Woah woah woah, hold up, hang on, just a moment here. [@NarcoticDollie] Has like flood and tornado warnings? Is this like a normal thing there? I mean like is no one else freaking out about this? How is everyone not hitting like freaking out? Are you? I mean is everyone crying and screaming and it's just calm on this forum? That must be it right because like freaking flood and bloody tornados and all you say is like it might mess with response times? I mean like I love your posts and all but if youve got like full blown mother of earth natural disasters going down there like response times is what worries you?@Yahtzee
I mean, what can I say, Imma badass. :P No, but in all seriousness it's not even that bad, the city just flooded three weeks ago and all this rain coming in probably means we'll flood again. My house is on high ground, so I doubt I'll get flooded, but if I lose electricity/interent it will take foreeeeeeever to get fixed because the power/phone company won't be able to get to the problem. Y'know, because, water and stuff.
I lived through hurricane Ike. No electricity for like two weeks, and no internet for like a month. Have Fun. Stay Safe.@Emma
I lived through Ike too! I was only out of power for like a week though. Rita was the one that kept me in the dark for like two weeks, but my school closed down and we never had to make it up, so I kinda liked that one. Played a lot of game-boy that hurricane. :) Also, if I don't reply for like a week, you have my full permission to kill off my character, so she doesn't stall your game!
You're perfectly fine, just worry about staying safe. I used to live in Florida, hurricanes are gnarly and drab and totally not worth the time. 8) @corrosive
Thanks for being so understanding! I just got my post up.
Hope it's not as bad as it may seem. I know we get plenty of flood warnings in my area that sometimes end up being just caution. Last time I had mother nature huffing and hawing in my area....I slept through it. Was a tornado that tore through a neighborhood literally a stone's throw from my house. Like, three streets from me. Then there was the earthquake I slept through...I miss all the fun stuff.@ramblingbard
You must be a really heavy sleeper! And yeah, the weather people do get a little over excited about this stuff, so I'm not super worried. Plus, my hurricane survival pantry is pretty fierce, so I think I'll survive. :D