Hey Mil for the captain just "launch" the attack and let Anubis determine how the captain will react and what damage he will take.
Nah it's cool. Honestly, I see where Milowan was going with this. Even if my captain did block the axe straight up the chance of it torquing his wrist was too high. By accepting the minor wound, the captain gets to close in where the great axe can't be swung but the longsword can be.
@Kojashi28 I understand what you are saying, and I think our next fight should favor melee a bit more. If makes practical sense that orcs wielding two handed weapons can't block arrows, so killing them by bow is easy. Additionally, these orcs have likely trained their entire lives to fight in close quarters bouts. Considering their strength, fighting them should not be an easy challenge.
Perhaps our next opponent should be a bigger enemy where enemies that are numerous and weak so killing one by bow won't really matter or big enough that arrows would be more of a nuisance than anything else?
Lol a fat ass bunny so not only do we wipe out a bunch of orcs, but we get dinner in the process! And not Tyr's version or orc dinner either :p