"Our stories use to be so simple. We had a beginning, a middle, and a end... But ever since we moved to this damned city everything has gotten so confused."
This RP is about the lives of the fairytale characters we all read about growing up and the struggles and hardships their nearly eternal lives have fallen on ever since they had to come to the mundane world, our world. We will play as the residents of the small community called Fabletown which is secretly nestled in the great city of New York. You have the choice of playing as a canon character like Bigby, Snow, Beauty, Beast etc. And as this RP takes place around the same time as the Wolf Among Us did, all the characters that died over the course of the game and comics are currently alive. You can also use Fables that weren't in the game or comics, either already known fairytale characters who just happen to not be in the game or comics or ones you made up yourself. This RP is based on the game and comics, but that does not mean it is the same. As in the characters may be the same, but the events that happened in the comics and game may change or not happen altogether. But that is enough of that it is time to move on to the fun part, yes that's right kids it's time for... *drum roll* The Rules!
The Rules:
1. First off the time honored one for all RPs, no godmodding or powerplaying. If there are fights in the IC, and I hope there are, just try not to be like the kid on the play ground that says "You didn't hit me because of my super-duper-nothing-can-break shield was on!"
2. This one goes hand in hand with the first rule. When you are making a character don't go over board, as in being the Big Bad Wolf is one thing but being the Grim Reaper and embodiment of death is a whole other thing. Trust me it has happened before.
3. I don't mind drama in the IC, it's suppose to be there, but let's keep it out of the OOC, good vibes only dudes and dudettes
4. PG-13 guys, that goes for romance and fighting. No all out bloods baths in the IC and keep the serious romance in the PMs
5. Let us know if you're going to be gone for more than a day or so, I don't mind it just keeps people from being stuck in post lock
6. Put Once upon a time somewhere in your CS to show you read the rules
7. My Co-GM spot for this RP is currently open, if you are interested in the position I would be more than happy if you asked for it.
8. Feel free to shoot any of your ideas at me at any time I don't mind at all :)
9. Have fun!
Character Sheet:
(What were they called in the Homelands and what would they answer to if talking to a Mundy)
(What do the other Fables in town call them if not by there real name)
(As in a human Fable, Monster, an animal etc.)
(Do I have to explain this one?)
(You can use a picture here or describe them or both if you want. Include their Glamor and no Glamor forms if they have them)
(What do they do to make a living? It doesn't have to be in town)
(Again I think this one is self explanatory)
(Who were they back in the Homelands and what did they do when the came to the Mundane world)
(What special abilities do they have that set them apart from Mundys and other Fables. i.e Bigby's Huff n Puff power or Bloody Mary's mirror teleportation)
(Anything you think I missed in the other spots and you want to add)
(What were they called in the Homelands and what would they answer to if talking to a Mundy)
(What do the other Fables in town call them if not by there real name)
(As in a human Fable, Monster, an animal etc.)
(Do I have to explain this one?)
(You can use a picture here or describe them or both if you want. Include their Glamor and no Glamor forms if they have them)
(What do they do to make a living? It doesn't have to be in town)
(Again I think this one is self explanatory)
(Who were they back in the Homelands and what did they do when the came to the Mundane world)
(What special abilities do they have that set them apart from Mundys and other Fables. i.e Bigby's Huff n Puff power or Bloody Mary's mirror teleportation)
(Anything you think I missed in the other spots and you want to add)