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Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Odysseus
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A History

It has been five generations, now, since the Grand Collapse. Five generations since the gods exacted their wrath on the pride and vanity of the Ascahara.

Let me tell you the legend, the way my father told me.

Five generations ago, there existed a great confederacy of tribal nations in the vast archipelago expanse known as the Land Tears. Duzens, perhaps even hundreds of tribes lived on their own islands. Few, if any, shared land. Merchants prospered, sharing the specialties of each tribe with one another. The Far Lands and their men stayed far away, the confederacy standing strong enough to dispel the most well armed invaders. This was all due to one tribe, the imperialistic people known as the Ascahara. This tribe united every island - some by force, and others through diplomacy. They forced an end to petty tribal disputes through their great Longhouse Councils. There was a Shared Treaty of Common Law - a constitution - that ensured justice throughout the land. Many generations of our ancestors lived in peace, if a tenuous one.

Until the Ascahara grew decadent, and arrogant. They began to force outrageous tributes from the tribes, and began a forced recruitment drive of the youths, to fund a standing army. The Ascahara united the tribal islands to stand against the Far Lands from across the sea, but now they planned on invading them, on taking the lands for themselves. In the very end, even the Shared Treaty was cast aside to the Ascahara could build their invading army. The Longhouse Councils were disbanded.

The day of the invasion, enough ships to block out the horizon sailed off to the Far Lands. That's when the thunderclouds moved in, and the gods came to the defense of the Far Men. Or perhaps they were merely casting down the Ascahara. The ships were claimed by the gods and brought to the bottom of the sea... and soon after, islands began to follow. The waves rose, higher than a hundred mountains, and crashed down on dozens of islands at a time. Even the great island of Ascahar, with its marble temples and statues the size of a hundred men, fell beneath the waves.

A few islands, however, were spared immediate death. Perhaps they were favored by the gods, or perhaps they were just lucky. Either way, the shamans were all crying in unison. They knew their islands would eventually sink, and they needed to flee. Tribesmen and women loaded on to as many ships as possible, desperate to sail to calmer waters. Guided by their tribal mystics, these exiles went out into the storm. Some sank, entire nations finding their ships useless in the waves. Others pushed on, however. We pushed on.

Eventually, we came to The Exile. The only island spared by the Gods. It was far separate from the other islands, and spared the monstrous waves. It was a clean slate. The many tribes, vassals under the Ascahara Confederacy, living their peaceful isolated lives, now had to settle on one, small island.

It has not been easy. But it is the Gods' will that we survive. Why else would we be here?

Map of the Exile

Rules and Notes


1. Standard rules apply. Play nice, be thoughtful, etc.
2. No godmodding, or trying to force your will on another tribe.
3. Combat should be handled maturely, and if you're unhappy with settling it with each other I can resolve it by dice rolls.
4. Take time developing your tribe, and always remember to talk to your other players.

Tribal Rules:

1. You're playing tribes here, so your 'nation' only consists of a few hundred people. Take this in mind when creating your tribe.
2. You can base your tribe off of any historical group (Native America, African, Russian, old European, Mesopotamian, etc). You're playing a group of exiles, so cultures, governments, race, and religions can be wildly different.
3. You all have different beliefs, but you share some in common. Namely, most tribes agree the Gods live below the water in their own kingdoms. Most agree the gods are vengeful, and that they will punish people for trying to upset the natural order of things.
4. The setting is low fantasy. You can have some magic and some mystical beasts exist. Also: for story purposes, I will allow some (max 1-3 per tribe) mystics/elders who have achieved longevity, and lived through the great Ascaharan Confederacy.

If you have any questions, please ask!

Create a Tribe

Tribe Name:
Demonym: Ex. Ascahara was the tribe. The people were Ascaharans.
Population: (A few hundred, maybe 1,000 for very large tribes)
Government Style: Ex. Council, town-green democracy, Chieftan rule, etc...
Religious Beliefs:
Location on the Map: Note you can be nomadic, very tightly packed together, or spread out.
History before the Collapse: You can be brief, as much history was lost in the floods. It can be more of a legend than a historical record.
Survival Legend: How your people made their way to The Exile. This can be just a short tale.
History Since: How have your people coped on The Exile.
Other: Important values, people, trading customs, etc. Optional.

Note: If you want your people to be something other than human, run it by me. I'm open to ideas.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ClocktowerEchos
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@Odysseus Are there horses available for the nomads or will hey have to use some other animal?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Odysseus
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Member Seen 10 yrs ago

Either. Stuff like that I'm find with you making up, by the way. I don't have any strict rules about what is or isn't in the world, as long as it doesn't majorly affect other players.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ClocktowerEchos
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Member Seen 4 mos ago

Ahh, that's good to know. I'll be putting a NS up shortly
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ClocktowerEchos
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ClocktowerEchos Come Fly With Me!

Member Seen 4 mos ago

Okay, this is what I have right now, I'll add some stuff to it and format it better later when I have the time.

The Rizu

The Rizu Tribal Clans



Government Style:
Great Chieftain + Elder Consul as the main head and War Chiefs as "governors" for the hordes and villages.

Religious Beliefs:



Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Drunken Conquistador
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Drunken Conquistador

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Ohhh...nice. I will be joining in. Though nation sheet will only come tomorrow. Sorry
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Slamurai
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Tribe Name: Sotraeca

Demonym: Sotraecans

Population: Approx. 960

Government Style: At the head of Sotraeca sits the Matriarch, both the administrator and spiritual figure of the tribe. The Matriarch is often, but not always a hereditary position; the law of the tribe decrees that a sorceress, both admired by all and of strong connection to the Gods, is to hold the title. It is common that daughters should surpass mothers as Matriarchs, as the aptitude for sorcery seems to be strong across families.
The Patriarch, husband of the Matriarch, does not govern the day-to-day matters of the tribe, but instead is responsible for all matters of war and hunting. He is expected to be similarly respected among the tribe, and strong in both intellect and body. Patriarchs are chosen by Matriarchs to be their husbands, and it is the dream of most men to be so lucky.

Religious Beliefs: The Sotraecans have been conflicted in matters of religion since the failed invasion of the Ascahara. It is widely accepted that the Ascahara were punished by the Gods; however, the cause of their fury has been debated. Although the Ascahara were to blame, many other tribes’ lands were swallowed up by the sea, as if the Gods were reckless in their judgement. Many Sotraecans feel that the tribes were judged unfairly; others have suggested that the Gods favor the Far Men.
The current Matriarch is one of these skeptics. She has claimed to have visions of β€œNew Gods” that desire the allegiance of Sotraeca, promising mutual benefit for all parties involved. Although a minority is still unsure whether giving up their former Gods is the right thing to do, belief in this new pantheon has permeated most of the tribe.

Location on the Map:

Before the Collapse: "Sotraeca has always been strong among the tribes. Many have tried to put us to the sword, but none have succeeded. Our ancestors founded our tribe through the might of their arms and the wisdom of their Gods. It was plain to all that Sotraeca would be destined for greatness, and when we came to exact vengeance for their misdeeds, our enemies fell beneath our feet. The Ascaharans paid us heed and offered us a place among their armies."

The Voyage: "When the sea swallowed the Ascaharan fleet, many proud Sotraecans were sent to the depths. Not even the Matriarch had foreseen the betrayal of the Gods. We mourned our kin and escaped the mouth of the sea with the other tribes. Some of our counterparts had thought themselves persecuted by the Ascaharans, and they hated us for our allegiance. On the voyage to Exile our ships clashed with many of them, but we prevailed and continued on to our new home."

Into the Future: "Our Matriarch has not let us down. Following her lead, we have carved a new path on Exile and cast down the treacherous Gods that led us astray. Sotraeca has pledged itself to a new pantheon; one that will guide us on our path to ascendancy. We've plenty to eat and drink, and our resources are bountiful. We count among our allies the subhumans of Middle Exile; the ogres and halflings are worthy auxiliaries."


Other: WIP
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Odysseus
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Member Seen 10 yrs ago

Both sheets looking good so far. I think I'll make a tribe myself once most of the sheets are submitted, aiming to diversify the setting a bit.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Inuyasha
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Inuyasha π™«π™žπ™‘π™‘π™–π™žπ™£

Member Seen 11 mos ago

This is rad.

Nation Sheet incoming from me. Small question though -- will we ever come in contact with the Far Men?

Oh and I think GM should update the map as Nations are accepted just so we know which areas are taken.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Inuyasha
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Inuyasha π™«π™žπ™‘π™‘π™–π™žπ™£

Member Seen 11 mos ago

Tribe Name: Aerodu
Demonym: Aerodians
Population: 900 people
Government Style: The Caliphate, who is born into royalty, who has an apparent mandate of heaven to rule, and the War General who is elected by the people.

Location on the Map: http://imgur.com/x6wqgEm -- Locations outlined in Blue is Aerodian territory, and unauthorized intrusion will be met with extreme fervor and force. The middle island is the HQ of sorts, and an absolute stronghold.

Other: The Aerodu people are a highly militarized group. They are famous for their domination of the sky, sailing into war on primitive hot air balloons letting arrows fall from the sky. On a different note, all the Aerodu mystics wear this uniform
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Thang
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Hey, I've been lurking on this thread for a while, waiting for the real thing to start.

I'm interested in playing as Neanderthals, a primitive human ancestor to those who may be unsure, and perhaps the last of their kind? Maybe the native inhabitants of The Exile, who have withstood being culled by their more advanced cousins purely through their isolation? All of which, is about to change of course.

Alternatively, they could have just been one of oppressed tribes of Ascahara that had managed to survive through bloody minded subservience.

In any case, here's a work in progress. I can change anything, and it's not a final version, but it's just to give you an idea.

Oh, and there's no hard feelings if you say no, and tell me to scram before you boot me out with your size 13s. I'm just wanting to take the whole primitive man idea to the next level, that's all :)

Thanks for hearing me out, in advance, and I'll respect your decision either which way.

Tribe Name: First Men

Demonym: Neanderthals

Population: 700

Government Style: Anarchy - There is no central form of government (at the start of the RP, in any case), and authority stems from the heads of the scores of wandering familial groups of Neanderthals. However, these groups do tend to cooperate with each other, but any fall out is usually resolved through violent means on a local level.

Religious Beliefs: The Neanderthals are simple folk, with simple beliefs. Much of the world scares them, and they stray far from any attempts to really understand it. Instead, they look upon things like the Sun, the breeze, the stars, the moon, the ground, as something akin to Gods. They have no real traditional methods of worship, but they give all things respect, lest they tempt the wrath of whatever terrifying creator lies beyond their foundation.

Location on the Map: Start as scattered villages and hunter posts across the breadth of the island, but will later go on to form a territory. (Unless they arrived with the humans)

History before the Collapse: The Neanderthals of The Exile are the last of a dying breed; the First Men.

They walked the globe for half a million years, hunting and gathering their way through their short lives, and never remaining in one place long enough to create a true civilisation. Their culture remained almost the same, regardless of how far a tribe was from another, or where it was located. This lack of imagination, was perhaps their greatest downfall.

As the Second Men came into being, the Neanderthals found themselves fighting a ten thousand year long war of survival against an enemy that knew only how to dominate all that it saw. Whilst humans were diverse in not only appearance, but in their methods, the Neanderthals were broadly stagnated. They failed to develop weapons strong enough to keep pace with their ever advancing cousins, and as the centuries passed, they were slowly driven from the major landmasses.

That as until Zoog, the Last Elder, led his people across the great waters on a fleet of ships built from mud. The journey was perilous, and of the thousands that set sail, only a few dozen survived the voyage. They arrived at what is now known as The Exile, but to them as Neanderthalis.

Here they lived for centuries more in relative peace. Their simple lives of hunting and gathering restored.

Until now...

Survival Legend: Zoog, the Last Elder, was the Neanderthals' only ever known war chief. It was he who rallied his dying peoples, forced them to remain in one place, and spearheaded a rapid technological development to challenge the already victorious tides of humanity.

Under his leadership, the Neanderthals made war on Humans. They sacked and pillaged several cities, destroyed a dozen armies, but were abruptly beaten and crushed during an especially fierce winter campaign. His forces broken, Zoog led the last of his kin on an epic retreat known as The Long Walk, where tens of thousands of Neanderthals made a hurried march to the nearest coast line.

Once at their destination, Zoog led them in a tenacious defence against pursuing bands of human warriors. Meanwhile, his most trusted and brightest set about building hundreds upon hundreds of ships, made from wood and mud. These seafearing contraptions were adequate for shallow streams and rivers, but no match for a sea.

Nearly all of Zoog's followers died on their seaborne journey, before reaching Neanderthalis (The Exile). With just a few dozen of their kin left, in the entire world, Zoog is said to have taken his own life out of guilt, by walking into the sea and not returning. His followers, confused and heartbroken, erected a giant stone slap on Neanderthalis' eastern shore, as a permanent tribute to their once mighty leader.

Far removed from mankind, the Neanderthals went about re-establishing their way of life, and have maintained it to the present day.

History Since: The Neanderthals have blossomed on the island, although not in the same way as a human might measure "blossomed". Their population has remained relatively stagnant, and they boast no real settlements to speak of. Instead, they travel the island hunting game and gathering herbs; enough to feed themselves, but not enough to trade.

A few individuals arise to the challenge of becoming the next Elder from time to time, but they are always ultimately defeated by a union of groups who detest the idea of having a singular leader.

Other: Not sure yet; still deciding how to play this out, if I do get accepted. A smattering of minor characters, or a singular protagonist on a quest to unite his peoples.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Inuyasha
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Inuyasha π™«π™žπ™‘π™‘π™–π™žπ™£

Member Seen 11 mos ago

Personally, the Neanderthal idea is really cool, but I dont think its much of a tribe, more of just a race that exists on the island. Because they dont live in a territory, or have any leadership, it'd be pretty hard to roleplay it nation wise. Just my two cents.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Thang
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Member Seen 10 yrs ago

Personally, the Neanderthal idea is really cool, but I dont think its much of a tribe, more of just a race that exists on the island. Because they dont live in a territory, or have any leadership, it'd be pretty hard to roleplay it nation wise. Just my two cents.

I've stated as much. They begin as totally nomadic, but will go on to form a "tribe" out of necessity once the humans start taking their resources and threatening their survival once again. Their history mentions Zoog, the Last Elder, a Neanderthal who took charge of their dying race and went to war with it. It mentions him as their only known war chief, to get the idea across that they're not warlike or industrious by nature.

But thanks anyway, you're totally right in what you've said. I'll have to be creative when it comes to unifying them, but I think it's perfectly possible if we give me a little leeway.

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Inuyasha
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Inuyasha π™«π™žπ™‘π™‘π™–π™žπ™£

Member Seen 11 mos ago

<Snipped quote by Inuyasha>

I've stated as much. They begin as totally nomadic, but will go on to form a "tribe" out of necessity once the humans start taking their resources and threatening their survival once again. Their history mentions Zoog, the Last Elder, a Neanderthal who took charge of their dying race and went to war with it. It mentions him as their only known war chief, to get the idea across that they're not warlike or industrious by nature.

But thanks anyway, you're totally right in what you've said. I'll have to be creative when it comes to unifying them, but I think it's perfectly possible if we give me a little leeway.

Hmm.. if you unified them quickly enough the roleplay could work.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ArenaSnow
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ArenaSnow Devourer of Souls

Banned Seen 4 yrs ago

Sorry... can't quite carry over. A coming period of time off and a loss of interest has left this poster a barron husk for the roleplay.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by GreivousKhan
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GreivousKhan Deus Vult

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Going to keep an eye on this. Hope I can find the free time for it.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Inuyasha
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Inuyasha π™«π™žπ™‘π™‘π™–π™žπ™£

Member Seen 11 mos ago

Where art thou oh Odysseus?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Odysseus
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Member Seen 10 yrs ago

@Inuyasha: Accepted, feel free to post your tribe in the character section.

@Thang: I agree that you might have trouble fitting into the story without a unified tribe, but you're accepted as is.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by AbysmalDemon


Member Seen 5 yrs ago

I'm gonna have a NS up within the day
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by AbysmalDemon


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