Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by themadhatter420
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themadhatter420 The Only Mad Hatter

Member Seen 1 day ago


Jazmine woke up stetching her back as she heard the zombies crying out in her trap pressing a button playing Mushroom Head "Out of My Mind" at nearly full volume to mask out the sounds. She knew if she stayed inside she was safe. She turned on the lights and walked over to her pc turning them on slowly. She knew it was hard to run these many on the generator she had but she knew it could handle it. She turned on the CB radios and other items she had collected from a local electronics store to help try to get out a signal to people.

She sat down in her chair turning down the music speaking into a microphone. "Hello everyone out there in Zombieland USA! Its me Jazzy running my signals on all running stations trying to find anyone out there still alive. I am sending you all my good luck and protection hoping you all are safe. I am also sending out any requests for people to return to Colorado. I have been able to run the Hoover Dam hoping to be able to rebuild powers to more cities." She said as she hoped more and more people would hear it. "If you head up to Aurora, Colorado, I know the city and houses are still in tact. Please come now, space is limited." She said with a small laugh. "Thats Jazzy signing off for now. I will rebroadcast in a few hours." She said as she turned off the mic and went over to her pc's getting lost in technology.


Ashely was driving down the highway heading out of Arizona. She could not believe she was almost in Colorado as the broadcast stopped on her stereo. She turned it off as she heard the static hating the sound of silence. She missed being able to change a single number and a new song would play. She turned on her CD playing Insane Clown Posse's "Piggie Pie" as she sang out word for word. She was looking around as she drove down the road hoping to find any signs of life that weren't rotting away. She wanted to help people get to Colorado how ever possible." She pulled out a small joint she rolled up lighting it with her lighter as she drove wondering what she would find today.

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by hiddenleafguy
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hiddenleafguy Resident necromancer

Member Seen 10 yrs ago

@themadhatter420Avery was messing with an CB radio he had found in the apartment he was in now had it been in the closet. He had been hiding in this apartment in Oklahoma city for a few weeks now it was running on emergency power (which should last a few more days).
Back to real time as he heard "Hello everyone out there in Zombieland USA! Its me Jazzy running my signals on all running stations trying to find anyone out there still alive. I am sending you all my good luck and protection hoping you all are safe. I am also sending out any requests for people to return to Colorado. I have been able to run the Hoover Dam hoping to be able to rebuild powers to more cities.If you head up to Aurora, Colorado, I know the city and houses are still in tact. Please come now, space is limited. Thats Jazzy signing off for now. I will rebroadcast in a few hours." As soon as he heard the broadcast fade into white noise he replied "got it jazzy this is leaf I don't have much to do right now so I'll head up there as soon as possible" and with that he turned and began packing up.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Deathslawter
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Deathslawter The Atheist Reaper

Member Seen 10 yrs ago

Damien Michaels was walking down the road with everthing on his mind, and it was driving him MAD. Zombies littered the lands in the distance but they couldn't see nor smell him. Luckily, the air was still. It's been like that a lot since the beginning of this plague Damien thought, looking up at the sky. "Man, what I wouldn't give for some old tunes to kill to. I used to have a blast on Call of Duty's Nazi Zombies . . . Man what happened to the good old days." Damien stopped talking out loud and instead thought, Great, now i'm talking to myself. I'm going insane! Then, after a few more moments, blurted, out loud again instead of just thinking, "Why didn't I just say that part out loud! Damn, I need to run into a living person before I turn more mad than these hungry bastards."

Damien heard noise coming from a nearby car. Walking over to the noise, ready for almost anything, Damien drew his sais. He already had an amazing kill count stacked up in the real world . . . but nothing can compare you to some of the wretched odor of some of these damn zombies. After backing away from the slow-crawling/moaning zombie, Damien had to hurl once to clean his system. Then, to stop this zombie from drawing more towards him, Damien had to jump to and plunge his right sai into the once-a-man's head.

"Well, that's another one."

Fuck it, I need to be a little insane.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Kitty
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Member Seen 2 mos ago

Using her dagger Kody stabbed yet another zombie that was in her way as she ran towards her motorcycle. She had just gone into a gas station to see if there was any food only to be met by 10 lovely zombies and no supplies. Kody hopped onto her motorcycle, swiftly and skillfully pulling out her keys and starting her motorcycle before speeding away, slipping her dagger back into her boot as she drove to the highway and continued on her way south.

About half an hour later she was maneuvering through a giant, abandoned traffic jam when she heard what sounded like a voice on a radio. She parked her motorcycle and turned off the engine before pulling her crossbow off her back and heading towards the sound. She soon reached an army truck with a CB radio. On the radio was a girls voice saying people should come to Aurora, Colorado. Kody decided she'd at least pass through on her way to Pheonix. It was out of the way but hey, maybe the person she was heading to Pheonix for would hear the radio and head that way. With that Kody got on her motorcycle and headed on her way towards Aurora, Colorado.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by SmoothCriminal13


Member Seen 1 yr ago

"Woah!!!! We're half way there! Ohhhhh!! Livin' on a prayer!!!! Take my hand and we'll make it I swear!! Woah!!!! Livin' on a prayer!!!"

Zoe sang loudly to Bon Jovi as she drove down the deserted highway. If she couldn't have fun in an apocalypse then life would be meaningless to continue living. Sooooo, she tries to enjoy the little things. Like music for example. She then noticed her radio begin to hiss with static. She took out her ear buds looking at the radio in disbelief. She installed a radio transmitter into her car a while ago. In some type of effort to find someone else.

Anyone else in this apocalyptic hell.

She fiddled with the radio trying to catch onto the signal and let out a noise of agreement when she fount the transmission going back to looking at the road.

"-e Jazzy running my signals on all running stations trying to find anyone out there still alive. I am sending you all my good luck and protection hoping you all are safe. I am also sending out any requests for people to return to Colorado. I have been able to run the Hoover Dam hoping to be able to rebuild powers to more cities."

By this point Zoe had pulled over and was looking at her radio in contemplation. "If you head up to Aurora, Colorado, I know the city and houses are still in tact. Please come now, space is limited." The girl-Jazzy had said with a small laugh. "Thats Jazzy signing off for now. I will rebroadcast in a few hours." And that was the end of the broadcast.

Zoe reached beside her into the passenger seat and took out a map. She was in Kansas and needed to get to Colorado. She's close enough. She should be there soon enough. She put down her map before adjusting her cropped leather jacket and taking off down the road with a grin.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by themadhatter420
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themadhatter420 The Only Mad Hatter

Member Seen 1 day ago


Jazzy was shocked when her screen played out the reply on the CB stations. She heard the message and grabbed the reciever. "This is Jazzy, Thank you Leaf for the reply. Hope you make it here safe and sound. There is a message board in the town hall right outside the gates. Sign in and stand by, I will be down when I can." She said letting go of the button on the mic. She prayed she heard she would try.


Ashely took another toke out of her joint before seeing someone walking down the road. She sped up to pass him slowly turning the truck so the window was facing the man. She was holding out her AR15 with her finger on the guard. "Are you bitten?" was all she said as she cocked it back while she waited for her answer.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Zetsuko
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Member Seen 19 days ago

Mareck walked along the side of the road and around to the front of a road sign he'd come across, it said he was at the was end of a town in Kansas "phew...it's been a long walk from new Canaan hasn't it Kiro" he said, looking over his shoulder at his backpack, after a slight pause he continued "yeah, but we got to get to Colorado, the lady on the radio said there was people there" he took a map out of his pocket that he had looted from a small store a while back and looked for the city the road sign said he was near, he kept looking up from the map at the sign and up and down the road, the light occasionally reflected of the lens of the mask he was wearing. "hmm..."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Deathslawter
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Deathslawter The Atheist Reaper

Member Seen 10 yrs ago

Damien was stunned to see a perfectly fine woman driving, and holding a big weapon at him. Still, he'd seen a little stranger in his days here in the zombie hell. "Yeah," he said, reading her reaction before smiling and continuing, "by a shit-load of mosquitoes, flies, and chiggers whenever I lay in fields. What about you, been bitten by anything recently, little lady?"

Damien did a quick Z-count, looking for any that may be getting too close. However, they seemed to be in the clear. Every zombie was at least 200 yards in most directions.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TimeToRP
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TimeToRP Spider-Man

Banned Seen 12 mos ago

Matthew woke up near a shattered North Coast Electric fabrication. Standing off the floor, he walked and continued through the decayed fabrication of North Coast Electrics organization. Coming along the way, Matthew walking down the halls inspected a quick snap of twigs through the roof of the establishment. Matthew jerking back went another individual way of the fabrication there he found plenty of office stations. Matthew, inspecting each of the stations looked at each of the offices. Along walking down the halls of the fabrication he saw a door, as he walked closer. He touched the doorknob, opening it POP! Went a Jumbo diving at him, he kicked the mysterious Jumbo's head, quickly with strikes the Jumbo gave up.

Matthew paced inside of the room, taking several paces. He saw a big stage in front of him mysteriously he looked around inspecting the large area. Attempting to access the Community Center of NCE didn't work. Matthew thought to himself, he was fired. Making him mad, he kicked the door opening it, he saw the center. A big center that was suppose to be social. Matthew was confused, NCE wasn't suppose to be closed yet! Or was it something he didn't know? The pandemonium noise that Matthew used to kick the door opened attracted Zombies to his location, quickly with groaning. Matthew was startled by the groaning, several paces to the fabrication he heard. He hastened with the pace he had, stepping inside of the Community Center and stealing everything he could. Collecting everything he could and stashing it inside of his tote bag. He looked all around, in worry he thought he was toast. Looking at a window, he jumped on the desk and he quickly exited out of the NCE.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Pripovednik
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Pripovednik ☞NO HANDS☜

Member Seen 9 yrs ago



Thread felt the cold of the blood spatter across his face as Betty gave the zombies head a quick hug, caving in its skull and crushing its eyes into a strangely 'delicacy' looking mush.


Turning round to the sound of footsteps Thread twisted his hip and planted his right foot backwards, turning into it with Betty in his arm.


Another zombie stumbled out of the bathroom, its pants at its ankles, indignity the last thing on his mind as it ran (As best a zombie can with jeans around its ankles) at Thread.


Swapping Betty around in his hands - Thread grabbed a glass from the table next to him and threw it in the air, just as the zombie came into swinging distance the glass smashed into its face.


Thread swung his arms around in an arch and half the zombie head collided with the portrait of the dead owners ancestors - or some sentimental bullshit like that, brains stained the painting.

Three more zombies came into the café via the door, three soft twinkles of the bell came with them. Smashing his elbow through the vending machine, Thread took a snickers and had a large bite before throwing it at the nearest (fattest) zombie, who growled as the wrapped slipped down its blood drowned face.

Grabbing Betty tightly he took down his hood and spread his arms wide.


Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Kitty
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Kody was now driving through a small town at a slower pace looking for a good place to stop an scavenge when she heard some commotion in a cafe. As she slowed to a stop near it she watched three zombies enter the cafe and then she heard someone yell, "PLAY BALL!" She rolled her eyes and stopped her motorcycle before turning off the engine placing her keys into her pocket. She picked up a rock and chucked it through the window on the door to the cafe before drawing her crossbow off her back and notching in a bolt. She let it fly straight into the brain of one of the zombies before notching a second bolt and letting it fly through the brain of another zombie. She then walked straight to the cafe and pushed the door open collecting the bolt's from the dead zombies before turning and looking at the guy who was shouting. "Play ball? Really?" Kody asked, a playful smirk on her face.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Pripovednik
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Pripovednik ☞NO HANDS☜

Member Seen 9 yrs ago


Thread brought his eyes up to the zombie in the centre and kicked its kneecap hard, the sound of the buckle made him smile.


The crunch of baseball bat and zombie head was a satisfying one. A noise he would usually relish, ruined by the high pitched crashing of glass as a stone was thrown threw one of the window and the crushing of the shards as a
cute young lady strolled in through the broken window and sent two bolts swiftly into the remaining Z's, who fell down almost instantaneously.

Play ball? Really?

"Anything to keep me entertained really..." Thread grabbed the half head from the floor and lifted up the rest of the body, hovering the bloodied scrap above what remained of its bottom jaw.

Thread spoke in a silly German accent "Unt hoe mayt you bey?" then threw the body away again, taking up his Betty and snatching some more bars and a coke from the vending machine - throwing his hood back over his head as he left the café, accompanied by the bell - he strolled outside and into the middle of the road where his BMX lay.


Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Kitty
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Kody cocked an eyebrow as he walked out. "well alrighty then." Kody said following him out, she sat on her motorcycle and looked over at him. "How far does that bike actually get you?" Kody asked amused at his choice for a ride. She stared at him silently waiting for him to answer while deciding if she should tell him about the safe place in Aurora, Colorado.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Pripovednik
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Pripovednik ☞NO HANDS☜

Member Seen 9 yrs ago



Thread asked her name again "So, who are you?" this time he looked her in the eye and smiled, the friendliest smile he could manage. Ignoring her question about his bike for now, it wasn't really as important as her name. He just a name, maybe a number - oh no. The satellites were down, a name would have to do. Her ride seemed nice too, all red and sleek, her choice of weapon was even nicer though - a bow of the cross variety.


Straddling his bike he sat on its low seat and stretched his entire body out, looking down at his shoulder to wipe a smudge of blood from it, it was on his boots as well. They were nice boots, damn it.


Thread proceeded to try and land some spit on his boot and wipe it with his leg.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Kitty
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"Ah so that's what you were asking in the odd accent..." Kody paused, should she use her real name. What was there to lose, "My name is Kody." Kody told him while staring at him blankly. "And you are?" She asked as she began to clean off her two dirtied bolts with a scrap of fabric kept in her back pocket.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Pripovednik
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Pripovednik ☞NO HANDS☜

Member Seen 9 yrs ago


Thread mimicked a salute. "Nice to meet you, I'm Thread but you can call me whatever." turning back to his spitting, at long last a splatter of saliva hit his boot and he rubbed the blood off with a brisk wipe from his leg. Smiling to himself proudly then looking back over to the girls unimpressed face, ceased grinning. "What brings you to this fine little village? If its the promise of abundant wealth I am afraid that ain't happening..."He put Betty in her holster on the bars of his bike, pushing the peddle into position. His voice was back to its normal British accent.

A zombie gang was headed up the street toward them, half a mile away, but still moving pretty fast. Ten maybe 12 of them, not a problem really, just have to keep the old boots clean.

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Kitty
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"Passing through looking for anything I could scavenge. There is a transmission on the radio saying there is a safe area in Aurora, Colorado. That's where I'm heading. You should head that way to if you know what's best." Kody said as she pulled her keys out of her pocket and started her motorcycle's engine while peering back at the zombies. If she still had her lovely machete that some jack-wagon stole then she could easily ride through them and chop off their heads. Seeing as she didn't, she didn't want to waste her bolts right now so she'd just drive off and pretend she never saw them.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Pripovednik
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Pripovednik ☞NO HANDS☜

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Thread always found zombie busting so fun, he had never tried it with someone else before. The safety thing was appealing, he'd get right on it as soon as he finished with this lot.


Throwing his BMX down Thread took Betty in both hands and felt her weight, balancing her on one finger he slowly lowered her to the trash covered floor and reach into his backpack. Out came Christov, full of kick to put on these zombie asses. Placing his foot just under the gap between Bettys handle and the actually bat, Thread readied himself.

"I got this."

As the first few came at him with bloodied faces and dismembered bodies he shot them down, two bullets each, always double tap! There were a few slow ones who were a bit easy to anticipate. Then a fast one, practically sprinting broke through the mob, in running shorts and a vest - this is why athletes are dicks - so selfish.


Kicking out Thread sent Betty into the runners face and caught her when she bounced back. "Bon. Appetite." Thread smashed Betty into the zombies mouth, its teeth wrapped around her steel frame, then fired two rounds into its head. Picking off the rest, Thread finished up and turned to Kody beaming with pride.


Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by themadhatter420
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themadhatter420 The Only Mad Hatter

Member Seen 1 day ago


Ashely lowered her rifle when he was bit by bugs only. "No I am not stupid." She said shaking her head. "Where is your car or are you on your own at the moment?" She asked trying to look around for any other signs of life. She did see some zombies near by but they did not have to worry about them yet. She waited for his answer as he picked back up her joint relighting it.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Kitty
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"Pretty epic, but a waste of bullets if I do say so myself." Kody said turning off the engine of her motorcycle to keep from wasting any gas. She got off her bike and walked over pulling her dagger out of her boot. "If you get a trusty little weapon like this, you can double tap them by stabbing them with it." Kody said throwing the dagger at a zombie that was somehow still alive, the dagger implanting itself in it's brain. Kody walked over and pulled the dagger out before bringing it back down on it's head a few times. "Also a good stress reliever." Kody added pulling her dagger out and wiping it on the zombies shirt before putting it back into her boot.
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