Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Snarl
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Snarl Pls fight me

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Ezra Audigarde/21/male(bi)

Gada Malvodar/21/female(bi)

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Adorabadass


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Role/Class Bard's Son, the Leaf Singer

Name Varric Dawnleaf/Age 18/Gender Trans Boy


Varric is a bit of a mixed bag. He's certainly polite and treats people well, but, the thing is, he is a bit of an ass as well. If there's one thing he cares about, it's entertainment. And his mom, but more importantly, entertainment. He gets bored easily. So, he likes to stir some trouble on occasion. Maybe kick some valuable and watch as people go ballistic, just to return it later. Maybe punch a girl's but and make it seem like the guy next to him did it. He also tends to boast, about his deeds, and more than once has had to do some form of restitution.

One thing in his favor is that, for all his false boasting and whatnot, Varric is ballsy. He doesn't seem to know what fear is. He once heard od dangerous bandits in the woods, and actively sought them out. After getting inevitably captured, he convinced them that he was the Mayor's daughter, and that if they sent word that they had him, then the Mayor would pay them. Since the mayor, and his actual daughter for that matter, we're kind of BADASS, this ended poorly for the bandits. Especially when bardmom got involved.

As one may have noticed, Varric is a bit impulsive too. He tends to give exactly zero fucks about the consequences, until he has to face them. He sometimes does genuinely mean things, and only later realizes that, no, pinching that girl's butt and blaming someone else is NOT a harmless prank, but rather a very mean thing to do for both parties.

He also loves to charm the ladies and gents. He can often be seen flirting with many dames and dudes, serenading and playing for them. That's the kind of guy he is. He is utterly shameless.

There is another side to him, more sensitive. This only ever seems to come out when he is among nature, or making music. He loves to sing, and he loves to play the lute. He's good at it too, and knows it.

Varric at his best is a charismatic leader with a rebellious streak and very interesting to have around. On a bad day, he is an unapologetic asshole who causes trouble and pisses people off.


Marion Dawnleaf lived a rather eventful life before she settled.

Varric's mother, Marion, is actually quite the famous adventurer, and a lot of her stories are not so much legends as personal anecdotes. She has braved dark dungeons, slain a dragon, seduced a minor nature god, and, her proudest accomplishment, given birth to a beautiful boy.

Mind you, she kept adventuring for a little while after "settling down" and getting the tavern. And like hell she would trust a babysitter with her child! Had to teach him the family business!

Varric had a pretty awesome childhood, all told.

Varric showed a talent for magic from an early age, and seemed to know it more intuitively than by learning. During his free time, he was quite the wildchild, going about in nature and causing trouble. The guard know him by name.

Varric actually had quite the ideal life. His single mother raised him well enough, even if he is a bit of an ass. He has never wanted for anything, and was always provided for. Hell, even when he realized he was, well, a he, that was pretty simple. His mom didn't give a shit, and at that point everyone accepted Varric was a bit weird.

Varric wants to do as his mom did, however, and start adventuring. She forbids it, due to the obvious danger involved, but he has found his own small scale adventures. The largest of which was him getting captured by bandits.

He was lucky his mom had retained her adventuring skills, or else he could have died. Afterwards, she was livid with him.

Varric was just finalizing his plans to skip town and find an adventuring group, when he found a flower in his bed...

Weapon: Varric's Lute: Varric wields a modified wizard's..."staff". His mother had it specially crafted for him. The Lute enhances Varric's magic through him playing it, and is very durable. It also has a basic spell enchanted into it to allow Varric to turn sound into concussive force. It uses his own magical energy, and only disables a foe for a short time, a few seconds, but it is a very good way to get out of trouble.
Charisma: Once you let Varric open his mouth, you have lost. Varric can talk his way out of anything, a trait he gets from his mother.
Leafsong: Varric can use magic through music. His magic is more of a muscle than a skill, and the ways he's exercised it show. He is mostly good at ilusions and mobility, and as a combat mage he is nigh on useless. He can move around swiftly using the wind, and render himself almost invisible using a cloak of the wind. He can also cause leaves and petals to fly about himself for dramatic effect.
Sneaky:Varric is one sneaky bastard, and is a master of hiding in plain sight. Despite his reputation, he still manages to be able to hide in a crowd.
Nature Empath: Varric is a natural at traveling in nature. It's like nature itself tries to provide for him.
Lockpicking: Varric took up this skill in order to be better at pranks.

Other: Magic Vulnerability: As the very obvious son of a minor nature god and a powerful bard, Varric has inherited a sensitivity to magic. While obviously this endangers him to enemy casters, this does have some benefits, as he is also extra sensitive to positive magic.

As a result, his mom is known as the only one who can catch him, as her magical skills can easily track and capture him.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Narcotic Dollie
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Narcotic Dollie Weasel Wrangler

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Role/Class: The Doctor’s Daughter, Medic with small amount of healing magic

Name: Alixanna Ashgrave
Age: 18
Gender: Female
Height: 5’4”
Personality: Alixanna comes across as crude to most people, given her tendency to find humor in the most inappropriate of situations. A perfect example of this is the day a man came into the clinic with his private bits stuck inside a watermelon. Alixanna had been cackling so madly that her father had to send her from the room and finish cutting the patient free himself, lest she accidentally amputate the offending appendage.

Alixanna is very smart, and thanks to years of studying under her father’s tutelage knows the human body like the back of her hand. She can name all the bones in less than two minutes, knows which stich is best to use for a stab wound, and what herbs keep infection at bay. Even so, when she’s treating patients and begins rushing herself, Alixanna becomes very fidgety, which is understandably disconcerting when you’re the patient she’s trying to patch up.

Appalling bedside manor aside, most of the townsfolk are fond of the doctor' daughter. She has a friendly disposition and is quick to encourage people when they seem like they need it. Her kindness shouldn’t be mistaken for weakness though, as Alixanna does not tolerate bullying and will call out anyone she thinks is being an asshat. Also, after years of helping her father with his work, Alixanna has lost all of her squeamishness when it comes to human bodies. Vomit? No problem. Hernias? Bring ‘em on. Ruptured boils? Phhht, that’s kid’s stuff. She is, however, deathly afraid of spiders and can't be in the same room as one without completely losing her shit.

To the great dismay of her mother, Alixanna is quite dense when it comes to matters of the heart and doesn’t always notice when she’s being flirted with. The local boys have made a game of seeing how outlandish they can make their advances before she notices she’s being hit on. So far, she’s remained blissfully oblivious.

Bio: Since the very moment that Alixanna came into this world, her mother, Elora Ashgrave, has been bound and determined to marry her little girl off to at least a minor lord. She started setting up play dates with noble born toddlers as soon as Alixanna was able to crawl, much to the chagrin of her husband, Dr. Atlas Ashgrave. While her mother was taking little Alixanna to meet tiny suitors, Atlas was reading his young daughter medical journals instead of bedtime stories, dreaming of the day she would become a physician and take over the family business.

When she turned ten, her father moved them south to Vale in hopes of retiring, but quickly changed his mind when he saw there were no other doctors in the village. Mrs. Ashgrave was distraught at first, seeing as how she could no longer set up meetings with marriage prospects, but the village's charm eventually grew on her. Alixanna discovered her affinity towards magic around this time as well. Most of what she knows is self taught, as there weren't any healers in Vale to show her the ropes.

By the time Alixanna turned fourteen, she was working full-time in the clinic with her father. She continued on in this way until one day she woke up to find a peculiar flower growing through the floorboards by her bedroom door.

Weapon: She carries two daggers. She has never been trained to use them, but does know where to cut someone to cause the most amount of damage. She does not need a staff to cast her magic

Healing Magic - Alixanna can use her own energy to mend wounds, cure disease, extract poisons, etc. She doesn't use this skill very much, as it is extremely taxing and she is versed enough in medicine to heal most wounds the traditional way.

Medic - Alixanna is fantastic at stitching people back together and diagnosing/treating illnesses.

Cool under Pressure - It takes more than a little blood and guts to damage her calm!

Sewing - Stitching wounds back together has also made her an excellent seamstress.

Gardening - Alixanna has a green thumb. She grows many of the medicinal herbs used in her father's practice in their own backyard.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by BlueAjah
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BlueAjah Dance The Night Away

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Role/Class: The Mayor's Daughter


Guinevere Hart/18/Female

Guinevere craves for the feeling of adventure. Traveling across the world and defeating various evils is what fills her dreams at night. Staying in her home town forever frightens Guinevere and she would do anything to escape that future. While leaving her father will be the hardest thing in her life, she knows fulfilling her dream is what she needs to do.

Hardworking and stubborn, Guinevere will never give up on sometimes she’s determine to do. Even if that something puts her danger, she’ll do whatever it takes. More often than not, Guinevere will worsen the situation but in the end, she’ll always set things right.

Thanks to her long, hard hours of training, Guinevere has gained an incredible sense of patience. She can outwait anything or anyone. By being patient and calm, she tends to upset and startle multiple people though. Some of the townsman even play little games as to see how fast Guinevere can piss off the new resident.

While Guinevere has a strong, feminine personality, she doesn’t have very many friends. By no means is she shy or frighten to speak to others for her bravery outshines none. Girls her age feel a little standoffish by her so Guinevere tends to stay back and hangs out with the guys.

Guinevere has a terrible reputation for causing disasters. Wherever she goes, accidents seem to follow. She has a wild spirit that loves to have fun, even if that ‘fun’ means jumping on the roofs of the town. Countless people have scolded her for it, including her own father, but Guinevere just doesn’t seem to let up. When adventure calls, Guinevere must follow.


Born from generations of warriors, it was obvious Guinevere would have the same fighting spirit as her ancestors. From the moment she could walk, Guinevere was given a sword and learned the craft of swordsmanship. Unlike most girls in the town learning how to sew and take care of a household, she spent her time clashing swords with the boys. It wasn’t long before she gained a reputation for being a mighty warrior. There’s very few fighters who can keep up with Guinevere.

Due to her passion for swords, Guinevere has an incredibly close bond with her father. They’ll often spend nights together, looking at the stars and discussing various adventurous stories they’ve both learned or even made up. Unfortunately, Guinevere spent so much time fighting, she was never able to establish a close relationship with her mother. While they both love each other, they just never connected the way a mother and daughter are supposed to.

Countless admires have caught Guinevere’s eye, but she chooses to ignore anything to do with romance. The idea of falling in love seems terrifying to her. Any romance could lead to marriage, which would mean the destruction of her dream. So she runs from anyone who even dares winking at her. When it comes to battling monsters or villains, Guinevere is fearless and completely brave, but mention the word love and she’ll take off running for her life. Most of the men around the town are aware of her distaste for romance so they tend to back off. Of course that doesn’t stop them from talking about her when she isn’t around.

Whenever she’s not holding a sword or eating like a complete glutton, Guinevere spends most of her free time snuggled up in a comfortable chair at the town’s library. She loves reading stories of other warriors and the struggles they’ve faced. Becoming one of the many heroes in legend fills her up with excitement.


Guinevere carries around a single sword, a gift on her 16th birthday from her father. Shields are too heavy and boring for her, so she only uses them when absolutely necessary.


Combat Queen: Guinevere is considered one of the best fighters in town. She can wield a sword like no other, with the exception of her father. She's not as strong as most men but uses her swift movement to outsmart and beat them.

Bravery No one is braver than Guinevere, who is afraid of practically nothing (except marriage!).

Leadership Like father, like daughter, Guinevere’s personality shines when things need done. She’s one of the few who steps up to the plate to establish a plan and determine the best solution.

Athletic and Fit Sword fighting does the trick for putting you in shape. Guinevere will often spend time running around town to keep herself fit as well.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Lionheart
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Lionheart Singer of Songs

Member Seen 4 mos ago

Role/Class: Ranger who's as deadly with a sword as he is with a bow.

Name: Aldric Eleros
Age: 20
Gender: Male

Personality: Aldric is a sort of lone wolf, something he gets from his father, he prefers the solitude that hunting provides instead of any sort of camaraderie with others. He is a very responsible young man,
taking his perceived duty of guarding the Vale very seriously, serious enough that he trains every single day.

Aldric is a perfectionist in every thing he does, as such, he is very critical of himself and his actions, particularly how his actions, or rather his mistakes affect the village or those few people he cares about.

His general disposition is stoic, keeping to himself and observing. Social situations tend to see him standing to the side watching, however if you corner him for conversation you'll find he's a very well spoken man.

Most of the young men in the village resent Aldric for being so hardworking and useful while they prefer to flirt with girls or horse around. Aldric himself never took much pleasure in the horsing around bit, not unless that involved training for combat or hunting exercises. As for the flirting bit, there's something about saying crude things or acting vulgar towards really any human that just doesn't sit well with the young man.

Bio: Ever since Aldric was a young boy he showed great independence. In fact amongst all the kids his age he was the first to start walking, however he was the last to start talking. If only his parents knew how much that would tell about his personality as an adult.

From the age of 7 Aldric accompanied his father, Farrest on his trips to gather herbs, learning to identify most plants on sight. As he grew older and older he went with his father on more trips, he killed his first deer at age 10 on one such trip. However never was he allowed to go with his father to hunt the wild boar or the stray wolves who got to close to the village.

Aldric has a good relationship with his mother Marianne, while they don't share as much as he and his father they're still family, a fact that Aldric takes very seriously. That and his father treats his mother like a queen, a trait that Aldric has adopted from childhood and has always been the obedient son.

As he's grown older, Aldric has assumed more and more of his father's mantle, hunting for the poor of the village, gathering herbs for the Doctor, and recently he's been trusted to hunt feral beasts and ward off the bandits in the region.

Weapon: A longbow Aldric carved himself a few years ago. Well made and stout it's seen many hunts and has remained reliable. He has a custom made sword, it's a hand and half longsword with the likeness of a wolf on it's pommel.

Skills: Aldric is a very capable outdoors-man, tracking, gathering, and of course hunting, come as naturally to him as breathing. An equally capable archer, Hunter's skills with a bow rival his father's. Hunter practices with his sword as often as possible making him a formidable combatant.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ViolentViolet
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ViolentViolet Unbowed, Unbent, Unbroken

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Illya Vance

Thief’s Daughter – Rogue Assassin


Nine and Ten years


Female – Heterosexual


Mithril Dagger
-Stolen by her mother and given to her when she turned ten-and-two. It is of dwarven make as mithril can only be mined or worked by the dwarves-
Steel Sword
-A hand-and-a-half sword she found buried in her mothers’ things-
Recurve Bow
-Built for hunting, this bow is one who has seen more human deaths than those of animals-


-If she can get close enough without being spotted, and manage a successful attack, Illya may instantly kill her target with a fatal blow-
Become Shadows
-With her ability to blend in she may become invisible to the untrained eye, melding with the shadows around her. This combined with her Assassinate ability, make her the perfect stealth attacker-
Shadow Step
-A passive skill, Illya makes no sound when she walks unless she thinks about it. This also applies to the rest of her body. She makes no noise when she moves, allowing her to sneak up on almost anyone-
Sleight of Hand
-With practiced ease, the thief may slip a hand inside another pocket, through their bag or make something seemingly vanish into thin air-
-After years of practice, she had developed the ease to climb high on next to nothing, to jump and enhances her flexibility to near contortionist levels-


Illya has never been one to talk to others, nor share her secrets with them, instead allowing herself to become the distant image by the wall that few would ever really remember. Unemotional and detached, she is cold as ice when it comes to dealing with her target or victims, though when she needs to she can put on the perfect mask and act her way with a flawless facsimile of real emotion. She’s apathetic and rhythmic, with little deviation from how she does things.
On the other hand, she is prone to sudden fits of unpredictability or rage, leaving her to do things out of her usual patterns. This has landed her in trouble before, though the person there with the anger is buried deep within her.


Illya was raised away from town, taught most by her mother and learning the rest on her own adventures in and around town. The people there were well aware of what her mother was, though if she stole from them they never noticed or could never prove that it was really her and from that reputation people began to believe that the daughter would be much like Marideth was. From a young age Illya was subject to the scorn and distrust of the people in town, hated even by some and the villagers children didn’t treat her any better having learned from their parents that she wasn’t someone to talk to or trust. She became secluded, locking away her own emotions when the bullies came to harass her and over time she became a being of nothingness with little to drive her onward. By the time she was seven she could easily be described as an emotionless thing rather than a human child. Worse even, she was raised without a father, so only her mother – young and having given birth when she was merely sixteen – was left to raise her.

She started watching, observing and soon she began to learn all she could and started stealing from the villagers without them even noticing it; her hands became quick and her face began to show a smile again, though little of it was real. She was satisfied with stealing from the village, up until she’d left home for several months once and gone on to a large city where she came face to face with a master assassin. In the time she was gone, the village had thought her moved away and gone for good, but she was learning even more, but this time it was how to be the perfect assassin. The first mark she killed was a young noble man, wanted dead for the affair he was having with a powerful man’s wife and earned herself a pretty pouch of gold before returning home to her mother and the village that shunned her.

People questioned why she left in the first place, though she never gave much than a need to see the big city to their faces but Merideth new the first time she saw the pouch of gold on her daughter. The woman had never had much teaching ability to begin with, and few maternal instincts but she was against Illya learning her trade, instead allowing her to buy what she needed regardless of her daughters protests. Why should I act like something I’m not? Why not prove them right and make them regret passing such early judgement? She’d really left because she needed space and someone to really learn from, a Master to show her which way to go to reach her fullest potential. She’d found him too and came back to show her mother exactly what she had been keeping her from. Merideth had to admit, she was a little bit impressed.

She’s nineteen now and spend often months at a time away from home, stealing and killing while hiding her riches away from the public eye, instead allowing the Vale to think her a regular girl with few special talents.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Savo
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Savo Time to go to Hell

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Role/Class The Blacksmiths "Frail" Son, The Guardian


Name: Laciel Lenssed

Age: 18

Height: 6"1'


A rather quiet and rather to himself sort of boy is not much one for words, or really anything revolving around talking since he is rather nervous about spouting the wrong thing along with having a bit of social anxiety. He isn't too headstrong and is rather thoughtful than rushing into the fray, despite having his mothers blood in him. He takes after his father in this sense by staying vigilant and alert to any danger coming near. However, back on the topic of talking to others. Due to being confined to the forge a lot, he doesn't exactly have people skills. Laciel has watched others speak to try and better himself, however it is unknown how soon he will improve.

Even with these drawbacks, ever since he was of a young age, Laciel held an innate curiosity of the world about him. He would always search for a way to study, even if it meant his mother scolding him for doing something reckless. If he becomes curious, it may overlap with his thoughtful side when weighing the odds. Usually his decisions are right most of the time, but sometimes they are less than desired results... such as the time he almost got killed by a bear. Thankfully his mother is a lot more fearsome than the bear and promptly caused it to flee, however being "fierce" is something he is lacking in with his supposedly decrepit appearance.

The boy has an immense dislike for being tied down to one path and prefers to choose his own way. Since his mother is often fearful of whatever dangers he might have to face, she is overprotective of him which gets old pretty quickly. He feels the need to speak out against her and how his mother is one step in front of him to make his troubles fleeting... Even with her other activities, she managed to keep a keen eye on him and is rather frustrated about being hounded on consistently. He finds it rather difficult to tell her off since it's difficult to locate a mean bone in his body. Even the best doctors around couldn't even find one if they tried... Even with these limitations, he does have a breaking point and one can only hope it isn't broken.


"Laciel is a lot like his father I'll tell ya! Scholarly, curious... and a wee bit stubborn to boot."

- Leslie Lenssed

Hailing from a long line of scholars and blacksmiths, Laciel was born into a trade that would possibly consume his life and revolve around him consistently... if he wasn't so adverse to not being coaxed into the path of the forge. Ever since he was of a ripe age, he was always working beside his mother at the forge and at night would listen to his fathers encounters when traveling with her prior to them settling down in Vale eventually. Such tales fraught with excitement and mysteries attracted him, but most of all the delight of new knowledge that he could become enlighten with. The dream felt so far away to him, but he was determined to make it a reality and gain the wisdom of those before him. His life outside the house was less than spectacular than the stories spoke of by his father as he spent most of his time around the forge and less around the children. He grew close to his mother as he observed her conjure up weapons with her vitality. Over time he began to properly forge weapons for others, easily taking over his mothers spot when she went off hunting with father or in bed with a hangover after drinking myriads of men Laciel couldn't count (father included) under the table. It was annoying at first, but eventually he became accustomed to her less than stellar and boisterous habits.

When he is allowed off from the forge for working a tinge bit too hard, either Laciel pursues knowledge in his free time from the library, his assortment of books, or his father himself. His father expresses a lot of joy for taking interests in his path, but feels the need for leaving cryptic messages for Laciel to figure out. Once he figures out his fathers riddles he becomes ecstatic at his sons ability to properly comprehend his meanings whether it be physical in a sense or metaphorical. After figured out, he would spend a long time with his son, lecturing him and teaching him new things he had never known about before. These times allowed to bond with his father which he rarely had time for since he was usually out reliving his mystical tales through providing for the family. The other times he doesn't get the chance, he is seen by others hanging out in the library studying his days away while others train and enjoy their days in the sunlight. He was often teased by others for being so engrossed in books and was never seen training. Despite these stinging words, he took private lessons from his mother who demonstrated her skills which dazzled him. He often would test his mettle against his mother and other challengers, either failing or succeeding with his prior knowledge gained through his spars with Leslie. This only continued to fuel the desire for paving his own path.

One day, his father left without leaving a trace or warning with the exception of a simple letter created with a cryptic message which befuddled his mother. The two were bothered by two completely different reasons, his mother who became worried over his fathers disappearance due to the dangers which most likely were in wait. Laciel became worried over the measures she would go to when becoming very overprotective for another, coming to the conclusion of what sacrifices she would make to safeguard what she dearly loves. This lead to his mother keep a closer grip and keener eye on son after the event which began to slightly suffocate him with the ever impending presence. He rarely could stray too far, but he wanted to travel to bring his father back due to a paltry rumor that caused a ruckus over his family... although he did also find it slightly interesting since it offered something he knew and loved all too well. Other than that, he often attempted to make talk with the other children after watching them make contact with one another. He hadn't really socialize with people other than the exceptional few he would come upon. However, when the event arose to gain a new friend, he ran off to "get to work at the forge." Laciel found himself being consistently beat up mentally through this as he became annoyed at his inability to form a long lasting friendship with another.

At the age of eighteen, his sword-skills and smithery have made his mother and him known as the dynamic duo of forging in the village as they continued to make weapons with infallible craftsmanship, with the exception of a few times due to a few mistakes, some of which from his mother, Leslie. From what he could tell, she was still bothered by his fathers leave, even after the two years that flew by before his very eyes. It was seemingly becoming worse as she began to fret a bit more, little by little. It was difficult to notice to the naked eye but she could easily hide her sorrows from others, with the exception of Laciel who began to constantly worry over her well-being since the stress was possibly getting to her in both ways. Along with her becoming perturbed, his social skills were still lacking horribly as he struggled to develop them over the years. That was the only thing that ever continued to dull over the years, until of course he was greeted by an enigmatic letter signed by his father lying on his bed. This one made even less sense than before and made him wrack his brains over more than before to understand it.

Laciel did ponder upon the letter, but he hasn't found an answer, yet for the most part...


A mithril longsword specially crafted by Laciel himself at a tender age which was considered almost a bit difficult to wield at his age and had assistance from his mother when making it. It's rather large and difficult for most people to properly wield, however thanks to the inherited strength, he seems to possess the vital strength to use the weapon. It has an engraving above the guard of it with two L's side by side.


Mimic: With a thirst for procuring wisdom, he has the ability to properly mimic others fighting styles to put them at a roadblock. Even with a simple longsword, he can almost properly copy another. If he managed to wield the same weapon, then they could be in loads of trouble.

Counter: Once he properly learns of a person and their fighting style he can turn the tables and swiftly use their own strategy against them, or come up with a new one to easily fall them.

Endurance and Fortitude: Training with others and mainly his mother has left more than a fair amount of bruises and cuts. However, such endeavors that he has endured have caused him to toughen up and become formidable in combat which can cause major surprised to others who don't expect him to be able to properly jump into the fray. Laciel also has his mothers unrivaled strength which was nurtured over spars and losses into the budding blacksmith he is today.

Watchful Eye: Laciel has spent a lot of time sneaking away from the stray eyes of Leslie, allowing him to get a taste of nature. Not only can he analyze the area around him, but he can keep up with any inconsistencies in his line of sight as if it was childs play. However, keeping an eye on his environment isn't the only thing he can extort to his advantage.

Scholarly Mind: Laciel spends as much time in the books as he does in the forge. He keeps a whole library in the room containing him and will often become sleep deprived to procure knowledge. His love for knowledge allows him to gain information quicker and dispense them to others that he feels that could put this knowledge to use. An example is his knowledge of the forge and his power to easily create wonders. Even so, he won't hesitate to use such a thing to his advantage for his own reasons.
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