Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Markofkri
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One of the warrior braves walked up to you. He easily had double the muscle of the others. His armor was thick in the front and just straps in the back. "Fine you go see chief we will hold this thing in the Hut over there." He raised a sword signaling others to cease. "I will go to ensure what is said." He walked with you to the main cavern and down to the main chamber. The chief stood over the ground where a map was being drawn.

"You! You're back. Report!" He nods at the news but reacts more to the rope of ears and the blades. "By the elders blood that runs in the ground. This is far more then I would have guessed. How did you manage to escape from the under dark?" He tosses the blades to the goblin. "Melt them into blades for this worg! You have done well! Name it, and it will be yours!"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Jangel13
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Jangel13 The angel of fortune

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Shadow fang nodded to the warrior brave about keeping her in a hut nearby and he was to report to the chieftain apparently when he saw the ears and Shadow fangs blades he got excited which was a first for Shadow fang to see. Shadow fang then opened a sac that held the two heads of the other Assassins he fought. these two were assassins as well and I had to fight those two and the target. shadow fang explained as much as he wanted to gain something more like a power as a worg or more equipment he made a promise to that drider that he wasn't going to break Chief I would like you to please consider the Driden that I brought with me to go through a trial and become a member of the tribe. She has abilities that would be greatly useful for the tribe, we can learn about her silk spinning abilities and maybe even gull can find an anti venom to the poison that her kind can create. She was the only reason I was able to get out of their and I owe her my loyalty I made her a promise that I would speak to you about helping her Shadow fang said hoping it was reasonable. He couldn't really say he wanted her to be his concubine or that he wanted her to be the captain of his new worg company at least if she goes through a trial of trust she will be able to prove to the others that she can be trusted...
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Markofkri
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The chief looked deep in thought. "No." He shook his head. "One drider is not worth munch to the tribe if you want it as a pet then let it be your problem. I'd just as soon kill it. Know that your loyalty can only be to the tribe. You have done well and we are making a few more for a small squad you will train and teach. I still will grant you a reward for your efforts against our enemy. It seems that the Goblin assassin has left us. This will be bad. He knows too munch. The humans could learn munch from his tongue. We will need to kill him later. Right now you have your orders. Train the new breed and keep that pet locked up." He hands you a metal with the tribal sigil. "Here this is the debt marker claim it when you are ready."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Jangel13
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Jangel13 The angel of fortune

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Shadow fang sighed a little to himself thinking he tried but at least she wont be in danger of dying but being his pet, Shadow fang would hate the idea himself and he doubt she will feel any better about it. Something was better then nothing though so he took the tribal marker and nodded to his chief before he walked out looking for the hut she was meant to be in and he put on a smile before walking in to tell her good news the chieftain said you could stay as long as you are under my supervision Shadow fang said thinking it was kinder then saying your now my pet congrats you got out of a hole to become someone else's property.

Shadow fang then lead her out of the tent to take her to his home so she could get acquainted with it, after that he would go find his new team and train them. hopefully she wouldn't read to much into his fake smile...
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Markofkri
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Deillia looked puzzled. "Oh I thought this was it." She had woven clothing more to fit the tribe but it was not as covering as the cloak had been. She followed you to the spot you had picked out and climbed the sheer wall began making a corner cave out of webbing. "This will do nicely thank you." She began to stick rocks and dirt to it in a few moments it was almost completely camouflaged.

You left her to see your new pack. There were three of them. Two males and a female. The were tearing apart a moose. They were primal more so then you were. The shaman told you it was due to the increased speed of their upbringing. "You will have a little trouble. They are a viscous lot at the request of the chief." He laughed and walked away.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Jangel13
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Jangel13 The angel of fortune

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Shadow fang smiled knowing she would be comfortable at the very least as he left to find his new pack. At the moment he saw that they were more primal then he was, he had two males and female at his disposal. fan freaking tastic Shadow fang mumbled as he looked at them start to finish up their meal and Shadow fang had to figure out how to show he was the dominant male and for them to follow him, they were more primal so it seemed he would need to act like it to get their attention.

Shadow fang then got on all 4s and growled loudly to get their attention knowing the males would try to attack him to make it seem like they were the alphas but Shadow fang could actually stand if he needed to and simply beat them down a few pegs till they were submissive. Right now it would be a display of power and becoming their alpha afterwards it would be learning to give them certain signals to make them effective in the field...
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Markofkri
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You were noticed as you approached. The three didn't seem to have any concept of cooperation so this fight would be not as difficult as it could have been. The all took there turn trying there best to come out on top. The female showed no imagination and was a bitter. The two males used there claws and slashed wildly. The primitive fighting started to draw out your own primitive instincts and a few times you had to shake your head to suppress them. Because of the power in a bit the female had to be the first to fall. Grappling with her was difficult she had agility and would allow her self to be pushed to a wall only to use her legs to run up and over you. Her teeth were sharp and more then once grabbed a limb you were slow to retract. The other two males let you grapple with the female in obvious hopes to wear you down. the fight didn't last as long as they were cautious and not as eager after seeing your skill. The training would have to wait as the wounds of the fight needed tending to. You had learned one fact that they held onto. If you turn your back on one they would attack.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Jangel13
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Jangel13 The angel of fortune

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Shadow fang growled as he fought the female first and it seemed she had the agility for her smaller frame which wasn't all that unexpected but Shadow fang was trained to fight while she was running on instinct so even though she was able to use her sharp fangs on his limbs Shadow fang was easily able to knock her off him before she gripped to hard with her fangs. Soon After a few more hits she whimpered and laid down on all 4s which was a sign of submission to worgs.

Then it was one of the males turns so one of them charged Shadow fang with speed getting to Shadow fang faster then he was expecting so it seemed that this one was adept in speed. Shadow fang quickly got out of the way before he got to Shadow fangs comfort zone. Shadow fang then thought of a plan to take him down and as he turned around trying for another quick attack using his claws this time Shadow fang grabbed his claws then gave him a sharp head-butt on his snout making him whimper clutching it before Shadow fang quickly started to claw on his body and soon he quickly got into the submission position with multiple cuts. After this Shadow fang would need to let them all heal up.

Then it was the last one while not as fast or agile as his brother and sister he was much stronger and was able to make Shadow fang gasp out air when he got a lucky hit in. Shadow fang then decided to use his superior speed an agility and got around him before slashing at his back but unlike his family he was able to give Shadow fang a run for his money but eventually like the others he submitted, Shadow fang then decided to make him the beta of the group since he could take on shadow fang that well while acting on instinct as Shadow fang panted after fighting 3 rounds in a row....
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Markofkri
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After gaining the top spot the hard part was yet to come. Gaining there trust and at the same time names. None of them had names.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Jangel13
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Jangel13 The angel of fortune

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Once shadow Fang had gotten his breath back he looked at them now realizing that he needed to gain their trust but he also needed to name them. Shadow Fang looked around and saw some wood nearby. He grabbed 3 pieces and cut them down to size to fit their arms. Shadow Fang then drew their names on them.

to the female he named her Marie then preceded to strap it to her arm so she will always know her name.

Then he did the same with the fast male and named him Luke. Then finally his beta male he named him markus. With that he had named his pack giving them identities of their own
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Jangel13
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Jangel13 The angel of fortune

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Once he named all of the members of his back and got his breath back Shadow fang decided it was time to get them trained. Shadow fang wasn't sure if they could talk or not so instead he started to teach them common symbols made with hand gestures like pointing to one of them and pointing to a certain spot meant to check out that area and so on. Obviously they didn't get it right away and Shadow fang had to hit their heads whenever they didn't pay attention and thought about leaving. Shadow fang forced them to stay where they were until they learned the basics of saying go here, stay their, don't move, and follow me...
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Markofkri
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The enhanced breeding helped them learn quickly after the basics. The three began communicating with each other and asking questions of you. The day wore on and they learned so munch. It wouldn't be long until they could begin the actual lessons in stealth they desperately needed. Time passed and in the next month they had come together. Not yet ready to go on missions individually but they could be counted on as a coordinated unit. They knew your style and how to compliment your tactics. They picked up the words very slowly. The hand gestures and signals were munch faster. One of the goblin came to you the Chief wanted report on your pack progress and he had a mission for them. If they were ready.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Jangel13
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Jangel13 The angel of fortune

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Shadow fang was working them more making them do another exercise on stealth as the goblin came over asking if they were ready. Shadow fang first watched them go to work on the exercise it worked on both working together and staying quiet where one person had to move in slowly while the others had to stay above ground and they needed to communicate where the traps were from above while the other worked on figuring out where the moving dummies went.

Obviously they were able to do it not very fast but they were able to do it. However the fact that they were only able to do team exercises effectively meant that they couldn't handle going out on single missions at best they would only be able to handle a group mission with him as pack leader for the endeavor im sorry but they aren't ready to handle individual missions yet if this is a special request from the chief for a group mission however I think they can handle it if I lead the pack. They still cant do much without my guidance thanks a lot grull for making their brains the size of walnuts, stupid shaman Shadow fang thought to himself cursing the fact they he rushed their development instead of waiting to make it right the first time like they did with Shadow fang otherwise he wouldn't have needed to train them this long...
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Markofkri
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The goblin understood this and left to report to the chieftain. Leaving you to continue the training the newest three of the worgen. If it was a test of sheer viciousness they would be ready to face anything. The stealth thing was a hard concept to force on them no matter how many times you tried. Plus with no real target to shadow and kill it was even harder to teach. You had a goblin drag a bag of dirt behind him with rope. Once they saw the bag they pounced as one and tore it to shreds. Ignoring the precision to killing with one hit and retreating.

Meanwhile Deillia was busy learning her new environment. She would cling to the ceiling and started to run threads throughout the tunnels before long she knew the path of each and how to navigate them. She had enough strands to tell her from the vibration where activity was and made a large nest in one of the abandoned tunnels. Just being in the area drew other spiders to her. Soon she had he small army of underlings. They were bringing her information and going places where The driders size would be noticed. There were other small bundles in her web that the smaller spiders were feeding on. They were the perfect size for a goblin. She would lower herself from the ceiling to speak with you. She told you that she was doing well and if you saw a spider just talk to it as you would her and the message would be received "Soon I will be a force to help you better. I will not forget your kindness." She left you a vile of drider poison good for a single weapon or a dozen arrow heads. "It has to be a skin hit or the armor would wipe too munch of the poison away." She smiled and returned to the ceiling moving as you would move along the floor.

You were summoned to a meeting The cheiftain was sitting when you arrived and stood as he saw you. "Good, you are needed once more. This time you will co ordinate an assault squad while you take out the new target. To help you and the new Worgen I will need you to infiltrate a band of Gnoll's to the west and bring as many back with you as you can. Tell them as the new leader they are to be a new part of the tribe. I will use them to breed stronger Worgen that will be shock troops in the upcoming battles. Gull has his hands full breeding at the moment. Soon the tribe of the lone sword will be ready to move on the outlying human villages. While a worker force digs its way to the swamp draining the advantage my rangers will assault the tribal lizards and soften them for the warriors to finish off. I sent a goblin with the head of a drow to the dwelling of the mind flayers. This will show that I have made them weak and ready to be overtaken. They will enslave or kill the drow and loose some of their numbers in return. Their mind powers are formidable I dare not assault them without the first few parts of my plan secure. Before you go I had an audience with the drider you brought back she is building an army for me of her own making. She will be instrumental to capturing the gnolls once they get here. Go and discuss how best to do this."

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Jangel13
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Jangel13 The angel of fortune

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Shadow fang groaned as he tried to teach the worgen stealth but the dragging of the bag along the path trick only served to make them shred it to pieces so he went over to each and hit their heads hard enough for them to cling to it and whine. Shadow fang showed them the right way to do it AGAIN! as he went to the shadows and once it was dragged close he quickly hit it with his claws and quickly got back into shadow. Its like pulling fangs with those 3 trying to teach them a simple concept of hit and run not hit until its in pieces.

the day that dellia was able to move around freely was a good day for Shadow fang know she was doing okay and was comfortable, he was grateful for the vial of her poison which he heard was deadly and it was good to know that it had to hit armor to work effectively obviously shadow fang kept it for himself since he didn't trust the pack with anything poisonous when they cant even hit a bag stealth fully.

Shadow fang went to the meeting that the chieftain had called for him and smiled a little when he saw him stand to greet him like they were equals no longer just chieftain and tribe member. Shadow fang understood that what the chief was talking about was a grand plan to make their tribe into a continent or a kingdom. If nothing else you cant say the chief wasn't ambitious, Shadow fang grinned a little when he heard him talk about the drider as a resource and he thought that she would only be a pet when she was helping so much already. chief how do you want me to handle bringing the gnoll's back, you know as well as I that their temper is legendary and will attack me on sight. do I have your permission to allow force in bringing them back?
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Markofkri
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The Cheif thought for a second. "No they fight to the death. Go see Gull he will know what might be best for them. He is having a hard time trying to breed the worgen properly. You can find him in the shamans main hut its taller then the rest." He walked out with you then parted ways to address some of the failing of the heavy fighters.

Climbing the walkway to the top let you see munch of the tribes workings. The area around it was becoming barren and militarized. There were pit traps, spiked fortifications, and no walls. There was a large tar pit the goblins were filling. Large fires were burning to keep the wild away. More then a few acres of forest were now gone. The goblins continued to cut more. Small raised platforms were raised to hold a trio of archers. They were the outlooks for the rest of the tribe. Most humanoids would never make a stand on a prairie but with the fortifications to stop any heavy cavalry the the false ground hiding tunnels would force foot men to fight their way through goblin infested tunnels in a never ending labyrinth.

The shamans hut was covered in vines and runes. Two guards stood watch tied to the structure to keep from being thrown of by an assailant. They loked at you and let you pass without delay. Inside the shaman was throwing herbs and small creatures in a large black cauldron. He looks up at you the green glow from his eyes fade. "What can I do for the one who has brought me favor from the chief? Ah. I see. I have just the thing. But I can't spare anything. You will use your pet and her webs to gather them like moths. Go now and let me know when you return. Oh? something else? Well yes the new worgen are not as sharp. The chief ordered it so. I will make two cleaver ones for you just be wary they don't try to take your place. They will be taught by you and intern will teach the rest." A hand rose from the bubbling liquid only to be hit with a metal rod from the shaman. "Now if you excuse me I have munch to prepare before you come back with the Gnolls."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Jangel13
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Jangel13 The angel of fortune

Member Seen 1 hr ago

As Shadow fang walked towards the shaman hut he started to think that the chief was preparing for war if nothing else or he was putting all the extra space made by all the cutting of the trees by making the place more battle ready. Shadow fang doesn't really care though whatever the chief wants to do shadow fang wont care as long it doesn't involve him doing something he will regret and that's a short list considering he has no problem killing others.

As he showed up at the hut Grull started to explain that he really couldn't give him anything and all he could really do was talk to his friendly drider about having her help in the capture. Shadow fang quickly walked out when he saw a hand come out of the bubbling liquid the shaman was making, that was his que to leave! Shadow fang walked out and he found a spider nearby and he remembered what she told him about sending a message to her via spider. Shadow fang went over to it and picked it up hoping it wouldn't bite him and kill him tell dellia to meet me at the hut, I need to talk to her about using her webs for my next mission Shadow fang told the spider putting it down as he walked back to his hut to meet up with her...
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Markofkri
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The spider leaped into the air off the edge of the tower. It was too small to follow with your eyes to the ground. The few minutes later you saw Deillia enter your tent. "Hello again. You wanted to see me?" She waited a moment listing to your plan. "I will help as you will." She gave a shy smile. The both of you waited until the others arrived to aid you. A small band of six orc rangers and ten goblins arrived all at the order of the chieftain. The goblins were all looking at each other and holding small spears.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Jangel13
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Jangel13 The angel of fortune

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Shadow fang sighed a little seeing the others show up, at least dellia was reliable that much he knew for certain. once they showed up he addressed them alright here is how I want this to go down, all of you will surround our targets but you do not get seen we will ambush them if need be but what I want is for all of you to do some crowd control. If one of them tries to leave the area other then where I am going you get them on that path as best you can. Dellia here will have some snares hidden and I will lead the main force of them to her trap where she will cocoon them all for safe travel. he then turned to Dellia to specify I only want them trapped in your webs as long as they are breathing I don't care how you trap them Shadow fang said to her then turned to the group if plan A doesn't work then he will use Dellia's poison on the rangers bows its a paralyzer and if your half as good a shot as your supposed to you will only need one arrow to make sure it makes contact but doesn't kill them. any questions? Shadow fang asked wanting to make sure their weren't any problem that could arise once the mission truly begins...
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Markofkri
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Deillia nods to acknowledge your request. "I have an idea how to help." The Orc just look at one another. One steps to you. "Why not just poison them first? We use the arrows and the goblins as bait."

"The only bait will be you if you try." The goblin makes the mistake of pointing the spear at the orc. As the orc draws his blade four goblins spear him in the chest as a single strike. One gets a lucky hit as it goes through the back of the neck. The Orc falls and the other orc look at you. One Goblin with an eye patch continues to stab the fallen orc in the face working out an eye and putting it in a pouch tied to his waist.
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