Yeah, the show is written amazingly, and have any of you seen the spoilers for the first two episodes of Stevenbomb? I couldn't help myself, and I read them and found out quite a bit. If you haven't, let me tell you that Sardonyx isn't who you expect her to be.
Also, I'd like to bring up 'We need to Talk', since it provides quite a bit for both Rose and Pearl. Off the bat, in Story for Steven, when Greg goes to the temple, Rose tells him that she can't play with him. In We need to Talk, we learn that Rose really hasn't learned all that much about Humans as we think she did. She really just saw Greg as some thing that was helping her understand more about humanity, and not really seeing it from his end as love. As we see though, Rose learns what actually being in love is and what it's like, and Pearl evolves as little as well, even though we don't really see it. In a somewhat similar way, Pearl viewed the humans as just things, and seemed to only be there because Rose was there. She didn't like greg, and didn't seem to put any trust or faith into any humans, but that changes as the years pass, it seems. (which reminds me something super important but also spoiler-y, so I won't talk about that.)