Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Jangel13
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Jangel13 The angel of fortune

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Dellia do me a favor and turn away, I rather a lady not see what im about to do Shadow fang said with a small smile and once she turned her head Shadow fang turned dark as he darted across the room quickly grabbing the one eyes goblins windpipe and crushing it only needing a little bit of effort to finally snap his neck if he wanted now get this through your thick skulls, I don't give a damn about sacrificing any of you as disposable pawns. If your ideas involve using anyone as bait or a sacrifice I will snap your necks like a twig and I don't care if you want to kill each other after this is done but when we are on the mission its my way or hells way. Shadow fang said making a reference to say you follow my lead or ill kill you. He then turned to the goblin in his hand gasping for air now do I make myself clear? cause I can just move my hand a little bit and I will hear a loud snap, please by all means be an example for your friends Shadow fang threatened daring him to try and hurt him or disobey when his claw is slowly taking away all his air and ready to snap his neck at a moments notice
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Markofkri
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The Goblin unable to breath looked at the other Goblins who took a step away from you. "We will follow."

The Orc stunned by your skilled moves and the fact that you chose the goblin to assault nodded at you and removed their hands from their blades. "You are leader." They glanced at each other to see if any other had the guts to challenge. No one stepped forward.

Deillia took the time to kit a web cloak with a hood and saw everything from under her cloak. She was sitting as munch as her spider torso would let her. In her hands she held a steel short spear even the pole was metal. The edge and ornate carvings in the metal gave away the creator's origins.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Jangel13
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Jangel13 The angel of fortune

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good Shadow fang said letting go of the goblin and turning to the orcs who agreed that he was leader. Shadow fang then cracked his neck and then his claws once they were all in line Shadow fang said good remember the plan and you will come back alive. I will have none of you get sacrificed for the mission I promise you that Shadow fang said knowing that while he was just threatening to snap the neck of the goblin he was still a leader that would not let them die for the mission because he will put himself in danger first. Shadow fang then turned to dellia and said sorry about that glad you got your spear out for the occasion but just keep to the trees and spin your webs and you wont need it Then Shadow fang walked out of the tent and called out now move it! we are going to come back with our prey for the chief! Shadow fang called out like a chant as he walked and lead the way to their preys hunting grounds...
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Markofkri
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The sun was up in the sky. At the start of the march to the west the group was obvious. The orc were slower having to squint some of the goblin took to blindfolding their eyes with a thin cloth to help filter out the light. Deillia liked the traveling she moved silently as you did. The taller grass tickled her under thorax and she had a few fits of giggling. With the large white cloak she looked like a low coasting cloud. By dusk the tribal lands were behind you and the unknown was before you. It would be at least a whole second day until you were in the Gnoll hunting grounds. You would have to skirt the swamp of the lizard folk going north by north west.

The night was cooler and the ground was slush with mud. No real dry ground to sleep on. The goblins didn't seem to care. The orc went hunting and brought back a large moose. The group as a whole carved and ate their fill. Deillia took the time and made a web egg cocoon on the ground and sat in it. She looked like a white igloo. That was until she gathered the local grass and dirt making a nearly perfect camouflage. Crawling inside she rummaged about then the egg shaped hut nearly tripled in size. From ten foot diameter to nearly thirty feet across and ten feet high. An oval entrance large enough for some one to walk through.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Jangel13
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Jangel13 The angel of fortune

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Shadow fang kept the march going making sure that they all kept moving taking few breaks until it was nightfall and he let everyone camp in for the night knowing that they all couldn't keep moving forever and would need their energy for the day ahead. Shadow fang stayed against a tree that was on slightly elevated earth so he could keep an eye on everyone in the camp and he watched as Dellia made her cocoon which still seemed to creep Shadow fang out slightly but he has gotten used to it after all shes the only woman that he has known longer then a few weeks and he trusted her by his side regardless. Right now Shadow fang was going to wait a few hours until he would order one of the goblins or orcs to take up the rest of the night watch so he could fall asleep as well
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Markofkri
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The Night air was cold still bringing the winters remains. The orc stood watch in the night having the better eyes for the dark. Deillia had webbed a goblin who let his curiosity get the better of him. She pinned him to a tree with webbing. She wasn't threatening but her size difference made the others wary. She gave you a side glance before returning to her tent. The rest of the night was uneventfully and when you awoke in the morning one of the goblins had disappeared no one was talking. The goblin in the webbing was apparently content to stay there. The others cut him down in the morning. The Orc last on watch reported all quiet one goblin missing.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Jangel13
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Jangel13 The angel of fortune

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Shadow fang let the orcs go through the rest of the night as guards so he could sleep and Shadow fang laughed a little seeing dellia web up one of the goblins who got curious to a tree, never bother a drider apparently. In the morning their was a goblin that was missing from the count at first Shadow fang wanted to set up a search party but doing that and looking for him would waste time and daylight not to mention their was no assurance that he was even in the area or alive anymore. Shadow fang sighed and motioned for everyone left to follow him and keep it moving nobody else leaves the group! Shadow fang called out to them as he got everyone moving again...
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Markofkri
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With a single thread Deillia collapsed the entire tent into a pile of webbing and dirt. The rest of the day was skirting around the swamp. You were now firmly in the Gnoll hunting area. The sight of the coast and the the small mountains to the north told you where you were. But that would have to wait as a large group emerged from the forest. A pack of lizard folk from the deep swamp. They outnumbered you two to one. But they were out of their element. Armed with spears and nets. They had blue stripes of paint on their bodies. It showed their new alligence to the Blue flame tribe.

They held there position at the edge of the forest. They were aggressive but they did not advance. It seemed that they too were on the hunt and didn't want to lower there numbers in a fight to the death, for now.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Jangel13
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Jangel13 The angel of fortune

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Shadow fang lead the way and kept moving till he was sure that they got to the hunting grounds, it was surprising to see that their were lizard folk who were coming in wearing blue stripes which meant their alliance with out enemy Shadow fang wanted to order and attack against them but wanted to try to communicate with them before jumping the gun he whispered to everyone else rangers get to the tree line and make sure you have a clear line of sight, goblins stay with me Dellia get behind their group and if they try to flee or run be ready with your webs to trap them, we might get a bonus bringing them in alive Shadow fang whispered as he walked towards the group who is your leader!? Shadow fang called out to them
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Markofkri
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They didn't respond to you but did see the flanking Orc going into their woods. They retreated into the tree line as your eyes were keen you saw the skin tuning from green to a brown color to hide better. In a second even your eyes from the distance made it hard to tell where they were. A second later you heard the Orc call for aid.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Jangel13
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Jangel13 The angel of fortune

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Shadow fang groaned loudly as he facepalmed getting ready to kill his own men himself for their fucking stupidity! not 5 minutes on their own and already they are calling for help! Dellia when your done help the idiots! Shadow fang called out in no particular direction so the lizards wouldn't think that Shadow fang would do something. Dellia was smarter and more reliable and right now someone needed to help the rangers since they were his back up plan in case plan A for the grull didn't work. Shadow fang took a breath and told the goblins just stay out of my way Shadow fang told them as he used his shuddering howl and forced the lizardmen to momentarily break their camouflage and Shadow fang charged them slashing on or two of them and decided to make them either fight or flee either way he would force them into the web dellia built and have a second set of monsters to bring back for the chief...
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Markofkri
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The spider woman looked onward and returned her gaze to you. "They are as good as dead my leader." The howl broke the camouflage and indeed they were cleaver there now was a clear view of thirty greed backs that froze to the sound of your howl. The ones that were less affected turned to brown fading faster. Deillia retorted, "I can see the heat they are colder then the area. I count at least forty total, ten of which are killing your men we are out numbered my leader."

As you charged at the forces the goblins foolishly followed into the fray. They were fodder. Only Deillia's webs that she sprayed on the area between the trees made the lizard men easy targets for your blades. The webbing slowed the advancing group. The more they fought the web the more they became bound. The goblins fought but they were quickly picked off the noises from the orc were now hisses and advancing toward you.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Jangel13
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Jangel13 The angel of fortune

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Shadow fang growled as he charged them and even if he said not to get in the way now the goblins were going down like flies and it was pissing him off. Shadow fang would have a serious talk with gull after this stupid shit was over. Shadow fang called up to the trees I need nets! he called out and lifted his hands up waiting and as the packages of her nets dropped he quickly draped them over his would be attackers effectively trapping them. Shadow fang did this a few more times before the entire group was covered in webs and shadow fang was panting tired from trapping the idiots. Shadow fang went over to who was left and gave each one of them a slap in the face and when he was done he yelled how hard is it to follow directions!? tell me why you charged in after me when I said not to get in the way. should I have been more specific and said move and you'll die? how hard is it to understand that I don't want you to die for this I want you to live to fight another day why did you think I made my plan so that none of you would be in the line of direct fire? Shadow fang said to them taking a breath to calm down before he ended up just killing them...
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Markofkri
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No one replied to you. The group was now reduced to Deillia who was exhausted from spinning the large amount of web. The two goblins and yourself. Some of the lizard men were now trapped in the webbing dead. Some escaped into the waters of the swamp. Out of full force of forty, 32 bodies were beginning the decomposition process. The orc were a total loss after one stood up only to cough a mouth full of blood and fall face down. The goblins were smaller and harder to hit. Now the forest was once again quiet.

Deillia walked over to you she looked weak. "We should leave here before they come. If the force of Gnoll are small we might capture one or two." The goblins can get a wagon and come back to here with reinforcements."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Jangel13
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Jangel13 The angel of fortune

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Shadow fang banged his head against a tree annoyed and angry as hell trying to calm himself down before saying something he might regret to the kind drider after a few good bonks on his head he finally calmed down. dellia I know your tired but I need to know how much poison you can make in your condition, ill be damned if I fail a mission now. If I have enough paralyzer I can do the mission myself and the rest of you can call for backup. take the lizardmen with you and see if that will prove to him that we fell into some unforeseen circumstances. Ill use the paralyzer and coat my claws with them, I will easily paralyze them and the force you bring back will take them back. Shadow fang said as he got his claws covered in a salve that would block all the effects of the poison on him but still keep the poison effective if he slashed a grull's neck with it
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Markofkri
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The goblins began to take off, In the wrong direction. After a short conversation it was painful to realize they had no sense of direction or even where they were. Deillia looked at you and bowed her head. "I can make poison for you maybe enough for ten doses but the poison would only last a day. Unless you captured fewer then you would have the extra for reapplying the poison." She looked ravenous. She growled a little at the goblins that were useless. "Could I please rest and eat?" She held her hands up in a menacing manner to one of the trapped lizard men.

One of the two remaining goblins approached you carefully. "Should we kill the survivors? It would be easier then trying to haul every creature we run across back."

The other chimed in. "Yes we should kill them and then just bring in the Gnoll like Grull wants. The day is bright they will find us."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Jangel13
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Jangel13 The angel of fortune

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Shadow fang sighed loudly and nodded to dellia yeah you can eat one or two of the lizards Shadow fang said softly as he walked over to the lizard who he remembered was their leader and thankfully he was alive as he grabbed the cocoon and he threw it to the goblins since I don't expect you to haul them all back just take their leader with you to the chief. He needs to know we were attacked during the mission. Just take him and go back and bring back reinforcements, me and dellia will take on the grull I will only take the leader and maybe a strong one or two to bring back with what we have. I am an Assassin and as such I need to work with what I have at my disposal. Shadow fang said softly sitting down to relax
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Markofkri
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The goblins looked at each other and then at you. The braver came closer. "Right boss. Which way was that?"

Deillia lurched toward the first to be sucked dry as munch as it struggled the more the web held him fast. Two tubes came from her mouth and into the abdomen pumping the bile that would liquefy the lizards insides. She was ravenous and needed the protein to regain her strength. The creature cried out muffled in the webbing and he soon grew still. An Hour later she started to suck the juices leaving the mummified remains to hang there against the tree. "I am ready." She took a strip of bark and sat it under her obscured by the cloak she brought forth a dark green oil like puddle sitting in the bark bowl. She lost the strength to stand after and quickly fell to the ground. "I just need a little more rest the food works slowly."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Jangel13
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Jangel13 The angel of fortune

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Shadow fang groaned and went to the one who didn't ask, he took the body and gave it to the brave one. he then grabbed the goblin and kicked him in the right direction sending him a couple yards away. that way Shadow fang said rubbing his eyes annoyed as he watched her eat her dinner and gain her strength back. Shadow fang watched her put her poison into the bowel then he walked over and helped her lean against a tree you are the single piece of fruit that shows her worth more then the rotten apples I kept having to deal with he said telling her she was a great asset and he was lucky to have her. He then got ready and started to coat his claws in them waiting for the grull to show up...
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Markofkri
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Deillia listened to your words and smiled softly. She closed her eyes and rested. The air was filled with the stench of the swamp and the rotting meal of the spider woman. The goblins disappeared as they dragged the lizard off in the direction you sent them. The air was still chilled as the sun hung in the sky providing little warmth. Wind blew and and the trees with only the tiny green buds of leaves waved against the force. Above drifted a a island at least a few acres with smaller islands in tow. Soon the sun started its decent to the west and the islands drifted out of view.

The scent was the first to tell you the wait was over and your Gnolls were coming. your eyes caught a small pack (8)chasing some dear. They had hit one with a short spear slowing it down a rope connected to an unlucky Gnoll being dragged along the ground. The sounds they made mimicked laughter as they continued pursuit unaware of the two of you.
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