Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Jangel13
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Jangel13 The angel of fortune

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Shadow fang relaxed meditating quietly as he waited for the grull to show and once he smelled their scent he climbed up a tree jumping up after them thankfully the group was small so he wouldn't need to do much so he remembered what dellia said before and about needing to hit their skin for it to work. staying at their back Shadow fang so dropped on the two staying at the rear and once he got close enough he stabbed both of their necks from the back with his claws, he made sure not to hit their spines as he injected the poison directly into their arteries and before they could turn around they couldn't move or speak thankfully. Shadow fang kept doing the same thing at least two more times until he got to the leaders knowing they will get their kill soon and will turn around to see their comrades down unless he takes them down fast.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Markofkri
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The leader of this pack looked young and ambitious. He was missing an ear and held a spiked mace for crushing his opponents. A high pitched yelp and a direct charge was the first move. He wore no armor just a spiked gauntlet on the other hand not holding the mace. This leader was in no way fast compared to you his swings were wild and slow but deliberate as he would use the swing not for the attack but a counter weight creating a spin for the spiked glove that just barely missed your head. This was his technique the main weapon was in fact the spiked gauntlet. His strikes were more precise with the left lighter hand aiming for your head or forward leg. Unfortunately you were fast enough to not make this a contest as you could easily dodge the mace and still have time to be out of the way of the glove. Only leaving the issue of getting close enough to make a strike yourself without getting hit by either of his weapons.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Jangel13
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Jangel13 The angel of fortune

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Shadow fang growled at him as he ducked and dodged soon he realized that the mace itself was simply to put weight behind his next strike which was his gauntlet meaning that the gauntlet was his real weapon. Shadow fang kept dodging him until he started to slow down and then Shadow fang got in close and slashed his shoulder knowing the poison was still active in his claws and like all the others he fell like stump not a moment later. Shadow fang had taken all the grull with no injury to himself. Its true what they say 'if you want something done right you had to do it yourself' Thankfully it was over and done with and now he just had to protect dellia and wait for the reinforcements to come with a cart or something to take the grull back in...
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Markofkri
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Deillia cocooned the last Gnoll tight and bound his arms and feet together first. She took the cocoon and kept it separate from the others. The large pile of webbed gnolls writhed and she moved to another trapped lizard making him still as she injected her poison into it. She sat and looked at you from her peripheral vision. "Is this what they have you do? Seems kind of dangerous. What will you do with them?"

The sun was setting and she climbed a tree and made a web hidden in the tangle of branches. The wind began to pick up into a gust. The stars were still out but something was off. A scent of burning flesh. Drums. Drums from the deep woods. They were slow and deep. Not fast like war more like, a warning of something coming. In the sky shot a pillar of blue flame and the cries of something followed. Something that was now hopefully dead. The pillar vanished ad more cries of something in pain followed.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Jangel13
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Jangel13 The angel of fortune

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the shaman will breed them to try and make better worgs like me. Ones that can actually think and aren't as feral Shadow fang told her as he rested against a tree waiting for their reinforcements to do the heavy lifting and take them all back. Shadow fang soon smelled burning flesh as well as drums but they weren't war drums but they seemed to be a warning of some kind. He soon saw a pillar of blue flames and cries and as much as Shadow fang felt he needed to investigate he needed to stay behind and keep an eye on the prize. Besides that Shadow fang isn't equipped to handle a force where their were drums playing. Their had to be a certain number of people in a party that would warrant drums even if they weren't war drums. Shadow fang stayed put and just waited...
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Markofkri
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Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Four days and three nights later a group of ranger orc found you. The sun had just climbed over the horizon and parted from the land. The sky was a light grey and a mist was retreating into the woods. From the plains you watched a small band coming through the two foot grass. The five carried the ranger paint you were familiar with. "Where have you been? Gull sent us to see if you had died. He expected you back a day ago." The orc leader looked around before continuing. "What is all this?" He motioned to the webbed people as Deillia was silently sliding down a single thread from the tree tops. "Where are the others?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Jangel13
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Jangel13 The angel of fortune

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first of all I wasn't planning to carry all of them back with me, secondly everyone but two goblins died which I can only assume since it took you this long died on the trip back That would explain what those drums were earlier if they got caught by more lizard men that may have been a funeral for him. thirdly this is the mission objective so have fun hauling it back because my job is done. Also just a side note don't ever think I died because I am an assassin and I don't die I kill. I assume the chief will want an explanation about what happened so ill have to do it myself Shadow fang said whistling for dellia to come on and let the rangers do the heavy lifting as he walked back to the tribe. Now he knows that if he wants something done right he will need to make sure he does it himself...
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Markofkri
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Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Returning to the tribe was a new experience as you saw the war machine turn the camp into a death trap. All around the encampment were new devices forge by the goblins. The orc were armored and blades sharpened ready for the kill. They had doubled in numbers since the last time and now you could feel the tension in the air.

A horn blew from the central tower and now the chief stood out overlooking the numbers of orc and the goblins with large sacks on their backs. "Now we are ready to strike first at the heart of our enemies! Tonight we will attack the rouge tribes of orc that refuse to join our ranks. Let the drums spread fear to our enemies!" The drums began their rapid beat then a steady deep tone telling everyone death was coming. The rage drive orc began to charge to the north. The goblins rode on worg running ahead as shock troops to soften any resistance.

Deillia was about to rest a hand on your shoulder but hesitated. "If I may, I will retire. I have traveled more with you then my past life. I am very weary and need munch rest." She walked slowly off to the caves. She had no challenges as the rest of the tribe was tense and looking at the central tower.

The remaining force was a third of all fighters. Gull was the first to cross your path. "You have returned. Good. The pit is ready and soon we will have a hundred new Worg like yourself! Now I just need you to take the team and after a few days rest capture a troll. Be warned it will be the fiercest fight you will ever have. You will need to wear armor. The shear strength of a troll with its talons can cleave a orc in two! No doubt The Chief will want a word with you as well."

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Jangel13
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Jangel13 The angel of fortune

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Shadow fang sighed as he came to the camp and he could feel the tension in the air causing him to get on edge, he knew those drums to well and he saw everyone suited to go to war. The chief gave a speech saying that they would fight soon, he then turned seeing dellia go off to go and get rest. he couldn't ask her to do anymore then this since she deserved the rest after the entire ordeal with him loosing everyone. He turned to see gull and wanting to talk to him about brothers and sisters like him which was welcomed considering he couldn't deal with the idiocy of the goblins or the violent nature of the orcs. It was when he said that Shadow fang needed to go after a troll that he started to shake, are they fucking serious! a troll!? Shadow fang put a hand over his eyes shaking still no rest for the wicked huh? just great now the chief wants me to die by troll ripping just great Shadow fang said walking to where the chief was to see what he wanted to say...
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