Name: Eva Mistly
Age: 19
Gender: Female
Appearance: Eva's pale face is framed by long, black hair that often covered one of her brown eyes. Despite being rather short, standing a mere 5'2", Eva stands out due to her haunted demeanor, that look that never seems to leave her eyes. Several scars are concealed beneath her clothing. Due to her family's wealth, she generally wears a lot of jewelry.
Bio: Eva comes from a wealthy background. For ten years, she lived the excessive life of a spoiled rich girl. But the light of happiness is elusive; on one summer night, it fled, never to return.
When she awoke, she wasn't at home. No... the men who lived in the place she ended up couldn't have been more different from her parents. At first, they promised she would be safe. As soon as Daddy paid up, they would let her go. Even they underestimated the wickedness of pride.
When it became clear the ransom would not be paid, they beat her... and worse.
Only after four years did their guard falter enough. Why shouldn't their prisoner be their servant, after all? As long as she couldn't leave the bunker-like structure she was housed in, she was no harm. What could a little girl do?
In turned out, even a little girl could figure out how to poison someone.
Such measures were forgiven, of course. It was only natural for a girl abused for so long to go to any lengths to be free of her abductors. Mommy and Daddy welcomed her back with open arms. After a few years of intensive studying, she was ready to go off to college with her peers. She had her own private apartment (and bodyguards) on campus in no time. But she would never forget.
Then, one day, she inherited a strange yet alluring necklace from her grandmother.
The necklace:

Age: 19
Gender: Female
Appearance: Eva's pale face is framed by long, black hair that often covered one of her brown eyes. Despite being rather short, standing a mere 5'2", Eva stands out due to her haunted demeanor, that look that never seems to leave her eyes. Several scars are concealed beneath her clothing. Due to her family's wealth, she generally wears a lot of jewelry.
Bio: Eva comes from a wealthy background. For ten years, she lived the excessive life of a spoiled rich girl. But the light of happiness is elusive; on one summer night, it fled, never to return.
When she awoke, she wasn't at home. No... the men who lived in the place she ended up couldn't have been more different from her parents. At first, they promised she would be safe. As soon as Daddy paid up, they would let her go. Even they underestimated the wickedness of pride.
When it became clear the ransom would not be paid, they beat her... and worse.
Only after four years did their guard falter enough. Why shouldn't their prisoner be their servant, after all? As long as she couldn't leave the bunker-like structure she was housed in, she was no harm. What could a little girl do?
In turned out, even a little girl could figure out how to poison someone.
Such measures were forgiven, of course. It was only natural for a girl abused for so long to go to any lengths to be free of her abductors. Mommy and Daddy welcomed her back with open arms. After a few years of intensive studying, she was ready to go off to college with her peers. She had her own private apartment (and bodyguards) on campus in no time. But she would never forget.
Then, one day, she inherited a strange yet alluring necklace from her grandmother.
The necklace: