Five(/six) teenage delinquents are caught outside during a supernatural thunder storm and acquire special abilities in the process. They aren't the only ones who were changed by the storm, and must face many challenges that it has brought to south east London - all the while serving community service together. Their powers, and the events that they experience together, separate them from their family and friends, and the only people that they can possibly trust are eachother.
In the real world, there are no 'superheroes' - but there are uniforms. If orange jumpsuits can be considered uniforms.
You don't need to have watched the TV show, it's a pretty simple idea, the synopsis above kind of covers the whole concept. I'm basing this more on the first couple seasons of the show as I feel they are best to fit a roleplay around. I'm wanting around five (as that was the number of original cast) people to play the main characters. I'm looking for interesting and unique characters, hopefully all bringing something different to the group. They all need to be flawed, of course, or else they wouldn't be doing community service, and it also adds a lot more to the RP if characters are flawed. I'm wanting balance so I'll put a minimum of at least 2 of each gender, and ask that we communicate with eachother so we don't get similar characters. Since this will be a fairly small group (6 at a stretch, probably, most likely 5,) I am very open to other's opinions and would like everyone to have an influence on it. Although it's based on the show, we are mainly taking the general concept of Misfits, the plot itself will be our own.