Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ArenaSnow
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ArenaSnow Devourer of Souls

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Nartholan shrugged innocently. " I don't control them." Fairly true, considering they were really just barbarians who knew nothing better than to smash things and kill people that were pointed in the direction of the now rather... damaged booth. He wasn't concerned that they would attack him, although he did have a short sword tucked in his coat just in case, not that he was particulary good with it. Then again, he wasn't sure what that would do against beings bred for war who had met their own on the battlefields that he had spectated on a few times.

Both demons swung their swords at the corners of the booth, quickly chopping portions up and being almost smashed by the booth's top coming down, if they werent rather big by themselves. One of them saw Aria and moved in her direction.

((Feel free to take control of them as you wish from this point forwards, folks))
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Slendy
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Slendy The Old Soul Teenaged Otaku

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Aurous surroundings got chaotic pretty quickly. He was shy but he wasn't the type of person to crack under choas. He sat down and spectated the scene. He was a clothes designer after all no one suspects him to spring into action unless needed to. Just to stay prepared he kept his hand on the ground so he could spawn obsidian if one of the demons plan to come his way.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Tabitha
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Tabitha Birthday is on June 10th!

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Aria waited until the demon advancing towards her was only two feet away from her. He began to swing his sword at her, but she flipped over him and her sword trailed all along his helmet. When she landed, she stabbed him in the back. He roared and kicked her back, and both she and the sword went flying into the ground. She skid across the ground and slammed into the other demon. She rolled out of the way as he tried to stab her. She stood up quickly and grasped her sword. She had their attention now as the bell rang throughout the city, and citizens began to run towards the bell tower.

But Aria knew she couldn't fight both of them. She'd be defeated in a matter of seconds. "Hey army girl! A little help?" she yelled out to Jessica as she struck the second one, barely making any dents in the armour. She knew she could be defeated quickly. She was bleeding a little on her arms from her skid across the ground, but she didn't let it bother her.
Meanwhile, Aquintis pulled the bell rope and watched as citizens walked towards the building where she was. She also watched as Aria fought.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Hirothelegend
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Hirothelegend Bionis Disciple

Member Seen 10 yrs ago

"Uhhh okay" Jessica said. She looked around for a sword, to which her luck there was a weaponry booth behind the group. She turned to the dude and flashed her Military Badge. "I'm Jessica, part of the Weiderholung Military and by law I am commandeering this sword." She told the person hosting the booth. She ran back to the two demonic troops. Okay, just like training... "Hey, dummy... come here!" She yelled bringing aggro to her. Suddenly a vision came to her.

"Remember Vincent, flow like a river in battle. Move with the enemy and force them against the current... Then they will be at a disadvantage."

Before Jessica could comprehend the vision, one of the soldiers went to stab her. Almost instinctively, she moved to the side and sliced it's neck. A crimson fluid flowed down it's body. The soldier fell, but not dead. How... did I do that? And who's Vincent? She thought to herself, then realize she shouldn't be standing there and pulled off the helmet and stabbed through it's head. The soldier fell limp while the other seems to be more interested in Aria. Jessica ran back and jumped between the Demonic Soldier and Aria, legs trembling. "Hold o-o-of or else you'll e-e-end up l-l-like your friend!" Jessica said going through an adrenaline rush that she was so unaccustomed for.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Cuccoruler
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Cuccoruler The Banana Chicken

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Linia after a few minutes of shock at seeing the attack quickly held out her hand. A shovel seemed to then materialize for a magic circle that also appeared. Linia closed her eyes for a moment before opening again. She ran at the demon going after Aria from behind and hit it in the head with her shovel. It fell down for a moment. This gave Linia a chance to summon what looked like a spear made of holy light. It stabbed the demon through the heart killing it. "I'm not going to fail to defeat you creatures again." Linia said, hatred in her eyes for the Demons.

Cia meanwhile just watched the battle. She decided it best not to get involved, as she had a bit of a connection to all the heroes and villains, as she was a supplier to all at one point or another.

Cinia turned to Eric after he asked what he needed to do. "I need to know who is who." Cinia said as she took out a notepad. "These are their original names, I need pictures to go with them." Cinia said as she handed the Notepad to Eric.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Hirothelegend
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Hirothelegend Bionis Disciple

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Eric was handed a notepad with names on them. He carefully observed the list of names on the notepad and then stood up.

"Neat... Well here goes my search!" He said as he turned around and opened the door. Immediately he sees some blood on the ground with a group near the bodies. "Well what do you know, this search might have just took a shortcut..." He had said, taking his camera from his desk and running over towards the group. He finally gets to the group and takes out the notepad and readies the camera. "Hey guys, Vice Mayor here. I see you defeated some demonic, satanic people here. I would be honored to get your guy's name and picture and so we can post this in the town's article!" Eric says grinning. He sees the lady with the sword with her legs slowly un-tremble. "Let's start with you ma'am! What's your name and explain your day today!" Eric asked, readying his camera.

Jessica sighed a air of relief when Linia defeated that last soldier almost with ease, and with Magic! She has magic too! I wonder if she part of the military... I hope so because I need training for mine! She thought. Once she slowly calm down, she proceeded to help Aria up while the stranger came up asking her questions. "My name is Jessica Willow, fellow member of the Weiderholung Militia. Before I say anything, I must apologize to my commander for fighting without my uniform since I know normally it's prohibited, but I think I saved someone's life so hopefully I can be pardoned for this incident. As for my day, well it definitely had it's up and downs. I got a cool dragonfly from..." Jessica was about to finish that statement when she forgot the one who sold it to her's name. She looked back towards the woman and looked back at the name tag. "...from Aquintis? I believe that's her name. I have horrible vision form here. Anywho... It seemed like after I packed up my bag, these two soldiers that according to you are demonic, destroyed my booth. I will surely here from commander for this!" She slightly quivered at the thought of what punishment her commander might have for her this time, then continued on explaining the situation.

"Hmmm that seems to be troublesome. Well I'm sure after your commander hears your deeds, you'll be surely pardoned. Here, have this!" Eric says finishing recording the story with his camera and wrote the girl's name on the front notepad, then rips out an empty sheet with a quick paragraph requesting for Jessica to be excuse if possible, signed and all, then hands the note to her. "I hope this at least buffers some of your punishment... Now about you guys? What are your names and current feelings about what just happened? After we get this through, I'm sure our mayor will have a great ceremony for you all and might even give you a key to the city... even though the city has no gates!" Eric says finishing off with a laugh then gets back to being focused on the other members of the group surrounding the Steam-Punk Booth.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Tabitha
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Tabitha Birthday is on June 10th!

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Aria was...let's put it the simple way. Pissed. This man thinks he can just come out here and start interviewing us?! Does he even know what's at stake?! I hate reporters! And to think he's Vice Mayor. Gods. There is so much more at risk here. This means that Draculi is coming and he doesn't even know it. She couldn't take it anymore. She stood up and walked towards him, rage on her face.

"My current feeling is that you should piss off. Lives were risked, we risked our skinny little asses for the citizens, and you just wanna report. Well guess what, Vice Mayor, the world isn't as peachy as it seems. Write that down in your little notebook after the world is destroyed. Yeah, that's right. The world is at stake. So piss the hell off!"
Aquintis watched as a man walked over to the group. She flew down over to them. "...world is at stake. So piss the hell off!" she heard Aria say. She looked pretty furious.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ArenaSnow
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ArenaSnow Devourer of Souls

Banned Seen 4 yrs ago

Nartholan was able to tell who the primary threats would be from the encounter now. He had to admit, with one of them being capable of magic, there could be a little trouble.

Remembering their faces, he welcomed (Erik)'s arrival and walked along the side of the now rather empty festival, preparing to move to a more... discreet location. No doubt his master was beginning to execute the plan.

Dracuil gazed at the events of the festival. One face stood out.

"Linia... feisty as always... and doomed the same way..."

He turned his attention to political affairs in the world. Relations between the powers "USA" and "Russia" in particular were a little strained. He decided to up the stakes and bend a few more holes between dimensions, allowing small crews of demons and veterans of the Battlefields alike to come into portions of the world to cause a little chaos while corrupting the minds of various officials to take a few less than diplomatic actions.

The results were evident soon enough on news channels broadcasting a deepening split between national relations and once again the speech of a second Cold War. If Dracuil had his way, there would be much, much more than that...
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Cuccoruler
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Cuccoruler The Banana Chicken

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Linia gave a bit of a nervouse smile. She never liked photos of herself, even in her previouse life she only had a few paintings ever done of her. "I'm Linia, and if you could, please just report to the people to be more weary of suspicouse people and report to the police station or take shelter somewhere safe the next time this happens." Linia said a bit nervously, she really did have the personality of a leader as she cared to not have others hurt. "Now if you excuse me I need to tend to the wounded." Linia added as she headed back towards some people who had hurt themselves. She had already unsummoned her shovel and had grabbed a first aid kit to start tending to those who were harmed. Thankfully no one was seriously injured and it was mostly just sprained ankles and some cuts and bruises.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Hirothelegend
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Hirothelegend Bionis Disciple

Member Seen 10 yrs ago

Eric pouted when Aria went off on him, but kept calm wrote down the names to the faces he knew. Once he finished writing Linia's statement, he focused his attention on Aria. "Well aren't you a little irritated... Well let me inform you that I do indeed what at's stake here, heck Demonic Soldiers attacked commoners for what? I don't know." At that moment a slight twitch of his cheeks could faintly be seen, only a trained eye could notice it. He continued talking. "But what this world needs more of is people to be happy. If everyone is upset, then how can you cooperatively work together? So telling me to piss off when I'm trying to post an article to improve the moods of the people around this county I find frowned upon, but I'm not your dad so I can't tell you what you can and can't do." Eric finished his rant, then went to make a request. "I sincerely apologize for any inconvenience I have caused, but if you wish for a happier county, and a more protected one. Please vote Eric Drone for Vice Mayor," he points at himself with a smile. "and Cinia Pacific for Mayor! If you guys have any questions, our office is over there!" he then points at the office down the court. He then proceeds to walk away from the group and head to the Bell tower where everyone else ran to.

As he walks away, he taps on the blue-tooth in his ear to turn it on."Send Voice Message to Cinia's Mobile Phone... I got some names and faces, and need verification. I'll be at the Bell Tower to interview more people about the incident." Eric whispered into the ear piece quite enough for no one to eavesdrop.

Jessica saw Linia get ready to heal some that were hurt in the attack. She approaches Linia carefully. "Uh hey,thanks for what you did back there... Can I ask for a favor?" Jessica asked of Linia, she wanted to be sure Linia was cool with taking any favors before getting specific. She hopes to find someone that can help her harness her magic, and today might be her day!
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Tabitha
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Tabitha Birthday is on June 10th!

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Aria rolled her eyes. Ugh. Of course no one knew what it meant. Maybe some others did, but she certainly did. Draculi was coming. As she thought, Aquintis landed next to her. "So why did you get mad at him?" she asked Aria. "Draculi is coming, and all that boy wants wants to do is report!" Aquintis' face faded a little of colour. "Dr-Draculi? Oh man this is not good. She probably already knows, but I have to go tell Linia!" Aquintis said as she looked around for Linia. She spotted her, and ran over to her.

"Linia! Those demonic creatures, you know what that means, don't you?" Aria followed Aquintis.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Cuccoruler
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Cuccoruler The Banana Chicken

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Linia finished treating someone for a small cut. She turned to see someone else talking to her. "As long as it's in my power I would be happy to help." Linia said with a sweet smile. Every now and then, it was possible for the Reincarnates to have flashes of the original appearance of other reincarnates. Linia just had one of these flashes she took a step back as she recognized this person. "Vincent?" Linia asked as she looked closer at Jessica. As she said this she looked over at Aquintas. "Hey, do you recognize her? I just had a flash of her as Vincent." Linia asked Aquintas.

Cinia had gotten the message, but she was currently working on something else. She knew that all those who were reincarnated would have to face a new tragedy, and she was plotting on how to do such a thing, though testing their battle skills for now didn't seem like a bad idea. She had been working on some crystals lately, these would allow her to transform people and beings into their original forms in their past lives. She was hoping to have Eric use one on a chicken later on to test it.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Tabitha
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Tabitha Birthday is on June 10th!

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

"Yeah. Hey Vincent! Now Linia, you know what this means right? He's coming back. And this time, I won't let you suffer the same fate," Aquintis said, still focused on the topic at hand.

Aria looked at Linia. "The same fate?" she said as she 'accidently' bumped her arm into Linia's. "Oh...oh my gosh...yeah that it isn't good. I won't let him destroy you again, or destroy this town. I'll try as hard as I can," she said.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Hirothelegend
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Hirothelegend Bionis Disciple

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Jessica jaw drops at the mention of Vincent. "Wait... how do You know Vincent? I know your name is familiar, but I have no idea who you are, or any of you. This is the first time I have met any of you guys. In fact I didn't hear the name Vincent until I got a vision during the battle. I just need help with magic, because as you can see..." She says, pulling out a water bottle and levitates the water out of the bottle and moves it around a bit and returns it back into the bottle. "It seems I can control magic, but I never met anyone that could... so my favor was that if you can teach me! And well since you mention it, I need to know what you guys are talking about... with this fate and who Vincent is..." She said ending the sentence in a distressful tone. She wasn't sure what was happening, as everything was happening at once. First, something attacked her booth, presumed to be a Demonic Soldier, then the group calls her Vincent when she herself doesn't remember anything and at the moment has only just heard the name, and now something involving "fate" is going to affect Linia.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Cuccoruler
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Cuccoruler The Banana Chicken

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Linia smiled to the others. "Well then with Draculi coming back I guess the best option would be to increase our own power." Linia said as her arms went around her stomach. "I don't want to feel that same fate again." Linia said as she shuddered a bit. "It would be best to work on training you how to use what power you do have." "Linia stated to Jessica. "And I think for now it might help to explain something else, you are a reincarnation of a hero named Vincent. Many of us here are reincarnations of previouse heroes as well, I was once the queen of an empire called Helisum." Linia explained, hoping she wasn't overwhelming the poor girl.

Cinia meanwhile had just finished two crystals. She then sent a message to Eric saying that she would be needing him to come to her office, and that she had something planned.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Hirothelegend
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Hirothelegend Bionis Disciple

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Jessica couldn't believe it. Not only is she an incarnate of a hero, but so is everyone in the group that seems to be talking. She grinned at Linia's acceptance of her training. "Thank you Linia... so I was Vincent... I wonder who I was like back then..." She stood there pondering that question. Once again, a vision popped up again.

Well now I know I used to serve Linia... and he knew Magic as well! This may be good news, or not... Jessica thought to herself. She noticed these Vision's have been more prevalent lately and no longer dreams. This is now where Jessica regrets not having a Dream Notebook to write down her dreams. She used to have them all the time relating to Linia, but memories of her dreams faded as usually.

Eric, just as he got to the Bell Tower, got the message from Cinia.

Damn it... I walked all this way. Welp, at least I got some exercise! He said in a cheerful manor as he ran back. He needed to be in top shape if things were to heat up soon anyway. He walked into the office and locked the door behind him and shut all the blinds behind him. "Okay, before you say the big plan... I got some names and pictures. And unless Linia and Aquintis are commons names, i think we already found two! There's a possible incarnate, but I can't tell which one she might be. I have her name and it's Jessica Willow, which is none of the names you listed. then I have a person with just the picture since well they got mad that I was 'reporting' heh heh!" Eric said with joy as he put the notepad down with the notes of what the characters said, and pictures taped next to the names or a blank space ready for a name. "Now that I delivered the materials. What do you have there?" He asked looking at the crystals.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Cuccoruler
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Cuccoruler The Banana Chicken

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Linia gave a sweet smile to Jessica. "Well the first thing that's most important when using magic, is that you have to accept it. Not worry about hiding it from others, that's when it becomes far more powerful, after that start experimenting with it." Linia said as she held out her hand, a magic circle appeared, and then so did a ball of light.

Cinia took the notepad and pictures from Eric and started to flip through them. "This is wonderful, thank you." Cinia gave a smirk as she picked up one of the crystals. "I need to see how well those reincarnations fight now." Cinia said with a smile as she placed the crystal in his hand. "This will return any creature of what it was in it's former life. Now from what I have been able to see, there is a chicken at the petting booth in the fair. I want you to throw this crystal at it. The chicken was a T-rex in it's previous life and should pose a rather great threat for them." Cinia said. "Try get a video of it while your at it, though in this day and age, there will be others doing the same thing, just act like one of the crowd." Cinia instructed. "I need to work on some more things while I'm at it, Oh and if you see a woman named Cia, let her know that I'm watching her." Cinia added.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lady Meyneth
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Lady Meyneth The Mechonis Soul

Member Seen 10 yrs ago

*4 hours before the Festival*

Suzanne sat and got dressed ready for job hunting. "Don't forget honey that you don't need to be afraid to look for Magic Guilds! They are perhaps the most friendliest group of people you will ever meet!" Suzanne's mother said, downstairs of their home. Once she finished getting dressed, she grabbed her umbrella and headed downstairs. She saw that her mother had already made Breakfast. "Awe you shouldn't have! Hehe... thank you!" She said as they exchange bows before kneeling down to eat. For that morning they discussed on job opportunities and the do's and don'ts to interviews. Once the meal was finished, Suzanne got ready to bike down to the festival, since it would take approximately 4 hours to bike there.

*4 hours of biking later*

There it was, the Festival of all time! It seems she missed the opening speeches, but that's fine since she was primarily looking for a job. It was then when the crowd suddenly dispersed and ran toward the ringing Bell Tower. With the crowd clearing, she saw a fight! Really? Should have expected this... fights always happen in carnivals and festivals... She thought to herself, but then realized it wasn't just any fight. She saw a soldier get it's neck sliced while another one beaten with a weapon that materialized from nothing! The guild! This is what my mom must be talking about... I hope this was just a demonstration... She thought to herself while she approached the scene. The dead demonic soldiers and a wounded person on the ground. "Oh my!!! Let me help you with that..." She said to Aria as she used White Magic to heal the minor cuts on her body. From the looks of it, it didn't seem like she had any major wounds, which was a good thing to hear. "Are you okay?" She asks Aria while she lifts her up.

*Scenery is a local Airport near the Bell Tower*

"That plane was a bit close to that storm... but I guess since I'm here I should pay no mind to the insolence of the pilot." Edward said to himself as he picked up his bag from the pickup lane and proceeded out the doors. He wait by the curb for a taxi. He then got a call from his professor. Edward turned on the bluetooth and replied, "Yes? Oh hey Professor... So request to be sent to the county's festival and dropped of at Cinia's office? Okay. What do I say to them? Ask that I was sent here for an internship with my client either being her or Eric Drone? Alright. What if they say no? Okay... cool. Talk to you later professor!" Edward said responding to his professor then ending it with a closure. The taxi came and Edward gave the address. The trip was already paid for, so he didn't have to use any of his pocket cash.

Eric gets to the festival to see it desolate. "Thought this was supposed to be a festival? Where's the people? Oh well, I'm sure they can tell me!" He said as he approached the door to Cinia's and Eric's office, only to find the 'Closed' Sign on the door. The sign also mentions they will be back shortly. "I guess this is fine... I'll wait." He said while he sat down in one of the outside Guest Chairs. Once seated, he sees a group and two dead bodies. Is this what the professor meant by I will get a case soon as I get here? I hope he didn't plan somebodies murder... He thought to himself wile he waited.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Hirothelegend
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Hirothelegend Bionis Disciple

Member Seen 10 yrs ago

Jessica opened her palm and focused. Just remember... accept this magic and be open... She thought to herself. A ball of light started to form in her palm. "Oh my I'm getting it! I'm actually harnessing it!" She said while the light got brighter because of her happiness, suddenly another vision popped up.

The light suddenly disappeared from her hand and Jessica flinched. "I-I'm sorry... had another vision. They have been more frequent since I met you guys!" She said focusing on her magic again. She eventually got the light back onto her hands. "Okay... what now?" She asked Linia.

Eric looked at Cinia in disbelief. "So this will get us a Dinosaur... A T-Rex to a chicken is surely a devolution..." He said to himself. He gripped the crystal and put it in his pocket. He proceeded to walk out, when suddenly he saw someone sitting in his chair. "I believe you are either for me, or Cinia. Well I got some reporting to do so let me alert Cinia." He said, then popped his head into the office. "Ciniaaaaaa! Somebody is here for you..." He had yelled across the room. He then closed the door and sneaked behind the bushes until he was behind a big bush behind the petting booth. Alright Eric, time to turn this place into Jurassic Park! he thought to himself. He then pitched the crystal like it's baseball and it hit the Chicken. The Crystal suddenly shattered, but the fragments dug itself into the chicken, meta-morphing it's flesh into that of a Dinosaur, more specifically a T-Rex. It started to roar and headed towards the group near the Steam-Punk booth.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Cuccoruler
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Cuccoruler The Banana Chicken

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Linia smiled at Jessica's progress. "That's good now imagine the light taking different forms. From there you can get creative." Lini said, that was untill she heard a large thud and then a roar. Linia turned to see the large Dinosaur. "Really?" She asked as she held out her hand, a shovel was summoned into it again. "I hope the rest of you are ready." Linia said to them as she held her shovel in front of her in a protective stance.

Cia meanwhile still kept her distance, she didn't want to interfere in this as others knowing that she was also a reincarnate was not something she needed everyone to have knowledge of. She had clients to take care of after all.

Cinia meanwhile nodded to Eric as she walked outside. "Can I help you sir?" Cinia asked as she approached the man on the bench. Cinia currently had her sunglasses on as to make sure no one saw her eyes, many could recognize her on her hair alone honestly, but the sunglasses helped alot when hiding her identity.
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