
After decades of teetering on the brink of all-out war, society as we know it has given way to a blanket industrial civilisation, where companies and governments have become singular entities, and planet earth is governed by a web-like network of corporations and crime syndicates. Via the use of cybernetic implants, the internet has become as integral to day-to-day life as breathing; now a vast database of information constantly streaming through the minds of every man, woman, and child.
The Zhūonosu Consortium controls the eastern countries of the world, whilst the Alterus Corporation governs the West. Earth is divided up into separate commonwealths, each one controlled by variety of different companies, but ultimately all businesses fall under either Zhūonosu or Alterus dominion.
Whilst the world has technically enjoyed centuries of peace, the two mega powers wage secret wars behind the scenes, battling each other through shadowy espionage groups, or terrorist militia fronts, in an attempt to gain undisputed control over Earth’s economy, and by extension the planet itself.
In an attempt to decimate their bitter rivals, the Alterus Corporation invested several billion fortunes worth of resources into developing the ultimate society of assassins; The Bloody Embrace. With the invention of Kinetic Barriers –utilised through microscopic emitters implanted in the subjects skin, designed to give the user protection from fast moving projectiles such as bullets and lasers- swordplay and knife fighting have become as relevant on the battlefield as marksmanship, and so Alterus enlisted some of the finest assassins in living memory to develop a transferable set of skills to be passed on to their killers in training. The Bloody Embrace quickly grew into a secret order of the most efficient and merciless killers on the planet, and began picking off high-ranking members of The Zhūonosu Consortium at an almost incomprehensible speed.
Growing paranoid, the minds behind the Alterus Corporation became terrified of their own creation, and quickly set about attempting to destroy the Bloody Embrace, and kill every single member of the secret army that they themselves funded.
Going into hiding, the Bloody Embrace retreated underground, become high-ranking killers for hire, where they have remained until the present day. Now, an opportunity at revenge presents itself, as the nefarious Zhūonosu Consortium offer the embrace a perilous contract to assassinate the heads of the Alterus Corporation, and topple their former masters.
A shadow of their previously glorious order, the Bloody Embrace has fallen into decline over its decades in exile, and seeks to recruit new meat for its latest suicide mission. Targeting the unsuspecting youth, The Bloody Embrace moves to hire teenagers who have been spat out and forgotten by society, but who posses the dark and twisted mental state necessary to excel within the ranks of their group, in order to take the fight to the Alterus Corporation, and destroy the group responsible for pulling the strings behind the entirety of western civilisation.
Operating out of their headquarters (The Sanctum), situated on the ocean floor, the Bloody Embrace carefully watch the goings on of the population from the shadows, meticulously scanning through the internet, police records, and the world news for hopes of happening upon young minds capable of being moulded into ruthless killers.
The Bloody Embrace is a role-play based in a science fiction setting, in which players take on the role of new students at an underground academy dedicated to perfecting the art of assassination.
I’ve specifically left details of the setting ambiguous, as I’d like to see what creations everyone can come up with, and to watch the world progress based off the best of the ideas each of us can come up with.
The game takes place through a mixture of lessons unfolding at The Sanctum, the missions that our assassins are sent on, and player interaction with one another during the downtime between work. The Sanctum itself is a vast academy-style building situated on the ocean floor. Its exact location is unknown to the players, as they are unconscious when brought there.
Player characters may come from any walk of life, and do not need to be super-fit, peek of humanity style super soldiers. An emphasis is placed on finding alternative means of disposing of one’s adversaries, and convincing three-dimensional characters, so extra brownie points for characters that aren’t emotionless cyborg killing machines.
Students are selected by the Bloody Embrace when they exhibit a certain set of traits that the assassins feel they can utilize, so player’s Character Sheets should include a mention of what events transpired that drew the Embrace’s gaze towards them.