Alyona Kudrin
Name: Alyona Kudrin
Age: 25
Eye Colors: Turquoise and green
Personality Alyona has two main personalities that change depending on the situation and who she is talking to. Of course, both vary, but a large amount of the time although she regularly stick to it. Her first personality is a kind, nice young woman who would be anyones best friend if she likes them. She usually acts this way to people she is attracted to, wants to be friends with, wants to strike a deal with or wants to lull into a false sense of security. Her second personality is mainly used around her goons and those she dislikes. It is a coldly serious person who is quick to bark orders and hand out punishment if need be. Of course, this is thrown out of whack when she gets drunk. In which case she could swing either way, being unneededly mean or being strangely nice out of nowhere.
Type: 2(Althought could be considered 3)
Alyona is able to control metals. The metal she is best with is lead, and she finds it extremely hard to control anything larger than say a large deodorant can. She is able to do it with both her mind and her hands, but it is much easier to do it with her hands.
Bio Alyona was born in the city of Samara in Russia. Her father, a very wealthy Russian mobster had wanted a boy to continue his legacy and as such had originally intended to name Alyona, Alexander. His disappointment when he found out she was a girl was only topped by his disappointment that his wife wouldn't allow him to name her Alexander anyway. Alyona's life was as normal as the daughter of a mobsters could have been. Of course, his father was wealthy enough to send her to a private school in Russia, which didn't quite work out as Alyona was quick to get into fights with the other girls at the school. Eventually, her father was tired of her mischief and decided to send her to a boarding school in England in order to teach her a lesson not only about respect, but about discipline.
She was around 14 at this time, and her accent was already heavily set in. While a lot of the girls at her new boarding school found her accent exotic and interesting, some of the girls took to bullying her for it. Knowing that if she reacted in any sort of physical way she would be punished even more, Alyona took to a more creative way of dealing with the bullies. She would spread vicious rumours about the girls to all the boys at school, saying things like they had sexually transmitted diseases and other less than PC things. All the while her experience at school went on, she was secretly being trained to take over her fathers position in the inevitable event of his death. She was staying with a highly trusted lieutenant of his gang and he would often sail out to the ocean in order to teach Alyona how to fire a gun and such. Of course, they fished quite often too, something which Alyona still has a great interest in to this day.
While in Britain, she gained a great deal more hobbies. She had a growing fascination for Hockey and would often watch it in her spare time. Along with this, she began to prefer English speaking music much more to Russian music which led to a rather rebellious phase in her life in which she practically went against all of her fathers wishes even when he came to visit her in the summers and winters.
Eventually, her father did die though, when she was around 19. She was given command of the mob just after his funeral, under the supervision of his fathers old right hand man who guided her to success within the gang. In recent years, she has successfully micromanaged the mob in order to keep her operations within Russia running under a different head while she ran things in America. Of course, she has micromanaged her American operations as well in order to give herself the least amount of work to do.
OtherTheme Song: Favourite Shirts (Boy Meets Girl)