Ezra Balgaire/16
The Neat and Orderly Boy/Kitsune
Electricity manipulation. Power-outlets and appliances beware- he can sap energy from any electrical source and use it to attack. He sometimes has no control over this power- especially when he is emotional- and can short circuit the things he touches.
Third Eye. In his beast form he grows a third eye- which takes on a mind of its own. It compels him to mischief and doing evil. It will often make him sensitive toward things he normally could not detect (heightened senses like hearing minute sounds and seeing far away).
Ezra believes in order and balance- everything in his life has its place and he'd prefer it to stay that way. He's quite the neat freak and cleans constantly- being the type of person to order objects at hand by size and shape. Its his way of making up for the inability to control being a beast and his powers. He can be pretty dense towards the feelings and intentions of others- he believes that people say what they mean and mean what they say. The boys booksmart, at least. He excels in math- because it always has set answers and measured steps. He finds that he's often the peace keeper amongst his friends.
His personality drastically changes the more beast-like he becomes. Ezra becomes a flirt and a tease- more inclind to trouble-making. He won't mind mess or disorder and will take up a more laid-back disposition. The fox in him is all about pranks and partying. Despite this, though, he is driven by his need to break the curse because he feels inadequate and evil with it. He believes, though, that love breaks the strongest spell.
The kitsune beast curse had only ever stricken the women of his family- so it was a surprise that these traits were passed down to him (the men were often born dogs or raccoons). His father suffered from mental illness (which is a possible trait linked to his beast form) and took his life when Ezra was rather young. Ezra saw very little of his mother growing up- especially since his mothers beast form had returned upon his fathers death. Its no rumor that his mother became a drunk and refused to do anything with her life- neglecting her son and other responsibilities. In the past year his mother had regressed so much into her beast form that she has altogether lost her human body- taking on the shape of an old graying fox. Ezra has taken her along with him on his journey, being unable to abandon her. Seeing her like that has only fueled his desire to end his curse and finally lead a normal life.
Upon arriving in town he shares an apartment with his friends, near the school they attend together.
When the beast in him rises up toward the surface his features will visibly change (he will not get fox ears and a tail) but his nails and teeth with sharpen. His pupils will change shape. And his ears will grow to a point (kinda like elf ears but not so extreme).