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Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Hexaflexagon
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The Character Sheet

Appearance Goes Here!

An added written description can go here!

Character Name


(The Muscle, The Sniper, The Brains, etc. Basically The plus noun or adjective of your choice.)

Civilian Information

Class: You can choose from any of the basic six classes. And even mix and match them if you want.
Biotic potency: (Y/N)
Military Background

Years Spent in Active Combat: Out of their entire lives how much of that has been spent shooting people?
Advance Specializations: (You don't have to really limit yourself here but don't get too crazy once again please use only specializations found within the games.)
Skillset: (What are they good at? Hacking, front line combat, sustained assault, long range encounters, etc?)
Favored Powers: (Any standard or bonus power available to them that they have a tendency of using more than the others.)
Psychological Analysis

Traits: (Any really notable trait about your character, mannerism, quirks, etc that make your character stand out.)
  • Trait One
  • Trait Two
  • Trait Three

Flaws: (Everybody has them and the more the merrier! Flawed characters are interesting ones!)
  • Flaw One
  • Flaw Two
  • Flaw Three

Pysch Profile: (What makes them tick? What irks them, who are they? Basically the personality but a little bit more than that )
Backstory: (Either a couple of paragraphs or a whole analtical essay. Remember quality over quantity. Kiddos.)

Character Motivation: (Everybody has a goal from getting the girl, to getting vengeance, to saving the day. What motivates your character?)
Significant Relations: (Anybody they would could significant to their existence alive or dead)
Opinions on Others: (How do they feel about the rest of the team? This can be left blank and added on after everyone adds a sheet.)
Awesome Theme Song: (optional)

Gm Characters & NPCS: Currently Works in Progress

The Team

To be added
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by my Lalia
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my Lalia The Master of Hugs

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Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by DJAtomika
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DJAtomika Second to Most

Member Seen 17 days ago

Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by McHaggis


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Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Nevermind
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Nevermind Wasted Undone

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Madran is around six foot dead, meaning he is probably an inch or two below average for his race, but still fairly tall in comparison to other races. He is muscular, but not in a bulky sense - in fact he has quite a typical build, yet he is in peak physical condition. His physique allows him to move with agility, yet still have considerable strength if thrown in to a hand-to-hand combat scenario.

The plates on his face are a grey darker than that of the average Turian, appearing almost black. Over the years he has suffered some grave injuries, and as a result small cracks and scars remain on his face. He wears paint on his face at all times to commemorate his colony of origin - due to the fact it never leaves his face, it is essentially a feature of his.

Madran is mostly seen in his black armour - it is medium in weight and practical in it's constraints, allowing him to move quickly and freely. If ever he is in a casual environment, such as a club or his own home, he would likely wear something fairly smart, yet relaxed. His outfits are costly and always ceremonious to some degree.

Madran Deltis

The Scoundrel

Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Inlaa
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Inlaa Yes, that's a dwarf with sunglasses.

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Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by TheMusketMan
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TheMusketMan The Trooper

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

This man is gruff in appearance. He has unshaven facial hair and a Mohawk. Several minor scars can be seen on his face, which is rough in exterior, has kind green eyes. If one was to look under his clothing, he would have a thick jagged scar going down the right side of his abdomen. He also has a tattoo of the British Union Jack on his right bicep. His armor is clean, with a few permanent scrapes here and there. He wears the same model, but repaints it to each new environment priding himself on his camouflage technique.

Ryland 'R' Dilham

The Gunslinger

Civilian Information

Species: Human
Age: 28
Gender: Male
Height: 5'11
Weight 187lbs
Class: Soldier
Biotic potency: None
Military Background

Years Spent in Active Combat: 11
Armaments: Terminator Assault Rifle, Hydra Shotgun, Stinger Pistol
Armor: Medium Hazard Armor
Advance Specializations: Commando/ Shock trooper
Skillset: Front line combat, CQC, Hand-to-hand combat.
Favored Powers: N/A
Psychological Analysis

  • Loyal- Once someone becomes his friend, he will protect them with his life.
  • Kind- He has a heart of gold, he will protect the innocent with his life.
  • Fearless- Nothing scares him.

  • Nicotine Addict- He developed this destructive habit while he was in the service.
  • Racially biased- He tends to be somewhat rude towards Turians for obvious reasons. It takes a lot for him to respect a Turian.
  • Rowdy- Likes to start fights, even if he can't finish them....which he usually can.

Pysch Profile: Ryland was raised in the slums of London, so he had to learn to get tough at a young age. He always fought for the innocent and the downtrodden, even if it meant he got his ass handed to him. He's a warrior, he loves to fight and he loves to kill bad people. He's a family man at heart though, one day he wants to settle down and start a family. He's kind and honest and a go-getter. His service in the military taught him to never judge a book by its cover, even if sometimes he doesn't follow that rule. He hates those who prey on the innocent and has no mercy for their kind.
Backstory: Ryland Oswald Dilham was born April 16th, 2132 in the slums of London. His mother died during birth and his father was a lackey for a local gang. He was a sort of a Nomad, moving throughout the city and taking shelter wherever. His education was limited at best, some schools illegally rejecting him due to his origins. His life in London was a sad one, but he never felt that way. He fought with gangs constantly, protecting those who suffered by their hand. Finally it was no longer safe to be in London, and at the age of 17 in spring of 2149 he enlisted in the Marines.

Ryland's military career took him all over. There was so much to see and so much to fight. After serving a standard enlistment, Ryland tried out for the SAS in 2153, he passed with flying colors. He was put in a unit that was sent to the thick of it, largely involved with major assaults and attacks, using the mayhem to flank the enemy or destroy targets. Soon Ryland's unit is inducted into the Systems Alliance as a Special Recon Unit for exploration. It was the first time he had been to space and he loved it. After years of exploring and defending the explorers, something changed. Humans came into their first contact with aliens. And he was there when it happened. The attack was brief but violent and it launched Ryland into a three month war for the survival of humanity. He hated the Turians, every single one of them. Until, he was kept alive by one. It was the last weeks of the First Contact War and Ryland's Squad had just been ambushed. He had taken a shot to the gut and was bleeding out fast. All of a sudden, a Turian soldier was huddled over him, dressing his wounds. The soldier looked down at him and gave an understanding nod. Then he was gone. Ryland was recovered as the only survivor of his squad and was honorably discharged from the military.

After the end of the war, Ryland needed a new line of work. Mercenary work. So the last three years he's been traveling the galaxy, gunning down whoever he's getting paid to gun down. Then he happened upon Omega. A place that was in such a state of disrepair that he knew he had to do something. So he joined up with a band of people who wanted to make a difference. Who would make a difference.

Character Motivation: He wants to make the universe a better place. One bad guy corpse at a time.
Significant Relations: The Turian Soldier- "The only decent Turian I ever saw in the war."-Unkown
Corporal Asid Welsh- "Rest in peace soldier, you were a damn good man." -Dead
Opinions on Others:

Raya- "I always thought Asari were sexy and I think the same of her, but there's no way in hell I'm gonna try to get in 'er pants. She's one scary bird."

Daro'Shuris nar Konesh- "A good doctor. A young Doctor. I'm not that old meself, but when she's around I look like a jaded old soldier. She's innocent and naive, traits I'm sure will disappear with time. Sad that a girl like that has to live in a universe like this."

Haze- "A Turian, yes, though not as slimy as the other one. He fought in The First Contact War same as me, so at least he knows how bloody stupid it was. And I'm always inclined to favor a soldier."

Madran Deltis- "This one is tricky. You never know what he's planning and I don't like that. I don't like him very much. At all. If a Turian could be slimy, this one would be the slimiest of them all. Gives me a bad taste in my mouth just thinking about him."

Nik- "A right enough bloke if a bit stubborn, he got this whole justice party together. A fine leader and fighter."

Olan Bol- "I haven't met the bloke, though I have spoke with him over a commlink. He seems to know his stuff and has pulled us out of a few tight spots and I appreciate those working on the computers to get us home safe."

Awesome Theme Song:
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Dervish
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Dervish Let's get volatile

Member Seen 15 days ago

Powerfully built, burly, and conditioned by a lifetime of hard training, Ardan Parvius has a ruggedness that women would likely find attractive if he smiled more often. Fixated on physical fitness to the point of narcissism, the only blemishes on Ardan’s body are several scars earned in combat – and just living on Omega.

Ardan Parvius

The Demoman

Civilian Information

Species: Turian

Age: 37

Gender: Male

Height: 6’03”

Weight 208 Pounds

Class:Soldier/ Engineer

Biotic potency: No

Military Background

Years Spent in Active Combat: 18

Elanus Risk Control Services M-15 Vindicator assault rifle, loaded with Hammerhead Rounds

Elanus Risk Control Services Hurricane Shotgun, loaded with Explosive Rounds

Armax Arsenal Brawler Pistol, loaded with Anti-Personnel Rounds

Elanus Risk Control Services M-100 Grenade Launcher


Elanus Risk Control Services Medium Guardian Armour

Advance Specializations: Demolisher

Skillset: Demolitions, Supportive Combat, Close Quarters Combat Specialist, Rappelling, Extravehicular Activity, Communications and Signals, Explosives Ordinance Disposal, Combat Diver.

If the team absolutely, positively needs something destroyed in a spectacular fashion, Ardan is the man they turn to.

Favored Powers:
-First Aid
-Proximity Mine
-Fragmentation Grenade

Psychological Analysis

Ardan Parvius is a classic example of a man whose entire life and beliefs were shaken to the core and responding in a less than ideal manner. Where he was once assured of the Hierarchy's supremacy and how it it was the turian obligation to fight until the enemy could no longer do so, the fact that the humans breached galactic law and had put the turian military to shame and the subsequent coddling the Council gave humans eroded the once ironclad faith Ardan carried in his government. Now aimless and unsure of where his place is in the galaxy after coming from a strictly regimented society where all facets of life are assured, Ardan has had difficulty adapting to his new circumstances. As a result, he is a bitter, sarcastic, and largely apathic individual who lacks direction or purpose.

This has led to several career changes, an ill advised and doomed marriage, and little if any friends. While he is still boastful and confident to people he meets, inside he is like a puzzle that has been dropped; several pieces don't fit where they should and the whole package isn't coming together. Nonetheless, he is still an extremely capable individual with 19 years of military experience and a knack for getting the job done. While his personality might put him on the outs with his comrades, having some form of structure and leadership in his life may be exactly what he needs to get himself back on track.

Adran is also a compulsive snacker, and a bag of nuts or other salted treats are never long away from his person. He enjoys collecting handguns and military paraphernalia as they remind him of a simpler, much happier time. A childhood toy, a stuffed volus, is one of his most cherished and sentimental belongings that now sits on a shelf in his apartment along with several other personal effects.


  • Right mandible twitches when Ardan is irritated or annoyed
  • Ardan will often idly fiddle with whatever he is holding, he enjoys keeping his hands busy, and it is a coping mechanism when he’s nervous
  • Ardan is a guarded personality type that will often cross his arms when he is in disagreement, if he is unsure of someone’s intentions, or if he remains unconvinced about a decisions or course of action.


  • Ardan is very prejudiced, if not outright racist, towards humans, krogan, quarians and batarians. He is very slow to trust, let alone like, anyone from these species for a number of reasons. While he’s not petty enough to let it get in the way of getting a job done, on a personal level it is an uphill battle to earn his respect and admiration.
  • Still largely a military man at heart, Ardan has had a difficult time adjusting to the lawless Terminus Systems’ way of life. He has a strict personal code of ethics he is very reluctant to cross, and while he remains determined to succeed and forge his own path free of the Hierarchy’s regulations and treaties. He simply does not understand the finer points of life on the street and he often is frustrated at the lack of clean, simple military-like solutions in this region of space.
  • Ardan is a very competitive individual whose pride will not let him back down from a challenge, often leading himself into dangerous situations what he handles recklessly. He believes himself to be one of the best, and while he does have the skills to back up his hubris, he does not take well to losing.

Pysch Profile:

Backstory: Born on the turian colony of Oma Ker in 2123CE, Ardan Parvius was the second born son to Varvius and Octaana Parvius, a turian artillery officer with the 78th Artillery Regiment and a fighter pilot with the 16th Flotilla respectively, giving the Parvius family a rather distinguished military presence and history. From a young age, Ardan learned of his family’s legacy and place in turian society on both his parents knees and grew up knowing that his parents could be gone any day. Because their service often took them across Citadel Space, Ardan was constantly on the move and all but assured to follow in his parents’ footsteps and becoming a career military man.
While his older brother Casius would enter his mandatory 15 year public service position as a police officer on Palaven, Ardan joined the military and after basic training he was enlisted in the 105th Combat Engineering Corps due to his high scores in mathematics and sciences. Keeping in touch with his parents’ units via Extranet packets on an allotted biweekly basis, Ardan’s career took him across Citadel space, joining in larger military exercises on turian colony worlds and joint exercises with allied asari and salarian units, leading to friendly rivalries with the 10th’s counterparts from the other Council militaries.

While most of his career was training and rising up the rank structure, reaching Sergeant after 5 years of service, Ardan did see combat on remote worlds, engaging with pirates, turian separatists, and others operating outside of galactic law. His unit, being a combat engineer regiment, was largely responsible for establishing base camps, building defenses, and laying area denial weapons like landmines and turrets to deter the enemy. At the earliest opportunity, Ardan took Sapper and underwater demolitions training, wishing for an opportunity to bring the fight to the enemy. These skills brought Ardan into specialized strike teams that acted in support of the infantry regiments and were used to destroy bunkers, breach buildings, and sabotage enemy infrastructure and vehicles. For his role in destroying an enemy artillery emplacement ahead of the main assault, Ardan was given the Banner of the 105th to carry on parade for the next month and several commendations from his superior officers. This would be the height of his career, as the next several years were relatively peaceful without any major combat deployments until word came of an unknown alien race activating the dormant Relay 314. Soon Ardan Parvius would be deployed to Shanxi in what would be the largest military deployment of his career.

Ardan’s first meeting with humans ultimately ended up being a long-range firefight where him, his fellow sappers, and the infantry they were attached to spent hours shooting at distant muzzle flashes. The first time he saw a human up close was the corpses of the line they had overrun, and he found the humans to be unnervingly similar in appearance to asari. Thinking they were some distant cousin of the asari, Ardan spent most of the conflict paranoid about the humans having powerful biotic capabilities which they seemed to be holding back as some kind of strategic gambit to hit the turian forces should they overextend their supply lines. The human forces were quickly overrun and the planet was soon under turian control. A month long occupation followed, luring the turian garrisons into a false sense of security.
When the 2nd Fleet broke through and hit the turian positions, the once dominant turians found themselves on the defense and constantly losing ground to the fresh, and furious human forces. Ardan fought hard and scored kills against human armour, including two Grizzly and three Mako tanks, before being ordered to retreat. Very nearly defying orders, Ardan and his unit reluctantly left the planet to regroup with the fleet.

When they found out that turian casualties at that point were higher than the humans, Ardan demanded his commanding officer convince his superiors to organize a strike force against the human supply lines and disorganize their forces before they could regroup and dig in to prepare for another invasion. Although rebuked for his insubordination, Captain Orodis nonetheless began to coordinate and organize an advance strike force with the Fleet with the blessing of high command. However, before the turians could counter-attack, a ceasefire was called and it came known that the Council was negotiating with the humans, the asari leading the efforts, further lending credence to Ardan’s suspicion that humans might be their distant cousins. Furious with the resolution of the conflict and how the turians, the most powerful military force in the galaxy, was forced into a treaty with the humans after suffering heavier losses was a scar that was, in Ardan’s eyes, an unforgivable embarrassment.

For the first time in the sapper’s career, Ardan started to think that maybe the turian Hierarchy had grown soft and would not be prepared to meet its peacekeeping mandate if its response to future threats was equally flaccid and spineless. Were the turians not the ones who had single handed stopped the krogans during the Krogan Rebellions? Ardan asked the Spirits for guidance, the spirit of the Hierarchy, of his Regiment, of his family, and he found no answers or comfort. Finding out his mother had lost a leg after being shot down in the conflict did little to steel Ardan’s resolve, and after watching the televised treaty being signed between human and turian representatives, most insultingly of all the Hierarchy agreeing to pay war reparations, was too much for Ardan. After 19 years of service, 4 years longer than the mandatory 15 years of public service turian culture demands of all citizens, Ardan resigned from the military, disappearing from the public eye for some time.

The next time anyone from the Parvius family heard from Ardan was his brother Casius receiving an Extranet packet from an unknown source that turned out to be Ardan letting him know he was safe and in the Terminus Systems, putting as much space between him, humanity, and the Hierarchy as possible. Ardan managed to get a few more messages back and forth with Casius, who was now serving as a hastatim, and now acting as a relay between Ardan and his parents. The former soldier disappeared for quite some time, only trying to contact his family once every few months. Before long, Ardan came to Omega, hoping to make a new life for himself.

The next three years had not treated Ardan kindly, as trying to adjust to life on the largely lawless station was far outside of the orderly and lawful existence he had lead up until his departure from the military. Taking any odd job that would pay, Ardan had found a few armed security jobs, construction work, and in one notable instance smuggling that had earned him by far the most credits, even if it was nothing short of a miracle he had pulled the job off. Since being on Omega, he has been mugged three times, stabbed twice, and married and subsequently divorced once. Still nursing his hatred for humanity, the Hierarchy’s cowardice, and the lawless bastards that ran Omega, Ardan heard of a little team that decided to fight back against the rampant injustice the common people on Omega faced. Nursing a drink and a fresh stab wound, Ardan decided to follow the news of these vigilantes and approach them when he finally managed to locate them.


Character Motivation: Ardan is largely aimless, his ironclad faith in the turian Hierarchy shaken and the blight known as humanity spreads across the stars. The thought of terrorism had occurred to the turian, but Ardan still respects the sanctity of innocent civilians. Now having witnessed that the galaxy can be so much worse on a personal level on Omega, Ardan seeks to impose order and justice on the scum of the Terminus Systems until he can find a place to call home – free of humans, free of government interference, and free of criminal syndicates.

Significant Relations:
-Casius Parvius, brother and closest relative
-Varvius Parvius, father
-Octaana Parvius, mother
-Veetsha D’alyt, ex-wife, stripper

Opinions on Others:

-Nikusiil Vos: Bit of a hopeless idealist, but his heart's in the right place and at least he's trying to do some good in this shithole. Man has some serious ghosts haunting him that occasionally makes him an angry jackass, but he cares for his people and wouldn't ask us to to anything he wouldn't do himself. That's the mark of a good leader. I haven't met too many drell, but I suspect they don't get much better than Nik.

-Penoraya T'mivus: What a spirits-damned floozy. Cold, angry, thinks she's hotter than she is. Reminds me of my ex-wife, surprised she isn't working the pole instead of a shotgun to earn some credits. She's got a few screws lose in that tentacley head of hers, probably was touched as a kid a few too many times. I imagine she also tortured small animals for amusement, probably still does. Any dumb bastard that goes to bed with her reminds me of those bugs where the female's bigger and more powerful, right, and the tiny male has to go up there to do his duty to the species and impregnate the bitch knowing full well she's going to eat his head and feed his corpse to their horrible brood of children. That's Penoraya in a nutshell.

-Hazan Volintis: Did I ever mention I never really cared for snipers? Get get shot at by one, you get shot at by them all, and with today's technology it's really not that hard to shoot some jagoff from a kilometer away, the smart computer does all the calculations, you point where it tells you to, pull the trigger, some dipshit is dead before they finish their smoke break. At least this guy's willing to actually get his hands dirty and punch someone in the face, so he gets a pass. Claims he was special ops, don't have any real reason to doubt him but Omega's full of liars puffing out their chests and making bogus claims to look high and mighty to impress people who probably don't give a shit. Still, he's good. Reliable, gets the job done, not impossible to get along with. If he keeps somebody from shooting me from whatever dark hole he likes to hide in when the rest of the team actually does real work, we'll keep getting along fine.

Daro'Shuris nar Konesh: Why can't more quarians be like Daro? Instead of being a system draining collection of vagrants, you have this sweet young quarian girl who only wants to keep people from dying from trauma, which is pretty much everyone on Omega at some point or another. She's selfless, kind, and almost gratingly optimistic, but compared to broody Penoraya resting bitchface, it's almost a welcome relief. Still, I hope she learns to handle herself a bit better. She's one of the only people I know who can die if you sneeze at them too hard.

Madran Deltis: I'm pretty sure Madran saw a bad spy movie series one too many times and he decided, "I'm going to be that man". Only problem is, unlike the suave super spy, this guy is hopelessly dependent on booze and I'm pretty sure he'd catch fire if I flicked a lighter near him because you can smell it on his breath like he's some kind of ethanol powered robot. Also like the super spy, he thinks he needs to validate his worth by banging whatever skank is drunk or desperate enough to go home with him. I'm fairly certain his genitalia can be classified as a biological warfare agent. Otherwise, he's easy to get along with, he's charismatic and at least interesting to talk to and his connections have actually proven pretty useful to the team. Overall, guy's a bit of a jackass, but he's good company and he does his job right.

Olan Bol: Some people call Olan a coward for not fighting, but let's put it this way, have you ever punctured a can of aerosol cheese? Volus are like that. Pressure suit gets punctured and they pretty much explode in what has to be the most unpleasant death imaginable. Dude's a sketchy sleezeball, but I can't help but like him. He's a greedy pathological bastard who serves his own interests, and he doesn't even try to hide that fact. I respect that, after a fashion. He's also damn good at what he does, and he does it in a way where he doesn't feel the need to justify his worth with words. He also used to work for Elanus Risk Control Services, which is too bad he quit; I could have pressed him to get me my gear for much less than I paid for it. Whatever, turian quality, you get what you pay for. Unlike those volus-run knock off brands that can't even smash a man across the face without the stock cracking... sorry, I'm rambling. Point is, don't buy Elkoss Combine.

-Ryland Dilham: More like Ryland Dildo. I came to this festering cesspool of a station because I figured humans would be too distracted by how big and shiny the Citadel was before they started to spread across the galaxy like a bunch of ill-tempered toddlers that can't wait to shit all over everything. And so here lies Nik's worst decision to date, an ugly ape of a man with a stupid patch of hair on his head that sounds like a gibbering idiot every time he opens his mouth. One of these days, I will shove a grenade in there. What, you think I'm joking? Like the rest of his barbarian primate race, Ryland likes fighting and killing, which explains why him and the asari seem to get along fine, and he seems to be trying to appease the others by being nice. I don't buy it. Humans can't be trusted, they break rules, start bitching about how unfair they're being treated, and then people bafflingly try to make amends by giving them more to repeat the cycle over and over again. Word has it they're being given huge amounts of colony rights that's more than any other individual species and an embassy on the Citadel. Point is, this guy's going to be a manipulative asshole who's going to be the living definition of giving an inch and him taking a mile. Just watch.

Awesome Theme Song: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fzWSlcuJOoY Reach for the Sky - Social Distortion

Other: Liquor is the key to many of Ardan’s very, very poor choices.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by CutUp
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CutUp Ya Never Be This Cool

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