There are many tribes in the west, all with their own stake in the coming new year. Here on the western most peninsula of this continent surrounded by the safety of water on three sides is the tribe. The tribe you belong to covers a vast expanse of territory (tribes claim all the land they can see from the central tower constructed in the first days of the tribe), only delving underground for the winter to breed and protect the young until they can hold a blade. This tribe is less segregated then other tribes and as such is far larger and stronger then most of the other neighboring clans. This tribe is composed of orc, half orc, goblins, hobgoblins, half ogres, troll, worg, and breeding stock. Your tribe has 4 casts. The primary being the warrior cast, fighters, assassins, rangers, berserkers, rouges, and a inner circle of elite who rule until murdered by stronger, ambitious members. The secondary is the worker cast, mostly goblin and others too injured to fight. These workers tunnel, mine, raise various mounts and smith. This third class is shaman, they work at increasing the tribes power by whatever means necessary. Shaman are knowledgeable in cross breeding, herbalism, magic, and dark arts. The fourth cast is only necessary for one reason only, the breeding cast, they put tied down helpless creatures in with warriors at the orders of shaman trying to produce a new breeds of warriors. The breeding cast report to shaman on new, results. Spring is once again upon tribal lands in the west. The ground is still cold, and cool northern winds blow winter clouds. Soon drums will beat and war parties shall be sent out to gather new resources. Warrior cast begins the regiment of training, building atrophied muscles from being tucked away in the depths of the earth. The new young emerge with the rest already eager to test their bodies and earn scars for themselves. The goblin worker cast set out and begin to cut down more of local forest to be dragged into the pit.
Today the tribe readies for the upcoming months of raiding and scouting. Information and material gathered will force the tribe to focus on the rich parts of surrounding wilderness. Shaman paint power into leaders of each group and then paint scouts to blend into shadows. Warriors will stay with the tribe for now, training for future battles. Early spring groups are comprised of rangers, rouges, and sometimes a shaman. The leaders of the tribe begin at dusk shouting orders to the numerous groups over the drums warning the surrounding territory this tribe is strong, this tribe survived, we are ready.
Notes from the GM: Character creation will be as follows.
No superpowers or special abilities. No character will be larger the an ogre. The ic will be for in game content, occ will be game mechanic questions, and of course "characters" will be for character creation.
Name: Pic: Age: Class: with fighting style
Skills: max of 12 you will gain more as you progress
personal equipment: weapons/necklace of teeth/armor/