Name: Oswald Bowie
Age: 22
Race: Human
Class: Fighter
Faction: The Alliance
Weapons: Rapier and a silver Dagger
Gear:Coin purse,Healing potions and a sack with some food.
Magic/Abilities: None
Skills: Skilled sword fighter and Horse rider.(Should i put the D&D skills here instead?)
Personality: Ozzie is very charismatic with a magnetic personality,He is friendly to most people expect to some he dislikes.He is clam as a cucumber in high tension situations thinking of ways to solve the situation thinking methodically on any problem in front of him.He also however have kinder side to him being caring and loving to his father and friend/mentor Jamie.
Back-story: Ozzie was born in a poor family with his father named Kenneth and his mother named Lilith,His father was a kind man working as a horse caretaker while his mother was working as a farmer.His mother was abusive to him and his father with merciless beating for the both of them throughout his young life.
Ozzie had a very lonely childhood having only one friend and that was his pet horse named Purple Rain whom he took care off and rode practicing to be a jockey so he could win money for his father,One night during one his mother’s drunken rampages Ozzie accidently killed his mother pushing her into a mirror sending a large of glass into her neck.
After the funeral Ozzie left his father to become a jockey to make money for his father leaving him some money to support him,While on his journey to train he meet his mentor Lorne Journee who taught him how to fight and how to ride a horse.
Age: 22
Race: Human
Class: Fighter
Faction: The Alliance

Weapons: Rapier and a silver Dagger
Gear:Coin purse,Healing potions and a sack with some food.
Magic/Abilities: None
Skills: Skilled sword fighter and Horse rider.(Should i put the D&D skills here instead?)
Personality: Ozzie is very charismatic with a magnetic personality,He is friendly to most people expect to some he dislikes.He is clam as a cucumber in high tension situations thinking of ways to solve the situation thinking methodically on any problem in front of him.He also however have kinder side to him being caring and loving to his father and friend/mentor Jamie.
Back-story: Ozzie was born in a poor family with his father named Kenneth and his mother named Lilith,His father was a kind man working as a horse caretaker while his mother was working as a farmer.His mother was abusive to him and his father with merciless beating for the both of them throughout his young life.
Ozzie had a very lonely childhood having only one friend and that was his pet horse named Purple Rain whom he took care off and rode practicing to be a jockey so he could win money for his father,One night during one his mother’s drunken rampages Ozzie accidently killed his mother pushing her into a mirror sending a large of glass into her neck.
After the funeral Ozzie left his father to become a jockey to make money for his father leaving him some money to support him,While on his journey to train he meet his mentor Lorne Journee who taught him how to fight and how to ride a horse.