Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Kho
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Hmm, so are you guys planning on going inter-planetary from the very beginning? (As soon as Galbar (if we call it that) is self-sufficient and can be copied that is)
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Cyclone
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Member Seen 24 days ago

When Ialu eventually ascended I was going to have him make a planet or two and try to keep it his little secret from the others. A little playground of his own.

Similarly I think my guy this time around will have a planet or two that he claims complete dominion over and tries to keep the others away from. Naturally, I expect Vestec for one to ignore the silly air god's wishes

...I really need to think of a name befitting of my god so I can stop saying 'my guy'. Anyone want to help me with that? I can think of plenty of names: Atmus, Aeros, Cyclanos, Ventus, Volatus, Zephyrion...

I just can't decide between any of them
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Rtron
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Vested isn't. But he will visit the other planets!


I vote Zephyrion.
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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Frettzo
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Astarte isn't going to be one for creating planets. She'll more likely just follow Vestec around and try to screw him over in a tsundere kind of love
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Hael
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Member Seen 7 yrs ago

When Ialu eventually ascended I was going to have him make a planet or two and try to keep it his little secret from the others. A little playground of his own.

Similarly I think my guy this time around will have a planet or two that he claims complete dominion over and tries to keep the others away from. Naturally, I expect Vestec for one to ignore the silly air god's wishes

...I really need to think of a name befitting of my god so I can stop saying 'my guy'. Anyone want to help me with that? I can think of plenty of names: Atmus, Aeros, Cyclanos, Ventus, Volatus, Zephyrion...

I just can't decide between any of them

I vote Cyclanos, because it's easy to remember
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Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Kho
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Member Seen 4 mos ago

When Ialu eventually ascended I was going to have him make a planet or two and try to keep it his little secret from the others. A little playground of his own.

Similarly I think my guy this time around will have a planet or two that he claims complete dominion over and tries to keep the others away from. Naturally, I expect Vestec for one to ignore the silly air god's wishes

...I really need to think of a name befitting of my god so I can stop saying 'my guy'. Anyone want to help me with that? I can think of plenty of names: Atmus, Aeros, Cyclanos, Ventus, Volatus, Zephyrion...

I just can't decide between any of them

I'm all for it - there will ultimately come a point, if the RP develops far enough, were space exploration will become a thing, and it would be a shame for Galbarians to find they are in fact alone in the universe. It would be a nightmare to create so many planets with their own different races, histories etc. though, each planet would effectively be an RP on its own, and the eventual meeting between them will be the bringing together of all said RPs. It's not impossible, but it would be exceedingly difficult and require a great amount of time and dedication

I expect every silly god to ignore every other silly god's wishes when it comes down to it xD

And as for names:

Atmus: Reminds me of the word litmus for some reason. Connotes a certain level of wisdom, atmosphere-iness (in the sense that he would be far off and in a world of his own)
Aeros: This one doesn't appeal to me for many reasons - but suffice to say, isn't there a brand of shoes called aeros or something?
Cyclanos: sounds like a bit of an angry god, doesn't think things through properly, just goes for it and screw the consequences. A bit like a cyclone now that I think about it >.>
Ventus: xDD this one made me laugh. Vent xPP
Volatus: This one seems reasonable
Zephyrion: This one sounds really nice, but there is something quite sinister lurking behind it. Like an epic villain in hiding kind of sinister. A mastermind controlling things from behind the scenes kind of sinister. A Vowzra kind of sini- um, sensational O.O
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Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Cyclone
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I'm probably going with Zephyrion then. Thanks for the feedback :D

Zephyrion: This one sounds really nice, but there is something quite sinister lurking behind it. Like an epic villain in hiding kind of sinister. A mastermind controlling things from behind the scenes kind of sinister. A Vowzra kind of sini- um, sensational O.O

That was exactly what I was going for! Perfect!
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Hael
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Member Seen 7 yrs ago

I'm probably going with Zephyrion then. Thanks for the feedback :D

<Snipped quote by Kho>

That was exactly what I was going for! Perfect!

Very well, but I will always call him Cyclanos. You have no choice in this matter, tinman.

Regardless, I need y'all's advice on something. I'm considering scrapping Undasis entirely in favor of a very different God.
This new god would be the Lady of the Mind- her domain would be the Mind, her portfolio would be Thought. She'd have a very firmly neutral stance, and she would be cautious to a fault: always taking time to consider everything, rarely using might, but always watching and planning and thinking and watching and planning and thinking and so on

This isn't to say she is devious, however. More like an unconcerned onlooker at the universe, or a curious philosopher. Needless to say, I will mainly be RPing through her heroes (of which there will be many)

This way, I can be very active in the RP when I'm not busy (by way of heroes and interaction with the sentient, thinking races ) or very inactive (by way of just standing there and studying the universe for 5 billion years), as circumstance may dictate.

Or I could just keep Undasis and flood all you weak little land-creatures

What do you guys think?

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Cyclone
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Undasis' power over storms conflicts somewhat with Zephyrion's (not Cyclanos'!) domain and portfolio, which lends me to mixed feelings. On the one hand it'd be cool to have the gods of air and water constantly bickering and creating hurricanes as they fight, leaving the poor little mortals to pray for peace so that the deluges of rain will stop flooding their houses.

On the other hand, perhaps it's best that we try not to have that much overlap. Zephyrion's change and Vestec's chaos are similar enough as is.

In the end I think your new idea is better for you because of the reasons that you said, and because I usually just have a bias towards liking new characters rather than recycled ones. It's probably somewhat better for me as well if you go with Mind Girl.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Hael
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Undasis' power over storms conflicts somewhat with Zephyrion's (not Cyclanos'!) domain and portfolio, which lends me to mixed feelings. On the one hand it'd be cool to have the gods of air and water constantly bickering and creating hurricanes as they fight, leaving the poor little mortals to pray for peace so that the deluges of rain will stop flooding their houses.

On the other hand, perhaps it's best that we try not to have that much overlap. Zephyrion's change and Vestec's chaos are similar enough as is.

In the end I think your new idea is better for you because of the reasons that you said, and because I usually just have a bias towards liking new characters rather than recycled ones. It's probably somewhat better for me as well if you go with Mind Girl.

I swear I didn't want to leave the RP last time, guys; life just got in the way. Hopefully that won't happen again, but just in case it does, the mental god could easily be inactive without screwing up the RP

Also, because there's a LOT of activity on this page, why don't we go ahead and start reboot the RP now @Kho, while there's all this interest and discussion? I understand if we can't, though
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Scarifar
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I'm also thinking of scrapping Festus and going with something sort of new. At the very least, taking a spot that quickly became vacant during the previous rp: the God/Goddess of Order. Let's face it, even Vestec can't have his way forever :P

Plus, Order sounds like a fun concept to mess around with.
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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Hael
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I'm also thinking of scrapping Festus and going with something sort of new. At the very least, taking a spot that quickly became vacant during the previous rp: the God/Goddess of Order. Let's face it, even Vestec can't have his way forever :P

Plus, Order sounds like a fun concept to mess around with.

I like that idea: a nice opposition to the madness of Vestec, so that he can't transform the world into a spiraling mass of disorder and insanity. That's something strongly needed, I think.

Lady of the Mind approves.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Cyclone
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Member Seen 24 days ago

<Snipped quote by Cyclone>

I'm all for it - there will ultimately come a point, if the RP develops far enough, were space exploration will become a thing, and it would be a shame for Galbarians to find they are in fact alone in the universe. It would be a nightmare to create so many planets with their own different races, histories etc. though, each planet would effectively be an RP on its own, and the eventual meeting between them will be the bringing together of all said RPs. It's not impossible, but it would be exceedingly difficult and require a great amount of time and dedication

Zephyrion can fix this. His hubris is to the point that if he is insulted, he would whimsically open a portal and unleash a horde of his worshipers from another planet to rampage through Galbar and pillage the followers of another god. Or just outright attack said god. For fun, I imagine that he'll do that at least once or twice, and through this the denizens of both planets will encounter one another. Ironically I'm looking forward to playing as a few heroes about as much as I am Zephyrion. One of the heroes in particular might also go from planet to planet.

Long story short, I won't just create a parallel RP instead of this one; I for one will try to bridge the worlds and intertwine the web of plots.

I'm also thinking of scrapping Festus and going with something sort of new. At the very least, taking a spot that quickly became vacant during the previous rp: the God/Goddess of Order. Let's face it, even Vestec can't have his way forever :P

Yes, last time we were notably lacking any true good guys, so this sounds good to me. Somebody has to counterbalance Vestec, too

Also, because there's a LOT of activity on this page, why don't we go ahead and start reboot the RP now

The same thing actually crossed my mind today. While I don't have tons of time on my hands I think I could manage to be active enough if we started the RP now. It's better than just stewing on all these ideas for another half year.

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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Rtron
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I'm also thinking of scrapping Festus and going with something sort of new. At the very least, taking a spot that quickly became vacant during the previous rp: the God/Goddess of Order. Let's face it, even Vestec can't have his way forever :P

Plus, Order sounds like a fun concept to mess around with.


Yes, last time we were notably lacking any true good guys, so this sounds good to me. Somebody has to counterbalance Vestec, too

<Snipped quote by Scarifar>

I like that idea: a nice opposition to the madness of Vestec, so that he can't transform the world into a spiraling mass of disorder and insanity. That's something strongly needed, I think.

Lady of the Mind approves.

What, you didn't enjoy Vestec's having fun and shenagains with no one to counter balance him? He wouldn't have turned the entire world into mass disorder and insanity. That wouldn't have been fun. Just enough to make things fun, but not enough to overwhelm everyone! He had to self balance, you see, because the only one who consistently went against him was Ialu.

Sauranath ignored him or flew off to talk to Invictus and Fate. Vowzra largely let him do as he pleased. Escre flew off into space and then was surprised (or as close as he got to surprised) when Vestec started breaking his things. Arguis and Ferghus didn't do...anything to oppose him (but neither did they support him!). Astarte and him are in twue wuv (a cookie for whoever gets the reference). Undasis was busy sleeping (I don't think they would have gone much against him anyways. Not sure though.. Roxan was his daughter. Escre took the other demi-gods.

Did I miss anyone?

I support lady of the mind @Hael, but we'll see if Kho has time to run this RP now. Remember, it went on hiatus because we all ran out of time. (I have some, but not a lot. And Vestec isn't the type of character you can just leave idling. :p)
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Scarifar
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One day, we will have this rp rebooted again. That time will be exciting, and it will be awesome. Until then...

We shall play...

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Kho
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Member Seen 4 mos ago

I admit I've been more actively developing this RP's mechanics and my own characters' personalities and potential development arcs in my spare time. I'd love to start the RP now, but we're coming up to the last bit of the academic year and I'm already being bombarded with assignments and trying to get ready for exams - as, I am sure, are the rest of you.
I've got one assignment due for this Sunday, let me think on the matter this week and I'll let you know what decision I come to by the time I submit.
In the meanwhile though, can we just have a quick round of opinions from everyone on whether they'd like to start it early or wait until June?
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Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Hael
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Member Seen 7 yrs ago

I admit I've been more actively developing this RP's mechanics and my own characters' personalities and potential development arcs in my spare time. I'd love to start the RP now, but we're coming up to the last bit of the academic year and I'm already being bombarded with assignments and trying to get ready for exams - as, I am sure, are the rest of you.
I've got one assignment due for this Sunday, let me think on the matter this week and I'll let you know what decision I come to by the time I submit.
In the meanwhile though, can we just have a quick round of opinions from everyone on whether they'd like to start it early or wait until June?

I vote for an immediate reboot!

There's a lot of interest at the moment, but waiting until June may allow that interest to fade away, like all of your pathetic land-bodies when Kraken throws them into the ocean.

I'm also suffering from a distracting life right now, so I say start the RP, but do so slowly enough that nobody has to rush. There's nothing wrong with a slowly paced RP, and it would give everyone time to work on reality. We take out time between posts and turns from the very beginning. With a little luck, that should prevent our problem of inactivity and drop outs due to business from arising this round.

My opinion, anyway
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Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Cyclone
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If it isn't clear from what I previously said, I support an immediate reboot as well
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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Frettzo
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I can go either way. The time argument doesn't apply much to me since somehow I always manage to make time for the things I'm interested in. It helps that I never have to study for theoretical exams in my career, too.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Hael
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Member Seen 7 yrs ago

I can go either way. The time argument doesn't apply much to me since somehow I always manage to make time for the things I'm interested in. It helps that I never have to study for theoretical exams in my career, too.

Yo, are you bring Astarte back?
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