"For some reason, you really piss me off."
"I'll say it slowly, so you can understand. Alexander. Blackstone. Rozheim. Call me "Alex" and I'll knock your teeth out."
Alexander Blackstone Rozheim
"Stupid epithet. They just stuck me with it."
Title: Loose Cannon
"Put, 'overwhelmingly'."
Gender: Male
Age: 24
"I think there is something that does not make sense here, and that is me, talking to you."
Height: 188 cm (6'2")
Weight: 71 kg (156 lb)
"Are you blind or somethin'?"Appearance: Usually can be found wearing a suit, a pair of black gloves, dark sunglasses, and a cigarette in his mouth.
* "Nobody is perfect."
Alex has a complicated, conflicted personality. He has a quick and fearsome temper and a tendency to take out his wrath on whatever is around him, buildings or people. Sometimes, the smallest things can set him off. However, he recognizes his flaw, and he tries to not hurt those around him. (Buildings and objects, though, are fair game.) When he isn't in a fury, he is a surprisingly mellow, and laidback person. He is highly intelligent, although most mark him as an hot-headed idiot. He don't think before he acts, but neither does he act before he thinks, instead he thinks as he acts. He isn't precisely fearless, he just has learned to ignore it. Some call that courage, others call that stupid.
"And here is the part you skim, and come back to later when you need to know something."
Short Bio:
Alex was born to a mostly normal family, his father was a wealthy business man for America, his mother, Japanese. For the first part of his life, he seemed normal. But, when he was eight, some bullies were picking on his little brother. He got angry, and he ended up beating them so bad, they had to be sent to a hospital with several fractured bones. That was the first time his strength manifested. The rest of his life was shaped by it.
Growing up, his stubbornness, quick temper and dangerous strength isolated him from other children, and made him a target for bullies and punks. It didn't help that he wasn't completly Japanese. His parents were good people, but their jobs kept them away from home. Alex went to several different schools, and got kicked out of most of them, usually for getting into fights, and wreaking school property. He somehow eventualy got through high school, but he never went to collage. He made a living doing odd jobs, from bodyguard to babysitter. He had difficulty holding a job for the same reasons he changed schools so often, his quick temper and incredible strength. He slowly sank into a depression, and dispair. He picked fights with random people, and he got arrested more than once. Through this, he made a single friend who stood by him, time and time again. This friend was the polar opposite of Alex. He was a kind person, very studious, and a pacifist. He stayed out of trouble, and helped Alex out when he got into it.
The unlikly duo seemed inseparable, the Brain and the Brawn, they were called. But something came between them, something big. They had a heated argument about it, and Alex got angry. He didn't mean to, but his body just moved, and he punched his only friend. It was the first time he ever did. He was shocked, and he tried to apoligize. His freind said it was allright, but his expression was unreadable. Without another word, he got up and left. That was the last time they spoke. The next day, Alex found out that his friend had moved to another country. That was six years ago, he was eighteen.
How he got involved with the Chasers was another, simpler manner. Sometime after that, he was walking down the street under a full moon. He took a wrong turn, and ended up face-to-face with a living nightmare, under a bloody sky, hunched over the body of a girl. Its uglyness mad him angry, and he proceded to beat it to a messy pulp, in that process, some of his power awakened. Somehow, during the fight, he had ended up back in the real world. He looked for the girl, but he couldn't get back to that world. He gave up, and tried to go back to normal life, but the memory stayed with him. Eventualy, the Chaser organization tracked him down and explained about Youkai and the Crimson Sky. At first, he was skeptical, but there was no denying what he had seen. Reluctantly, he accepted their offer to join them, only because he needed the cash. Soon after, he found he could control his anger better, and he began to hold a stable day job...for a few weeks anyways. His outbursts were less and more controllable.
Superhuman Qualities: These are natural abilities he was born with. (Although, he views it as a curse) Normally, the brain restricts one's power, shutting down muscles in response to pain in order to prevent serious injury; he doesn't have this limitation, and is capable of using his full strength. His condition also translates to superhuman speed, reflexes and a resistance to pain. Although, the flip side is that using it, can tear his body apart. His body is always like that, its not something he can turn on and off, so he always has to be careful.
Indomitable Will: His power can be described as his will made manifest.
Using this creates force similar to an invisible armor around himself. It can be used to augment the his own physical attacks, projected ahead himself as pure force, or imbued into weapons to increase their effectiveness. Any attack enhanced by his power would hit immensely harder than it would normally without it. A heavy concentration (or coating) his power can be used to harden parts of his body, turning the area black, thus making his body denser and more formidable, and giving their attacks greater power, this also can be used on anything he is touching. It also can allow him to touch the incorpral, although imperfectly.
With this power, he can use his full strength without injuring himself. But every power has it's price. He only has so much of this, and once it is used up, there is backlash, like temporary paralysis and weakness. Then it takes some time until he can use it again.
Weapons: His fists and anything he can get his hands on.
Equipment: see above ^
- He is constantly late to almost everything.
- Frequently smashes stuff.
- Has a standing grudge against doors.
- Likes cats.