Ezra Audigarde/21/male(bi)

He stands at 5'10 and weighs 140 lbs, his build is lean, with broad shoulders. His hair is short brown that curls about his ears . His eyes are a sharp green, almost jade.
Personality: Please mind yourself around him- once you get him started he will not stop talking. He's quite the flirt- some times unnervingly so. Ezra moves about as if the world is his for the taking- which never really sits well with others. He has this problem where, if he sees something he likes, he'll go out of his way to have it (people included- actually especially people). But past this annoying disposition he isn't that bad... Oh wait, no theres more actually.
Something is most certainly off about Ezra. Yes, he's little talkative and pushy and maybe he has the habit of getting sidetracked in conversations- but its not only these things. Ezra's kinda... crazy. No, honestly, the guy is an adrenaline junkie. Never never dare him- because he will do it. It's like he was never born with the capacity to feel fear.
He's prone to outbursts and can become explosively angry when triggered (note: mentioning his father). Although that's him at his worst. Most of the time he's smiling and joking away with complete strangers. He expresses complete interest when people talk about themselves- because he truly wants to know about those around him.
The man is a daydreamer and- especially on rainy days- he can be found napping in some odd place. His default laidback (read: lazy) attitude gets him negative cred from the townsfolk. They see him as a troublemaker and often whisper about his mental instability behind their hands. He knows what they think of him but it doesn't bother him. The opinions of others don't put food on his table or clothe him- so its none of his concern.
Bio: Born in the valley city of Pax- a city of wealth and squallor, known for its lavish way of life viewed by outsiders as grossly excessive. Ezra's mother was a prostitute and for the majority of his life he thought his father was just a lonely businessman. Growing up in the brothel wasn't as horrible as one might think. In fact, he holds only fond memories of that time in his life, of course save for a few incidents here and there- plus the occasional beating. The women there were all affectionate and protective toward him- honestly it was like having a house full of moms- which was alright by his oblivious younger self.
12 yearold boys in brothels start to attract the really disgusting types- and to protect her son from any harm his mother decided to send her boy to his father. Now, isn't that every whore's sons dream? To meet the father that they dreamt of at night and daydreamed of during their scoldings and beatings and when nasty customers came by. Ezra was a wreck when he walked all three miles on his own out of Pax's red district- into a neighborhood of botanical gardens and houses of dukes and lords. He didn't want to meet his father- the only outcome of this would to be sent away like a dog. He knew this because he wasn't the only child born in the brothel. He wasn't the first or last to be sent to their fathers house.
His half sister opened the door. She was younger than him. Her name was Eithne. She knew exactly who he was because they shared the same green eyes. Their father fainted and Ezra knew at once that he would never come to love this man. He was barely in that house for a week before Ezra was packed off to Pax's local Academy. Here he was drilled to become a soldier for the capital. He lasted seven years before he "dropped out", which is code for his being framed for something he didn't do.
Eithne visited him at the Academy during his stay there and she soon became the only friend he ever had. They read stories to one another and wrote to each other when they were apart. She was brilliant and she was kind- a complete contrast to Ezra's aggressive and unhinged personality. But she loved him- she loved him so readily that it burdened him sometimes. Like when he would fight in the yard with the other academymen grunts- he never went too far because her voice always rang through his head.
Anyways when she learned of his being banished from the Academy she married some noble asshat named Ceril Balfont. The Balfont's extended a pardon to Ezra but he didn't want it because he knew what it really was. His sister had sacrificed her happiness just to give him a second chance at being something. He was sick with guilt. So sick that he (long story short) almost convinced Eithne to run off with him to Vale (he had contacts there and it was such a small, quiet town. They could rebuild their lives there) but it was much too late for her.
In fact his father caught word and almost killed him for almost ruining Eithne's marriage to such a powerful figure head. Ezra resents how he was now the only one benefiting from their misery.
He came to Vale only a year ago- since he'd spent his time hopping around from city to city in the Valley only to end up a bandits lackey for a few months in the Angar. He stumbled on Vale by accident and met up with his "contact" another Academy drop out.
Pole staff. Its retractable and can easily be hidden in a pocket. Sturdy and simple- he won it in a game of cards.
Dagger. Never leave your house without one strapped to your ankle.
-Moderate Combat Training. Thank you, Academy.
-Street smarts. Thank you, Pax's red district.
-Moderate survival. Thank you, those few months spent out in the Angar.
-Good looks. Thanks mom.
-Audigarde is a bastards name.
- He lives in a small cabin with Gada, a woman he often mentions but no one really ever sees.

Gada Malvodar/21/female(bi)

She stands at 5'7 and weighs 115 lbs. Her appearance may seem frail but she is anything but. Gada's a red head that often keeps her hair up in braids, often tied back with jewlery. She has rune tattoos between her breasts, under her chin, behind her ears, and on her feet that provide her with magic energy for quick spell casting. Her eyes are an unnatural yellow.
-A spire staff. It has a pointy end that she often threatens to shove up Ezra's ass.
-Summoning: Gada specializes in summoning magic. Its a dark art that requires sacrifices.
-Apothecary: She knows her way around the