Hidden 4 days ago Post by Jazz
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Cora seemed satisfied with their set up. Looking over to Dartz, she felt like he hit it on the nail about he interaction with people. "I'm okay with sort interactions. Like in Duel Monsters. Though your also doing alot of thinking strategies and stuff. I'm not use to hang outs. Not anymore." She admits.

Seto watches his brother leave to go get something. But as soon as he disappeared, the Kaiba laid back down on his back for a bit. He had to admit this was the more restful sleep he has ever had. A little odd but he wasn't about to complain. Slowly sitting up he looked over to where Yugi was most likely was still asleep. Then around him as Joey was the next wake up.

It seemed his nose for food was on point for that's all he needed to be awake enough to zombie his way up about. Mako was waking up,especially a little more lively but Seto thinks that is because of Makos usual lifestyle from being at sea.
Hidden 3 days ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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Dartz walked over and asked softly “why not so much anymore? Did something happen in the past?”

Yugi was turning in his sleep, nightmares haunting as he started to mutter in his sleep.

Serena now with dry hair and changed she said to Yami “do you want to shower?”
Hidden 3 days ago Post by Jazz
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Cora didn't look at Dartz as she stuffs her hands in her front pockets. She didn't say anything for a but which could suggest without words that Dartz is correct. But she didn't want to leave silence as the answer. "Yeah. When I was a little kid." She admits, though it seems to be hard to tell when she starts to bite the bottom of her lip lightly. "An accident led to where I became singled out of many things and even mortal friendships. Soon the only company I had was Monster Spirits." She explains to Dartz.

Seeing Yugi having what looked to be a nightmare, he gets up slowly to go over to Yugi. He sits down and rests a hand on the young man's shoulder. "Hey, Yugi." He calls out to him.

Yami stands up out of bed as he thinks about a shower, but also his partner, Yugi. "I should. I'll check on Yugi after." Figuring that his 'brother' was asleep still. Making his way to the shower, he stopped to place a hand to the top of Serena's head as he placed a kiss on her forehead before continuing his way to the shower.
Hidden 3 days ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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Dartz nodded and sat down by her and said “I understand…the choices of others and paths taken causes us to fall apart and into positions we don’t understand…”

Yugi turned his head and muttered “no…Yami…guys…don’t hurt them please…please…”

Serena smiled then glared at the shadows “never. Again. You are to ask me before putting him at risk. Got it?” Bane nodded and vanished into her shadow.
1x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 3 days ago Post by Jazz
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Cora nods slowly and understands. How she is learning to have mortal friends again like she were little kid again going to school for the first time. She looks at Dartz and smiles. "Let's get everything ready then." She goes to the kitchen to see what was ready to go to the table. In the kitchen Tristen and Marik were assisting however they could.

Seto sighed to himself, only knowing how to comfort Mokuba. Not anyone else. For now he would just have to try and wake him up. "Hey. Yugi. Wake up." Shaking his shoulder a little.
Hidden 3 days ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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Darts followed and walked in to see the two gods setting the boys up with trays. Set however felt his blessed needed him and vanished in a burst of blue sand. Odion was there and asked “what was that?”

Yugi was shaking under his hand and Set appeared behind Seto. “Ah, a nightmare. My blessed maybe I can help? Try sitting him up, tapping his cheek. Shoulder might be still asleep and he won’t feel it.”
Hidden 2 days ago Post by Jazz
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Marik sighed hoping no sand was in any of the food. "I don't know." Tristen even shrugged as they went to go take care of their respective trays. Cora shrugged but went over to Hoth. Is there anything we can help with? The table is set."

To hear a sudden voice behind him startled Kaiba as he spun himself halfway to look and see Set. He glared at the god but decided to loom over at Yugi. Grumbling but doing as advised, sitting Yugi up and tapping his cheek lightly but enough to hopefully get him to wake up.
Hidden 2 days ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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Hoth smiled and said “those trays are ready to go. Don’t worry his sand doesn’t land anywhere but the ground. It’s his magic. Now we get all of this to the table then I want the rest of you find everyone still asleep and wake them up. It’s time to start the day”

Yugi stirred and opened his eyes, his vision blurring as Seto came into view. “Seto…where…” then he saw Set and saw where he was. “Just a dream…” he looked back at Seto and said “thanks…that’s what Yami does to wake me…thank you…that was a bad one…” he sat up more and held his face. “Mokuba is okay right?” The way he asked made it clear the nightmare had shown the younger brother as well.
Hidden 2 days ago Post by Jazz
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Cora nodded. "I'll go make sure everyone is up." Figuring it would be better to slowly get better at socializing. Which meant to see everyone. So off she went passing Joey as she went.

Seto cocked his head a little bit when Yugi mentioned a bad one. "Mokuba is okay. I think he went to get me some caffeine." Looking in the direction Mokuba left in as he gently let Yugi go. There was a bit of silence from Seto before he decides to ask Yugi a question. "Sleep alright otherwise?" He asks.

Cora came back into the main room. And started waking up everyone starting with Ishizu.
Hidden 2 days ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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Dartz watched her go as Hoth said “she will be alright…she’s with the right people…”

Yugi nodded softly and said “ya…till that it was a great sleep…did I miss anything last night?”

The Tomb Keeper was up and fixing her shawl when she appeared. “Good morning dear Cora. How was your rest?”
Hidden 2 days ago 2 days ago Post by Jazz
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Oh boy, you could say that Kaiba was NOT prepared for that question when it came to Yugi asking about last night. Especially when the topic was going to include telling him about Dartz. How was he going to explain about Dartz when he was already unhappy about the former king being here anyway.

Well, it was time for the cat to be out of the bag. With a heavy sigh as he sat on his rear, Seto crossed his arms like he was annoyed (which was slightly true). "Yami brought Dartz with him here. Apparently Dartz is no longer as he was and is even being accompanied by Timeaus. Also. Mako is here. He was being stalked by Apep's followers." He explains plainly. Not explaining yet how he's actually the blessed of Set.

Surprised by Ishizu's appearance, she was startled a moment but smiled. "I slept well, thank you ma'am. And yourself?"
Hidden 1 day ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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Yugi blinked and said “wait…what did you say? Dartz is here? But…” then the door opened and the man of the moment came in looking around. “Oh good morning Mr. Kaiba. Mokuba wanted you to know his trying to get coffee…the machine is acting up” Set looked over and said “I’ll look at it” he walked to the doorway with Yugi watching the god walk away. “Was that…another god? Seto what is going on?” Darts walked over and said “there is a lot going on…maybe we wait for Yami to help explain?”

Ishizu smiled and said “very well. Knowing so many friends are together makes me feel at peace. I heard the shower above running so I think the love birds are awake”
Hidden 1 day ago Post by Jazz
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To be honest, Seto was still not happy with Yami at the moment but he figured that since he brought Dartz here and the two gods in the building could vouch for Dartz for now, then Yami can explain it. However Set was the one that he would have to explain himself.

"Yami can explain why Dartz is here. Though the other god. Is for me to explain." And so explain Kaiba did. But as plainly and the short version of it that also brought Mako into the fold of the large group they now had in the building.

Cora nods that she acknowledges what Ishizu is saying and is happy for her but not that she would understand. She would look in the direction of the faint sound of the shower when Ishizu mentions it. "I should probably let them know breakfast is ready." Noticing Yugi and Kaiba also awake, realizing that she should talk to them too. "And Yugi and Mr. Kaiba." She looks back at Ishizu and bows to her before heading off to Yugi and Kaiba.
Hidden 22 hrs ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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MegaraFoxfire The Shadow of Heros

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Yugi listened closely to Seto then looked at Dartz who was starting to clean up the mats. “I take it this was a sudden decision by Yami? He does seem like his not being controlled by an evil snake…what has you worried?”

Ishizu smiled and nodded. Yugi saw Cora and blushed a little bit seeing her and waved slightly like a dork.

Serena was waiting by the bathroom, holding Yamis jacket and duel disk.
Hidden 21 hrs ago Post by Jazz
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Jazz Master Assassin

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Seto raised a brow as the rest of his face gave him the look of 'really?' Seto wasn't a trusting guy like the rest of the nerd patrol. Even then it takes him longer to trust anyone than it would take Yugi's friends to. Heck, he is still needed to figure out Cora. He knew nothing about her other than her dueling style and the goddess that blessed her. That was all. "Not that I'm worried."

Seeing Yugi wave awkwardly, Seto looks over to source to see Cora. You could say it ever so slightly peeked his interest. Cora smiled sweetly and waved back. Once a couple feet away, she bows to them. "Good Morning Mr Kaiba, Yugi. Breakfast is ready. I'm off to go tell Serena and Yami." She tells them. Seto nods but doesn't say a word.

Yami had finished his shower and came out dressed with his hair slightly damp. He looked over to see Serena with his jacket and duel disk. "Oh. Thank you." Smiling softly as he takes his things.
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