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Hidden 10 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by King Hatred
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King Hatred The Neon King

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Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Alan Hawke
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Alan Hawke Computer Repair Technician

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Glenn walked out of the male's restroom, effectively skipping his last class and giving him some alone time. He had originally thought of going back to his dorm room--however, he felt unsure whether or not somebody would catch him on the walk. Of course, that was his secondary reason on why he didn't go back to his dorm. The real reason he didn't go there was because his class was closer to the bathroom than his dorm, and Glenn was flat-out lazy. He had his backpack slung over his right shoulder and proceeded down the decently crowded corridor, he saw movement of the students in all directions, going in all different directions. He reached the facility door and walked out and began to make his way to the dorm building--that's when he noticed something shady.

Two people in an alley between the two facilities were speaking, at first Glenn just thought they were having a private conversation but then he saw one of the slim figures hand something off. Using pure inference, he knew it was a drug deal. Glenn's late older brother Floyd used to do drugs a few years back, but his brother's young life was brought to a tragic end when he overdosed on cocaine. While Glenn was an introvert, he would quickly jump into an outrovert social stance whenever he saw anything like this. He stopped walking and took a sharp right down the alleyway, getting slowly closer to the silhouettes. As he neared closer, the silhouettes turned out to be both be females (@Mr Allen J & @Viscerous) who attended the academy.

"Wow, dealin' drugs? What are you--a sixth grader on a playground?" Glenn spoke with a stern tone, slightly irritated at the sight of them--specifically at the female dealer. His eyes were darting back and forth on the duo, however he tended to keep his restless eyes on the dealer slightly longer whenever they landed on her.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by RealityDoor
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RealityDoor The Reality Door!

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Alissa Dolan

After finishing my notes the bell had wrung and students clustered around the exit. Slowly the amount of students decreased, my things were already in my bag and I actually had no were to go nor nothing to do. I had studied for the remainder of my free time during class periods and cleaned my room. " Mrs. Dolan? " The teacher had looked at me questioningly, " Do you mind if I study here...or just play around? " My words were usually straightforward and (Insert teacher name!) knew what I meant. " Alright just make sure to leave when it is time. " Nodding, |TEACHER NAME| had left leaving the door open.

" Fuuudge~ Cakes~ " I whispered, looking around thinking about my newly found 'power'. Whenever I focused on something time around me would slow...but I would be affected, when I used it people wouldn't be aware that I had used my powers against them and that's whenever I figured out that it was only to my perspective. It would make it more unbelievable...so after a while I had decided to keep it to myself.

I stood up, grabbing the backpack from the back of my chair and began my walk towards the girls dorms. After I was outside it began lightly sprinkling...it would be a pain to activate but I found it extremely intriguing to see something like water float down instead of smacking your face...but It gets tiring after a while, I get sort of bored, shaking my head I slid on my brownish hood on.

After a few minutes of walking towards the dorms I took a seat farthest from the entrance, usually beside the Totem Pole...that was scarcely covered by the trees surrounding it. Casually I'd sit there a few hours binging on Pockies in my bags pocket and watching Korean drama's on my phone until I was bored.

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Viscerous
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Viscerous Prototype Gear

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Alexis had picked up her bag and headed out the door of her class as soon as the bell began ringing. Her power had been driving her crazy all day cramped into the school with so many others, picking up on all of their emotions. There was a time in the day that it had gotten to the point where she couldn't differentiate her feelings from the people next to her. It was frustrating to say the least, not being able to control her abilities yet and thus not being able to tune out everything that she could sense because of it. She just needed to get away from the crowds and relax, knowing exactly how.

During the course of the day, being the new kid in town, Alexis had done her research on some of the local people of interest. A fruit of her efforts made itself shown in the form of two phone numbers, supposedly belonging to dealers operating around the school. As far as she knew though, these numbers could both be frauds. A bit before the end of class she had texted one, having recieved a response to show up at a nearby alley.

Needless to say, Alexis was on a mission. Her first day in a new school, she had to make connections quick or be labled some sort of pariah, ousted by everyone. To her, there were no better connections than steady suppliers. She made a casual entrance to deal location chosen by this stranger, making an attempt to use her ability to gauge the situation. As far as she could tell everything seemed calm, and so she gave a sharp upward nod to the only figure aside from her there; a woman who looked to be around her own age, and one Alexis found rathet attractive as well.

The deal was quick, Alexis had bought a quarter ounce of marijuana. A purchase like that showed she had enough money to spend freely, and didn't make her come off as some fiend dying for a fix. After she took the ziplock bag, Alexis noticed an immediate change in emotion around her. The female dealer in front of her remained calm, seemingly unaware until a male voice called out to the both of them.

She turned to face the male after he finished his sentence, prepared to deal with anyone who might want to play hero though not wanting to. Focusing on him, she was able to get a better read of his feelings, sensing sadness mixed with anger. She had felt similar sensations around students talking about lost family members, guessing that the boy must have lost a loved one to some kind of drug. Alexis began approaching him slowly, staring straight into his eyes as she spoke in her smooth (if slightly deep) voice, "Listen kid, this isn't any of your business. Unless you're trying to buy something of course, then it's all business. For some reason though I don't think that's why you're here." She stopped outside of arms' reach, waiting for some kind of response.

Ehster took his time to get his things together at the end of his class. Crowds in the hall weren't really his thing, and so he avoided them when he could. By the time he had gotten all his things together, most of the students had already made their way out of the building. Adjusting his scarf, Ehster stood from his desk and began leaving the class. Entering the hall Ehster noticed a few other stragglers, though paid them no mind as he walked out of the confines of the building and into the fresh air.

A breeze was blowing outside, which was perfect for Ehster. Not needing to worry about causing terrifying hallucinations or death in his classmates now, he removed the scarf as well as the coat he wore. A deep inhale and exhale felt good after stifling himself all day, as did the wind against his now exposed arms and neck. A smile crossed his lips upon deciding to take a stroll around the academy. He wanted to enjoy this experience a while before being cooped up in the dorms for the night.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Mixtape Ghost N
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Member Seen 11 days ago

Maxine Mariah Carter
@Alan Hawke@Viscerous

"The fuck?"

The young drug dealer asked no one in particular as this little shit decided to walk in on them. It was supposed to be simple. Maxine and Alexis meet behind the school dorms, where no one goes, Alexis gives Maxine the money, Maxine gives Alexis the drugs. How all her deals went. At least, that's how she wished they went. This time, some little brat - who didn't look like he was old enough for his balls to drop - walked into the deal. For reasons beyond her. Which meant, she was at high risk of getting busted. And at this point, her father is pretty much ready to let her rot in a prison cell. Which is why Maxine needed to turn this in her favor. He was just a kid - dumb and impulsive - so swaying him to look the other way would be easy.

That frown turned upside down, as Maxine put her hands up, "Hey, hey, hey, no need to escalate things here." She smirked a bit. Alexis said some things about it "not being his business" which is something you don't say if you wanted to keep things calm. What? Do you think he'll walk off because you said that to him? Maxine thought to herself. Looks like she'll be taking matters into her own hands. She slowly approached the boy, with her hands up (If he tries anything, then I'll just kick his candy-ass.) in an attempt to show that, no, she didn't want to attack him.

"Heeeeeey, honey," Maxine said to him. "We're all trying to make ends-meat here." She got really close to him, and looked him right in the eyes. She reached into the pocket of her jeans, and pulled out a ten dollar bill. She pushed it into his pockets. "So about you take this little gift, and forget about everything you saw here, babe?" Sure, she was losing a bit of money - but in the long run, it was worth.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Alan Hawke
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Alan Hawke Computer Repair Technician

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

@Mr Allen J@Viscerous

"I assume you're the same dealer that I've been hearing all about, huh?" Glenn asked Maxine, "I imagined you more... rough looking--and a guy for that matter. Huh, guess all dealers aren't the same as their stereotypes." He continued speaking with an almost mocking tone. He then proceeded to reach into his pocket to take the ten dollar bill back out and--with the same hand--lightly push Maxine away from him, as he was able to smell the drugs she had on her the closer she got to him. "Take your drug money back. I'm not going to let you just deal to the students anymore." He then really wish he hadn't had said that, as now he predicted she would say something among the lines of How are you going to stop me? Realizing that he was now in a bad position, he folded his arms nervously as his palms began to sweat. His eyes then glanced over Alexis for a moment, unsure what to say to her--and frankly unsure if he should say anything else.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Mixtape Ghost N
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Member Seen 11 days ago

Maxine Mariah Carter
@Alan Hawke

Oh goody, we got yourselves a hero. Maxine thought to herself with a casual roll of her eyes. She took a few steps back, and put her hand into her pocket, pulling out a carton of cigarettes. She slid one cigarette in between her lips, before lighting it with a cigarette. The smoke flowed upwards, as she spoke about this predicament she found herself in. "Who knows what you heard, kid. There's a lot of dealers on block..." She trailed off, taking a puff of her cigarette, "... People need their fix, and I'm just giving it to them." The boy was dense. Probably dense enough to see that he's talking to a drug dealer that could kick his candy ass up and down the street. But, no, that wouldn't accomplish a thing. He'd just seek her out and she'd get busted for assault and distributing drugs. No, no, violence won't solve a thing. She'd have to actively convince him to give up.

That'd be easy. Well, she didn't think fucking him would bode well. So, she thought about just straight up tricking him into thinking she'll stop. A little deception won't harm anyone. "Ugh!" She loudly exclaimed, forcing anger. She clenched her fists, and furrowed her eyebrows as she looked at him. "Let me guess... your stubborn ass isn't going to give up if I just ask nicely?" She asked him, taking another puff of her cigarette. "If you won't tell anyone about what you saw here, then I'll stop, okay?"

Lin Baozai

She's so hot, I want to get with her so badly. So sexy, and Asian.... I'd fuck her for days....

The thought appeared in the young Lin's head, which made her head rotate to the source - a young boy, Caucasian, black hair, - before quickly turning her head, and pulling a few strands of hair in her field vision in order to block the boy. He was thinking about me. Such perverse thoughts. She thought to herself, cringing in the process. She looked down... and never felt so dirty in her life. What were these strange voices appearing in her head? Were they thoughts, just as she theorized? She didn't know why she was hearing the-

Oh boy, here comes Chinatown. I wonder who's dick she had to suck to get in here...

More mean thoughts, this time, coming from a African American girl - yeah, tall, and had really curly hair like an afro - that Lin recognized as one of the cheerleaders. Lin's eyes shot towards the girl, worryingly, before she turned forward. What is happening? Why... She asked herself, before the wave of thoughts hit her. Almost like that questioned opened a damn, and everything was flowing in at once.

Hey, wanna pull that prank?
Did you hear about what he said on facebook, so rude.
I hope my boyfriend isn't cheating on me.
I want to go buy a PS4 so I can get Destiny and play it all night.
I have a boner.
If I find out who stole my acne creme, they'll be blo-

"St-s-stop! Shut up, all of you, please!" Lin screamed, as she finally dropped to her knees and grasped the sides of her head. After that outburst, Lin looked around. The room went silent... and not in the way Lin wanted it to be.

Hey is she alright?
What's wrong with her?
Is she going crazy?

It went on and on. It seemed like there was no way out. Lin looked around, and stood straight up. Dusting off her green T-shirt with inky-black palm trees on it, and her jeans. She casually strolled off into the bathroom, and slammed it shut behind her. Lin looked around, and saw urinals - a sure sign that she just walked into the boys bathroom. She didn't care at this point. Lin walked over to one of the sinks, and started running water. She splashed some water onto her face, then rubbed it in.

"What is wrong with me...?" She asked herself.

Tanya Liberty Lamont

The shiny feather reflected sunlight as Tanya examined it, casually. She was leaning back in her chair, with her feet kicked up onto the desk. Thank God the class room was empty, Mr. Winglington would shit if he saw her. Especially with her shoes off. She was wondering where did this unique feather come from. It just... fell off of her. This was truly unlike anything she's seen before. Well, it'd be pretty bitching glued to her guitar case! Holding onto the feather, Tanya pulled her feet off the table, and then put them onto the floor, sliding them into her sandals. She stood up, and looked down to pick up her guitar, lazily leaning up against the desk chair. She slung it over her shoulder by the strap, and slid the feather into the breast pocket of her dress shirt. She looked down and adjusted her black skirt, and began walking out of the room. Immediately being bombarded with the noise and chatter of the crowded hallway. She casually smirked as she pushed through the chaos without a single soul paying her any mind. They were busy, and so was she.... relatively speaking. She'd need to head over to the other side of the school to the dorms.

She stepped out of the Educational building, facing the front of the school (With students all over the place), and was hit with the sly autumn breeze... Another reminder that Summer was looooong pushed out. She enjoyed it actually. Her toes curled on top of her sandals as she took one step, two steps, three steps, looking around, seeing not a soul she associated with, or wanted to talk to. Tanya shrugged as she moved forward towards the dorms.

A strong breeze interrupted her stride as the feather she found flew out of her breast pocket. "Hey! Get back here!" Tanya said, in a thick Jamaican accent, (to the feather) as she quickly chased after it. The feather landed at some young girl's feet, and Tanya quickly put her foot on the feather, and reached down to pick it up. She smirked as she stood straight up - but didn't realize that she was standing in front of someone. Who was probably just enjoying their evening. Well, looks like she'll have to say something to her.

"Oh, hey there, girl. How ya' doing?" Tanya chuckled, her accent was thick. "I was just trying to catch this thing." She presented the glowing feather to the girl, a wide smirk on her face. "Cool, isn't it?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by GummyCat
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GummyCat The Cutest of the Chewiest

Member Seen 3 yrs ago


"Hmmm, what to do, what to do..." Jonathan mumbled to himself silently as he was in his own thoughts walking down the hallway. He didn't feel like going to practice and besides missing a day wouldn't be that bad to his record, he'll just use an excuse for it latter. Jonathan thought to himself silently as he contemplated what to do in the mean time. Turning on his phone the music in his ears was beating through his earbuds, from the downloaded songs that played silently. There wasn't much for him to do anything that was interesting and lying in his room didn't appeal to him at all at the moment, so walking around the academy was the best thing he could think of. Maybe he'll find something interesting-

"Wow, dealin' drugs? What are you--a sixth grader on a playground?"

"Hey, hey, hey, no need to escalate things here. We're all trying to make ends-meat here. So about you take this little gift, and forget about everything you saw here, babe?"

Well Jonathan got what he wanted as he saw what was probably a drug deal as he noticed Maxine who he know was a dealer and honestly didn't surprise him. He leaned on the opposite locker of where the scene was happening and watched them nonchalantly as he switched his playing songs with another in his playlist. It seemed like she was having a hard time with a snooping peer of theirs, but even he seemed to be nervous, which wasn't a good thing if your trying to turn someone in for dealing drugs. Ugh, this was such a drag for him as Jonathan didn't feel like stepping in for a kid who turned this into his own mess. 'Like, seriously just let the addicts buy their drugs from the dealers and they can do their thing while we do ours, but nope there's always a guy wanting to step in. God why can't life be simpler!' He rolled his eyes as he thought to himself silently watching the trio.

"I assume you're the same dealer that I've been hearing all about, huh? I imagined you more... rough looking--and a guy for that matter. Huh, guess all dealers aren't the same as their stereotypes. Take your drug money back. I'm not going to let you just deal to the students anymore."

After hearing this he laughed to himself silently. "What is this kid doing?! Yeah this is his problem and not mine but lets see what happens and besides no good comes out of this for the most part. I hope he knows there are more dealers to try and bust you know?" He said under his breath, looking at them one before back down at his phone and opening a candy gem app which he played while waiting with boredom.

"Let me guess... your stubborn ass isn't going to give up if I just ask nicely? If you won't tell anyone about what you saw here, then I'll stop, okay?"

'Hah... it seemed likes she's kind of desperate. Hopefully this kind doesn't actually believe this girl, if he does that will be funny.' Jonathan thought to himself, smiling at the thought as his earbuds were now looped and were hanging from his ears. He was now listened to their conversation while he swiped the screen of his phone, scoring a decent amount of points in the game he was playing with the sound at a very low volume. But so far, nothing interesting seemed to be happening worth his time and he estimated after 10 minutes or so he'll leave if nothing happened within that time.


"Haha, Alright see you latter then I guess!" Jonathan said as he wiped the sweat off his forehead as he took deep heavy breaths, he was tired from practicing but it was fun and it was cool. He had early practice today and with his open schedule he had his schedule mostly open as he complete all his necessary classes last year with some help which barely made him complete them. Now this year he was mostly free with the exception of Volleyball which was his sport, but besides that nothing else.

Leaving the gymnasium, he grabbed quickly grabbed his bag and water bottle before running outside with his dark blue gym shorts that was slightly above his knees of a couple inches but it was comfortable and allowed him to move during the game so he didn't mind. He covered his mouth briefly as he yawned, before he started off to run back to his dorm to change out of these gym clothes that he was wearing which honestly he didn't mind wearing but he wanted to dress better as he had something to do later.

The ground beneath his feet, crunched as his powerful strides pushed him forward as he looked back waving to his slow friend who tried to keep up with him who ultimately failed. As he looked forward and turned the corner before he noticed a guy turning the corner at the same time. 'Oh, shi-' He couldn't even finished the thought as he tried to slow down his final step but science said 'No!' so Vincent came crashing into the other boy probably knocking the two of them both to the ground. With them both landing awkwardly with Ehster and him on a thankfully grassy area.

"Sorry man, are you okay? God, that must of hurt" Vince said with a groan as he lay on the grass looking at his bag which was sprawled away several feet from him and the water bottle with it. Deciding to finally get up, he groaned once more as he pushed himself up before reaching out a hand for the other boy. "Again, sorry but here let me help you up!" He said smiling sheepishly while with a hand rubbing his head in a apologetic way and another hand reaching out to help him up.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Alan Hawke
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Alan Hawke Computer Repair Technician

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

"I may have been born at night but it certainly wasn't last night. I know how dealers operate--you say one thing to get out of a potential bust and continue dealing on a different corner." Glenn retorted, slowly beginning to regain his composure. Not thinking of what words were coming out of his mouth, he continued speaking. "Why don't you just do yourself a favor and get a real job. I mean, are your parents proud of your current occupation?" Right after saying that, Glenn bit his tongue to prevent his next string of harsh dialogue from leaving his mouth. He unfolded his arms and put his fingers in his pockets, leaving his thumbs hanging out. While it appeared to the others he was just adjusting his stance, he was actually making contact with his iPod in his left pocket--prepared to absorb it's matter in order to covert his skin into hard, cold metal in order to defend himself in case one of them had a weapon on them... and then that's when the scary thought cut into Glenn's mind: What if one of these two has an ability like I do...? This small thought began chewing at Glenn's confidence as his ego began to shrink. Shit... then this is going to get even more complicated...

@Mr Allen J@GummyCat@Viscerous
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Mixtape Ghost N
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Member Seen 11 days ago

Maxine Mariah Carter
@Alan Hawke

This situation has pretty crossed the shit-show threshold. Something that Glenn said really pushed her buttons. Because he went somewhere that Maxine would rather keep buried down. Asking her about what her parents thought. It's what they thought in the first place that got her doing this. She crushed her cigarette by the middle, and it dropped onto the ground. Which did wonders for Maxine's mood. What little smoke it gave off was absorbed into her body before it met it's end underneath her boot. "How about this, you little shit, I'm done trying to talk to you." Maxine said, as she got uncomfortably close to Glenn. She made sure to drive her fingers right into his chest. "I'm ten seconds away from kicking your candy-ass up and down St. Portwell, and kicking your ass even harder if you tell anyone about what you saw here." She got even closer, staring him in the eyes. "So, yeah, this is the part where your dense-ass finally realizes you're in the wrong neighborhood, and scurries off."
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Viscerous
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Viscerous Prototype Gear

Member Seen 7 yrs ago


As soon as Maxine had stepped up, Alexis backed off a bit in order to let her deal with the situation. Technically, Alexis thought to herself, my part here is done. I could just let her deal with it, but... I can't risk something like this on my first day here. She decided to stay and watch, to see how things went. With her power, she focused on both of them, gauging their emotional levels.

The male seemed nervous, and even moreso with each word he said. Alexis thought she felt slight fear mixed in as well but wasn't entirely sure. Maxine on the other hand had been trying to remain calm and rational. It seemed now though that her hostility was rising. When Maxine began threatening the boy, Alexis got an idea.

She dropped her focus on Maxine so she could concentrate fully on the boy. She focused on the fear she felt trying her best to emulate the feeling in her own mind. With her own mind filled with it, she attempted to "push" the feeling from herself to him. If her theory was right, she might not only be able to experience what others were feeling, but maybe actually be able to put the power to use and make others feel as she did. Alexis hade no clue if this would work, and used her fear that it wouldn't as fuel to give to the boy. If everything did go right, this would make him at least feel the need to run and not want to talk about the situation.


Ehster was knocked to the ground violently as he rounded the corner. Out of instinct he closed his eyes and put out his arms, not in an attempt to catch himself but instead to block an assaualt of fists and feet. When this assault did not come, and he heard the sound of a man talking to him, he opened his eyes and let his arms down, checking to see who it was that had knocked him over.

Much to Ehster's surprise, the man now apologizing and offering to help was Vincent Murry, one of the more popular kids in the academy. Ehster's heart was racing due to his previous assumption he was about to get beaten, and he knew the sweat on his palms would affect Vincent. Quickly rubbing his right hand on his school pants, Ehster reached out and grabbed Vincent's outstretched hand. He pulled himself up with an added push against the ground, trying to get the contact over with as quickly as possible. Once standing again, Ehster let go of Vincent, hoping he wouldn't be too affected from his body's drug.

"U-um.. thank you for helping me back up, I appreciate it." Ehster kicked at the dirt beneath his foot, an old nervous habit. He wasn't used to being treated normally by many people, nevermind popular ones. "I'll be alright, by the way. What about you though? Are you feeling okay?" Ehster was less concerned with Vincent's physical well-being than he was the effect his drug was having.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Alan Hawke
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Alan Hawke Computer Repair Technician

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

@Mr Allen J

Fear. He felt fear. He wasn't sure where this sudden emotion had come from, as he was only nervousness a few moments ago--he began to think perhaps it was best if he left. However, while Glenn may be afraid--he isn't the type of person to give up. He locked eyes with Maxine and took a deep breath, using his willpower to confront his fear. He opened his mouth and spoke, expressing his stubbornness to give up.

"I'm not going anywhere. So you better plan to kill me then, bitch."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Mixtape Ghost N
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Member Seen 11 days ago

Maxine Mariah Carter
@Alan Hawke

She tried bribing him, she tried talking him out of it, she tried intimidating him. Looks like this dumb ass doesn't know what he's really dealing with. Because this is what wrong with kids these days, they feel like they're fuckin' invincible, and everything is their business. If she was really ruthless, then she would just shoot his ass and walk away like she didn't see anything. Maxine wouldn't take it as far as killing him, but she didn't have a problem with beating his ass right up into retardation. First mistake hero-boy made was not backing up.... In a swift movement, Maxine shot out her knee towards, well, his penis. Really, really, really hard. She wanted to shoot his balls right into his stomach. She's done this before, and unless he was expecting it (and trained), then it would definitely catch him off guard.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Alan Hawke
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Alan Hawke Computer Repair Technician

Member Seen 2 yrs ago


So. Much. Pain.

"Ugh!" The intense force of her knee ramming between his legs caused Glenn to double over, putting him in a bad position here. If he didn't do something, there was a strong chance that Maxine would bring her other knee up and break his jaw. His left hand's grip tightened around his iPod as he began to absorb the aluminium case--his skin transforming into a metal silver color and becoming as strong and durable as hard metal. This was the first time he had used his power in front of others, but it's not like he had to worry about it--if Maxine or Alexis tried to tell somebody he turned into a metal looking man, it's not like anybody would actually believe them. He then slowly stood up straight and looked at Maxine in the eyes yet again.

"...I'll give you one last chance to cease dealing for good." The temporary fear that had washed over him had shrunk back to slight nervousness. Right now, he was primarily feeling anger towards Maxine. "I won't ask again."

@Mr Allen J
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Weird Tales
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Weird Tales A Stranger from A Strange Outer Dimension

Member Seen 3 mos ago

Angus spent most of his class in silence do his insanely powerful breath that could blast apart the entire classroom if he didn't stay in control. Once the bell rang he got up out of his seat and picked up his things. As he left the class he heard other students whisper about his recent silence and make jokes about him being too ashamed of his southern heritage to speak anymore. This made him clench his fists in anger and he was tempted to exhale in front of them and blast them away, but he chose against such an action.

He left the building and headed for the dorm and noticed what looked like some disagreement between students. He stood and watched them. He then noticed one went on the attack and Angus charged at Maxine Carter attempting to hit her like a football tackler. He didn't exactly know the situation, but assault was assault and he wouldn't be a bystander.

@Mr Allen J@Alan Hawke
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Inertia
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Inertia Pretty Lackadaisical

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Tagged; @Viscerous - Ehster, @GummyCat - Vincent,

Throughout the class, Miller's hand was shaking- no vibrating, to the point where his hand looked blurred. With a worried expression he tried hard to conceal his trembling hand. What- What's happening to my hand. he thought anxiously. His hand physically passed through his English book, and with widened eyes he swiftly removed it. I- I've heard of this, I thought it was just theory. Atoms lining up directly to phase through physical objects, but you would need inhumane speed to accomplish it. I think it was called quantum tunneling... he began recounting a theory he had read about once, looking down at his hand.

"Mr. Wells, is there something more interesting in your desk than this lesson?" the teacher asked, "N- No sir." he replied with a bead of sweat running down his face. The lesson continued for thirty more minutes until the bell rang, to which Miller slung his bag over his shoulder and placed his quivering hand in his pocket. Quickly shuffling outside the class, and with sweat pouring down his face he made his way towards his dorm, that were given to all students. Breaking into a full on sprint, and his vision turning the hallway, the students and everything else into a blur of speed. He passed by some students who apparently bumped into each other, and how Miller was seeing this at his high speed, he didn't know, all he knows is that what followed his sprint was a strong gust of wind.

Reaching the front of his door, he stopped and hurriedly fishing through his bag and grabbing his key and entering his dorm. He placed his back against his door, and slid down on his door with his face resting on his hands. "What is going on, did- did I just race from the class room and my dorm in around 40 seconds?" he said outloud, trying to assure that he wasn't dreaming or imagining anything. "Is this like the comic books- The Red streak?" he continued, getting up and going to his fridge as he was peckish. Making a quick meal, he ate it at a quick pace, continuously pondering what has happened to him, all he knows is that he now- somehow has superspeed.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Viscerous
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Viscerous Prototype Gear

Member Seen 7 yrs ago


@Weird Tales

She doubled over in laughter as Maxine attacked the kid, but Alexis's entertainment didn't last long. She felt the emotions of another person closing in quickly, snapping her to alertness. It was then that Alexis noticed another boy running up to them, feeling his need to protect someone. She ran as quickly as she could toward him, focusing only on him while sending that focus at him, trying another experiment with her power. Alexis hoped that this would cause him to only focus on Maxine, allowing her to strike him without him noticing. Having closed the gap and flanked him from the right before he reached Maxine, Alexis threw all her own weight at the boy. Being bigger than him by a slight amount, Alexis thought she would beat out his momentum and knock him to the ground.
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