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Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Markofkri
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Member Seen 8 yrs ago

"Eva Mistly?" There was a man at the door in a tailored Italian suit. He had Short black hair cropped in a military fashion, in his early fifties. " I'm from Lauder, Malcome, and Shwab. On behalf of the firm I wish to offer my condolences." After asking for a state I.D. he handed over a box wrapped in brown paper and a legal size envelope. "I need a signature of receipt. ..Thank you and again our sincerest condolences."
He handed you the box and envelope then walked off the step and into his rolls Royce.

Putting the envelope to the side you tore into the brown paper and opened an intricately wooed box. Inside was a necklace that grandmother always wore. It was owned by the family for over 17 generations. It was passed down from the oldest living female relative to the youngest. Grandmother was independently wealthy because along with the necklace came the family trust fund to be bestowed upon the wearer once she turned twenty one. For now there was a small stipend to the new fund owner in the amount of 2.7 million. This was delivered in the form of a travelers check which was not the only thing in the envelope. There was a financial report of the fund over a dozen pages at the end was a number in the 12 digits and gaining interest. The final item in the envelope was a letter sealed in wax. The name on the letter was Elizabeth Emerson Mistly.

The note read as follows.
My youngest blood relative Eva. I write this to you in the winter of my days. I being of sound mind and of my own volition do herby bequeath to you the family fortune. The necklace I was given when I was but 14. I hope you can live your life in safety and have peace of mind for the future. The necklace should only be worn on special occasions, but it is yours to do with as you wish. I hope you find your true self. Never forget who you are.

Best regards,
Elizabeth Emerson Mistly.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Airalin
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Airalin Cunning, cold, and cuddly

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

I stared at the necklace within my hand, eyes wide.

My memories of Grandmother were fuzzy. As a child, I had encountered her several times a year; at my birthday parties, on Thanksgivings, and on Christmas. But ever since my abduction... I had seen her perhaps two times. Once during the horrific "welcome home party" Father had had the gall to force upon me, and once last Christmas. I had exchanged no more than a few words with her on either occasion. Yet now... this. The necklace was quite pretty, of course, but the money... I had never known my grandmother was so wealthy. She - and, now, I - was a hundred times richer than Father. With this money, I could be free of him forever.

Yet the joy I had expected to accompany that thought never arrived. Instead, I was left with one question: Why? Why would Grandmother leave this to me? I had never really known her, not as a person. Could this truly just be a matter of tradition? It was too much... too good to be true.

A knock on the door, then seven seconds later, another two in quick succession. That was the signal. I stood, gently setting the necklace and envelope on my bedside table. It was only natural that my bodyguards wanted to check that I was safe after I had received a visit. I pulled the door open a crack, then further when I was met by David's usual impassive stare.

"Everything all right, Miss Mistley?" he asked, eyes darting over my shoulder, as if he expected an attacker to emerge from my very room.

"Yes," I said, careful not to let my emotions seep into my voice. "He was just delivering some jewelry I ordered. Everything is fine." The large man nodded and walked away without another word. I shut the door, fastening its multiple locks, and returned to my bed.

On a whim, I picked up the necklace, examining it for a moment before slipping it on. I crept over to the mirror. Despite everything, from the trauma I had been through to the fact that I was still in my pajamas, I was quite pretty. I knew that, of course. And this necklace only complemented my beauty. I allowed myself a false smile for a moment. If I wore contacts to make my eyes appear green, the necklace would be truly stunning on me. Next time I was forced to appear at some stupid function, I would have to try that out.

I turned back to the letter that had come in the package, eyes scanning it over again. Could I really be that rich? Did that make me the wealthiest person in the world? This was all some prank, it had to be.

But the necklace was real enough. Whatever this situation was, I would make the best of it. Perhaps, if I was lucky, some of my wishes would actually come true.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Markofkri
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Member Seen 8 yrs ago

The phone rang. "Honey? Its mom dear. I was just wondering if you got a package today? Should be from grandma." Her voice was, different. Eva could hear the nervousness waiting for her answer. "Your father and I were thinking since its getting close to summer that you should spend it at the summer house. You are getting to be such a mature young lady and I know how hard school can be. O-of course you can bring the guard to keep our little precious safe. Some of the family had asked about you today, told me they wish you the best. No one will know your there so you can relax. We also will have the jet fly you to the airport and then you can motor your way to the house. Your father and I will be in the family home that your grandmother left us. I will email the guards to let them know of the option and airport to expect you. Take care my little angel."

The guards were changing shifts outside the door. They did the radio check and ensured you were still safe. The ones outside changed at different times as a security precaution. The had bullet proof vests and ear mics that ran down their arm to their sleeve. Their clothes were non descript low profile, not that it mattered. They had the "Look" of professionals although they didn't carry a gun while in the dorms they were all highly trained in hand to hand, ex special forces, kill you with a spoon types. They had a bench they sat at in the hall and did a random patrol bump in posts. Normally no student could get permission for this type of security on campus, but when you can donate buildings people have a tendency to say yes.

The day was becoming dusk and the time was around 445pm. The guys at the door asked what you wanted to do for dinner. Some times you decided that the room was too munch and you needed out. This was unknown by your parents but since you were the client they were confident to keep you safe. She remembered when she met the team leader who said, "It's easier to be with you, then you try to sneak out." He also jokingly added, "Plus tranquilizer darts cost extra."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Airalin
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Airalin Cunning, cold, and cuddly

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

I bit my lip as I tried to find an excuse to stay on campus.

No matter what Mother said, I would never, ever buy into her "our little precious" crap again. Not after father had flat out refused to pay my ransom, supposedly on the grounds of "refusal to negotiate with terrorists." Everything that had happened after was all his fault. He had been the one to torture me for crying too much, to take from me what was only mine to give, to rob me of my childhood. And I would never forgive him. The farther away from him I remained, the better.

Of course, there was no guarantee they would even show up. Father knew I blamed him, and Mother said I would have the summer house to myself. But, still, despite my new found fortune, the guards protecting me were paid by Father. If he asked them to force me to visit him, they would. And who would argue with such a rich man?

Anyway, something had been wrong with mother earlier. She had seemed far too nervous. Was she planning something? To kill me, perhaps? If I died, would the fortune I had just inherited be handed to my parents? No, it wouldn't be safe to return. I had to do something to get rid of them, and probably to lose the guards, too. They should be easy enough to replace with the money I had. Except... what if the new guards tried to betray me and take all the cash they could?

I shook my head vigorously. Too paranoid. I couldn't help it, of course; I had been this way ever since my ordeal had begun. I needed a distraction.

I dressed myself in a long, black skirt and a white cardigan over a black tanktop. For good measure, I added a few bracelets and my new necklace to the ensemble. I would be with my guards; they weren't likely to do anything to hurt me as long as I was cooperating. I exited my apartment, locking the door behind me, and motioned toward my nearest guard. "Take me to a nice restaurant... maybe something near a club," I said. Of course, I didn't have a license myself; I had never found the time to learn how to drive amidst playing catch-up with all my other studies. I would have to rely on my guards for transportation and, of course, protection. As long as they were around, I should be safe from everyone else, even in public places. Sometimes, risks were necessary, perhaps even a vital part of my recovery.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Markofkri
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Member Seen 8 yrs ago

As you put on the necklace it felt right and looked amazing.

The guard at the door said, "Roger. Package in motion get the car. T-4 minuts. Red light green." The setting arangments were, one driver, one across from you, and two on motorcycles. The guard across gave you the ring it was fake and the gem could be pressed for GPS location/alarm. In the limo was a way to crawl out of the vehicle by removing the back seat and climbing out the trunk. The front read and rear passenger windows were all bullet proof and the tires were solid rubber. It wasn't the presidents limo but it had a few extras to keep her safe. Like a military grade machine gun on a hard mount replacing the passenger side seat in the front There were over 300 rounds of ammo for the driver. The gase tank was repositioned to the rear left of the trunk and armored. This limos sun roof was a rectangle piece of metal that could be used as a shield if one had to run from the car under fire. Under the seats were weapon stashes of smoke grenades and white phosphorous grenades. These storage were also armored for passenger safety.

The bikes were expendable it was up to the skill of the rider. They did have flashers to block traffic if needed. The trip took 35 minutes to complete and the restaurant was ready for you. Private table in a corner flanked by 2 other tables for the guard. It was called Le' Fring a 4 star restaurant where only money got in. The booths were all private and there was a table in the kitchen for the eccentric. The lighting was intimately dim. Here a staff of 5 waited at your table. One of the guards went into the kitchen. It was here you saw him, A boy of 17. He had blond hair tall and was on his phone at the table. He wore a suit with no under shirt or tie. None of the staff served him, but he glanced at you and went back to staring at his phone.

Your food came out of the kitchen and you and the guard are eating. The boy got up from his seat and came over to you. The guard stopped him politely and you heard him say he was a cousin from your fathers side. The name rung a bell however you were five when you saw him last. The guard "cleared" him and was allowed to sit at their table next to you. He was flanked by two of the bigger guys in your detail. "Hi I'm Christian. We met years ago and I know you don't care but I thought it would be nice to see where all our money was going to go." He shook his head." If you did figure it out the family knows because they have all received a crappy part of the old bags will. The rest went to you." I'm financially well off already so don't worry about me. It would cost too munch to try and take you. Not to mention make me the new target. I just wanted to see who you turned out to be. Well these guys are probably going to get text offers from the family to work for them." Christian raised his voice slightly, "So I bet its a good thing they know you wound up with all that money." He winked and with a shark like smile left the restaurant.

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Airalin
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Airalin Cunning, cold, and cuddly

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

What. The. Hell.

Who did that guy think he was? All that talk about me being a target... was he trying to scare me? I had to do something... but what could I do? Hide myself away? Father and the others would find me for sure. And if they really were after me, they would certainly have the means to get to me.

My appetite had vanished. In fact, I had become a bit worried about whether my food had been poisoned, even though I had eaten some already. If there had been anything in it, I would have been affected already... wouldn't I?

I desperately thought back to who would stand to gain from my death. Mother and Father might, of course. The only other potential recipient of my fortune would be the next youngest female member of my family. Who exactly was that? My only sibling was my older brother, but I had a lot of cousins, many of whom I had scarcely ever spoken to in my life. I didn't know which of them was the youngest!

I breathed deeply. I needed to calm down; there had to be some way out of this. Couldn't I just take a few billion dollars for myself and leave the rest in some collective family fund or something? There was no way I needed over a hundred billion dollars, and maybe if I did that it would get everyone else off my back.

But... no. Somehow, I knew that would not be allowed. It might even make me more of a target than I already was. My family took its stupid traditions very seriously. How had grandmother lived so long anyway?

Then it hit me.

Grandmother had been headstrong, stubborn... powerful. But I... I was just some weak girl who had been through hell and never fully recovered. They must think me unworthy to control this fortune. That had to be it! So in order to stop their scheming, I would have to become strong.

It was time to make a statement.

"Guards!" I called, drawing the attention of those dining at nearby tables, "I've changed my mind. Take me back home, now."

I bit my lip, but only slightly, so that no one could see it. Was I truly going to speak to... that man?
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Markofkri
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Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Two cleared a path and got you safely to the limo. The third was in the drivers seat. The fourth stayed to pay on the company account, and get the left overs to go. The drive was smooth and the safe the whole way. You did notice the guy across from you getting messages. He assured you by handing over his phone, they were from the guy at the restaurant wanting to know if he should get condiments. You returned to the dorm it was late 756pm. Your room was sacked and the door was still locked. The guys did a security sweep and found nothing missing. Just a lot of stuff tossed. it was determined to have the guys out side "wear coats" you had seen this only once before. The "coats" where to hide weapons, Smg and a shot gun. You team leader said that since they tossed the room it would be safe. No professional would return and anything less would be no threat. He mentioned he would increase rotation and 15 minute radio checks.

The night was cool and after the excitement from the restaurant you fell asleep quickly. Not changing you fell asleep on the bed. You had a deep sleep and vivid recollections of your kidnapping. The beatings and worse that happened in the hellish period of your life. The masked faces that were all around you, hurting you. You felt the fear and the helplessness all over again. You would still be asleep except the phone was ringing. It was 521am. Your mother spoke in trembling tones. "Dear? Oh thank goodness I got an update from your security that you are all right. We need you to come to the family estate. Your father died......."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Airalin
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Airalin Cunning, cold, and cuddly

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

I snapped awake at the pronouncement of Father's death.

How... how could that have happened, the night I had planned to take matters into my own hand? "Mom, what happened to him?" I asked, sincerely concerned. Between the search someone had done on my room and Father's death, something was seriously wrong. It was clear that someone was after me, or something I owned... but the papers had been left untouched, as had the $2.7 million stipend. That meant the intruder had been after one of two things: the necklace or my life. Could it be that it was more than some trinket?

Either way, I would be wearing the necklace at all times going forward.

As for Mother's request... I would have to obey her. I would just look weaker if I ran now. I couldn't imagine Mother trying to kill me; she was too gentle, had always let Father make the important decisions. But he had died even before I could begin taking the steps to have him killed. Had someone anticipated my plans and beaten me to the punch? Could it have been that boy, the one from the restaurant?

I had to find out, no matter the cost!
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Markofkri
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Member Seen 8 yrs ago

"The official report was not out yet but the current suspicion is he died of a heart attack during the night." Your mother and father never came to terms after your kidnapping but marriage was forever in your family. Even if they lived in separate parts of the house. Your mother continued, "It was so sudden, I woke up and one of the servants had started screaming upon finding him. We called the police and now its another funeral. Ill fill in the rest when you get here the detail is updated to the current family roster. The jet is waiting you will have time to get ready. I also let the school know you will need 3 months to mourn so you will get all A's for the semester. The jet leaves at 1030. I love you angel thing will get better, be strong." The guard at the door gave two knocks to let you know he was ready.

The call ended, and you swore you hear a giggle from a girl. It didn't sound like you but then again you didn't giggle. You looked in the mirror and to your surprise, you were smiling......"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Airalin
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Airalin Cunning, cold, and cuddly

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

My smile faded the second I saw it.

Why... why hadn't I realized I had been giggling? The reaction was perfectly natural, of course. I had wanted Father to die for so long, and now he was gone. My only regret was that I hadn't been behind his death! But why had it been subconscious?

No, I had more important things to worry about. I had slept poorly, and was stressed out by my new situation - it was only natural that I would have strange reactions. I needed to focus on keeping myself safe while I was at home.

It only took me a few minutes to pack. I didn't need to bring much in the way of spare clothing; I already had a ton of that at home. My laptop, pills, and a few other things would be more than enough. I took a quick shower, fixed up my hair, and dressed myself. I would not be wearing black today; there was no reason for me to mourn. Instead, I wore a green dress that matched the emerald in my necklace and my nicest pair of sandals. I was gorgeous, as usual; my makeup completely concealed the pale scars on my arms and legs. But I felt so very vulnerable. I didn't really understand what was going on around me... not at all! I might end up following in father's footsteps...

No use dwelling on that.

I opened my door a crack and peeks outside, confirming the presence of my guards, the nearest of whom held out his hand to take my suitcase. "I'm ready," I said, inwardly cringing at the faintness of my voice, "Take me to my jet, please."
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Markofkri
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Member Seen 8 yrs ago

The guard took your bag and took point in front of you for security. Another held the dorm outter door while scanning the area for threats. The driver was already in your limo, guard number four was holding the car door and also looking out for threats. The fourth one had one hand concealed in a fake pocket, hand on his weapon. They all were wearing sunglasses. The limo door closed after guard four got inside and took his usual seat across from you by the driver partition. "We may have a problem. Turns out the kid at the diner last night wasn't kidding. My entire unit received text with offers. They got these text on devices that had encription and all unlisted. Meaning someone paid a lot of money to find that type of information. I had a long talk with the fellas. I was not going to bail on this contract and ruin the reputation of the company I worked so hard to build. I also added that friend or not I wouldn't hesitate to shoot to kill any threat against my current client. Bad news, as you know that your contract is up for renewal in seven months. I have a private eye to get the details of a client before I accept. I don't know the details, its usually not my business. Your story was, ...well it brought out the me that chose this life. The bad news is after this I may not have the personnel to accept a renwal. Professionally speaking, a detail of one is a failure waiting to happen. So I've sent all this to your parent and I'm still waiting for a reply. The money is more but you cant buy my type of reputation. I'm sorry about this situation for what its worth. Honor doesn't pay my bills." The rest of the drive was uneventful all the way to the run way. The detail did a 30 minute inspection of the personal twin engine jet. The searched discovered a stewardess who failed the check by not having I.D. She was left behind as the plane took off. The flight was very quick and the landing went smoothly. The family Rolls Royce was waiting with your mother inside the guard took a mini van.

"My darling." She leaned forward to hug you. "Thanks to the prenuptial agreement your father made me sign, I will be getting every single thing in his name transferred to me. Thanks to you, I feel that it will go smoothly without having to worry about others trying to contest it. For the next three months while the paperwork goes through you will stay with me to be the "grieving" daughter. We will have your security take the pool house. I'm going to liquidate all your fathers businesses and use the money to live like I should have from the start. All we need is each other dear." She noticed your necklace. "Grandmas necklace. She rarely wore that old thing. You should use your yearly stipend and get something to show your status." The car rolled on and so did your mother. She had grand plans all involving the money. Your mother would use it to enter the social elite. Of course you still had your studies. But she promised that you would have free reign on the grounds. "No more living like prisoners for us. I fired half the staff so it may be a little rough at first. You can have any master room in the west wing."

The car rolled up to the Mansion. It was late from the flight and drive 215pm. This palace was still as big as you remembered even though you were practically grown. Over 14 rooms and four of those were master bedrooms with all the decadent additions. There was a dual three car garage and a quarter mile drive way that drove up and around the fountain they had replicated from Rome. The estate was ten acres of grounds encircling the house. To keep you from getting lost your father use to say, "No one would ever find you. Just like they never found his younger brother." It never failed to leave an impression on you. This was definitely the family house. This was where grandma died and now your father. You had the thought maybe living here would continue to bring good luck.....
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Airalin
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Airalin Cunning, cold, and cuddly

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

The mansion was absolutely beautiful.

I scurried from one master bedroom to the next. They were all immaculate, really; I would need to find out who had lived in each of them before making a selection. I wanted to avoid living in a room someone had died in, if I could help it, but it was possible that each room had seen its share of death. This was an old house, after all.

I chose a room at random and locked the door behind me. This one would have to do for now. I slipped off my sandals, letting my toes sink into the wonderfully soft carpet. This room alone had to be the size of my whole apartment! It was such a relief that the house hadn't fallen into disrepair the way the grounds had. Throwing myself onto the curtained bed, I sighed. I deserved a moment of relaxation after everything I had been through over the last day!

There was really no point in going back to school. I had no intention of getting a job, anyway, and all the guys I met were only interested in my money and my body. Previously, the point of my "studies" had simply been to get myself away from Father, but now that he was dead, that was no longer a concern. Here, I should be safe.

It was a relief that my security team would remain loyal to me despite the offers they were getting. As for the renewal of their contract, that was no concern. I would easily be able to outbid any opposition. As long as they did their jobs well, I was willing to give them billions if that was what it took.

I fetched my laptop from the suitcase that had been left here for me and powered it on. Sitting cross-legged on the bed, I browsed through my email account. I had received many recent messages, of course, most from relatives congratulating me and wanting to stay in touch. Those could all be ignored, of course. The intentions of their senders couldn't be more obvious.

It had been a relief to not have to send a message to that man. Just the thought of talking to him again was probably what had given me so many nightmares. He would have probably been able to dispatch of Father with no issues, of course... he had infiltrated Father's citadel once before, after all. Why not again?

With a sigh, I returned to my feet, wandering over to the tall mirror along the wall. Mother had noticed my new necklace, of course... I was a bit surprised she hadn't liked it much. She was right about one thing, though. I really ought to treat myself a bit. Perhaps a pair of diamond bracelets to replace the golden ones I usually wore?

As I stood, admiring myself in the mirror, I was interrupted by a rather rude noise - the noise of my stomach growling. I hadn't eaten since breakfast, and even that had been brief! I left my room, wandering off to find Mother and figure out what would be for dinner. It might be nice to catch up with her a bit... now that Father was gone, she could live freely, say what she wanted to. Our conversation could be quite refreshing!
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Markofkri
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Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Looking through your emails, one is from he school president sending condolences on your recent loss attached was the work you would be required to read so that you may continue in your education. There were emails from the security detail listing an expense account for the late dinner and shipping of the limo, weapons, provisions, closed circuit cameras for the grounds and about 30 motion detectors for the house perimeter. You were assured they would be installed by the current team. An additional email by the security was attached. It was a copy of an email sent to your mother. This was a first. In it stated that to maximize the effectiveness of the current force there would need to be a detail inside the house. A 2 man roving team this would be at night so Eva would have boots on he ground.

The reply from your mothers account was also forwarded to you. "You must be kidding. I will not have your men inside stealing stuff you can work the grounds or you can work for someone else. You will not have access to the house. Period. Any intruder on this property will terminate your contract. You will receive an negative review from me to your next employer."

The reply from the team was very professional. "Understood."

As you turned away from the mirror you could of swore your reflection was hesitant about your departure. You checked the reflections responses to your satisfaction that it was just a mistake. Or was it? You looked closer and the pale scar on your leg was gone. So were the ones on your forearms. The deeper ones on your torso and inner thighs were still there. How was this happening? Even all the little dots from the stitches were gone. The plastic surgeon was obviously a fraud. You knew they would heal, your skin was just too perfect for anything less. Heating that knife to ensure she didn't bleed to death while being cut on was clever but cause deep scars that the doctor said would need skin graphs and multiple surgeries. The thought of having some one getting paid to cut on you was insane.

You use the mansion intercom to call the kitchen and order dinner. To season and cook the food perfectly took 45 minutes. This time also included getting it to the dinning table. The chef who's name was Shawn was very adamant about his dishes not being fast food that one would eat in their bed. Getting to the correct dinning room was another ten minutes. You and Shawn had a quick discussion about this being the table for meals from now on. You didn't admit but this food was really good.

Returning to your room was easy enough. The halls were lined with various art pieces, sculptures and various china vases. There were also pictures and busts of previous family members. The thing that had you walk the hall more then once that night was the females all had one thing in common. They all wore the necklace you now have around your neck. After reassuring yourself that you were safe by stopping by a window overlooking the pool house and seeing the small special op satellite being installed on the roof you returned to your room and slept in that massive bed.

Awaking to the sound of knocking at the door. "Madam? Breakfast will be ready shorty. Would you like anything special? Madam, your mother sends her regards but she left to Paris for some shopping...."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Airalin
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Airalin Cunning, cold, and cuddly

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

I blinked the sleep out of my eyes, astonished. Had some servant just woken me up? As a child, that had been a common occurrence, of course; Father had been in charge. But I was supposed to be the master of this house!

I sat up on my bed, and my stomach reminded me that the servant had a point. The last thing I needed was to needlessly make enemies in my own home. I would just politely ask him to wait for me to wake up in the future. That would be more than enough. But it could wait.

"Chocolate chip pancakes," I said, deciding to allow myself a bit of indulgence. After taking a quick shower, I donned some casual clothing - a lavender sundress and sandals - and shared one of my insincere smiles with the mirror. It was odd... ever since I had received my inheritance, I had felt like I looked much better! My scars were inexplicably fading, and something about my expression seemed just a smidgen more genuine. I would have expected the opposite, given all the stress I had been going through. Maybe it was the necklace; the thing was quite beautiful, regardless of Mother's opinion. After a moment's reluctance to stop admiring myself, I tore my eyes away from the mirror and exited my room.

The halls were filled with landmarks, so the second trip to the kitchen took much less time than the first had. Upon arriving, I sat down at the head of the table, acutely aware of the absence of Mother and my guards. I frowned as I recalled the emails they had sent the previous day; Mother really didn't have any right to deny me my protection in my own home. I would have to speak to her about that, though I had to admit that I preferred the privacy. Perhaps I would be safe enough here.

As I awaited my meal, I check my email using my cell phone, ignoring the second and third messages sent by some of my relatives. The school president had personally sent me homework... what an asshole! I had no intention of doing it. I no longer needed to.

Before I knew it, I found myself typing the email address that had been given to me all those years ago into my phone. Frantically, I erased it. Why was I still thinking about contacting him? Father was already dead! But...

The threat remained. That boy from the restaurant... Christian. He had to be up to something. I would hire a private investigator to learn about him. If he was up to something, he needed to be dealt with, and quickly.

The moment my food was placed before me, I stabbed my fork into it, a bit surprised by my own ferocity. It must have been born of a combination of hunger and anger at Christian. Careful to exert the proper restraint, I cut my pancakes into small pieces daintily, only eating any once the task was complete. Being in charge of the mansion would require me not to be so lax about etiquette. That, however, was the least of my worries. Between the break in, the attempts to bribe my guards, and Mother's behavior, something was definitely going on. I couldn't allow myself to become complacent.

Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Markofkri
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Member Seen 8 yrs ago

The estate was very quiet. The only sound you could hear was some faint jazz coming from he kitchen. A guard passed by the window oblivious to you while making his rounds. The servant who was at your door sat off in the corner ready to wait on you should you require a second of something. Again you thought, "Damn this cook is good." you refrained from telling him. You received a call from Christian while you ate, so you let voice mail get it. After breakfast you checked it. "Hello? Hi, this is Vivian your step niece. I got this number from your mother she said you might need someone to talk to. I feel kind of awkward calling when we never really met." You received other calls from relative apparently your mother is becoming a family socialite as well.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Airalin
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Airalin Cunning, cold, and cuddly

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

My step niece? I knew Jeremy had gotten married a few years back, but no one had ever mentioned that his wife had come with a kid. Being referred to as someone's aunt made me feel old - it was quite an unpleasant feeling! I really wished Mother would warn me about such things before sending calls my way.

Unless... perhaps this was some sort of ruse? Whoever put Vivian up to this might be hoping I can become comfortable talking to her, that I might tell her more than I should. I certainly would not fall for such a scheme. But I needed answers, and fast.

My fingers hurriedly tapped the necessary keys to make my call. But I would not be talking to Vivian just yet. This call was to Mother - she had some explaining to do!
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Markofkri
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Member Seen 8 yrs ago

"Bonjour. Ah Eva, why are calling dear? Well, yes, you looked like you needed some cheering up. Vivian was adopted by your brother and his trophy wife both of who cant stand babies. Vivian was adopted when she was 5 years old. I'm currently trying to get the whole family in for your fathers wake. Oh, don't fret, it causes wrinkles. The gathering isn't for over a month, plenty of time for you to settle in. I'm going to be in Paris buying odds and ends for the house. So you should receive large crates later in the month. I've informed security so they will stand down for three days at the end of the second month. For now dear just relax and let mother handle things."

During and after the call you received even more missed calls from relative. Some shyly asking as to your current living arrangements and others offering to put you up at their home. It was too munch. The entirety of you life up to this point was a story of solitude now the entire world wants you near them. You felt anger, the more you listened to these liars that didn't lift a finger when you were being tortured. There it was again, "Tehe-eheh." a girl giggling. Sounded like it came from down the hall. Strange the butler didn't react. He was staring at his phone. You got a chill.

The room lighting grew dark enough to make you to look outside. There were no clouds. The light returned, again the butler in the corner didn't notice. The calls stopped, "No service."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Airalin
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Airalin Cunning, cold, and cuddly

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Mother could be so annoying to talk to!

The last thing I wanted was more people to talk to. It was a bit strange... when I had been alone, doing solitary things like reading or playing games, I had wanted nothing more than for someone to understand me, to care about me. But now that everyone was throwing themselves at me, all I wanted was time to myself!

Nonetheless, it made sense. All those people were fake. In fact, now that I was ultra rich, everyone would be fake. Now more than ever, I was guaranteed not to find anyone who truly cared for me. No wonder I was hearing weird laughter. It was enough to drive anyone insane!

When my phone stopped working, I was more than a little relieved. I really didn't care whatever odd behavior the weather was exhibiting; it was working to my advantage. Since no one else seemed to notice it, it was probably fairly normal around here. I had bigger things to worry about.

Wordlessly, I returned to my room, locking the door behind me. The only form of entertainment I had brought with me was my laptop, and its internet connection was likely no more functional than my phone. I sat crossed legged on the floor, staring at my reflection. The necklace really was pretty. Soon, I would have to go out and buy some things to occupy myself as well as more jewelry to go with the necklace. As I considered what I might buy, I realized that I was grinning - a real smile! Perhaps I would sneak out. Pathetic though it was to have to silently scurry out of my own home, I knew I would never be allowed to go anywhere alone otherwise. I would probably be safe; no one would expect me to do something like that.

Even if it was a risk... if something was making me happy, I had to pursue it, regardless of anything else. There was no point in being rich if I was miserable all the time!
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Markofkri
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Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Sitting in front of the mirror looking at your reflection you sit there contemplating your future. Slowly you notice your reflection doing similar motions but not exact. As you peer more attentive at your reflection, your reflection peers right back at you. Then it happens, your reflection gets up and retrieves her/your laptop. She sits to her back to you at an angle and begins to type. At first you open your lap top to see nothing. You shake your head to signal you knew better. It takes you siting at and angle to read her screen.

"Now is not the time for questions, I want to live. I've sent you some emails under the title forgotten. Read them." You watched her return the laptop that never moved to the spot you currently have it. She then left the room closing the door behind her. You turn your head to look at your door that was never open. When you get back to looking at the mirror you are staring at yourself.

You lean over and reach for your lap top. The internet is back on. You type your password for your email and bring up the folder labeled forgotten. There were five emails.

First was from your grandmother to your father. "You bastard! Doing that to your own flesh! You knew I wanted to be the last to be cursed with this thing. I gave you the resources to be happy! Why wasn't that enough? She was of my blood. You did this! All for the power of the gem. You knew it only accepted those from a tortured past. I will never forgive you! If I must give everything I swear you will pay!" This was dated the week you were kidnapped.

Second email was from your security detail to your dad. It was dated a week prior to your kidnapping "Package secure awaiting for your arrival. My team will hold the package until you arrive with the ransom."

Third email was from ip address 09023259012743 to your father. No date. "What the fuck? That wasn't the deal. You were suppose to pay us. You put pressure on the grandmother while pretending to be indifferent. Not blow the fucking deal. Where did you move the girl?"

The fourth was from your father to your Grandmother dated a week after you were admitted to the hospital. "You Bitch. Now she will get it and I will be there. You lost."

The final was to ip address 34589723215093 from ip address 09023259012743. "That stupid cow is telling everyone. We have to move up the time table. I don't know how long the little brat will be there but she is there now. This time no screw ups."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Airalin
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Airalin Cunning, cold, and cuddly

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

At first, I thought I had simply lost my mind. But as I read through the email, a chill running down my spine, I knew this was something much more sinister.

The first three messages were clear as day. Father really was behind everything. It had not been mere negligence; he had planned it all. As I read through those messages, I felt numb. I hadn't suspected he had gone that far, but still... it wasn't really a surprise. I had been nothing more than a tool to him.

The fourth message was a bit unclear. Was "it" the family fortune? No... Grandmother had mentioned "it" in the first email. The fortune would not have any say in who owned it. My fingers caressed the necklace as my heart sank. Could it be...?

The fifth message made me look all around my room. Perhaps the "stupid cow" was Mother. At any rate, someone was coming after me, and soon.

I leaped to my feet before realizing I hadn't the faintest clue of how to handle the situation. I needed to get out, and quickly. But my guards... apparently, they had been involved in my kidnapping in the first place. They could not be trusted. But how could I slip past them?

It was hopeless... I was a rich girl, helpless without the aid of her servants, and they were trained professionals. If they were trying to keep me in, there was no way I would be able to leave undetected. Unless...

I stood in front of the mirror again and clasped my hand around the gem in my necklace. "Help me," I whispered, "How can I escape without being caught? What do I have to do to save myself?" Perhaps it was the epitome of stupidity to beg a mirror for advice... but whatever I had seen before, it had already helped me, hadn't it?
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