Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Silen Syanka
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Silen Syanka The Daydreamer

Member Seen 9 yrs ago


With every figure that pasted by, a new dark thought swirled through the murky evil of her mind. and with each human that passed by her, hatred blazed within her chest with a flame. So hot and bright, it could melt anything the dare touches its hungry tongue. The thoughts were of torture. of death. She wondered how each person screamed. How it would feel with their blood between her fingers. And with each thought, with each notion of murder, she felt closer in some way to returning the debt to her dead sister. Humans were pitiful, evil creatures. Bred to destroy. Now Malrunwa would put them in their proper place, at the bottom of the food chain. Never could she have predicted what her actions would do. Like a domino effect, after her outbreak on the day of her sisters execution, other royals joined. Royals who hated the human scum where taking their place besides her. Cutting the humans down. Although Malrunwa, had perfected her method's in killing. By killing humans off one at a time. She could savor each death. Like a bit of a delicate meal. Not only that, but than she had the opportunity to strike fear into the other petty humans hearts. By hanging the insides of the ugly monsters all over the village. This, yes, this was the best way to get her revenge. Making them suffer. Every time she heard someone crying over a loved one, who in which she had killed. She felt no remorse. Only a burning satisfaction. Rose had been the only one there for her when her father and mother had died. But when they had killed rose, the evil scum. They had left her alone. With no one. Now she would leave them with no one. Make them feel the same pain in which she had felt. And still feels.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by AbysmalDemon


Member Seen 5 yrs ago

He held out the fresh caught fish in the entrance of the cavern. "si dronilnra kwiip xiiva"(I brought fresh fish) he called out. A deep rumbling growl came from the inside of the cavern, that made his stomach twist in knots. "Xalin, tenpiswo drot" a massive Hydrosurge dragon came out of the cavern, towering over him, the dragons growl and eyes, seemed to say "thank you" Will saw the silhouette of the dragon throw the fish into the side of the cavern. At first Will thought it was weird, but he soon heard the chirping of young dragons and the sound of tearing up flesh.

Fast, strong, smart, Vers was all of these, and Xalin thought he was worthy of Will. Xalin called to Vers, which meant power in draconic, and the small, dragon, quickly, came sprawling out of the nest. He came out of the cavern with Vers, and nudged him to Will. Will knew, what Xalin wanted. Will took a sardine from the fish bag and gave it to Vers. Vers devoured it and climbed up onto Will's shoulder. Will knew the adventure that was about to happen

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Silen Syanka
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Silen Syanka The Daydreamer

Member Seen 9 yrs ago


All warriors, mages, archers, and other Heros of Hoofstead! The king is in need of a hero from each town, including Hoofstead. Whoever answers to our dear kings call, will be deemed a knight throughout the land, and collect a reward of 3,000 solid gold coins. The king is in need of a group of Heros willing to risk their lives in the name of their people. Arrive at the palace in Fern City on the second day of summer.

The parchment said little, not normally as long as the other decrees. However, Archer felt as though it was just as important. If not more. Letters sent out to all of the villages from the capital. Announcing the need for a group of 'Heroes' to go on a dangerous journey in order to help their kingdom. The chance of a life time. At least for Archer. Having been the daughter of a middle classes man and woman. She never would have gotten such an opportunity. Not normally at least. However, the town had requested Archer to go. Knowing her skills behind the string of a bow. Her father had always been proud of her. But the joy that beamed from his old worn eyes when he heard the news... She could never forget such a feeling of accomplishment and joy.

It had been five days since she had left Hoofstead. And her journey would soon come to a close. It was only a day to the capital from Ironestone. And the town of great warriors was already insight. Winter swayed beneath her. Her long mane elegantly swirling in the wind. The bond between the horse and girl was amazing. Having raised the little mare from a filly. Winter had helped Archer get through the death of her mother. Through the depression that overwhelmed her. And it seemed that the horse was the one that had taught Archer how to be positive. How to be happy. "We're almost to Fern city girl!" She called out into the hot evening air. Her voice echoing through the trees. Winter Neighed as well, seeming to cry out with joy that soon their long journey would fold to a close. At least until they found out what the king had in store for the Heros. Archers brown hair stuck in waved ringlets around her shoulders.
Golden light from the sun bounced like raindrops off of each strand of long hair. While her pointed ears interrupted the beautiful wave of brown, sticking out from the sea of silk. Slowly she tugged at the reins. Causing Winter to come to a stop at the side of the road. For a moment a silence passed between them. Listening. Than Archer heard what she had been waiting for. The chirp of birds. Every night when she stopped to rest, she worked on making more arrows. So she would need to find more Materials for that night. She threw her right leg out of the stirrup, and over Winters white back. Jumping skillfully down from
The horses side. Knowing Winter would follow her, she began to creep into the forest. Her line of sight covering the forest floor. She examined all the leaves and sticks she could. Searching for a piece of wood straight enough for an arrow, or bird feathers among the rotting leaves. The shade of the trees engulfed them, cool compared to the heat of the trail. Swirls of an earthy smell danced through the air. Lightly tickling the noise of the two travelers with it's freshness.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by ArenaSnow
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ArenaSnow Devourer of Souls

Banned Seen 4 yrs ago

Rorngar sent another puff through his short pipe that he had picked up back in the shop in the now distant city of Ironstone as he sat, reading the call to arms by the human king.

In truth, the letter wasn't very clear. It could be anything from a suicide war against another nation - which he would gladly skip - to a quest to take down some new being of evil. That would be a cause that he would consider joining.

Regardless, although he had seen quite a bit of the world in his travels, and met some interesting people, this new opportunity could be the change from the norm. He would at least go to see what was up.

With this in mind, he stood from the creaky bench along the worn dirt road to Fern City, and began walking, humming an old dwarven tune to himself.

Kozmar watched with a lazy expression as the wealthy Volden erupted in chaos and accusations flung from one side to another, with his minion Mason watching at his side

He had been working on this for a good while. It ended up just about as he had planned.

The village itself was an iconic place of superstition about long dead magics. Outsiders found it interesting, but anyone who wasn't just passing through found everyone within to be rather odd. Kozmar had simply needed to add flames to the fire.

He planted a few... ideas into the minds of several leading village members about the integrity of a certain family that was on the wealthy side, but was also new around the parts. Not the best thing to be when new to a superstitious village where newcomers are put under scrutiny, along with the luck of locals for the next year.

He then used a rather complicated spell - one of the only good ones to come of the humans - to cause misfortune across the entire village, excluding the family in question. Of course, considering the family lived in the outskirts, it was easier to exclude them from the curse.

It only took a week before the mutterings began about the new Volden mansion. It took only one week more for folks to bring out the pitchforks after the rallying speech given by the village leaders, who were now fully convinced of the demonic worshipping of the Voldens. Nonsense, of course, but a good way to expose human nature. He didn't create this, he just added a little fuel to a fire nigh ready to erupt.

The accusations had turned into battle; swords of the Volden family guard clashed with the pitchforks of brainwashed peasants. Outnumbered, the guard quickly fell, and the mansion rose in flames from thrown torches against its rather poorly thought out wooden frame, with its occupants still inside. Screams could be heard as the mansion was looted by peasants. No doubt there would be many regrets and a troop of the King's guard coming in not too long...

Mission successful.

Smiling, he walked out of the village, Mason walking close by. He almost blended in and looked like a local if not for his darker than usual and better kept up cloak, but even the less than logical peasants decided to take what they could get with the Volden mansion rather than mess with a traveller. Particularly a traveller who could wipe out those disgusting worms with a breath of Dark Flame.

Along the way, he did come across something interesting.

"So the king of humans wishes for heros?..."

"Lets see the ‘glorious heros’ the scum of the earth can dredge up.."

He wasn't too far from Feon City. East of Evershot? Yes...

"Mason, when will you clean those rotted carcasses in your mouth. I can smell it from this distance away. The only thing I can grant to other humans is the fact that they take better care than you do... Some do themselves the mercy of removing their teeth to spare those who have more of a care for hygiene."

Mason shrugged half-heartedly. Half his teeth had already fallen out, he didn't really care what happened to the rest...

With a sigh, Kozmar turned and walked along the road to Evershot. He would have plenty of time. The summer was coming up, but if time became a commodity, then he would simply shift and fly half the distance. Maybe do some last minute experiments on some of the tree huggers along the way...

Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by barkmeat2
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barkmeat2 The Bearded Dankier Hobbit

Member Seen 6 yrs ago


William studied and scrutinized the parchment in front of him, and quite a sum of gold was a tempting reward for a job he was already pretty much doing. That said, would he be even paid the sum at all? As a "knight" of the realm he is kinda required to do all that "protect the realm and risk his life in the name of the people." Well whatever, if it means money and getting away from guard duty, then by all means throw your life away for the king. Maybe he can ask for 1500 upfront, and the other half be delivered to his mum at his unfortunate but woefully inevitable death.

He was stationed at Evershot when he came across the pamphlet, and now here he was traveling along a sunny and dusty road to the capital.

Shoulda "requisitioned" a horse. F**k my feet are killing me, and this goddamn sun!

Nonetheless he kept a steady marching pace, still going over the pamphlet as well as other traveling documents.

Writ of Enlistment, Writ of Citizenship, Writ of Land Ownership, writ of my sweaty a**. The nobles really love their bureaucracy. Its a wonder how any illiterate sods can get by all these years (Hearts out to ya' mum).

William was absolutely having a whale of a time, when he heard a dwarven tune so commonly sang in many a tavern and traveling caravans. He trailed the dwarf from some respectable distance away and attempted to hum along, but ended up butchering the lower notes. As the dwarf took notice to his presence, he gave a lazy smile and wave.

"Good day, sir dwarf. Don't mind me, just trying to get my mind off the throbbing pain in my feet."

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by fer1323
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fer1323 Roamer of the Internet

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Xarzith kepesk has finished making a temporary shelter into the snow, just north of the sun palace. It was hidden on the opposite side of one of the peaks. "It would a pitty if I get noticed," he thought to himself in draconic,"It is a shame that I do not know any illusion spells to hide myself properly."

Xarzith kepesk decided to scout the surrounding peaks for some food and potential areas that anyone may ambush him. He found a yeti and swiftly killed it without spilling any blood. " This will do for now." he thought.

Back at the shelter, Xarzith kepesk reflected back when he was a juvenile. He has no siblings but Xarzith kepesk did not mind. He never meet his father in real life however he cannot shake the fact that he has known father his entire life. His mother was a HydroSurge Dragon. His mother taught him all the necessary basic skills that all new-borns need to learn. One such skill was hunting. Xarzith kepesk loved hunting antelope because it was a challenge and the meat was heavenly. Better than anything up north. The only benefit about the food up north is that the competition is pretty much non-existent. He was the apex predator. Xarzith kepesk cannot wait til he gets back to the forest.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Cuccoruler
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Cuccoruler The Banana Chicken

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Lance was already at Fern City. He had gotten just arrived and was already heading towards a pub. There was nothing better to him than a pub with great liquor and a great atmosphere to share his tales. He had gotten the parchment several days ago and had been traveling with a caravan of merchants to get there.

Lance entered the Pub with a booming sound as he slammed open the doors. "Give me a beer lass!" Lance said to the bartender with great joy. As such he started to share his tales, many people crowded around him as they hadn't heard stories like his who was a legend of among fishermen. "Oh you should have seen the size of this fish! It was bigger that post!" Lance said describing a fish he had previously caught with great glee on his face.


Gabelle herself had been witnessing the chaos that Kozmar had created. She was in her human for at moment, though she left her tail out on purpose, mostly as a way to defend herself.

"Darn, and I really liked the beer in this town." Gabelle said putting a hand to her cheek as she walked up behind Kozmar while watching the chaos.

"And the humans made such good playmates." Gabelle added acting as if this was a real shame to her. Gabelle watched some of the humans accuse the rich family with pitchforks in hand.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by AbysmalDemon


Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Will sat on a log, sharpening his longsword with a stone.
He heard a rustle in the bushes and the neigh of a horse. He turned around, bow with arrow already pulled back, then noticed a girl riding horseback. He immediately put his bow back down. "I've never seen you around here before. What are you doing in these parts?" Will asked in a calm voice.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Silen Syanka
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Silen Syanka The Daydreamer

Member Seen 9 yrs ago


Archer's eyes snapped up from the ground. Feeling rather foolish that she hadn't noticed another human relaxing in the shadows of the forest. The instant her eyes found the male behind the voice, she smiled brightly.
Her joyful and playful smile.
"I've never been anywhere around Ironestone before." Archer confessed with a bit of a foolish feel in her gut. Never had she ever left her home. Her home town of Hoofsteed. Her while life she had spent on her fathers farm, having childish adventures around the moderately sized village. Unlike most teenagers like herself, she had never felt restless. She had always been happy and perfectly content on the little horse ranch. "And I'm actually heading to Fern City" whether telling a complete stranger her plans was a good idea or not, did not cross her mind once. Having grown up very sheltered, she never had to worry about the simple Stranger danger Rule.

Winter seemed a bit concerned towards archer for throwing out information. One would question if a horse could even understand what the two primates where gibbering about. However, as Winter nervously counted at the ground, it was clear she knew. The white mare tossed her head slight, budging Archers shoulder as she stood besides her, but Archer only
Ignored the overly protective steed. Knowing that at time the mare would allow her worries to let the best of
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by AbysmalDemon


Member Seen 5 yrs ago


"Fern City, why the need for the capital?"Will asked, then realized that it was none of his business. He blushed a little then continued, "If you don't mind me asking, that is."Vers climbed up onto will shoulder to see what the commotion was, then snarled playfully at the white mare, as a signal of friendship, and then glided of of Will's back and ran circles around the mare. " tenpiswo drot!"Will called out and the dragon came back, perched on his shoulder once more.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by fer1323
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fer1323 Roamer of the Internet

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

@Silen Syanka@ArenaSnow After Xarzith kepesk has done reminiscing about his youth, he began the ritual for his augury. It is one of his weaker divination spells but he does not have the specialized items that he normally use to foresee the future. A requirement for augury spell is animal bones and the yeti he killed is perfect for this. After completion of the spell, Xarzith kepesk saw visions of a dark cloaked man smiling evilly which tranforms into a nightmare dragon and flew off. The familiar voice rings in his head 'The annihilation of dragon and humans alike is fast approaching. Only the union of dragon and human may save them both. Some dragons and humans do not want to this to happen due to their own prejudice and negative experiences. The grand City of the Flowerless Tree will either be saved or fall."

Xarzith kepesk felt dizzy afterwards. Despite using one of his weaker divination spells, sometimes he overdoes it. He deicide to rest for his new flight plan for "the Grand City of the Flowerless Tree". He only assumes that it is the capital of the humans but he does not know what flowerless tree refers to. He is also puzzled why some may not want to make peace. He remembers the stories about the war between human and dragon that his mother told him. His mother told him that his father was there however his mother also told him that his father told her that what he failed to do is what Xarzith kepesk is to achieve. Xarzith kepesk was never told what he is meant to do however the visions he sees makes him feel that he must stop the upcoming war.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Legion02


Member Seen 3 mos ago

From a hill he watched at Ironstone. The famous human city. Spawning one of the best warriors the world could offer. He was tempted to test his blade against some of them. But he was Ent'Huïn, and therefor not allowed to leave the Thorned Enclave for anything else than a mission. He still remembered how the Enclave looked. Dark, with tall trees blocking out the sun and a wall of thorned bushes surrounding it. Not to keep others out, but to keep the Ent'Huïn inside. It was Saren's first time to leave the Elven forest. The human king has called for every abled body within the Alliance. Of course the elves would not want to send someone important. Nor someone who wasn't capable, as that might be seen as an insult. So they sent Saren, no-one they'll ever feel sorry for if he dies. "Looks like we gotta go." he told himself, to no-one in particular.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ArenaSnow
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ArenaSnow Devourer of Souls

Banned Seen 4 yrs ago

Rorngar looked back a little awkwardly, first turning the wrong direction before facing the follower.

"Aye, no problem... no problem..." he said with a half-wave before turning back and continuing to walk towards the city. He could see the tops in the distance, helped by the good weather of course, as there was still a little ways to go yet. He trekked onward, humming the tune some more.

Kozmar noticed the arrival of Gabelle. He had a mixed opinion of her; although she didn't adhere to the rather silly rules of the so-called leadership, he had caught her with a human once. Disgusting, really. The fact that the human didn't last very long was the only saving grace.

"All pawns, in the end." he muttered, walking up to a ledge, with the vast forest ahead. He could have flown over, but between the ever rising threat of visual - he didn't quite want to be seen at this stage - and Mason being more or less a toxic fume when carried, he would have to walk. He brooded as he thought about the past... the future... the world.

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Cuccoruler
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Cuccoruler The Banana Chicken

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Greg was far from his owner at the moment. He noticed what seemed to be a group of travelers from above and flew down to them, he messed up his landing though and ended up flying right into a small dragon like creature, giving a caw as he ran into the creature.

Lance meanwhile continued to tell his stories, getting more and more drunk, eventually he started to talk to what seemed like no one in particular. "Ey! You people up there looking down at us! Yeah you! Bring some of the main players here to play would you?! I be getting bored here!" Lance yelled at the ceiling, many of the others in the pub looking at him like he was crazy.
((The fourth wall has been cracked))


Gibelle gave a wink to Mason as she started to head towards the woods herself. Four of her royal guards were waiting for her there, all of them were velociraptor like creatures, each of them waiting, and even cooing at Kozmar if he got too close. In truth if Gibelle took on her dragon form she would be too larger and would stick out of the trees like a sore thumb, it was easier for her to move in her human form anyways, she would only take on her dragon form if she needed to battle.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Silen Syanka
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Silen Syanka The Daydreamer

Member Seen 9 yrs ago


Archer smiled softly at the question that was asked about her destination. It didn't bother her that he was asking her reasons to travelling to FernCity. Without a purpose, no one would go anywhere. Even if one says they're simply 'Wandering Around' they still had a reason. Whether it be to escape the past, find the future, or enjoy the present. "My village sent me as a hero for the king" she told him simply. But as she spoke, a blue lizard crawled up onto his shoulder. Flashing with beautiful scales and gleaming eyes. Her mouth nearly dropped open, never before had she seen a dragon in person. Although she had read stories, heard the rumors, and even in her own village, and few deaths had occurred because of the rogue Royals. But the stories and rumors were nothing compared to laying eyes on the actual thing. Even if it was small, it was mighty, and her eyes could not be taken away from it. "Is that what I think it is??" She practically gasped, her pale green eyes frozen with the shimmer of wonder. Being of a half elven father, she had been taught to respect all animals. Especially dragons. And Only horses to her were more fascinating than the giant lizards. She had always been curious as to what most dragons were like? She had always imagined they each had a personality of their own, like humans or any other living thing really. But she had read a few books, about species of dragons from far off lands, that were like bees. And shared the same mind, same thoughts, same views. Where dragon's capable of highly intelligent thinking? Most legends and books suggested so. While others said that dragons were mindless animals, that act only on their blood thirsty instincts. Archer always disregarded these books. Simply thinking, If something has lived for so long, and is so magnificent than why would they be dump blundering beasts? Her father had agreed with her views. While others who knew them, strongly disagreed. It seemed that some families had a deep rooted anger for these creatures. While as Archer was thinking about the mind of a dragon, Winter was staring deep into the ugly beasts eyes. Snorting, as if smoke would puff from her nostrils, and shaking her head. Lightly counting at the ground, rather aggressively. Warning the little monstrosity to stay away.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by fer1323
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fer1323 Roamer of the Internet

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Xarzith kepesk woke from his sleep. It was dusk. It was time to start his second flight of this trip. He wonders how he is going to meet and talk to the heros that will save their species and his own. Xarzith kepesk knows a basic ploymorph spell but it only allows to assume the the form of medium sized animals and evn then he needs some time and practise. He has never turned into a human but Xarzith kepesk can do a dog. That is probably his only option. Xarzith kepesk is potentially short on time. Even after the sunset, he flew on. He could see well in the dark, in many wars better than in daylight. After a while of flyong, Xarzith kepesk landed next to a river and morphed into a dog. He decided to sleep til morn. When morn cames, he will carry on foot to the human capital. It is a day away on foot. The smells and sounds of the grass, leaves and bark are all welcoming him back to the forest. This is not the same forest although it has been more then a century since Xarzith kepesk has been this far south. Xarzith kepesk drifts off to sleep.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by AbysmalDemon


Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Green is Vers

He rolled over and hissed. This small creature was smaller than Vers and he could easily disperse of him in one quick bite. Vers arched on his hind legs ready to pounce on the poor, innocent creature.

Will saw this motion, "Pok coi!" He snapped at Vers. Vers backed up immediately and let the poor animal back away. "Sorry about that," Will said now turning back to the girl he was talking to, "A hero. Sorry if this is kind of abrupt, seeing as though I just met you, but do you mind if I come along with you?" Will said slightly blushing.

@Silen Syanka @Cuccoruler
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ArenaSnow
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ArenaSnow Devourer of Souls

Banned Seen 4 yrs ago

Rorngar had finally gained access to the city after a slightly annoying encounter with a sleepy guard and his racist superior. He had to show the call to arms to them, which they had sneeringly rejected as being something only for the humans. He had argued for almost an hour before someone who had seemed to be the highest rank of the lot had them all cut the BS on the spot.

Now he strode through the city, finally coming upon a bar.

“Ah… here we are!” he kicked the door and yelled, “Well then! Shall we get drunk?”

To his embarrassment, everyone looked at him, from the barkeep to an obviously drunk fellow in the corner.

“Yeh…” he muttered and went up to the barkeep, barely being able to look over the counter. “Whatever you humans call it, that strong stuff… err… Barnacle something.”

A little while later, Kozmar had found his way along the main road and saw the city in the distance. “About time…” he muttered.

“Mason, go first, see how the territory is over there”.

Mason nodded and walked, rather slowly, in the direction of the palace.

“Move faster, dammit!” Kozmar imbued a small spell of vigor on the old man with a touch on his shoulder.

Mason, more enthusiastically, walked towards the city gates.

“Cheap labor these days…” Kozmar muttered. He still wasn’t sure why he kept that old fart around. He was nigh five times the man’s age and at least walked with a stride.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Cuccoruler
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Cuccoruler The Banana Chicken

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Greg got up and hopped around the little dragon cooing as he did so, it seemed to be a kind of mating dance that Greg was doing to the dragon. Why he would do this to a dragon of all creatures was beyond anyone.


Lance turned his attention to the dwarf that had just entered and smiled at him. "You look like someone who's had a bad day! Nothing better than some good food and drink to make it all better though eh?" Lance said with a smile. He had no care for what race someone was, so long as they knew how to be merry he had no problems with them. Some people had already backed away from him due to his rather odd rants with the ceiling as of late, he had also been pounding on the bar as of late which made more people stay away from him for fear that he was crazier than he looked.


@Silen Syanka
Gibelle came upon another small town. She could smell another dragon near by. She entered the town and found what seemed to be a girl who looked rather angry at the world. Gibelle smiled to herself as she approached the girl. Her royal guard velociraptors were hiding in the trees as to not draw attention to themselves. "You know humans have many uses. There are reasons to keep them alive." Gibelle said as she walked up next to the girl from behind.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by AbysmalDemon


Member Seen 5 yrs ago

he snarled and hissed at the strange feathered animal. While his master was looking away at the girl, Vers arched his tail, and smacked the animal across the face with it. Vers then hopped up on to a rock and spat out miniature fireballs no more than an inch in diameter at the bird as to say 'back off'

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