Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Sep
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Sep Lord of All Creation

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Rtron+Sep - Guide gives a mission. Zanna gets annoyed.

Zanna could barely maintain her dignity as she walked towards Guide's ship. Excitement bubbled up in her as if she was a young child being shown a horde of treats and toys and being told 'it is all yours.' She resisted the urge to let her excitement show to the others of the ship and to announce far and wide that essentially her dream was just about to come true and she was going to learn under Guide. If she didn't screw it up. Again. That thought dampened down her spirits. She could very easily have this opportunity slip through her fingers if she failed as miserably as she did last time. Zanna didn't think she could stand that. To be declared a complete failure by her idol would be a crushing blow.

So by the time the Sith apprentice reached the Guide's 'quarters', her excitement had mostly died down and been replaced by determination, edged with worry. She wouldn't fail, but what if she did? What would happen? Would it be as simple as casual disdain from Guide and then she would be sent away, never to see him again? Or would it be worse? Punishment, the kind she had seen some Apprentices undergo? If so, would it be physical or mental? Would she be allowed to black out?

Zanna realized, that if she stood there any longer, she would talk herself out of actually going through with this, and never return. Before she could stop herself, she knocked, alerting Guide to her presence.

Guide allowed Zanna into the ship and merely indicated for her to follow as he walked back to the lab. He opened the door and walked in picking up several vials and examining their contents. He wasn't exactly pleased with her last effort however he wasn't exactly disappointed either. Though the thing was he wasn't exactly going to let her try with that particular experiment again. That would just be reckless as it could cause her to create a virus that would spread through the ship and that wouldn't exactly be the best thing ever.

He picked up a vial. "This is a particularly nasty poison. Of course it isn't the best thing to put posion in foods and the only way is to use it through the air. Then of course there is the minor issue of colouring and a particular smell. If you don't inhale the entire thing then it is pointless and your victim won't die, at least not within a short period of time." He opened another chamber showing a Tusken Raider. "I've had some time to pick up some specimens from Tattooine and while Jawas aren't close enough to be a reliable test we will start with this. It will be a tough enough task to make this liquid into a gas however I do not excpect you to remove all traces off it however you may try." He placed the vial infront of her.

"Whenever you are ready."

Zanna eyed the vial, before picking it up herself. It was obvious that she was meant to use the poison on the Raider in the chamber, but first she had to turn it into a gas. Which, as Guide had said, would be a difficult task by itself. It pricked her pride that he didn't think that she could turn it all into gas, even if it might be true. She had failed the first test, and she didn't deny that. But she wouldn't fail this one. She wouldn't come close to suceeding, no. she would suceed, and not utterly ruin her chances at actually learning something from Guide. Certainly, if she didn't learn anything from him, she'd have to be responsible for her own lessons, as Nyiss wasn't likely to choose an apprentice any time soon. And she couldn't very well just let her mind dull and hope that she would still be selected. Even if it was her right as the only Pureblood Apprentice on the ship, she couldn't let a filthy human take it from her by being more skilled.

Taking a deep breath, she began.

She managed to get rid of both the liquid form, turning it into a gas, and the smell, but she couldn't get rid of the color, try as she might. Finally, after several minutes of effort, she conceded defeat. Glancing up towards Guide, she hoped he wouldn't be able to sense her shame and embarassment, either through the Force or on her face. "I can't get rid of the color. I'm sorry." Thankfully, she managed to keep her tone neutral, even if those final two words tasted like ash in her mouth. She had never sincerely apologized to anyone, this was the first time and she didn't like it.

"I did not expect a complete success, still you have outpassed many of your would be peers." He glanced at the Tusken Raider and it collapsed on the floor, unconcious. No point in wasting good specimens who knew when it would be that he could collect more. He pressed a button on a nearby console and the Tusken Raider was taken into one of the many, small, holding cells that lay underneath his ship. Nowehere near as advanced as those aboard the Hask of course however he only had to keep a couple of humans, jawas and Tusken Raiders prisoner. He didn't really want to go bothering people going for speciments, not to mention the looks he got. Absolutely distasteful.

"You do indeed have some potential, however you must not only focus on the alchemical aspects of the Force. Nor should you focus solely upon the Dark Side of the Force. To beat ones enemy you must know ones enemy, you have Jedi aboard. I am sure many of them have tried to convert you in order for them to escape." He moved his hands behind his back in their typical position as he turned to face her. "You need to learn the ways of the light, I do not care if you trick them into believing you could turn or if you do it through intense pain. You need to learn their ways so that you can counter them. It is not enough just to know the way of the Sith you need to know the way of the Jedi too. Many Sith feel that this is unnecessary however the SIth have been defeated by the Jedi time and time again only through subtrefuge and greater numbers have we succeeded and even then sometimes we have not. By understanding them we can defeat them." He began walking out of the lab and indicated for her to follow.

"I believe it was your failure that released some form of mutated Scurrier around the ship. Obviously this has you frustrated when you think on it. Of course in this frustration it controls you, release it. Bring me the scurrier to initiate your next lesson." He knew full well that it had been that human brat Thalia who had released the scurrier, however Zanna and Thalia had a relationship and this would show if Zanna could put her petty rivalries aside in order to complete a task.

Zanna tried not to show to much pleasure at his initial praise. It was hard, but she did manage it keep it restricted to her eyes. Even if she was in the presence of someone she thought wasn't going to betray her or use her for any schemes, she couldn't show to much emotion, to much trust. Emotions were powerful, but you show to much of them, like Thallia, and you opened yourself up for more controlled people to take beat you. Or kill you, which was far more likely in the world of the Sith. So she kept some small part of her constantly on the look out, for any signs that she was about to be attacked. Not that she'd be able to do much, if anything, against Guide.

As he gave her the first task she blinked in surprise. He was...telling her to join the Jedi? Then it all clicked into place as he continued. Know your enemy. Sensible, but she'd have to find the right Jedi who would be able to teach her, and would believe that she was slowly seeing their way. Teachers in pain weren't good teachers at all.

On the second task, however, she nearly protested. It wasn't her failed experiment! Why should she have to clean up some other fool's mess? But she didn't. Her next lesson depended on this task, and she wasn't going to fail from the beginning by trying to escape it. So instead, she simply said, "As you wish." With that, she was dismissed.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Ellri
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Ellri Lord of Eat / Relic

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Ora Mesoth, Avix Veir, Jesse Fallon, Rin Eris | Ellri, Bigscreech, Fallen
Captain Ora Mesoth, commander of the Niantha, a Thranta-class Corvette, smiled upon reading her orders. She knew well that the Peace Treaty with the Empire had been a necessity, but she also knew that the chances of the Sith Empire honoring that treaty were about as low as the nighttime temperature on Hoth. The number of star systems the republic had been forced to abandon due to the underhanded tactics of the empire was quite simply infuriating. She looked out over the bridge, where only a fraction of her command crew were present. They had been sitting in orbit above Ubrikkia for three days now, awaiting redeployment. They were outside both hutt space and imperial space, so Republic High command had not seen fit to order them to move till now. Keeping one eye on her crew, she turned the other down to the console, reaching a clawed hand to activate the shipwide intercom.

“Men. Women. Soldiers of the Republic! We have one last mission ahead of us. It seems the Sith Empire has some of our Jedi captive. In a few hours, a team of Jedi, led by Master Jesse Fallon, will arrive on this ship. We will set out to rescue those Jedi.” She paused for a moment to let the words sink in. “Our orders are to get to an imperial transport vessel of unknown class that will be in orbit above the planet Teth tomorrow. We don’t know if the vessel is escorted or how heavily armed it is. We don’t know how many soldiers or Sith are on board, but if there’s even a small chance of rescuing the prisoners, we have to try. What we do know is that the ship unloaded several battalions of troopers during its last stop on Tatooine, so it cannot be filled with soldiers.”

Once again, she paused. With her left eye, she saw that everyone on the bridge was now listening intently, and that more were jogging in every second. Less than three minutes later, the entire crew was in place. “If any of you have family back home and would rather not go on a mission that is unsupported, then I will not hold it against you. The choice is yours, but remember that the prisoners on that ship all have family too, and if we do not save them, then no one will. Are you with me?” Barely a moment later she heard the shouts of agreement from everyone on the bridge. She smiled, knowing that once again, her crew had her back.

~| Three hours, nine minutes later |~

Avix sat in the rear compartment of the shuttle in deep meditation away from the eyes of other Jedi and crew. It allowed for him to reflect on the nature of the mission and it brought him a bit of solace. ’I can't help but feel a certain sense of dread and that we may be going about this rescue the wrong way... I feel we could have taken a more stealthy approach... Oh well, I shouldn't concern myself with the logistics of this and if I do my job correctly I should be able to save a few.’ He thought to himself as the ship continued on its course towards the Niantha.

Several hours had passed before announcement was made over the the intercom by the pilot that stated the shuttle was about 9 minutes out from the Niantha. Avix proceeded to open his eyes and slowly got his feet. He lifted his arms up to stretch while letting out a deep sigh. "Well that seemed to go by a lot more quickly then I had thought.. Well I better go get better acquainted with the others.." he said to himself as he casually strolled to meet the rest of his comrades.

There was a brief flash of light, then the Jedi shuttle appeared above the planet Ubrikkia, flying towards the republic corvette that was also in orbit above the planet. “Warship Niantha, this is the shuttle Tranquility requesting permission to dock.” Jesse Fallon called out on the comm system. “Shuttle Tranquility this is the Warship Niantha, you may maintain your approach vector and land in docking bay three.”

Master Fallon looked sideways for a moment at her former apprentice Rin Eris, “Soon we’ll have those prisoners back where they belong, do not fret.” She did not think about all they did not know about the target. Thinking on it would not change the facts.

Rin had bit back this nervousness, his mind fixed upon the calmness his earlier mediation had brought. Right now his mind needed to be clear and not clustered with doubts or fears, those often were the downfall of many Jedi. He inhaled once more while his master’s voice caught his attention. His good eye shifted towards her, turning his head more than normal, until he could see her slightly clearer. His bad eyes worried Rin most as it would hinder his ability to be useful and likely to fight. She seemed to sense his uneasiness because her words had sought to calm him, a matter she easily accomplished when his shoulders relaxed.

“I hope so, Fallon. My main concerns is overcoming this eye of mine because it would be impossible to avoid confrontation now…” He stated calmly, his tone’s steadiness surprised him slightly.

“Trust the Force.” she answered, calmly. “With the Force, you can see far more. Do not let your missing eye deceive you into thinking you are blind.” Moments later, one of the other Jedi entered the forward commander, Jesse had to think for a moment before remembering his name. “We are just coming in for landing Avix, nice timing.” she said, then returned her focus to landing the shuttle.

"That's a relief... I can't wait to get off this shuttle... A little to cramped for my liking.. So how are we going to go about this rescue?" he asked in a matter of fact tone.

“Quite simply. Jump in with the ship, make sure any weapons on the enemy vessel are focused upon fighters and the Thranta-class corvette, then land a strike team in the hangar on the Sith transport. Once that is done, we will find the prisoners and rescue them.” Fallon said these words without any doubt in her voice.

"That sounds fine but I can't help feel a certain uneasiness about the approach you have in mind. I am use to stealth and infiltration endeavors... I hope there is another Jedi with us that is adequate at hiding their presence through the force.." Avix said with a sigh as he crossed his arms. It was blatantly obvious he didn't like the plan and seemed to think this expedition was most unwise.

“Sadly, there’s little choice. Even with the slow pace of the ship, they will eventually reach their destination and delaying would give time for the prisoners to fall.” Rin said but hadn’t added the possibility that some some might’ve already fallen, his mind chose to overlook that reality and keep positive. They had to be stronger than that to be Jedi. “I’m more a fighter then stealth, until recently I was on the front lines myself. Withdrew due to injury. So it’s unlikely I will be able to fit your needs unless it’s puzzles and things like that.”

"Well I did more things behind the scenes such as sabotage and the like.. Sorry to hear about your eye though and no you probably would be better served helping out the republic commandos." Avix said with a sigh as he pondered how effective the one-eyed Jedi would be. ’That eye could be an incredible liability and may cost some their lives... I hope the council knows what they are doing..’ he mused a bit before he decided to address the topic that was on all of their minds. "Have you all decided what you shall do if any of them have fallen?"

“If any have fallen and cannot be redeemed, then their suffering must end. Permanently.” Fallon did not believe in letting any sith live. The Sith were a plague on the galaxy, the Jedi council had long been clear on that. It was her duty to uphold that ruling.

"One can fall to the dark yet can never be redeemed? Do you never give them one last shot at redemption before striking the fatal blow? Granted they will never take the opportunity but it is better to give them the opportunity then just slaying them out right." Avix retorted. ’Shit... I shouldn't have never let that be known... Now this will really put me at odds with the others...’ he thought to himself as he awaited a tongue lashing from his comrades

“Even Sith, for that is what any who might have fallen will be, deserve one last chance at redemption. However, do not let yourself be deceived, for many Jedi have been felled by Sith claiming to repent, only to be struck down the moment they let their guards down.” Fallon cautioned. She had no doubts in her mind. The only good Sith is a dead Sith.

Rin had been listening, his heart true to Fallon’s teachings, as he added his own words in with hers. However, one thing Rin was rather good at was playing the middle Jedi. “Currently, the situation isn’t ideal to take the risk. There’s more Empire troops and Sith than us at this moment, to forget that is unwise. It’s best to focus on lowering the number then we can allow any survivors to repent. I much rather not have to worry about a lightsaber in my blind side…”

He turned about to check upon those preparing for the attack, Master Fallon and his fellow Jedi left alone.

At that moment, Fallon had the shuttle touch down, a faint shudder passing through it as the engines powered down. She pressed the buttons to open the rear hatch, signaling to the others on board that they could exit the ship for now. They would be a while in hyperspace, so there was no point in staying on the cramped shuttle the entire time.

"Your concerns are noted Master Fallon and I won't do anything to put my comrades in jeopardy... I know all too well as almost every time I gave them a chance they always tried to strike me down in an unbefitting fashion and will thin the herd to make things easier." Avix replied. He was about to address the one eyed Jedi, but then he felt the shuttle touch down. The shuttle door opened and Avix casually followed Master Fallons lead.

When Fallon stepped out of the shuttle herself, she saw that the Niantha’s crew were readying the fighters in this docking bay. Moments later, there was a slight shudder from the bigger ship as it reoriented itself, then it jumped to hyperspace. Every minute earlier meant more time to plan the attack on-site.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Fallenreaper
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Fallenreaper ღ~Lil' Emotional Cocktail~ღ

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

Lea, Xid & Allanar | Ellri & Fallen

Xid’s eyes stared off into space, within his individual cell after his encounter with the Sith. Confusion, among other mixed emotions, seemed to pound upon his mind leaving him feeling mentally exhausted. The Padawan tried to make his head go numb just to ease the burden only to fail miserably as usual. He bumped his head backwards, each thump smacked soundly against his skull, a faint hope it would drive some clarity into his mind. At the sound of the main cell door opening, Xid’s body moved upright. He watched the troopers toss Allanar back into the cell but they did it in a rather hasty fashion, something rather concerning to him, as he pulled from the cot and waited until the men retreated back out. Hand slammed against the button to release his energy barrier allowing him to exit towards the crumbled Jedi.

At first, Xid thought he would be out cold. However his first impressions were shattered when he bent downwards to check the man’s vitals.

Lea woke up from her bored mediation when the cellblock door opened. A pair of troopers moved in, carrying the Jedi Allanar back in. She saw that Xid got out of his cell moments after the troopers left, probably to check on Allanar. She slowly got to her feet, wincing slightly as blood once more rushed through them. “I really should spend less time meditating” she muttered to herself. It did not help her body to meditate all the time.

She deactivated the energy barrier on her cell and walked over to where Xid and Allanar were. “How’s he doing?” she asked, curious. All the while as she walked over, she was looking with interest at how his skin was covered in those red rashes that had been in a couple of places after his previous session. She thought it rather intriguing.

Xid took a knee, letting his fingers slide across the hot skin to the quickening pulse. The pair of fingers held there as he measured the rate and grew more concerned. His eyes took stock of Allanar’s other symptoms from the reddish skin to the fever and felt a sense of helplessness wash over him again. He needed to know what was going on but to do that would required the right equipment. Things he knew weren’t able to be found while stuck in a cell. Xid bite his lip, in both slight frustration and annoyance at his own weakness.

“Not good that’s for sure. The bad part, I can’t know much more than that without the proper equipment and being stuck in this cell won’t solve that.” Xid admitted, his fingers pulled away from Allanar to slip through his hair.

Lea knelt down beside him, staring in wonder at his arms, where the rashes were spreading almost so one could see it. Reaching out, she turned his hand over and saw that for some strange reason his fingernails were darker than before. “Not sure he’s sick. I haven’t studied diseases, but I haven’t heard of any disease that can do this.”

Just out of curiosity, Lea opened up her Force Sight, still not quite used to how that worked. From what her master had last explained, it didn’t use the eyes at all, instead literally seeing the midi-chlorans or something like that all around. Focusing on where her she knew Allanar lay, she saw that there was a bright swirling light there. She then focused on Xid, just to see the comparison. There the light was also bright, but not swirling about. “Odd.” she murmured. “His medi-chlorans seem to be swirling a lot. That ain’t normal, is it? And why’s he all sorts of colors in the Force?”

The chaos of Allanar’s Force Signature made Lea’s head ache, so she shut it back down, feeling relieved when her sight returned to normal. It had not been long ago that her master had taught her most of what she knew about Force Sight, so she still hadn’t gotten used to it. Suddenly Allanar’s eyes snapped open, but when Lea waved her hand before them, there was no response, so it was clear that he wasn’t seeing anything with them. Where they had been bright, sapphire blue before, they were so tinged with yellow now that they could hardly be called blue. That, Lea knew with certainty, was not normal.

Xid had been confused at the word she used until she mentioned the Force. Then it all clicked at what she meant, his knowledge only a bit, and immediately corrected her out of habit. “You mean Midi-chlorians, they are swirling? That means his Force connection would be out of sorts and that’s likely the source of the symptoms.”

When Allanar’s eyes came open, Xid fought not to jump right out of his skin at the suddenness of it. His face leaned closer and noticed the same thing Lea did as his fingers pulled open the eye a bit more to examine the iris. He had a bad feeling about this, a very bad one. Xid’s core seemed to be shaken by the more he discovered and none of it seemed good. “If he was a machine, I could fix him easily but he’s not. And there’s nothing else I can do to solve this.”

“This looks to be more than just connected to the Force. Darth Nyiss has done something more, I think.” Lea listened to Xid speaking about repair, thinking it a bit odd how he compared people to machines. “I barely understand up and down on a lightsaber, so you probably know a lot more than me. It took me a while to figure out how to get cellblock doors to unlock, and that’s mostly the extent of what I know.” While they were both watching, Allanar’s skin continued turning red, looking less and less like it was irritated and more like it was natural. Whatever was happening to him, it was clearly happening pretty fast now.

Xid didn’t like watching the scene yet he couldn’t tear his eyes, filled with pity and fear, away from Allanar. His hand shifted to the one shoulder in an attempt to comfort Allanar though it was clear there was no stopping the result now, the sight made the Padawan sick inside to see the man suffer.

His eyes turned to Lea when she mentioned how she barely understood a lightsaber then come to the figuring how to unlock the Cellbock doors. For a moment or two, Xid stared at her with a dumbfounded look while the words registered. It grew sad shortly after when Xid realized it was likely too late to stop the man’s suffering, namely since he knew little of what was happening, as he spoke. “Machines are easier for me to understand, always been. Even when working with Tolun Fi-”

Xid stopped a moment, slightly choked on the words before he forced himself to continue. “Now many know that I think in a different way than others, so they mistake my comments for compassion or something else when it’s not. There was only one creature that seemed to understand me and it didn’t end well. As for the door, I wish I knew that sooner and I could tried to seek a way off this ship. Even built a scanner to see what’s up with his Force now that I know what I’m looking for. Maybe figure a way to fix this.”

“Unlocking the door is easy. I think whatever imperial designed this ship meant for Jedi to unlock them easily.” She listened to Xid speaking of a scanner for the Force. She had not heard of any technology that could interact with the Force like that. “I didn’t know such technology is possible. How can you examine the Force with technology? Isn’t that impossible?” She asked, confused.

“That’s strange, it’s not logical to want your prisoners to be walking around. Not when they could cause trouble.” Xid said, his other hand ran through his hair in thought before he continued.“Technically there aren’t any machines that can scan the Force. However, I can possibly try to build it if I ever figure how to reach its purpose. See I’m limited by my knowledge of what I need for the machine in order to reach its goal. Once I have that knowledge, it’s smooth sailing from there.”

He couldn’t help but smirk at the only thing he could manage to do well. A little depressed it did him no good now, his eyes softened by the emotion as he sighed.

“Sith are strange. All the ones I’ve been tortured by were, at least.” Lea had over her weeks in captivity become a little jaded with the torture. The red tinge to Allanar’s skin was slowly solidifying, with hardly any of the skin still showing that had any of his old skin color. Lea did not know how to explain it, but for some reason it looked… right… “Odd. It doesn’t look like he’s in pain.”

“Wonder if it stopped?” Xid’s question popped out without expecting an answer, followed by another. “I wonder if it’s too late or do we still have time to figure it out?”

“No idea. I don’t understand all this science, so I can’t say. My master never lectured me on this level of genetics. Not that I think I would have understood it if she had even tried.” Lea leaned over, looking down at Allanar. His eyes were still unfocused, but it almost looked like he was smiling. A pretty strange image considering how his crimson skin stood in contrast to his pearly white teeth. Suddenly, Allanar’s eyes focused clearly upon Lea. He glared straight at her, then hissed, “Jidai! Quorit.” Before she could even begin to think on what he had said, she felt her throat tighten up, the familiar feel of Force Choke.

When Allanar’s head jerked to Lea and spoke a language he didn’t understand, Xid’s eyes widen in shock. That’s when he raised his hand, clawed and tight, towards her and held it there. At first Xid was confused until he turned to Lea. Her eyes filled with horror as she clawed at her throat at something invisible. The image of his first encounter with the Sith Lord and how he had carried him clicked in Xid’s mind, his head jerked back to Allanar’s madden expression. Without thinking too hard, his hand fisted up then shot a punch right at the man’s jaw.

Allanar jerked away with the punch, for though it was weak, it worked to distract him. He instantly released his Force hold on Lea, staring up at them both in shock. She fell back to the floor, hyperventilating a little. “What did I do? What’s happening? I am so sorry!” he shouted, clearly confused and horrified by what he had just done. He could not remember much, but he served the Jedi order, not the stinking Sith!

When Xid’s fist had hit, he bit his tongue to stop himself from uttering something foul...out loud at least. Fire rushed up from the impact as it flared within his wrist that shouted he had injured himself. Gingerly, his arm pulled close before he curled it against his body, cradling it. By the Force, that hurt! Xid’s mind screamed at his stupidity. When Allanar’s voice spoke out, his eyes rose upright and looked in the man’s direction. If there was any doubt possible, it was gone now in Xid’s mind. He was slightly relieved to see the confused expression as the man looked from Lea, still recovering, to him completely bewildered.

“It’s alright.” It was the first word out of Xid’s mouth, more of a habit than meaningful in the moment. “We’ll figure it out, there’s still time. Give us a moment to recollect and stay calm, kay?”

Lea was slowly coming back to herself, having been brought perilously close to unconsciousness by his choke. She looked over at Xid, seeing how he was cradling his right hand, a pained expression on his face. “Thank you, Jedi. You saved me. Thank you.” She crawled over, then gave him a gentle hug.

Xid’s head faced Lea, when she spoke, her skin looked slightly less blue now. He let a slight smile cross his face for a moment and then started to speak upon seeing her crawling over only to be silenced when she hugged him. A blush, bright red, had flooded his face and seemed to spread right down to his toes. He was slightly stunned before his smile turned to a sheepish one. “Well, I couldn’t just stand and let it happen. And you're welcome.”

Rather than answer, Lea simply smiled at him. There was no need for words. She heard Allanar muttering in the background, but from the lack of shock, it was pretty apparent that he had not seen how his skin had changed. He could not, of course, see that his eyes were completely yellow by now. She eventually let go of Xid, then crawled over to one of the walls, leaning against it.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Lucius Cypher
Avatar of Lucius Cypher

Lucius Cypher Looking For Group

Member Seen 14 days ago

Lucius Cypher & Sep Collaborative Effort

This wasn't the usual get up that he'd do these deals in. However this particular boss did things differently and he could respect that. He wasn't really into the whole Cantina idea, he found them dirty and he did not like rolling in the dirt no matter what his profession was. He sat opposite his employer as a case was slid over. "That was not what we agreed upon.""You agreed to take the cargo from Republic to Sith space, without question and without opening the cargo. Dropping it off when you got here, it was opened.""Not by me, I never touched the cargo. What was it?""I'd rather not say.""Was it living?""Perhaps.""Well, two things. First, I like to be informed off when I am moving living cargo around and secondly that explains why it was opened, whatever was in it opened it."

The man nodded and a woman came over with a ligthsaber on her belt. "She's a force wielder.""That she is, and she's my property.""Why did you need her smuggled? The Jedi can go wherever they want.""She isn't a Jedi.""You mean she is a Sith? Then what was she doing in Republic space?" She merely shook her head and the man did the same. He was glad he had resistance against Force manipulation otherwise he'd be as bad as he was working on her every whim. He gave up paying attention to him and turned his attention to the women. "So, I'm guessing you gave up being Sith." She merely shrugged. "The life wasn't for me, however the whole criminal thing is a lot more fun. Sith space is especially good for it due to corruption, Republic space is good due to the desperation.""You realize I don't like getting conned right?""What are you going to do?""I'm going to start shooting you." With that he drew his blaster out, pulling it from under the table, shooting the man and then turning it towards the women. Next thing he knew he was flying across the room and smacked his back into a wall. He swore under his breath, this force stuff was just cheating. He tried to run for the door, firing as he went before he looked towards the door and a table flew into his face. This had been an especially bad idea.

This was the place. A little looking here, a few dead beats there, and Ntaaj really stumbled upon a lucky find. Turns out he wasn't the only force user here; from what bits and peices he could gather, there was another. Still not enough to get anything concrete, but that's why he's on the prowl right now. But there was only so much these rumors and bread crumbs could get; he knew there was someone here, but Teth was a bit planet, and the city only a slight bit smaller. It'll take him days, maybe months to get a solid lead. At least until he heard blaster noise. Normally not something he'd concern himself about, but here it only came from one blaster. Just about everyone here had one on them, so usually there's more noise. Still, Ntaaj figured he'd follow the sound. Be the first to loot the bodies if he could.

Inside was fairly intense though. Ntaaj stayed out of sight, made sure to keep his presence to a bare minimum. What he saw though was a stroke of luck. Of all the places he could have showed up to, he had to show up here; where that force-user was. Seems like she was having a bit of a tiff with another person. Ntaaj wasn't sure who he should attack first; he could really use that force-user as a test subject for his ALTR-1, but he'd rather not have to try to fight her. Too troublesome. But that other person... If he was someone useful, Ntaaj might spare him. If he was a smuggler, he might even work with him, given what happened to the last one he worked with. But Ntaaj just kept watching, waiting, for the right chance to strike.

He saw the man enter, he looked dangerous. Dangerous was good, dangerous he could use. Though he had to work up to that. "Sorry for not putting you in the executive sweet my dear, however you were the one to smuggle yourself in a box" She threw something else at him however though every bone in his body ached he managed to dodge this one. He looked back at her as he dropped his right hand to his side and pulled out a thermal detonator and throwing it at her on a five second fuse, those who were lucky dropped down - thankfully he did - and those who weren't were caught in the shockwave or even the raging inferno. He stood up ready to dust his hands off when he saw her standing up, her clothes on fire.

"Oh you have got to be kidding me." He flicked his blaster from semi to fully automatic and began firing rapidly at her, she finally withdrew her lightsaber and began batting back bolts at him. One of them caught his right leg and he went down for a second before dodging to the side still firing into his dive. This was not one of his better ideas.


Before the Blasters stopped, Ntaaj removed all the concussion grenades from his body and rolled them towards the force-user. They were sonic based; hopefully enough to subdue her. But given that he just rolled three of them at her, it could also kill her. Oh well. A loud explosion occurred, stunning just about everyone in the room. Ntaaj was saved from the worse of it since he was prepared for it, but even it still made his head spin. Still he had to keep his wits about himself as he suddenly vanished from sight, his last action being taking out his blaster.

He was thrown back, as was the woman when the grenades went off, he wasn't thrown far as he was at the edge of the shockwave however he slammed into a table and groaned as he rolled out of it. He really needed to take a day off. He looked at the woman who at least seemed incapacitated, she was now badly burned and had flown into a wall leaving a dent in it before she had slumped to the bottom. He himself rolled out of where he was and stood up. Slipping his blaster back onto its strap he slung it over his shoulder and began limping, painfully, towards the table where he had originally been sitting. Picking up the briefcase off credits he also took anything off value of his previous employer and pocketing them or putting them into the briefcase if they fit. He looked around for the guy who had been the dangerous looking individual however he was gone, probably slipped out during the struggle. He merely shrugged and began hobbling away.

He didn't want to be here when the authorities turned up or when his lady friend waked up.

"Not so fast." Ntaaj stood between the stranger and his only exit. He stood casually, with his arms crossed, but with his blaster in hand, ready to take a shot if the stranger made a move for his weapon. "Looks like you've gotten your hands on some hot property there. Sith property. But let's not waste too much time with chatter, yeah? I'll keep this short. I came to help you because I want to employ your service. Work with me and I'll let you walk away, as well as get you some jobs that won't end up like this. Don't, and I'll kill you for smuggling contraband through Sith-controlled territory. Your call.""Well, technically speaking as she was Sith I merely transported a Sith into Sith controlled territory which isn't illegal as far as I am aware." He was really fed up off Sith using these tricks on people, it made it no fun on people who had no fancy powers. "On the bright side, I currently don't want to die and at the same time I find myself out of a job. Consider myself in your employ." He would usually bargain about price, but him surviving this encounter was always a good start.

"Excellent. You'll be needing a ride though. My ride isn't too far away. If you want to escape authorities, I'd suggest you hide near by. I have some unfinished business here." Ntaaj stepped out of the way to let the smuggler through, but once he was out Ntaaj went over to the body of the former Sith. He picked up her lightsaber and looked it over; he'd re-purpose her crystal for his own usage. For now, he needed to make sure she won't be a liability. The first thing he did was use a combination of his Force Powers and his Tractor Beam in his arm to lift the body off the ground. Than he used her light saber to cut off her hands. With her wounds cauterized Ntaaj tore off strips of her clothes to tie her hands and feet, before hefting her over his shoulder and walking outside to his land speeder. By the time authorities came by to check, the only thing left behind was a bit mess. As soon as he saw what vehicle belonged to his employer he sat in the back. He wasn't quite into the idea of being in a speeder with a woman who had just tried to kill him and almost had him dead to rights. Without the intervention off his mysterious friend here he had no doubt that he would be dead right now. "So uh, what is with Miss Grouchy coming with us?"

Ntaaj picked up his smuggler contact and drove off, and out of the city. They drove far away enough that if anyone came after them, he would see them before they would see him. Only than did he answer his question. "Let's just say that she has a price on her head from the organization I represent."[b/] That was a lie, but she would prove to be a prize anyways. Just not in the way the stranger may have expected. [b]"Don't worry about her. I've injected her with enough H4b that she'd be out for two days at least. But she isn't why I brought you here. From what little I managed to garner from what happened, I take it you're a smuggler. As for me, let's just say that I work for those in the Sith, and I could make sure they don't give you too much of a problem as long as you're cooperative. Work with me and I can assure you that you'll live long enough to retire. But before we go into details on how you can help me, I'd like to know how exactly you managed to get your hands on this run-away Sith here. I want all the details you can tell me."

He shrugged as he asked him the question. However goddammit he hated working for the Sith, almost as much as working for the Republic. The Sith it all got so confusing because everyone was fighting against each other as well as the Republic. The Republic were towards the Sith however much they also worked against each other they still worked on the same side. "I didn't really get my hands on the runaway Sith. I more or less got given this runaway Sith, picked her up back on Corellia and then moved her here." He looked back at her. "She was just a box, broke her own seal and then the man who wanted me to ship her gave me shit pay. Which is why the fight broke out and then the rest you know." He shrugged his shoulders.
Ntaaj stopped his landspeeder next to what looked like a giant boulder. "Sounds like a raw deal. But I can assure you, honesty is the best policy, and I only deal with the best quality. I will let you know, I am after some fairly rare items in this galaxy, but I trust that you can get them for me. I would do so myself, but I have certain... Business to attend to." Ntaaj than got out of his Land Speeder, heft the body over his shoulder, and walked over to the boulder. He pressed a keypad that was hidden underneath a stone, and soon the entire boulder showed it's true form; a small transport, the very same one he took to get here. He walked inside, and from there the noise of machine activating and hissing could be heard even from the outside. It lasted for a few minutes before Ntaaj came back with a ledger. "These are certain items, people, and locations of interest. I have a base price for each of them, but contact me when you find anything on the list. Give me tangible evidence that you have what is on the list and I will make sure I direct a substantial amount of credits in your direction. Are we in agreement?"

"I suppose so, what am I going after and what does it all do? I gotta say it will probably be expensive if it something that'll kill everyone in the galaxy or some major Sith Doomsday weapon like that. I may be a smuggler but I do have a smidgin' of morality. However I like credits more than getting that warm fuzzy feeling inside my heart. I am sure you can relate to that." He watched as the ship appeared. It wasn't exactly the most impressive trick he had seen today however it was still impressive. "You have a thing for fancy tech and tricks don'cha?" He just shrugged. "I'd even be willing to exchange my services for some gear"

Getting back to his Land Speeder Ntaaj drove back towards the city. "For now, you may go after anything within the ledger at your own pace. I only ask that you make sure you inform me of whenever you find something on the list. But if you want a starting goal, than I'd like you to find someone by the name of Jawanu, a Herglic. He's a contact of mines who's been rather silent over the years. He's a gambler like most of their kind, but also an... Explorer. I don't need him dead; I just need to know if he's alive, and I'd like him to contact me. Do so and I can direct seventy thousand credits in your direction. But if he is dead, than I want you to location his ship. With any luck, there should be a tightly sealed box somewhere inside. That would be where he stores most of his findings, and it's very finicky. Try to get inside and it'll explode, and the method to open it is much too complicated for me to try to explain. But it's sturdy and damn near unbreakable, so if you find it send it to me. Do not let it fall into anyone else hands; even if I can only open it, I don't want any chances." Soon the two got back to the city, where Ntaaj planned to drop the smuggler off so that he could go and find Jawanu. But the smuggler wanted something immediate for his service. Ntaaj kept his anger in check; as much as he wanted to yell at him for daring to ask him for more help, Ntaaj did have some junk he wanted to off load.

"Sure..." Turning the Land Speeder off Ntaaj went into the storage compartment and took out a short vibro blade and a Tensor Rifle. "I have a few weapons I could lend you. Even if they aren't your style, I'm sure you could hawk them off for a decent amount of credits. Consider it as starting payment. Now than, if there are not other questions, this is where we part ways."

He shrugged and took the items. After that he merely walked away, time to find a Hergelic and his ship.

As the smuggler walked away, Ntaaj signed and looked around. "Still have some time to kill I suppose..." Hopping back into his Land Speeder the Sith warrior drove off deeper into the city, to find a place to stash his vehicle and to replenish his ammunition and equipment. He would be here for some time, so he might as well stay prepared.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Frettzo
Avatar of Frettzo

Frettzo Summary Lover

Member Seen 5 days ago

Kinsa & Venren

"Tick, tock, tick, tock..." Kinsa muttered.

Relaxing on her hard and uncomfortable bedding, she kept a neutral expression on her face. It was no surprise to her when the barrier to her cell was brought down and an Imperial soldier nearly dropped a tray with food onto the dull, cold metallic floor. The sight brown mix of mysterious meat and musky-smelling paste made her expression shift, for a split moment, into one of disgust. She sat up and the reached for the tray. She crossed her legs and rested the tray on top of them, neatly. Once upon a time, she would have hesitated to use her bare hands to eat, but today was different. Much like that day before, and the day before that, too. She had also learned to eat slowly, not to mention learning how to ignore the horrid taste of the food.

For minutes she ate in silence until she was done, then she drank all the water left in her bucket. Then she heard her barrier go down, and she perked up. A young Jedi was there.

It was the second time Venren had woken up in his cell, and the third he had been dragged in there. He still didn’t have any idea about the timeframe, how long he had been out this time. Or where he was and why, for that matter. Still, he wasn’t bleeding his guts out anymore and he could move his arms again. He got up to look at the area outside of his cell. He had seen there were other ones but had not had the chance to look closer at them before being dragged away by the Sith torturer.

The first thing he saw when walking out was a twi’lek in the cell right in front of him. One of the other Jedi the Sith mentioned! He walked up to the cell quickly, the only reason he didn’t run was the he didn’t know how drugged he was and didn’t want to fall on his face if something turned out to still be in effect, like last he awoke. She looked somewhat familiar, though he didn’t know her name.

“Hi! You’re a-“ Venren was stopped in his excitement as he noticed the other prisoner was in Sith robes. He looked at her for a moment, and then at himself just to be sure. He was still in his two grey tunics with one side torn up and brown with dried blood.

His roughly ragged clothes caught her eye, and Kinsa found herself staring at them for a short moment, before her gaze lifted to his eyes and she raised an eyebrow.

"I'm a what? Don't mind the robes, I'm not a Sith." She said, sighing and leaning her back against the wall, her head inclined up toward the ceiling and her golden eyes closed.

"You sound... Somewhat familiar, too." She softly mumbled.

Venren relaxed visibly, but did not go back to being giddy as he had been at first. He sat down where he stood and didn’t raise his gaze from the floor in front of him.

“It’s possible we may have met before.” He said. “My name is Venren, by the way. Do you know where we are?”

"No," She replied, then opened her eyes and looked at him straight in the eye, and continued, "the Sith here don't like to share the important bits of info. Well, maybe Lord Namore, but... I'm not even sure that those are true. You can call me Kinsa or Kinsakwi, your choice."

"Kinsa? I do recognize that name. I think we trained on Coruscant at the same time." Venren said. That was one mystery solved at least, but while he could place her now, he still hadn't actually known her. He sighed as he continued.

"And well, since you've met more Sith than the Trandoshan, you probably know more about what's going on than I do."

Kinsa shuddered at the mere mention of Sish, and she instinctively balled up her left fist and pressed it against her chest, right hand over it in defense. "D... Don't mention that Lizard-" She said, voice shaky all of a sudden, "He- He's a brute."

"I might know more. Two of my friends are around. I'm not sure about one's whereabouts, but the other is still alive for sure. I can tell you that there's an arena, med bay, a lot of hallways and a lot of torture rooms."

Venren just nodded. Seemed like she’d met the torturer too, and he could understand her reaction. He didn’t much want to talk about that particular Sith either. His own experience was already clouded, placed in between periods of unconsciousness. It might have been a horrid nightmare, if it wasn’t for the fact that he woke up in the same cell and in the same torn tunics. The few facts Kinsa gave him though felt like some ground in what felt like one long, horrible and confusing day, but that was probably longer than that. He hadn’t noticed how knowing nothing scared him until he found himself calmed by slivers of information like ‘other live prisoner’ and ‘lots of hallways’. It was a start.

“They would have to be brutes to require a lot of torture rooms.” He said with distaste. That, or the place was huge and there were many to interrogate. Not able to think of much else to say, Venren went quite after that. Most questions seemed like stupid questions to him now, but he would rather stay where he was with this person he almost knew than go back to sit in his cell.

A minute of silence passed, and once Kinsa finally noticed that Venren wasn't going to go away, she turned towards him and gave her best to try and smile. "Venren," she said, "I'm sure I know you from somewhere. Do you know Xid by any chance?"

Venren looked up from the floor with a jolt.

“You know Xid?” He said, not acknowledging that he’d been asked a question, though his reaction could be considered answer enough. “He was my friend through the entirety of my training, I knew he was at the Temple but I couldn’t find out what had happened to him, no one knew anything. Do you know something about what happened to him?” He quieted down quickly again as he realized that he was blabbering about personal relations in the home of Sith.

Kinsa perked up as soon as Venren had and a tiny smile found its way onto her face when he told her of his relationship with Xid.

"Of course I know Xid," She said, "I took care of Navi for months while he was away in who-knows-where!" Her smile grew, but it vanished once she heard Venren's last question. She brought her knees up to her chest and hunched over slightly, her chin resting on her right knee, a somber and guilty expression on her face.

"He's somewhere around here."

It was clear from her expression that the answer was not going to be good news and Venren felt chilled. Still, he had already realized that it would be unlikely for Xid to just turn up perfectly fine after having disappeared during the destruction of the Temple.

“Well, then at least he is alive.” He said simply after having looked stunned in surprise for a while. Even if it might turn out that this place was no better than death, Venren still felt relieved. It was easier knowing, even if it meant he had all the more reason to be worried about his friend. “Somewhere. What does that mean, exactly?” He asked while looking around the rooms again.

"How would I know that, Venren? I only know he's around because a Sith Lord told me he's suffering. Where? I suppose in another cell block.. I'd love to know more, but I don't." Kinsa said with a sigh, avoiding eye contact with her eyes glued to the floor in front of her.

“Well that’s Sith for you.” Venren said, it was just like them. He looked at Kinsa who stared at the floor and wondered if she’d been here since the attack on the Temple, and what effect that was likely to have on someone. He sighed. “What is it that they want from us?”

She shrugged and she looked at him, briefly, from the corner of her eye. Her lips turned into a frown, of which the corners quivered lightly.

"I think they want to break us..."

"That would make sense" Venren mumbled "the questions didn't seem to matter." Whatever plans the Sith had with them though, he doubted they would ever tell their prisoners.

He looked at the doors leading out of the cell-block while Kinsa kept quiet. Silence overpowered them after that.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Templar Knight

Templar Knight

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

"Birds of a Feather..." By: Templar Knight and Lucius Cypher [Gideon Xanthous and Ntaaj Thaiv]
Inner Teth, Teth, late afternoon. Spaceport Landing Pad 5

"I'm surprised you would be hesitant to take up the chance at making some easy credits. Its not like I'm asking you transport a shipment of weapons or prisoners, its just a coffin with a corpse in it."

Gideon Xanthous was getting somewhat frustrated at how much effort it was taking to convince this pilot to make a detour to Sith space to deliver semi-precious cargo. Despite the war being over on paper, the Hutts would not want to be caught pay privilege to a particular side, even on as remote and as backwater a world as Teth. That was the only reasoning which made sense in Gideon's mind as to why the pilot seemed so apprehensive to making a delivery in Sith space, unless he had a previous history with the empire which left them on bad terms for whatever reason. Either way, Gideon didn't care, he just needed to get these affairs sorted by the end of the day. Every minute he waited in this city was another for a protection racket to think he was easy meat in his rancher's wraps. He had his lightsaber hidden in his pack along with his robes and the rest of his gear in event of anything happening, but he would prefer not to be noticed. The pilot leaned back against a crate and scratched his chin in thought, biting his lip.

"Who's in the coffin anyway? It isn't somebody important is it?"

"He was important to me, and perhaps a few others whom you do not know, and probably never will. He isn't anybody anyone on this planet will miss, that is all you need to know. So don't think some Hutt or Gang boss is going to send out a hit on you, because this doesn't involve anybody here except you and me."

The pilot's eyes flickered over Gideon in suspicion. This guy is just a paranoid wreck who doesn't trust strangers asking for a loaded coffin to be transported to the Sith, makes sense on a world where your fortunes could turn in seconds, but Gideon's patience was running short. He reached into his right pocket and counted out some credits. Holding them out to the pilot.

"Look, I have 500 credits right here in my hand to give you. You deliver the coffin in one piece to the Sith, ask no more questions, and do it in good time, I can guarantee you double. Half now, half when you finish the job, it's that simple. Will you take the job or not?"

The pilot looked like he was going to ask another question, but with his eyes fixed on the easy money winking right at him he couldn't resist. He took the credits and stuffed them into his pocket, glancing around.

"Where will it be?"

"Just tell the droids at Receiving to load on package number 378-C, they'll bring it aboard your ship. Remember though, I'll want it delivered in one piece, the Sith won't want to see any tampering with it. You crack that lid open and you can consider your payment forfeit. Just deliver it and you'll get your second five hundred."

The pilot nodded and thanking Gideon curtly he shuffled off towards Receiving. The thought passed through Gideon's head briefly that despite his warning and payment strategy, the odds were still not ensured in his favor that his former master's coffin would actually reach Sith space undisturbed. But he didn't worry too much about it, for this gesture was more ceremonial than anything else, which is why he wasn't delivering the body back to the Empire himself. He had already ensured that anything of real value which his Lord had possessed was safe from prying eyes or loose fingers anyway.

Besides, he had more pressing matters to seize upon right now than to escort the corpse of his recently deceased master. If what he had heard through Intelligence was correct, Darth Nysiss and her ship, The Hask, were in orbit above this world, and he intended to take up the opportunity which she had presented to any Sith willing to serve her in her machinations. That is of course, if she would have him, and if he could complete a couple things here on the surface first. Gideon had already completed one of the loose ends he still had by dealing with the return of his master's corpse. Finding a way up to The Hask shouldn't be too much a problem for him, whether he would have to press-gang another pilot to take him up or renting, stealing, or buying his own light ship. No, the hardest part would be finding any other Sith who also supposedly wished to board The Hask.

For when Gideon had called in a favor to Sith Intelligence asking about Darth Nysiss' offer for converting Jedi and finding where The Hask was currently, they had also informed him of other Sith who could also be seeking to board her ship as well, and that he should keep his eyes open for them when he arrived in Inner Teth. Gideon so far had no luck finding another Sith, but then he hadn't really looked and was unsure of whether or not they would even try disguising themselves like he was. Not that his disguise was entirely foolproof, he had to sell a couple stories of being a scavenger to more than a few people who noticed his lightsaber and robes from his pack, but luckily not too many people asked prying questions on this planet and even if they did, most didn't care too much about scavengers.

Thus, Gideon left the main spaceport through its main entrance and into the bustling streets of Inner Teth, keeping his eyes open for any signs of suspicious activity that may tip him off that a fellow Sith may be nearby. He didn't have high hopes at all, he had been in Inner Teth for a couple days now and nothing had stood out to show him that any other Sith were here besides him, unless they were not like conventional Sith. Maybe that's the trick, he thought. Maybe they're like me and either realize that they wouldn't want to be recognized as Sith here, or they just do not want to attract attention to themselves by doing anything out of the ordinary. But then, what was ordinary on this planet?

He contemplated this question as he walked past a nearby cantina, like many cantinas, this one was nearby the spaceport but not right next to it in order to draw crowds of not just travelers but also locals by locating itself partway between the city centre and point of entry for travelers. He noticed as he was walking by that the twin Gammorrean bouncers who had stood guard over the entrance when he had passed the Cantina on the way to the spaceport were dead, bleeding out on the ground from fairly fresh wounds. Killings on a Hutt World like this were not uncommon, but it seemed unusual that just the guards were killed, Gammorreans were not known for being smart and could be replaced fairly easily by employers so its unlikely that they alone were the only targets, most of these places were owned by Hutts or Gangs anyway, but then why were people still filing in like nothing was wrong? Surely the whole cantina would have been shot up by now if the attacker was out to send a message.

Curious, Gideon walked into the Cantina. Business seemed to be going as usual inside, but as he focused his hearing he heard the distinct, albeit muffled sound of blaster shots from far in the back of the cantina. He found it odd how people here could be so used to death and the sounds of weapons going off that they gave off little if any noticeable reaction, but then every planet was different. Nar Shadda had been similar, he remembered. Walking briskly through the drinking, eating, gambling, and dancing patrons, Gideon stepped out cautiously into the back of the cantina, peeking out into the area beyond with the Force. Gideon closed his eyes, he saw the grey shapes of the background world and inanimate objects of what looked to be a smuggler's landing pad, the fading red splatters of blood on the ground next to two bodies in black robes, a ruined Droid of some form of combat configuration, and the fuzzy outline of a figure who did not appear to be completely organic but not completely droid probing through the open vessel, chewing at what looked to be the remains of one of the fallen. Gideon drew his vision back into his own body.

Gideon was nervous, he wasn't sure who the figure was or what had happened to it with whatever situation was going on with the dead droid and humanoids. Better to be safe than sorry, Gideon thought, as he slipped his pack down slightly and drew his lightsaber out. He then slipped it into his pant belt, covering it carefully with his wraps to not make it immediately apparent, and slipped his pack back on. He stepped outside carefully, keeping himself facing the vessel's landing ramp which he knew the figure was inside. he stopped about fifteen paces away from the vessel, standing among the bodies of the dead attackers.

Meanwhile, Ntaaj was a bit strapped for credits. He had plenty in some reserved accounts, but he had spent much of it just replenishing ammunition, not to mention upkeep on his carrier ship as well as fuel for his Land Speeder. Not only that, but he was hungry. He figured he could go one a few days without food, but than his thoughts lingered back towards his old friend Anema. Normally he left dead dogs die, but he wasn't one to leave perfectly serviceable scrap behind. He could provably sell everything on Anema's ship for a couple hundred thousand credits, grab a bite to eat, and clear the place out before Nyiss and her entourage arrived. Besides, if there were any other bone pickers, he'd clear them out with superior firepower. Teth was a dangerous place, but he was a dangerous man.

Returning to the scene of the crime, Ntaaj was happy to know that aside from some parasites eating away at some of the older corpses, the place was untouched. He began to use one of the assassin's droids vibro blades to cut himself dinner from a corpse that wasn't too rotten, before he began to sort out what part of the ship was worth taking to a fence. That's when something on Ntaaj's radar went off. Someone was here. Another assassin? Who kept sending these guys? Or perhaps he was a scavenger, here to pick these bones like he was. Either way, he should leave.

Ntaaj pretended he didn't notice the stranger as Ntaaj riffled through Anema's ship until he came across what he was looking for; a large bag of spice. Anema smuggled a lot of things, spices were just one of the many. Ntaaj took this out and threw it towards the stranger. But before the stranger could act, Ntaaj took out his DT-57 and shot the bag of spices, creating a cloud that masked his escape. By the time the cloud was gone, the stranger would have seen Ntaaj somehow on the roof, running off somewhere.

Gideon was surprised by the spice bag as well as the shot and had already activated his lightsaber, its solid orange blade mirroring the haze of spice which ballooned off of the blasted bag. He had raised his lightsaber in order to block whatever shot was coming at him, but found that it was merely a ruse as he saw the unidentified man fleeing over a roof. Quickly sheathing his lightsaber and cursing his own stupidity to show it so brazenly to a potential opponent, he gave chase. Whoever this was, they did not want to be found, that much was obvious. Whether or not he was a fellow Sith remained to be seen, because for all he knew the man could merely be an mercenary hitman for the Hutts. Gideon had to know though, so he lept onto the rooftop after the man. The stone slabs of the roofs made it easy to chase, though the changing heights of the various buildings made it necessary to utilize the Force to assist his leaps on several occasions.

Jumping and running after the nimble target was proving more intense than most of his previous chases though, he was certainly no ordinary gangster or mercenary. Gideon decided to take a chance, as he ran he extended a ripple through the Force, punctuated in a shout after the man: "Stop!". The ripple was not intending to harm him in any way, but to get his attention. He desired to see whether or not this guy was a Force sensitive, and how he would react if he truly was, as it would determine what he would do next.

Ntaaj kept sprinting across the roof tops, making sure to take only routes he didn't need to use his force powers to assist him with. Last thing he needed to do was show someone else he was a Sith, or worse, a Jedi. It was around than that he felt something hit him, but he couldn't quite put his finger on it. It wasn't physical, so... Was it the Force? But it was very weak, so weak he wasn't sure what it was suppose to be for. Due to his own extensive cybernetics, he didn't quite pick up on the more subtle force powers so he just kept running.

Ntaaj knew he couldn't just keep running on the level expecting to outlast this guy. For all he knew he could be a cyborg like him. Ntaaj saw a large building with a dome top, and figured this would be a good chance to lose him. Ntaaj took a running start and leap towards the tall building, smashing his fists and feet into the stone wall, creating small dents he could hold onto. He continued to do so with frightening speed as he began to climb the tall tower, moving around it like a spiral in order to find his next landing spot. He saw a narrow alley way he knew he could try to jump into, though it would require him to use some of his Force powers to soften the landing. He took the jump anyways, narrowly avoiding the roof tops as he landed in the alley between them, his landing rendered harmless thanks to his last minute force push towards himself. He didn't stop to look back as Ntaaj kept running forward, near the undercity slums. Lots of vagabonds down there, and he could hide out among their kind until he'd lose this chaser.

But little did any of them know, this wasn't just a one-on-one game of cat-and-mouse. A few other players joined in, watching from afar.

Gideon was confused by the man's reaction, or lack thereof to his little test, yet his little stunt to escape him couldn't have possibly been attempted by mechanical augments or cybernetic surgery alone. The target was obviously a Force user, albeit perhaps not a very strong or experienced one. It left him with more questions than answers, he certainly didn't look or act like a Jedi lackey, but what if he was simply an exile or one of the "Grey Jedi" he had heard about, Force users who weren't necessarily tied to the Jedi Order or the Sith Empire, and often walked the line between Darkness and Light in regards to the Force. It was a possibility, but Gideon could not tell for sure. Either way, his fascination grew, if only this target would stop running so that he could confirm his suspicions.

Following his fleeing quarry, Gideon leap onto the stone dome as well, following in the dents previously made, but choosing not to follow into the narrow alleyway and keeping to the high ground, Gideon kept pace along the edge of the roofs, looking down at times to keep the man in his sights as he ran. He was no longer worried about utilizing the force to assist in his movements, if anyone was paying attention for either of them, they would have felt them already, so it was useless to deny a potentially useful tool to himself. Seeing a decent gap into the undercity alleys below him, he hopped down onto a nearby balcony ledge before leaping down onto the ground below. Even with the Force to help break his fall, Gideon rolled on the ground, bowling into a couple of Duros transients. Apologizing briskly as he stumbled up, he kept chasing after his target through the alleys.

Ntaaj sensors weren't going to be much help once he goes into the undercity slums. Too many ticks for him to try to isolate it to one person. With any luck though, this guy won't be able to spot him either. Ntaaj ran into the crowd, turning his head back only once to get a good view of his pursuer. Humanoid, dark hair, heavy robes. Certainly blended in. Ntaaj kept himself low as he moved through the waves of people. Soon enough he simply upped and vanished from the crowd, entering a drug den. He wasn't there to partake however, just to make another escape. He knew that places like these had a back entrance, so he was going to go through there and try to lose his pursuer. Ntaaj would have to stay out of Teth for a while however, because unless he can kill this man, Ntaaj won't lose him. Finding his exit, Ntaaj left the drug den and went even further down; here in this part of Teth the sun's light don't shine. It was almost always pitch black, the only lights coming from the signs of various stores in the distance. Everyone here either didn't use sight as a means of navigation or had nightvision, luckily Ntaaj had both. Letting his guard down for just a moment, Ntaaj casually strolled through the dark underground, looking for a place where he could sell that scrap back at the cantina.

Gideon kept to the main alleyways, deciding not to chase his target into the drug den, the scent of spice drifting out as he passed the doorway and stayed with the crowd. Perhaps he could fool his man into believing that he had lost him, that way he could catch him unexpectedly. Turning the nearest corner around the building he kept his eyes open for another exit or entrance out of the cramped building, which wasn't too hard to find by following the wall, though the dimming light didn't help. Gideon's eyes were not equipped for nightvision, but he was confident that he would not be required to see a great distance before his eyes adjusted naturally to the darkness. So, he leaned against a nearby wall by the door, trying to look relaxed and catch his breath from the fast pace of the chase for a moment before he saw the man he faintly recognized as the one he was chasing step out the backdoor casually. Thinking fast, Gideon would use Force Push, attempting to knock his target off his feet into a dead-end alley just off the main path, not to seriously injure or knock the man unconscious, but to give him enough time for him to grab his lightsaber again and get into a proper stance to block an easy escape, if successful. The orange light of his blade illuminated the alley around the two, several bystanders staring at the odd spectacle. He then kept silent, waiting to see what the man's next move would be.

Ntaaj certainly did not expect someone so determined. And while he did sort of suspect the next part, it still caught him off guard how he was knocked off his feet from a force push and into a alley way. His only escape now was through a door with no handles; likely a sliding door, one that only opens from one side. "Curses. Trapped." Ntaaj looked up at the figure and saw him draw a lightsaber; the blade being an orange color. "Strange. Thought Ntaaj. "Not quite red, but I don't know any jedi using a color like that." Well, Ntaaj was going to play dumb for now. If he was right, this was the same guy who saw him at the Catina. If he's a Sith, he's likely waiting for Nyiss ship to arrive. But if he's jedi... Well, Ntaaj would just have to play his cards right.

The cyborg didn't really bother to get up, simply getting himself into a more comfortable sitting position. He did, however, have his left hand resting on his knee; with a quick action he could fire another flechette round at the strange, if he proved to be an assassin. Aside from that casual action, Ntaaj looked fairly harmless. "Oi. Why have you been chasing me? That ship wasn't yours." Now that he could get a good look at this man, Ntaaj tried to see if his features matched anyone he met in the pass. A lot of familiar faces, but this one in particular didn't ring any bells. "Or are you an assassin, here to kill me for some petty grievance from the past?"

Gideon casually rolled his wrist, his lightsaber whooshing through the air smoothly as he adjusted his stance, his eyes fixed on the half-man, half-machine in front of him.

"Indeed, the Ship was not mine, as to whether or not I am here to kill you...that all depends, doesn't it?...People on this world, the galaxy in general in fact, can hide behind so many facades it is difficult at times to see who they really are and where their loyalties lie, myself not withstanding. Its also not always wise to give direct answers to such probing questions if one wants their intentions to remain hidden, so let's try something else, shall we?"

Gideon quickly flicked his eyes at the bystanders behind him in suspicion before looking back at the Cyborg, his lightsaber unwavering. Tentatively, he threw out his bait.

"Peace is a lie..."

Ntaaj looked at the stranger. Though Light Sabers were only useful in the hands of a few, it's not that unheard of for neither Jedi or Sith to posses one. Typically only after looting the bodies of the previous two, or well created imitations. Like Ntaaj, the man did not trust him, just as he did not trust the stranger. So they had to speak in code once again. Smart move, but Ntaaj seriously doubt-

Wait. "Peace is a lie... You've got to be kidding me...." Ntaaj sighed. And than he spoke.

"... There is only passion."

"Through passion, I gain strength."

"Through strength, I gain power."

"Through power, I gain victory."

"Through victory, my chains are broken."

"The Force shall free me... Pleased to see a fellow friend."

Ntaaj got to his feet, wiping the grime off the bottom of his coat. "Neh. Speak for yourself. Not one for subtly, are you? Let's just hope the gawkers don't start spreading rumors about us, or more importantly, me." Ntaaj walked pasted the stranger, avoiding his lightsaber. He looked around the pitch darkness and looked towards a neon sign of a restaurant. "Over there, the eatery. We can grab a bite to eat there and speak more in private. Better than some gank alleyway, unless that's your liking." Ntaaj didn't wait for the stranger to follow as he simply walked towards the restaurant himself.
Once inside, Ntaaj took out a credit chip and had him and the stranger a private booth. Classy stuff, given their environment. Once seated they were given menus, but Ntaaj himself wasn't hungry. He wasn't sure if the stranger was either, so he spoke first. "I suppose introductions are in order. My name is Ntaaj Thaiv. I'm sure you know who my affiliation is. So who are you?"

Gideon politely sheathed his lightsaber and plunged the alleyway in relative darkness again, following in step by Ntaaj into the eatery. He briefly glanced over the menu before setting it aside and adjusting his slim disguise. He leaned back and steepled his fingers as he looked at Ntaaj.

"One to talk for subtlety after you so efficiently executed two Gammorrean Bouncers in broad daylight with witnesses a plenty, not that I believe we have much to fear here so long as don't piss off the wrong Hutt or Gang Boss. I'm Gideon Xanthous, former apprentice to Lord Tia'mis Fa'los. Not that I'd expect you to know him, he wasn't the most visible figure in the war, or Imperial politics as they usually are. He died of a chronic illness which had been effecting him more severely these past few months, and I was en route to return his remains to the capital when I learned of the most intriguing offer along the way, I presume that is also why you are here?"

Ntaaj slide his menu over Gideon's. He doubt he was going to eat, and it's not like he was going pay. He ignored his comment about the Gammorreans; they die in droves all the time. Ntaaj just happened to help that happen. "I suspect that we both are here for the same reasons. Perhaps out meeting was not so unfortunate after all... As you know, friendship among our associates is nonexistent. But perhaps an alliance could be made instead." Ntaaj laced his fingers over each other and he leaned forward, studying the man in the dim light. The next words he spoke softly, to where only Gideon would hear. "When we arrive on that ship, they expect us to arrive on our own. No alliance, no power, no idea what we're heading into. Their veterans would attempt to corral us for their purpose, whether we want to or not. I aim to change that. I have my own plans, mainly involving obtaining power in battle. To put it plainly, I plan to use this opportunity to collect various technology around the galaxy, so that I can become stronger than any others. I'm sure you have your own goals in mind as well, which may follow a similar route, or at least come to the same result."

Ntaaj leaned back as a waitress arrived with drinks for them. When she left Ntaaj slide the drinks down the table away from them. "Don't drink the water. As I was saying, that is my goal for this little adventure. No doubt I'll meet resistance that would attempt to stop me, or at least difficulties in my pursuits. Things that I have no qualms saying that I cannot handle myself. But if you and I come to an alliance with each other, than just as I expect you to help me, I will assist you. So long as our goals do not conflict, and if they should, I will at least have the honor to tell you." Ntaaj didn't really have that honor, though he did have a certain pragmatism about it; it really would be inconvenient if both his goals and Gideon's goals went against each other, so he would make sure that he knew what Gideon is doing. If they work well, Ntaaj might even be willing to tell Gideon what his secret plans are.

Gideon scowled at the water when it reached the table anyway, and pondered Ntaaj's words for a minute, scratching his beard in thought. Ntaaj certainly wasn't your conventional Sith, but then again, what was such a thing? His desire to obtain technology to increase his power didn't conflict with Gideon personally, all Sith had various means of advancing themselves and obtaining the power necessary to achieve victory, and though he didn't exactly approve of conflict among themselves he knew it was a reality which their order had not been able to solve yet except by finding an external enemy in the Jedi and the Republic which protected them. Therefore he didn't blame Ntaaj for his methods, the question is, would they make a good match? Gideon carefully adjusted his pack, making sure it was still by his side before replying.

"My goals in this venture are much simpler than yours, at least simple in that, in theory they will not require me to face my opponents in battle, simply to best them in other ways which they have otherwise failed . . . thus far. I detest bloodshed between our fellow comrades in arms, but I am no fool. Those in power often resist the rise of further competition, therefore if I am to ascend higher in the ranks of our Order, conflict is inevitable. Odds are likely that we could be going up against opponents whom have been playing the game for centuries longer than us. Therefore I see no reason why us two cannot work together to accomplish our goals, greater strength can be found when we work as a whole rather than being divided. Understand though, that our cooperation goes both ways, if I find that your goals get in the way of my own, I shall cease our arrangement just as quickly as you would. At which point we'll go our separate ways. Should the occasions ever arise, of course."

Ntaaj nodded his head silently. Seems that the two men, while looking at their goals at different angles, ultimately knew what they wanted from each other. Ntaaj would still of course keep a healthy amount of caution when around Gideon, but for now he was to be his ally, and Ntaaj was to be his. When the waitress arrived to take their order Ntaaj stood up. "I'm not hungry. Thanks for your business." He left the eatery as the waitress looked on with a bit of confusion. By the time she looked back at the table, Gideon was gone too.

The two Sith warriors continued to walk until they reached a fairly open area, but voided of people. A large crossroad, with buildings rising to the ceiling on the side of the roads. There was a little light coming from the buildings themselves, but aside from that, still dark. Ntaaj stopped here and began flexing his hands. "Say Gideon... You know these people?"

Creeping in the shadows was at least seven of them. Two droids. Five aliens. All of them bounty hunters. The two droids stepped out from the darkness with their weapons drawn, their intentions clear. The other five remained hidden, trying to set up positions to take down the two Sith Warriors.

Gideon glanced around at the opponents before them as he stood next to Ntaaj, they had obviously cleared the street looking for a fight. Professionals, or at least not people who were completely inept. He slid his pack to the ground by his feet gently, putting his arms by his sides, his right hovering over his concealed lightsaber.

"No, I made the wise move of paying off the local Hutt to ensure I wasn't messed with. . . I assume they are acquaintances of yours?"

Sighing, Ntaaj nodded his head. "Probably... I suppose I might as well tell you that I'm on this little trip to also avoid some... Enemies back at the academy. My pursuits don't always make friends. More so when it's used against them, see. The cowards instead send these... Things after me. Disgraceful." From between the two assassin droids another man walked out. He looked human, but from the blasters he had in his hands he obviously wasn't here to greet either one of them. "Say wot you will bout our business, but we're the best at wot we do. Now than, let's keep this simply, neh? All we want is robot boy there, and we can walk off without any one hurt. What do ya say?"

A quick scan of the area allowed Ntaaj to figure out where everyone was. Three, the two droids and the human, were on the ground level. The other four were each at a corner in a building, and from their positions had their sights trained on them. "I'd say you're way in over your heads. Leave me now, or you can lie here in these slums." The human snickered, and soon it turned into laughter. Ntaaj looked towards Gideon, a sort of silent method to tell him to get ready. "Not the smartest bot, are ye? Oh well... Let's show them wot we're made of boys!" But just as the bounty hunter raised his guns up to shoot, Ntaaj was already on him, crushing his face with his cybernetic arm. In his other hand was an ECD. The Bounty Hunter screamed as Ntaaj began crushing his head. "You are made of bones that break and blood that spills." Just as she shattered his skull like a cookie, Ntaaj threw the ECD at his feet and caused it to explode, shocking the two Assassin Droids into submission. The sudden surge of electrical lights blinded the snipers in the buildings, and by the time they could see again Ntaaj was gone.

Gideon drew his lightsaber swiftly after Ntaaj made his move, the snipers refocusing their attention now on him given that Ntaaj was nowhere to be seen. They fired at him, but he stood his ground and deflected their shots, twirling his lightsaber as he utilized his Soresu form to his advantage. He had no skill with a blaster, and lacking the height advantage, he decided he may as well keep the assassins focused on him. He taunted them as he dodged out of the way or moved his lightsaber to deflect the shots.

"Foolish assassins, you think you can best me? Where did you learn to shoot blasters? You're all so pathetic that my old man could shoot better than you guys, and he's blind and crippled."

His banter obviously stung the assassins, or at the very least kept them focused on Gideon. The conflict was a standoff though, if Gideon attempted to reach one of the men at their height, he risked not being quick enough to dodge one of the others' shots, but so long as he stayed where he was, he could simply keep dodging and deflecting their shots while still being able to flee. Ntaaj aught to be able to use the situation to his advantage though, and perhaps make a break for him.

That break came in the form of a broken window. One of the bounty hunters were launched from their positions and hit the ground below, groaning in pain. An adjacent Sniper turned his rifle towards the position and saw Ntaaj standing at the window pointing his blaster at him. Three shots were fired, and the other bounty hunter was left dead on the floor. The other bounty hunter who was knocked onto the ground stood back up, and aside from some soreness, didn't seem too hurt. He noticed Gideon however, and taking out his sidearm and Vibroknife, he started shooting at the Sith Warrior.

Ntaaj allowed GIdeon to handle the one on the ground as he moved towards another building. By than the snipers in the buildings stopped firing, seeing that they were at a disadvantage. Ntaaj didn't know if they worked in a group or were simply individuals who wanted to use each other, so the other two might have fled. But better to not have any loose ends; they needed to die. Ntaaj caught one of the bounty hunters trying to flee through a darken alley, but Ntaaj stood in his way. The bounty hunter fired off bursts from his blaster rifle, but Ntaaj jumped over the blast and smashed the bounty hunter into the ground underneath his feet. He raised his fist into the air and dropped it down onto the bounty hunter repeatedly, until his head was caved in. That was two down, two more to go.

Gideon smirked as the bounty hunter arose from the fall caused by Ntaaj's blast. The fool still believed he could shoot him with a blaster, though at least he had the wisdom to draw a knife, the good that would do against a lightsaber. Casually, he stepped towards the Bounty Hunter, deflecting the increasing frantic shots with ease from having to focus on only one target. Once he got within six paces of the hunter, the man threw the blaster Gideon, panic now leading to desperation. Gideon sidestepped the thrown blaster merely twirled his lightsaber to stop the man's attempted stab with the knife. The bounty hunter had ducked his hand back to avoid losing it, but couldn't back up fast enough before Gideon cut off his right leg with a quick swipe. The Bounty hunter fell down screaming in pain at his cauterized wound, only to be swiftly silenced as Gideon plunged his lightsaber into the man's chest.

Gideon flipped his lightsaber back up, its orange light filling the small street and counted the bodies as Ntaaj bashed in the brains of one of the other attackers. Two shocked assassin droids, four dead or dying bounty hunters, meaning one was still at large. Gideon walked over to retrieve his pack, slinging it over his shoulder as he kept looking around.

"Apparently "the best" bounty hunters on this planet didn't prepare to fight one who is skilled at Soresu. . .either way, I don't want to find someone here who is. Fighting unprepared hitmen is easy, true masters at their art, not so much. You have any business left to attend to? Because either we find that last one fast, or we cut our losses and find a way off this rock before we attract any more attention to ourselves, either between ourselves or from others."

Ntaaj walked back to Gideon as he wiped his hand clean of the blood using a piece of the bounty hunter's clothing. "Second attack today... I'd like to get out of the city for now, head back to my ship. There are some things I need to prepare before we meet our mistress, and if more off these fools come after me, I won't have to chase them down." Ntaaj began to walk down the darken streets and eventually made his way back to the surface. The sun was still out, if a bit low to the skies. He wanted to head back to his ship, resupply himself, change his load out, and sit tight as their Dark Mistress arrived. He was certain that if he or Gideon got bored, there might be a bounty hunter or four to hone their skills on.

Gideon followed Ntaaj up and out of the undercity, sheathing his lightsaber and keeping his pack close as he walked. He certainly did not enjoy the prospects of dealing with more bounty hunters, simply because they were a waste of his time, and because he didn't like the idea of causing any more trouble on this planet. Darth Nyiss may not be impressed having to come up with an explanation for why so many bodies were left behind on this planet from a pair of Sith if the Hutts ever linked any of this back to the Empire, but he would cross that bridge when if it ever came. He was glad to hear that Ntaaj had a way into orbit, though.

"I have it on good authority that our target vessel will not make itself publicly known, or at the very least it won't be advertising itself any more than necessary, for obvious reasons. Thankfully you have your own ship, we'll likely have to find our own way up into high orbit anyway. If you can get us up there, I should be able to figure out where it is and get us access. That is of course, unless we wish to search for any other brethren or sisters on this world."

"Not interested."

After the two managed to find Ntaaj's land speeder, they left the city and rode out into the open desert. They arrived at the ship unharrassed as Ntaaj loaded his vehicle inside. His ship wasn't all too big, large enough to hold his Landspeeder but no luxury space craft. There was two pilot seats that Ntaaj and Gideon could used as makeshift beds, as the only private room also served as a prison cell for the renegade Sith, whom Ntaaj informed him of. "I would have simply killed her if she didn't have some tangible use to me. Since I took her lightsaber and cut off her hands though, she shouldn't be a bother."

Gideon's clothes were covered in dust from the desert, but that didn't bother him too much, he didn't need them anymore today anyway. He looked the renegade Sith up and down before placing his pack between his feet in the cockpit. He started to change out of his herder's disguise, carefully extracting his thick black robes out of his pack without disturbing the other contents.

"What use is she to anyone with no hands? Specifically, why is she of use to you in this position anyway? Its not like she'll make an effective apprentice in the normal sense anymore unless you're solely focusing on making her a master force combatant. . .but then you don't really look like you need one of those. Perhaps you are using her for another purpose?"

Once he had finished changing into his formal robes, Gideon slipped into the co-pilot's seat and threw his pack beneath his feet. "Not that i don't trust your cargo hold, simply that I prefer to keep my belongings, sparse though they may be, by me most of the time."

"What use I have for her is between me and our Mistress. Don't worry, it has nothing to do with you unless you want to get involved. This one merely... Needs to be punished. However our mistress deems appropriate. Make yourself comfortable. We may be here for some time." Ntaaj began to remove his limbs and putting them into a large metal crate strapped to the floor of the ship. He attached a new hand and than removed his legs, replacing them as well. He even took off his helmet, but kept his face away from Gideon before putting his helmet back on, replacing a few parts. Ntaaj just continued to fiddle with his limbs and other parts, his way of passing time. It was going to be a long wait.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Templar Knight

Templar Knight

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

(//Disregard this post, had to fix a double post problem.)
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