This RP is currently recruiting. If you have a character in your soul that you want to unveil, then you can do that here.

The Sith are infamous for it. The Jedi Knew not to trust them fully, but not even they were prepared for just how far the Sith Empire would go. Following decades of War, the Sith sued for peace. The Jedi were of the belief that the Sith were insincere, but the republic knew it had no choice. Alas it came to be seen that the Sith were indeed devious. Right in the middle of the peace talks on Alderaan, they sent a fleet in covert to the republic capital of Coruscant, capturing it and holding it hostage, using it as a powerful tool in the negotiations.
Now the Peace treaty has been signed, the ecumenopolis returned to its owners. Republic estimates put the death tolls at over a hundred thousand from the mere three days the Empire held it. Though there is, for the first time in decades, peace in the galaxy, it has proven a bitter pill for many on both sides to swallow.
While the Sith know whom to blame among each other, things are not so clear in the republic. Some lay the blame at the feet of the republic high command, others at the recently reformed SIS. Others yet at the feet of the Galactic Senate. But more than any of these, people blame the Jedi, the very party that was hit the hardest in the sacking. The Jedi are not seen as saviors by the citizens of Coruscant. Some think that if the Jedi temple had not been there, then the Sith would not have struck them. The truth of this, like all other could-haves, is impossible to tell. But all of this is now history, and history cannot be altered.
The story that has not been told is that of the Jedi present in the Jedi temple on Coruscant. It is known that scores, if not hundreds, died. Though much of the outer shell of the temple, as well as the signature spires, was destroyed in the sacking, more yet remained intact. Computer records are clear on the number of Jedi present therein. however, these numbers do not even come close to matching those of the bodies found in the rubble and ruins. The difference is in the hundreds. Many are presumed to have been destroyed beyond recognition, but not that many.
The story here is about those who were not obliterated. The ones who were captured.
Four days have now passed since the Jedi were captured and imprisoned aboard the Sith transport Hâsk. They have by now one and all been exposed to various tortures the Sith can imagine. As yet, none of them have fallen to the Dark Side, though it has been close. Several have died, but most have persevered.
Commanded by the mysterious and powerful Darth Nyiss, the Sith are committed to their usual games of intrigue. Though some are already above the rank of apprentice, the matronage of Darth Nyiss is not an offer to be scoffed at. Her rules, much like the rules in the Korriban academy, forbid them from killing each other, while also forbidding them from killing any of their prisoners. The rules are absolute. Of course, when it comes to removing inconvenient obstacles (each other), a murder without evidence of who did it is no murder.
The question is as such:
Which are you?
Prisoner or Captor, Jedi or Sith?
Jump over to the IRC and reveal the truth.
Or are you afraid to reveal it?
This is not a new roleplay. It has gone on for ninety-nine long IC posts. Even the Guildfall has not stopped it. During the Guildfall we transferred operations to a series of Google Docs, only to transfer them back down with the Guildrise. It has since gone on to gain a steady population of players and posts.
While we have lost some players over the months, we also have a hard core of dedicated players. We are always looking for more, and we gladly accept both those experienced with Advanced-level RPs and those who have never before dared to try them. Do give in to fear. That is your characters' job, not your own.
The IC thread is sometimes quiet for a week or three, but it is not dead. Same goes for the OoC. It is being used, but the players primarily talk on the IRC channel used by this RP and a couple of other RPs. (link is above)
This roleplay will go into mature themes (but not smut), so it is not for the faint of heart. People will be tortured. Occasionally maimed. Killed.
Maybe even raped (Not graphically. We and the guild do have standards to uphold). Blood will be spilled. If you cannot handle that, then this roleplay is not for you.
Posts herein are long. That is because most of them are written over days and few involve just one player. A twoplayer collaborative post will almost always end up longer than a singleplayer post.
Reading the IC thread isn't a requirement to join, but it is recommended that you do read through it eventually. Due to its length, that could take a while.
Combat, while it may happen, is not the focus of this RP. If you are one that only enjoys combat and would rather eat shoe leather than delve into the finer differences between the light and dark sides of both the Force and of people, then this RP is not for you.
If none of the above has scared you off then we encourage you to join in the OoC and submit a character when you feel ready to do so.
useful links & other information:Current Character population:Found
Who and what are you? From where do you come, to where are you going? Tell us about yourself.
Few men truly serve more than one cause. Sure, you might pay lip service to many and support others, but which cause do you serve most? The Galactic Republic and the Jedi order, or the glorious Sith Empire? If you have other causes you pay some service to, you may mention them as well.
Eyes grow weak with age. They cannot see you clearly. Would you kindly describe what you look like and the sort of clothes you wear? Do not leave out anything you think would be relevant. Are you young? Old? Human? Alien? Male? Female? Scarred? Deformed? Yellow? Blue? Green? Red?
Now you have described somewhat about yourself, but you have not covered why you fight. Is it out of idealistic belief, or is it something else?
Surely you are not like everyone else. What sort of skills make you stand out from the rest? Do they stand out because you excel at them, or because you fail miserably?
You have not been in touch with the rest so far. How do you relate to them? Are there any friends of yours among them? any enemies? Or perhaps you even have family therein? Do not hesitate here because you do not see yourself mentioned in other players' character sheets. They may simply have forgotten to write you up. Correct that mistake, would you?
The past makes you who you are. What sort of events made you the one you are? Do some events mean more to you than others? Did you have a good or a bad life?
No good character is without his or her flaws. Nobody’s perfect. The heroes, be they good or evil, tend to have more blatant flaws than the tagalongs. What be thine flaws?
No matter if you are a Jedi or a Sith, you probably made a lightsaber once upon a time. What does it look like?
If you wield a Lightsaber, which of the Seven combat forms has your order trained you in?
What sort of person are you? Do you use the Force for combat, or do you prefer to wield its more mystical branches? Is there something you excel at above all other things? Is there something you are hopelessly bad at? What limitations do you have?
Don’t forget that this is in the middle of a war. Anyone of truly great skill would have been at or near the front lines.
a) You are a Sith. How come you arrived now, several days after the others? Why would the powerful Darth Nyiss let you in at such a late time?
b) You are Jedi. Yet you have not been held with the other prisoners. Why not? Were you captured elsewhere? Did you just get captured? Or have you simply been isolated till now?
Is there anything else you would like to mention about yourself? You know there is something. Don't be shy.
Wanted characters:Two-three Sith. (Jedi may be permitted if you have a good one.)