This is a mature rp with dark under currents. I am looking for high casual rp-er's, as I love character development and drama.
If you have any questions after reading please ask, I will be happy to answer.
It was a lovely spring afternoon when you were call back to the house by your parents, they seemed off in a way, as they looked worn out and more quiet than usual. That is when you see two large guards that came from the palace of Shadow Worth; a chill runs up your spine as a visit from the armed guard was never a good thing. You then see a smaller (though still very tall) man step out between the two large guards. “You have been selected to be a bride for one of the Drakken Nobles.” Say’s the man who gives you a look that says that you are doomed, but that could have been your imagination playing tricks on you. Better yet maybe this whole thing is your imagination, you pinch yourself to make sure it’s not real but to your disappointment it is. “Come, we leave now.” The man says as he grabs your arm and takes you to the carriage before you have a chance to say goodbye to your parents. You stumble into the carriage and look back to see your parents watching as the carriage pulls away fast, a single tear falls from your eyes as a question pops into your head. Why me?
The Drakkens get their brides as gifts for noting their success in battle and other success's that are on the side of horrifying. You, the new bride or Drakken noble, go back into the Drakken territory when communications break down between the Drakkens and the Gemminites. This causes the Drakken race to declare war on the Gems which means that the Gems and their peaceful way of life will be Obliterated. It's up to you, the brides, to convince your new husbands (who are nobles) to convince their King and the Court not to go to war with the Gemminites in order to save your homeland.
What Gems and Drakken’s are
They are known as the Gems or Gemminites, they are human looking in nearly every way and have human life spans. Though they are born with the power of one of the four elements, they can control that one element though if used for too long or if they ask it to do something complex it will drain them of their strength. They can have different coloured hair and their skin can "glow" (as if they were covered in glitter).
Drakken’s are large horned race that can live for over 500 years, but look human in all other respects. They also have power over the elements but they have power over two instead of one. They can be brutes when it comes to choosing a female or two. Drakken males can have more than one bride as there isn't many females, since they like to fight and start/go to wars. Though they do have a strong peace treaty with the Gemminites as the Gemminites give the Drakken males free choice over some of the females they have selected for them. Any children born from a one sided Drakken pairing will be Drakken, no matter what. (Their genetics over power the other parents genetics. But if children are born weak or if for some reason have too much Gemminite in them they will be take to the Wilds and left there to die)
So a few things before we go on:
1. Drakken males can have more than one bride so it is okay if there is more females then males.
2. Females cannot over power the males no matter what. (physically speaking, mentally they can whip their butts, it depends on how you play it)
3. Gemminites only get one element and Drakkens get two. (Earth, Fire, Water, Wind)
4. A Gem with a certain element is usually always born to parents of the same element, though there is exceptions.
5. You can play doubles if you like, but if you have a male character then the other must be female. If you have a female character you can be either (unless we have enough males)