inlaa
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Inlaa Yes, that's a dwarf with sunglasses.

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

...Could I make one retroactive change? Since Ogdaren dwarves keep bears as pets, might I be allowed to have them used like war dogs? Y'know: "Hey, let's let loose a bunch of bears on the enemy before our infantry rush in behind them!" sort of deal. Animal shock troopers.

I'd be willing to drop the boar cavalry if necessary and have the bears count as my "cavalry."

Because bears. Warbears. Bears with armor.

EDIT: Nix the idea. It was a dazed moment of... dazy... fascination. Forget the bears. They will just be pets.

This is why I don't make decisions based on awesome dreams except when I've just woken up.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Thrashy
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Thrashy smashy-splashy

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

This is becoming a tad too big for me. I could use some help in GMing this. Anyone interested?
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Roleplayer001


Member Seen 4 mos ago

I'm claiming here.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Rae Zer
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Rae Zer Fear the Rae Zerg!

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

This is becoming a tad too big for me. I could use some help in GMing this. Anyone interested?

I'll take up the mantle of Co-GM is you'll take me.
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