Here enters Leeroy! He has been placed on team hot pink by deafault. To his displeasure, he could not find any marijuana, but maybe he could find a way to grow some?
Here enters Marcus and Blind man. Upon their entries, they are treated with a google doc that has all the maps! As Leeroy stands idle, Marcus (Who is on the lavander team) digs a hole and finds mining dirt easy besides his lack of muscle. Blind man, who is hot pink team, also digs a hole using echo location. Both find a strange ore!
Hey one question if a character has special powers in their own universe would they have them in the game.
No because this isn't a roleplay. In forum games like this you start at the most basic and you have to work your way up to a powerful position before the game dies.
You thought I had abandoned this! Shame on you guys... oh it's been sixteen days. My bad.
*Clears throat* In enters Batman, using his bat-muscle to bat-dig a bat-hole which will bat-eventual become the bat-cave. On the other side of the bat-field, the blind man pulls out a pickax (Wait! Who the heck gave a blind guy a pickax!?) After one more turn of mining, the ore will be collectible! Returning to the Lavender side, Marcus is not a rash as the blind man, and studies the ore to find that it is basic stone. A little more scrutiny may reveal some uses.
Here we go again with another exciting episode of mines! When we last left our heroes industrious discoveries were being made on both sides, pink was beginning to gather ore while lavender studied the properties of the new found material. Yes, things were looking good for both teams, but all that is about to change! On the pink side a cannibal appears and begins to attack Leeroy! At the same time Lord Beebly-Boop tries to establish the pink side under his rule! What will happen? Will pink be ravaged by cannibals, what kind of ruler will Beebly-Boop be? Will the narrator notice that the blind man has finished mining the ore? Stay tuned for next time for another incredible episode of Min... wait, what! A monster has appeared on the lavender side! What does it mean? Could this have something to do with those mysterious blocks on the side of the stage? Will the narrator learn when to shut up? Stay tuned for next time...
Once UpoN Uh TYM,, THUHHH WEree Uhhh Da monarchayy O''' BEEBly-boop,, Ruledd Bii LorD BeeBlY-booP wit Uh Ironnn PIck-Ax. BeeblY-Boop haD Uh CaNNibaLL PrObLeM,, aN' DeSPiTeee Daaaa KinGss BesTT EfFortss (WhIch WeRee dEclarIn HimSElfff LeAdUh AN'' PUTTiN postUhs EveRyWheReee 222 PrOve It.) HEEE cUdd nwTTTT raLlee Uh MILitiA. DiS Wasn'TTT DuE 222 UH UnwIllinn KingDoM $oo mUCh AAs It HADDD 22 DO Wit Da ONli CItiZen HOoo WEREE Nwtt Bein EateN WerE blInd. Da $es BLindd Mayn WeRe DiGgINN Uh Hole,, ObviousLEe Nwt AdEPT Att minEE CrAft. AL-Doe he wAsn't 2 caUtIoUs He Didd finD Uhh CRispaYyy Ore! AbovE Da $UrFaCee uh CaNNIbAl Were ChEwinnn AwNN uhh CITIzen naMEddd LeerOayy InfliCtIN FiV DaMagE. Ouch.
nexttttt 2 Da MONArChAYyy o' BEEbly-boop,,, Were Da ENEmayYY NaShUn O''' LAvaNduh, WerEE Uhh MYsteriouS MONStuh IZ PReparin 2 atTack maRcuS. Translate to normal english here:No, here.