Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Weird Tales
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Weird Tales A Stranger from A Strange Outer Dimension

Member Seen 3 mos ago

In an audacious bid for power, the Cult of the Dragon, along with its dragon allies and the Red Wizards of Thay, seek to bring Tiamat from her prison in the Nine Hells to Faerûn. To this end, they are sweeping from town to town, laying waste to all those who oppose them and gathering a hoard of riches for their dread queen. The threat of annihilation has become so dire that groups as disparate as the Harpers and Zhentarim are banding together in the fight against the cult. Never before has the need for heroes been so desperate.

factions: While your characters don't have to be a part of one of these five factions, it does add to your character's backstory and also helps explain they are on the quest to stop the Cult of the Dragon.

Lords alliance: The Lords’ Alliance is a coalition of rulers from cities and towns across Faerûn (primarily in the North), who collectively agree that some solidarity is needed to keep evil at bay. The rulers of Waterdeep, Silverymoon, Neverwinter, and other free cities in the region dominate the Alliance, and every lord in the Alliance works for the fate and fortune of his or her own settlement above all others. The agents of the Alliance include sophisticated bards, zealous paladins, talented mages, and grizzled warriors. They are chosen primarily for their loyalty, and are trained in observation, stealth, innuendo, and combat. Backed by the wealthy and the privileged, they carry quality equipment (often disguised to appear common), and spellcasters tend to have a large number of scrolls with communication spells.

To seek out and destroy threats to their homelands, agents of the Lords’ Alliance must be highly trained at what they do. Few can compare to their skills in the field. They fight for the glory and the security of their people and for the lords who rule over them, and they do so with pride. However, the Lords’ Alliance can only survive if its members “play nice” with one another, which requires a certain measure of diplomacy. Rogue agents within the Lords’ Alliance are rare, but defections have been known to occur.


If civilization is to survive, all must unite against the dark forces that threaten it.
Glory comes from protecting one’s home and honoring its leaders.
The best defense is a strong offense.

Order of the Gauntlet: Many paladins and clerics of Tyr, Helm, Torm, and Hoar have joined the organization, seeing it as—finally!—a way of making common cause against the evils abroad in the world. The Order of the Gauntlet is ready to lash out the moment evil acts, and not a moment before. When evil breaks laws, agreements, or commonly accepted codes of conduct, the Gauntlet strikes hard and fast, without waiting for the blessings of distant temples or the permission of rulers. Evil must be met in the field and smashed, or it will swiftly overcome all.

The Order of the Gauntlet is a dedicated, tightly knit group of like-minded individuals driven by religious zeal or a finely honed sense of justice. Friendship and camaraderie are important to members of the Order of the Gauntlet, and they share a trust and a bond normally reserved for siblings. Like highly motivated soldiers, members of the Order of the Gauntlet seek to become the best at what they do and look forward to testing their mettle. There are few, if any, “lone wolves” in this organization.


Faith is the greatest weapon against evil—faith in one’s god, one’s friends, and one’s self.
Battling evil is an extraordinary task that requires extraordinary strength and bravery.
Punishing an evil act is just. Punishing an evil thought is not.

The Harpers: The Harpers is an old organization that has risen, been shattered, and risen again several times. Its longevity and resilience are largely due to its decentralized, grassroots, secretive nature, and the near-autonomy of many of its members. The Harpers have “cells” and lone operatives throughout Faerûn, although they interact and share information with one another from time to time as needs warrant. The Harpers' ideology is noble, and its members pride themselves on their integrity and incorruptibility. Harpers do not seek power or glory, only fair and equal treatment for all.

Harper agents are trained to act alone and depend on their own resources. When they get into scrapes, they don’t count on their fellow Harpers to rescue them. Nevertheless, Harpers are dedicated to helping one another in times of need, and friendships between Harpers are nigh unbreakable. Masterful spies and infiltrators, they use various guises and secret identities to form relationships, cultivate their information networks, and manipulate others into doing what needs to be done. Although most Harpers prefer to operate in the shadows, there are exceptions.


One can never have too much information.
Too much power leads to corruption.
No one should be powerless.

The Emerald Enclave: The Emerald Enclave is a far-ranging group that opposes threats to the natural world and helps others survive the many perils of the wild. A ranger might be hired to lead a caravan through a treacherous mountain pass or the frozen tundra of Icewind Dale. A druid might volunteer to help a small village prepare for a long, brutal winter. Barbarians and witches who live like hermits most of the year might defend a town against marauding orcs or barbarians. Members of the Emerald Enclave know how to survive, and more importantly, they want to help others do the same. They are not opposed to civilization or progress, but they strive to prevent civilization and the wilderness from destroying one another.

Members of the Emerald Enclave are spread far and wide, and usually operate in isolation. They learn to depend on themselves more than others. Survival in a harsh world also demands great fortitude and mastery of certain fighting and survival skills. Members of the Enclave who dedicate themselves to helping others survive the perils of the wilderness are more social than others who are charged with defending sacred glades and preserving the natural balance.


The natural order must be respected and preserved.
Forces that seek to upset the natural balance must be destroyed.
The wilderness can be harsh. Not everyone can survive in it without assistance.

Zhentarim: The Zhentarim seeks to become omnipresent and inescapable, more wealthy and powerful, and most importantly, untouchable. The public face of the organization appears much more benign, offering the best mercenaries money can buy. When a merchant needs an escort for his caravan, when a noble needs bodyguards to protect her holdings, or when a city needs trained soldiers to defend its honor, the Zhentarim provides the best-trained fighting men and women money can buy. However, the cost of doing business with the Black Network can be high.

The Black Network wants to make it necessary—and preferable, even—to deal with its members. It wants to secure, over time, an iron-fisted monopoly. Members must be the best—the cheapest, the fastest, and the most secure—at providing services and goods both legal and illicit, willing to lose coin if it means destroying a competitor, and securing profits from everyone they deal with, except when to do so would work against the Black Network's ultimate goal: to make everyone dependent on it.

A member of the Zhentarim thinks of himself or herself as a member of a very large family and relies on the Black Network for resources and security. However, members are granted enough autonomy to pursue their own interests and gain some measure of personal power or influence.


The Zhentarim is your family. You watch out for it, and it watches out for you.
You are the master of your own destiny. Never be less than what you deserve to be.
Everything—and everyone—has a price.


No god-modding.

No disrespectful behavoir in the OOC. Take arguments to the PMs.

No one line posts.

Try to keep speed posting to a minimum.

Only use classes and races from D&D 5E.

Only one character at a time. You can make a multiple characters, but you'll have to pull your character out of the current adventure if you want to use your other character.

Original spells are fine, but don't make them op

Have fun.


Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by The Fated Fallen
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The Fated Fallen Doesn't know what to put here

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

So we aren't using D&D rules then?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Alan Hawke
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Alan Hawke Computer Repair Technician

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

I'll use my classic Baldur's Gate character for this since they announced a new expansion pack for it yesterday. I'll post a CS soon.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Weird Tales
Avatar of Weird Tales

Weird Tales A Stranger from A Strange Outer Dimension

Member Seen 3 mos ago

So we aren't using D&D rules then?

Nope, just don't go overbroad with insanely powerful spells or abilities. I'm basically using the story and world of fifth edition as well as the classes and races
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Kel Kannan
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Kel Kannan HaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHa

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Name: Cormang
Age: 25
Race: Human (variant)
Faction: The Alliance
Class: Fighter/Rogue
Appearance: 6'8" 300lbs Long scraggly black hair, battle scars cover his body as well as Viking runes/symbols
Weapons: Great Sword and spear
Gear: Breastplate armor and two horned open face helm
Skills: Stealth, Survival, Athletics, & Acrobatics
Personality: Don't tell me the risks involved, I could care less....I protect those who cannot protect themselves....Freedom at any cost.
Back-story: (I have his background story on my laptop, so I will leave this blank for now until I am able to get on my laptop)
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Weird Tales
Avatar of Weird Tales

Weird Tales A Stranger from A Strange Outer Dimension

Member Seen 3 mos ago

Name: Cormang
Age: 25
Race: Human (variant)
Faction: The Alliance
Appearance: 6'8" 300lbs Long scraggly black hair, battle scars cover his body as well as Viking runes/symbols
Weapons: Great Sword and spear
Gear: Breastplate armor and two horned open face helm
Skills: Stealth, Survival, Athletics, & Acrobatics
Personality: Don't tell me the risks involved, I could care less....I protect those who cannot protect themselves....Freedom at any cost.
Back-story: (I have his background story on my laptop, so I will leave this blank for now until I am able to get on my laptop)

I forgot to add class to the character sheet.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Eviledd1984
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Eviledd1984 GABAGOOL OVA HERE!!!

Member Seen 10 hrs ago

Hello are you accepting characters?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Weird Tales
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Weird Tales A Stranger from A Strange Outer Dimension

Member Seen 3 mos ago

Hello are you accepting characters?

yeah I still am
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Eviledd1984
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Eviledd1984 GABAGOOL OVA HERE!!!

Member Seen 10 hrs ago

Thank you.I will make a character right away :)
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Kel Kannan
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Kel Kannan HaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHa

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

<Snipped quote by Kel Kannan>

I forgot to add class to the character sheet.

edited cs :)
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Weird Tales
Avatar of Weird Tales

Weird Tales A Stranger from A Strange Outer Dimension

Member Seen 3 mos ago

<Snipped quote by Weird Tales>

edited cs :)

Thank you. Once you finish the back story he will be accepted
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Eviledd1984
Avatar of Eviledd1984

Eviledd1984 GABAGOOL OVA HERE!!!

Member Seen 10 hrs ago

<Snipped quote by Kel Kannan>

Thank you. Once you finish the back story he will be accepted

Hello is this RP still up and running?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Weird Tales
Avatar of Weird Tales

Weird Tales A Stranger from A Strange Outer Dimension

Member Seen 3 mos ago

<Snipped quote by Weird Tales>

Hello is this RP still up and running?

Sorry, but I'm going to consider this rp dead.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Eviledd1984
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Eviledd1984 GABAGOOL OVA HERE!!!

Member Seen 10 hrs ago

Damn what a shame,Im thinking of making a 1 on 1 RP if anyone is interested.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Marcus XVI
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Marcus XVI

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Name: Ramius Kastagir, Former Master Bard bard of Waterdeep
Age: 175
Race: Human, vampire
Class: Bard/Rogue/Duelist
Faction: Lord's Alliance (In name only).
Appearance: Ramius appears at a first glance to be a rather handsome man in his early to mid 50's. His thinning black hair has notable gray streaks on the temples and it extends down to his shoulders. Though his facial features are effeminate enough to someone concider him to be 'pretty' the man has a sort of predatory look to him, the sickly pale skin does no favours for him either.

Weapons: Rapier
Gear: mandolin, clothes fit for a member of the nobility, Ring of Water Walking, Ring of the Ram

Spider Climb - the user of this ability can scale vertical surfaces with ease without the need for proper handholds.

Dominate: As a vampire Ramius can control weaker willed people or creatures to do his bidding.

Children of the Night: Ramius can summon a pack of wolves to aid him in combat.

Skills: Perform, diplomacy, bluff, lore, detect traps, sneak/move silently

Personality: Ramius does his very best to remain affable and polite even under pressure, his years of experience as a bard have given him a rather weird sense of humor. Under all the jests and polite ribbing however lies a cold and calculating mind that's in the end after his own gain. Even with the hunt for gain and profit Ramius does his best to atleast respect the word of the law - though his methods are oftentimes rather heavy handed.

Back-story: Ramius Kastagir had always wanted to be a bard and as the second son of the noble house of Kastagir he wasn't going to be inheriting any lands or titles so there was nothing holding him back from his dreams. Over the years he became a very well known bard - though it was oftentimes rumored that he took far more coin with him before leaving any of his performances than what had been agreed on.

Even after being afflicted with vampirism Ramius still continued his bardic quest - entertaining people around the world, gathering tidbits of information and collecting a rather sizable collection of magical items, old books and other such while amassing a fortune to boot.

Several adventurers have perished when visiting the Kastagir Mansion at the wilderness outside Waterdeep, mostly due to their refusal to back down and due to their insistence on banishing a vampire from the world of the living. Surprisingly Ramius is at the very least in speaking terms with the leaders of the Lord's Alliance and has even managed to make a fair deal - He will refrain from terrorizing the people within his area of influence and provide his vast bardic lore for the Alliance's use and in exchange the Alliance stops sending members of the clergy and other adventurers after him.
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