Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Markofkri
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It wasn't long using the cloak to get out of the city. By the time you reached the network of tunels the troll potion had healed your wounds and halted the poison inside you. There were many tunnels and your nose told you they all smelled the same save one. That was your one chance. You followed it You had no skill to compensate for the loss of direction you now traveled. For all you knew it was a loop leading you back to the city. The scent was all you had.

You reached a chamber dark and cold but the scent was strongest here. "What are you?" A female voice said in the orc tongue. Your eyes were good but the voice echoed of the walls and seemed to be coming from behind you where no one was.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Jangel13
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Jangel13 The angel of fortune

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Shadow fang sighed getting annoyed with these damned tunnels, how the drow could navigate out of this hole was beyond him. At the moment all shadow fang could do was follow his nose since that was the only reliable thing he had for navigation at this point. Soon he found himself at a chamber and a female voice asked him what he was however she was speaking his language which meant that she might be friendly but they were also in a dark area and for all he knew this could also be a trap set up for him.

isn't it polite to state your name before asking for another's? Shadow fang asked hoping to get some sense of how to communicate with this woman he needed to have at least a clue in case she was friendly or some kind of secret police here.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Markofkri
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"Not here. It keeps one alive. What are you? I've never seen one of your kind before." The voice seems to move around you no other noise is made. "Perhaps it is chance that you are here. We might help each other. I have a feeling you don't belong here. I don't want to remain here, so I propose a deal. I will lead you to where you want to go. In exchange you drop your weapons and leave them."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Jangel13
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Jangel13 The angel of fortune

Member Seen 1 hr ago

im sorry but I literally fought tooth and nail to get these swords, I earned them and they are very well made the only reason id drop my new toys is if I could come back for them later. Shadow fang said since he did almost die to grab the stuff he earned those swords were better then what he was already carrying and he would be damned if he wasn't going to try and keep them. and if you haven't seen someone like me before then its a good thing, means im the first success. Shadow fang said not letting on that he was bred specifically to be what he was. Like one would breed a dog or a horse he was a worg born to walk on two legs and kill in the shadows if their were others like him then he would not be as special anymore...
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Markofkri
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"Well then how do you suggest we proceed since the string of ears tell me of that you are dangerous. I have no weapons that will save me from your metal blades." The voice sounded closer. It had trouble sounding some of the rougher tones to make words in the orc language. The stealth the creature used was impressive as the voice traveled around you but made no hint as to how she traveled, or for that matter what she was.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Jangel13
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Jangel13 The angel of fortune

Member Seen 1 hr ago

simple I have rope and some wraps. I will tie the blades together and wrap the blades themselves and give them to you to hold onto. Once we leave you give them back to me or if you are more comfortable you can drop them and make me promise to wait a few minutes before picking them back up again shadow Fang knowing she would be surprised since most people wouldn't give someone so much faith in their weapons after just meeting them but shadow Fang also had his own claws and fangs so even if she trust to stab him in the back he still had his own weapons. Right now shadow rand was just concerned about getting out of this hole and into his new life
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Markofkri
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"Deal. My name is Deillia." She descends from the ceiling shadows. Easily twice your size she stands over you. Her body is the same as the drow except for a large thorax that starts at her waist above her hip line. A white double stripe that runs down the back. "Where would you like to go? The surface it shall be. You will have to hold on to me as we rise through the crevasse."

She adjusts to your weight and begins to climb with ease up and across multiple tunnels and what seemed to go on for hours she doesn't tire and talks silently as the climb continues. Up another crevasses And though a few miles of tunnels you reach the surface emerging from a small cave. your eyes narrowed to the light then grew wide. It was day and you were in unfamiliar land. The scent was unfamiliar. In light you could get and even better view of Deillia.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Jangel13
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Jangel13 The angel of fortune

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Shadow fang thought she would agree to that but he didn't expect to find one of the spider drow. she looked unusual to say the least but then again he wasn't one to talk. Shadow fang held onto her as they made their trip out of the caves and once he saw the outside he had to rub his eyes to adjust to the light.

He then took his swords from her but he kept them wrapped all the same cause he felt he needed to ask questions. not to look a gift horse in the mouth but why did you help me? you cant tell that I killed a couple of your fellow drow yet you helped me escape I don't want you to get in trouble. despite what I did im not going to hurt someone who helped me so you have nothing to worry about from me Shadow fang said thinking that from the waist up she looked kind of attractive at least compared to drow's but the thorax and the spider legs really creped him out however she did help him escape and that was more then enough for her to get on his good side...
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Markofkri
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"I have my reasons. I am leaving them. For helping you find the surface I want you to help me to your tribe." The surface is wrought with danger and I could use a guide." She spun a cloth of silk that turned into a cloak of white to cover most of her body. a second blanket of white covered her thorax and as she spun she made matching fingerless gloves. She smiled at you as the task was done in a mater of a few minutes. "Shall we?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Jangel13
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Jangel13 The angel of fortune

Member Seen 1 hr ago

wait wha? you want me to lead you to my tribe? I guess I could but you need to promise not to do anything reckless this was my mission to have my place in the tribe last thing I want is to be thought of as a gullible idiot who brought a spy in to kill our chieftain. will you promise me that and I promise to take you their and protect you from whoever tries to attack you on site? shadow fang asked reaching his hand out for a shake as a promise to her. Shadow fang was born with the inherit loyalty of whoever has agreed to help him. Besides Shadow fang cant stand a woman in distress and he feels he has to help her but at the same time he knows she could be a spy or an assassin aiming for his chieftain in which case he will be cast out as a traitor...
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Markofkri
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She looks at you unable to contain the excitement of being free of the constant threats of the underdark. "I swear." Deillia looks like a large Sheep or low covered wagon. She moves as quietly as she had before you notice no tracks from her. She doesn't talk munch but you catch her glancing at you as the two of you begin your travels to find some familiar land marks. So far, nothing.

The sun lets you know its mid day and the rolling plains and various trees offer no clue until you hear the roar of the waves. The coast lies before you and beyond is the ocean. You covered you face with your paw. the area cant be that far but it was. You were on the far side of the tribal lands the choices were now west along the coast skirting the mountains and the dwarves. Or cut south between the human lands and use the night to hide your travel. It would cut the trip time in half but so close to the humans would certainly lead to possible discovery.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Jangel13
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Jangel13 The angel of fortune

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Shadow fang sighed a little realizing he was now traveling with a spider drow to his own tribe. This would be one hell of story later on. Shadow fang kept walking towards his tribe and it seemed that she was just as quiet as she was before when they were in the darkness Then Shadow fang realized that they were farther away from the tribe then he originally thought damn the drow and their stupid tunnels that lead to far areas. Shadow fang had to figure out his options and from what he knew he could either go around the mountains through dwarven territory or they could go past human territory. Both imposed risks but more so for human lands however going through human turf would be faster so his options were to either take the longer but safer route or the more dangerous route that was quicker.

Shadow fang turned to his new companion and said follow me, we are going to skirt along dwarven turf. it will take longer but ive done enough crazy crap today and I don't need to take a risk of going through human turf and discovering us. Shadow fang said thinking that even if they got cold he had a silk spinner right next to him to help to even though he had fur and she didn't...
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Markofkri
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Deillia nodded and followed you. You noticed by the reactions most of the surface environment was new to her. The way she stayed close to you and avoided the water and even the sand that caused her to get a leg stuck. The was she reacted in aw to the sun setting and the sky changing slowly it was so vast to change so munch in just a few hours was incomprehensible. The one time it had rained she made a large web tent to keep you both dry.

The lone ogre that had tried to ambush you. she had sprayed with web and in moments the brute was cocooned she ate his fluids. The sound was sickening. The mandibles that emerged from her over extended mouth were two long tubes that she jabbed into the lone bandit. "Delicious. That one will keep me fed for a month." Deillia looked away after retracting her mandibles as if your look made the situation awkward. She bit her lower lip and covered her head back under the hood.

Only a few days remained as you passed the last of the base of the mountain. Soon you would turn south, inward to land and to the tribe then by the end of the night you would find yourself at the edge of tribal land. She began making conversation. "Why do you follow others? What is this tribe? Could you teach me to be a more effective combatant? What type of weapons are there to learn?"

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Jangel13
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Jangel13 The angel of fortune

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Shadow fang smiled a little as he walked with Dellia it was like watching a little girl go to a festival for the first time everything being new and amazing to them. He thought it was kinda cute for a while till that stupid ogre came up and tried to ambush us the noise of her feeding off the ogre was sickening and it actually made Shadow fang shiver slightly at the noise itself. as they kept walking she decided to start more conversations and since they weren't suspicious like the guard rotations or how many worgs their are in the tribe Shadow fang thought their was no harm in telling her.

well in order of your questions ill do my best to answer them. Theirs a different reason for why everyone follows the Chieftain some believe its because he is insanely strong, others follow him because has no fear, others follow him because he is just to scary to overthrow Shadow fang said laughing a little at the last thought I guess I follow him because he is a good leader and despite being tough he isn't a bad person. we all follow him because he is our leader and nobody else would be better suited for it. The answer to your second question is hard to put into words, I guess the best way to think of a tribe is like a community we help each other and we work together for the common good of the tribe a tribe is like a really big family to be honest because we are all working to help each other.

Shadow fang had to think about her other two questions and it would be hard to teach her how to be a better combatant but he decided to try and talk about it. I could try to teach you to be a better assassin but other then that no as an assassin all I can teach is what I was taught about walking in shadow and striking at the right opportunity. I could teach you how to use your abilities better like with the ogre that attacked us I could have thought of at least.....4 different ways to defeat him quicker, easier, and quieter without you needing to use the amount of silk that you used. As for weapons I don't think I could list them all off the top of my head each person has their own unique style. Mine is duel sword style using two swords to fight is like me fighting with extensions of my claws. You could have a lance, bow and arrows, a normal sword, sword and shield, a broadsword, the list goes on.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Markofkri
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Deillia nodded at your answers it was hard to see her face tucked behind the hood. The mountains wee behind you as you started your turn south. The day waned into night and you were clear of the dwarven threat. The two of you made camp within a small cropping of brush. The drider sat and while her lower half was tucked away under the cloak it became easier to talk to the non spider half. "I think a spear would suit me best. I like the reach and the precision, but I would want the shaft to be metal. I use to have magic but it was taken from me." Her voice trails off. After a quiet moment she wraps the cloak around her more. "I've have lost munch."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Jangel13
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Jangel13 The angel of fortune

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Shadow fang sighed a little in relief once they were clear of the dwarven lands and she helped to make camp again as they turned south once more. It was getting easier and easier to talk to her thankfully she kept her lower half covered so talking to the rest of her body was getting easier. Shadow fang listened to her as she said she would want to use a spear and he could see her using one it did seem to suit her fighting style at least and then she talked about how he had magic but lost it and how she has lost much. Shadow fang nodded and decided to try and cheer her up don't get so down. you may not have magic but your able to make silk and when you first meet me you were hiding in the shadows like a pro, I can also imagine that you can make lethal poisons. what you lost may have felt bad but you have gained gifts that make you special as you are. I was carefully bred to kill people in shadows im a worg that walks upright im not going to pretend I know how you fell about loosing your magic but you need to remember that what you lost you have also gained. Shadow fang said rubbing the back of his head looking away in embarrassment he had never done anything like this before so it was all new territory for him and he wasn't sure if what he said was right, he was only 15 after all....
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Markofkri
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Deillia looks up briefly at the end of your statement. She tilts her head to the side and narrows her eyes then when her doubt of your sincerity satisfied she lets slip a smile beneath her cowl. Her hands fig-it beneath the cloak. "So, it's different out here in the surface world. Have you always lived here?" She lays back on her thorax looking up at the night sky. "I have heard of the the surface world I never thought I would see it. Now that I am here I wish to see more."

"I want to see a human. And every type of creature," She pauses as a screech broke the air. High above was a griffon on the hunt for prey. It flew down into the forest and emerged with a doe. Taking off under it's enormous wing span. It climbed into the night sky. The look on her face was complete amazement.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Jangel13
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Jangel13 The angel of fortune

Member Seen 1 hr ago

I was born up here. ive lived as one of my kind which to be honest their mounts to the orc's not a great feeling knowing that all those that are like you bow down to those you are meant to stand equal to. Believe me their is more to this world then you would think Shadow fang said with a small smile as he then looked up and saw a griffin which was a rare site indeed and he smiled seeing the look on her face as she saw a griffin for the first time it was truly a beautiful site especially since this is the first time Shadow fang has seen a griffin as well but unlike her he was poised to strike in case he thought they were its next meal...
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Markofkri
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As the griffin became smaller and faded into the sky Deillia laid back down and looked at you before closing her eyes. The night was cool and uneventful. You continued the journey passing a patrol who after a short questionnaire let you pass. By night fall you stood on the ridge overlooking the Tribe who now had patrols returning some missing members and some with prisoners. The fire pits burned the nose and drowned out any other smells. The forest was only a field of stumps. Some of the orc wore new armor. There were a lot of weapons everywhere.

Deillia had her cloak ripped off which was a bad move and as the orc silently suffocated in the sticky garment she was halted by the guard before either of you reached the first hut. "A drider? Kill it!" One of the guard yelled. Some of the rangers notched arrows and brought up their heavy cross bows. She tried to make herself small behind you.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Jangel13
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Jangel13 The angel of fortune

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Shadow fang had rested that night as he saw the overlook onto his tribe he sighed softly trying to relax himself knowing this would get ugly really fast if he did the wrongs things. Apparently today the orcs had gotten some new armor and their were a lot of weapons nearby which only further worried Shadow fang knowing they could kill him and her really easily. unfortunately it seemed that she had gotten rid of her silk cloth and suffocated an orc which then took a turn for the worst for them as they called out to kill her.

Shadow fang put his arms out in a protective gesture to her as he called out don't fire! She is my guest I brought her here! im going to speak to the Chieftain about this so lower your weapons! Shadow fang called out acting like stone unyielding. Shadow fang had earned his favor with the Chieftain and if someone tried to kill Shadow fang then they would be killed as well Shadow fang had that on them at least and as long as Shadow fang said that the drider was in his company they shouldn't be able to try anything against her unless the chief says so. For the time being she will be safe until Shadow fang can convince the chief to let her stay...
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