Chapter One: Recruitment

The first thing she noticed was the darkness. Normally, in her room, the sunlight would shine through at this time, hit the back of her eyes and wake her up. But there was no warmth against the back over her eyes. There was no light, yet there was a pounding in her head. She squeezed her eyes even harder shut and lifted up her hand, pressing it to her head. As she lifted up her hand to touch her temples, her hand brushed the bottom of something. She cringed and opened her eyes slightly. The entire room was dark, but she knew that she was under something at the moment. She turned her head, looking to the right. A small light shone in the middle of the floor. Her eyes adjusting to the dimness, she maneuvered her way out of the bed and walked to the middle of the floor.
Staring down at herself, she realized that she was not wearing what she normally wears. She has on white short shorts and a white tee shirt with a deep v neck. Her hair was draped loosely around her shoulders and she immediately moved the sweaty mass to its normal style. It was hot in the room. Extremely hot. It was as if there was no air conditioning. No windows, no ventilation system. She looked around and noticed that there were bunks around the rest of the room as well. She counted five of them. Wriggling masses moved and she noticed other people beginning to get out of the beds as well.
She was about to ask what in the hell was going on when room brightened suddenly, illuminating the darkness surrounding her and stinging her eyes to the point of tears. She looked around and noticed a steel door to the left side of the room and a mirror directly in front of her, as if they were in an interrogation room. She narrowed her eyes at the mirror, raising a hand to cover her eyes when suddenly, a feminine voice could be heard in the room.
“What I am about to tell you, you cannot tell anyone else. If you do, there will be severe consequences.”
“Well, that’s a great way to start off a conversation,” Nikki muttered aloud, pressing the heel of her hand to her temple. A jolt of pain shot through her head and as she ran her hand down her neck, she felt a small needle mark scabbed over. She jerked her hand away. She had been drugged, which explains why she can’t remember how she got here.
“My name is Rylee Blacks, a.k.a. Agent Ice. You have been chosen for your skills, brains, and personality to be a part of the U. M. F., also known as the Underground Mission Force. We are not CIA, or FBI. We are not related to the government. We have called you here today for you to accept and begin your training with us. If you choose not to accept, your memory will be wiped and you will be sent home to live a normal, happy, dull life. But, if you do accept, you will leave your family, friends, and life behind and you will begin an entirely new life here. Are you willing to leave everything you know for the betterment of humanity? Each one of you must step up to the window and deliver your answer. There will be no questions, no explanations of who we are, what we do, and what your role is until we have gotten acceptance from those who want to be one of us. The door will not open until everyone has given their answer. Understood? Good. Now, one at a time, step up to the window to deliver your answer.”
Nikki looked at the group forming around her. This will be very interesting. She needed a change of pace. Walking up to the mirror, she dropped her hand down. Her bare feet skimmed over the concrete floor and she stood before the mirror. She stated loudly, “I accept.” She waited patiently for a few moments. No response came, so she stepped out of the way, waiting for the others to come up.