Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Odysseus
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Other notable characters or nations that exist within the world

The Far Lands

The Far Lands were mysterious to the tribal nations when the Confederacy still existed. Trade was present, but sparse, and cultural exchanges happened every decade at best. As there was with the tribes themselves, a tenuous peace existed between the Ascahara Confederacy and the Far Lands. The Far Lands are known to have inhabitants very different from the tribal people. Records saved from the Confederacy throw doubt to the claim that they are even human. It is said that the Far Land Men once tried to dominate the tribal islands, so very long ago, which is what spurred the Ascaharans to unite the tribes. The Far Land Men are said to have a strict social hierarchy and are rumored to live in settlements with thousands upon thousands of people packed into a very small space.

The Far Men have not visited the Tribals in over seven generations, ever since the Ascaharans began to become hostile towards them, rather than just warily defensive. No soul alive today has seen a Far Man. It is likely the Far Men are not aware anyone survived the Grand Collapse, or even if they survived, themselves.

The Last of the Ascahar

On the highest mountain on The Exile rests a small monastery. It does not have a name, and is simply referred to as The Temple. In this monastery resides the last of the Ascaharan race. These once famed and majestic warriors, standing eight feet tall, with skin the color of caramel and ritual tattoos covering their body, have been reduced to one wise man, an alchemist who achieved the secret to longevity. This man, who shed his name generations ago, and is usually referred to as the "Alchemist", resides with the descendants of the original slaves he traveled to the Exile with. Five generations ago, ten Ascaharans made it to the Exile, but nine died; they warred among themselves and ultimately killed themselves. Only the Alchemist, who did not fight, was left.

His longevity failing, the Alchemist is blind, nearly deaf, and losing his grip on reality. He never leaves his temple, and dedicates his life to peaceful meditation to atone for the pride and vanity of his race. He is revered for his wisdom, and occasionally, if a great dispute breaks out, Tribal chiefs and ambassadors will meet in The Temple to have the Alchemist settle their differences. Many pilgrims travel to The Temple to visit him, but it is said he rarely acknowledges them. If asked about lost history or lore, the Alchemist will rarely give anything meaningful, often speaking in riddles. Nevertheless, he is the primary source of knowledge of the old Ascaharan Confederacy.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Inuyasha
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Inuyasha 𝙫𝙞𝙡𝙡𝙖𝙞𝙣

Member Seen 11 mos ago

Tribe Name: Aerodu
Demonym: Aerodians
Population: 900 people
Government Style: The Caliphate, who is born into royalty, who has an apparent mandate of heaven to rule, and the War General who is elected by the people.

Location on the Map: http://imgur.com/x6wqgEm -- Locations outlined in Blue is Aerodian territory, and unauthorized intrusion will be met with extreme fervor and force. The middle island is the HQ of sorts, and an absolute stronghold.

Other: The Aerodu people are a highly militarized group. They are famous for their domination of the sky, sailing into war on primitive hot air balloons letting arrows fall from the sky. On a different note, all the Aerodu mystics wear this uniform
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ClocktowerEchos
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ClocktowerEchos Come Fly With Me!

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The Rizu Tribal Clans



Government Style:
Great Chieftain + Great Elder Consul as the main head and War Chiefs as "governors" for the hordes and Elder for villages.

Religious Beliefs:






Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Thang
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Tribe Name: First Men

Demonym: Neanderthals

Population: 700

Government Style: Anarchy - There is no central form of government (at the start of the RP, in any case), and authority stems from the heads of the scores of wandering familial groups of Neanderthals. However, these groups do tend to cooperate with each other, but any fall out is usually resolved through violent means on a local level.

Religious Beliefs: The Neanderthals are simple folk, with simple beliefs. Much of the world scares them, and they stray far from any attempts to really understand it. Instead, they look upon things like the Sun, the breeze, the stars, the moon, the ground, as something akin to Gods. They have no real traditional methods of worship, but they give all things respect, lest they tempt the wrath of whatever terrifying creator lies beyond their foundation.

Location on the Map: Start as scattered villages and hunter posts across the breadth of the island, but will later go on to form a territory.

History before the Collapse: The Neanderthals of The Exile are the last of a dying breed; the First Men.

They walked the globe for half a million years, hunting and gathering their way through their short lives, and never remaining in one place long enough to create a true civilisation. Their culture remained almost the same, regardless of how far a tribe was from another, or where it was located. This lack of imagination, was perhaps their greatest downfall.

As the Second Men came into being, the Neanderthals found themselves fighting a ten thousand year long war of survival against an enemy that knew only how to dominate all that it saw. Whilst humans were diverse in not only appearance, but in their methods, the Neanderthals were broadly stagnated. They failed to develop weapons strong enough to keep pace with their ever advancing cousins, and as the centuries passed, they were slowly driven from the major landmasses.

That as until Zoog, the Last Elder, led his people across the great waters on a fleet of ships built from mud. The journey was perilous, and of the thousands that set sail, only a few dozen survived the voyage. They arrived at what is now known as The Exile, but to them as Neanderthalis.

Here they lived for centuries more in relative peace. Their simple lives of hunting and gathering restored.

Until now...

Survival Legend: Zoog, the Last Elder, was the Neanderthals' only ever known war chief. It was he who rallied his dying peoples, forced them to remain in one place, and spearheaded a rapid technological development to challenge the already victorious tides of humanity.

Under his leadership, the Neanderthals made war on Humans. They sacked and pillaged several cities, destroyed a dozen armies, but were abruptly beaten and crushed during an especially fierce winter campaign. His forces broken, Zoog led the last of his kin on an epic retreat known as The Long Walk, where tens of thousands of Neanderthals made a hurried march to the nearest coast line.

Once at their destination, Zoog led them in a tenacious defence against pursuing bands of human warriors. Meanwhile, his most trusted and brightest set about building hundreds upon hundreds of ships, made from wood and mud. These seafearing contraptions were adequate for shallow streams and rivers, but no match for a sea.

Nearly all of Zoog's followers died on their seaborne journey, before reaching Neanderthalis (The Exile). With just a few dozen of their kin left, in the entire world, Zoog is said to have taken his own life out of guilt, by walking into the sea and not returning. His followers, confused and heartbroken, erected a giant stone slap on Neanderthalis' eastern shore, as a permanent tribute to their once mighty leader.

Far removed from mankind, the Neanderthals went about re-establishing their way of life, and have maintained it to the present day.

History Since: The Neanderthals have blossomed on the island, although not in the same way as a human might measure "blossomed". Their population has remained relatively stagnant, and they boast no real settlements to speak of. Instead, they travel the island hunting game and gathering herbs; enough to feed themselves, but not enough to trade.

A few individuals arise to the challenge of becoming the next Elder from time to time, but they are always ultimately defeated by a union of groups who detest the idea of having a singular leader.

Other: Not sure yet; still deciding how to play this out, if I do get accepted. A smattering of minor characters, or a singular protagonist on a quest to unite his peoples.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Stormwarden
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Stormwarden The Warden of the Winds

Member Seen 10 yrs ago

Tribal Name: Ethicar

Demonym: The Ethicar, Ethicarians

Population: Approx. 550

Government Style: Cognatic Elective (Elected Chief or Chieftess) Advised by Selected Officials (Officials of Their Choosing).

Religious Beliefs: Agnostic

Location on the Map: The Ethicarians are a tightknit tribe of a few hundred people clinging to a sprawling central village that they know and love. They call this village Imara, named for the last mystic that advised the people.

History before the Collapse: The Ethicarians were a people that led simple lives before being pulled into the confederation led by the Ascahara. The Ascahara promised them equality among men and protection from old rivals. The Ethicar took this opportunity in order to secure a lasting existence in the chaotic world they lived in. They served the Ascahara loyally, sending their strongest over the age of eighteen years to fight on their leader’s behalf. At the start of the relationship between Ethicar and Ascahara, the Ethicar were rewarded for their loyalty with gifts of gold and stipends of food to further increase their population.

Through these gifts and favors, the Ethicarian population once held nearly two thousand people, this, however, changed with the Collapse of the confederation and failed attack on the Far Men.

Survival Legend: The Exile was an island never before heard of. Their head mystic, Imara, told them of the islands location as the waves crashed upon their island shores. Their central village was in a panic, people were leaving and droves and none seemed to be going the right way. The Chieftess at the time, Tyri, gathered her loyal followers, her remaining army, family, and mounts and took to the remaining ships. They sailed off with a heavy heart, propelled by even heavier waves.

The journey was long and arduous, the ship that held the Ethicarite mounts sank leaving them with little choice but of travel but on foot when this new island was to be found – if it was to be found. Tyri held her now small tribe of men and women together by sheer will and determination, not allowing hope to waver as long as she stayed vigilant. Frequently she’d cross from one ship to another to check in on her people, she’d offer them words of encouragement and tell them that salvation was only a few more days away when she ignorant of that fact herself.

When the Exile’s shores happened upon their sights, Tyri grew ill but refused to let up until her people were safe. Her vigilant rule continued until their people were settled on the east side of the island, occupying a cove of their own and rebuilding the village they left behind on their old island. When the largest hut was finished, the hut deemed to be hers, she finally succumb to her illness, dying within the arms of those very villagers she encouraged to keep going. She was succeeded by her first daughter, Aisha, the Benevolent.

History Since: Years following the death of her mother, Aisha watched on as her trusted mystic Imara was taken by the gods. With Imara went the Ethicarite faith in the gods. If the gods were so benevolent, then why had their forsaken their tribe so? This feeling was not only possessed by Aisha, but soon rippled outward into her followers. They now knew that there were gods, but without proof they wouold rather not believe in smoke in mirrors. With this, the mystics were disbanded and Aisha was risen up as the people’s new spiritual leader. Aisha still searches for proof of the gods, but without that proof she’d rather not believe such beings exist only to bring Ethicar misfortune.

While the religious shift was happening, the unnamed village grew in size and the territory that Ethicar possessed grew with it. Though their military might was small, they grew without opposition and staked a claim on a chunk of the eastern coast of the Exile. Here they grew in culture and number. The survivors numbered at 300 when they arrived but in time they grew to 500 and now 550 with the practiced use of a census to keep their numbers monitored.

Aisha’s early rule proved to be a prosperous time and eventually the village without a name was named after the last mystic, Imara. Imara stands as a new beginning for Ethicar and they hold the village and surrounding outposts in high accord, willing to defend their claim tooth and nail.

Other: The Ethicar hold women on a pedestal, recognizing them as givers of life and thus deemed important. Due to this equality is a quality that the Ethicarians seek to maintain. Women make up a decent portion of the army, not only as nurses and doctors but as soldiers.

Ethicar’s army boasts prowess with spears. Their spear troopers are some of their best soldiers and are thus deemed as their elite, only making up a small portion of their army (50) and are called the Watchful. This elite force mostly protects the village of Imara and Aisha herself, always there when needed.

The Ethicar have tamed new mounts now. These giant lizards serve as their military mounts and are utilized as a small cavalry unit. They were once vicious things but now serve as a domestic service animal much like the horses the Ethicar possessed on their old island. Now though, these beings hold a strength slightly greater than horses and can defend themselves more effectively.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Slamurai
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Member Seen 1 mo ago

Tribe Name: Sotraeca

Demonym: Sotraecans

Population: Approx. 960

Government Style: At the head of Sotraeca sits the Matriarch, both the administrator and spiritual figure of the tribe. The Matriarch is often, but not always a hereditary position; the law of the tribe decrees that a sorceress, both admired by all and of strong connection to the Gods, is to hold the title. It is common that daughters should surpass mothers as Matriarchs, as the aptitude for sorcery seems to be strong across families.
The Patriarch, husband of the Matriarch, does not govern the day-to-day matters of the tribe, but instead is responsible for all matters of war and hunting. He is expected to be similarly respected among the tribe, and strong in both intellect and body. Patriarchs are chosen by Matriarchs to be their husbands, and it is the dream of most men to be so lucky.

Religious Beliefs: The Sotraecans have been conflicted in matters of religion since the failed invasion of the Ascahara. It is widely accepted that the Ascahara were punished by the Gods; however, the cause of their fury has been debated. Although the Ascahara were to blame, many other tribes’ lands were swallowed up by the sea, as if the Gods were reckless in their judgement. Many Sotraecans feel that the tribes were judged unfairly; others have suggested that the Gods favor the Far Men.
The current Matriarch is one of these skeptics. She has claimed to have visions of “New Gods” that desire the allegiance of Sotraeca, promising mutual benefit for all parties involved. Although a minority is still unsure whether giving up their former Gods is the right thing to do, belief in this new pantheon has permeated most of the tribe.

Location on the Map:

Before the Collapse: "Sotraeca has always been strong among the tribes. Many have tried to put us to the sword, but none have succeeded. Our ancestors founded our tribe through the might of their arms and the wisdom of their Gods. It was plain to all that Sotraeca would be destined for greatness, and when we came to exact vengeance for their misdeeds, our enemies fell beneath our feet. The Ascaharans paid us heed and offered us a place among their armies."

The Voyage: "When the sea swallowed the Ascaharan fleet, many proud Sotraecans were sent to the depths. Not even the Matriarch had foreseen the betrayal of the Gods. We mourned our kin and escaped the mouth of the sea with the other tribes. Some of our counterparts had thought themselves persecuted by the Ascaharans, and they hated us for our allegiance. On the voyage to Exile our ships clashed with many of them, but we prevailed and continued on to our new home."

Into the Future: "Our Matriarch has not let us down. Following her lead, we have carved a new path on Exile and cast down the treacherous Gods that led us astray. Sotraeca has pledged itself to a new pantheon; one that will guide us on our path to ascendancy. We've plenty to eat and drink, and our resources are bountiful. We count among our allies the subhumans of Middle Exile; the ogres and halflings are worthy auxiliaries."


Other: WIP
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