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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Jangel13
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Jangel13 The angel of fortune

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ouch! Shadow fang whined as he got hit by grull, he seemed so mean to slap him like that when he was just scared of that giant thing. Shadow fang hoped that whatever his next job was would take him far away from that monster he saw as Shadow fang rubbed his cheek and walked over to the chieftains tent and got down on his knee looking more dignified then he was moments ago when he was scared. Right now he couldn't show weakness to the chief or it might look bad on him for making shadow fang part of the tribe...
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Markofkri
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The chieftain stood. "Good, you have done well now ready yourself for the next challenge will earn you renown. Not all of our enemies reside on the surface. This one lies deep in the underdark. This will be assassin against assassin. Gaussra the shadow of death. A female drow that had sworn to kill me. I am a warrior. I have no skill against the drow she is but one of many that need killing. Bring me as many drow ears as you can I will reward you the more you bring me. I have a goblin that will lead you there and send my regard. I shall close the tunnel behind you so you must navigate the shadows and cut across the city below. She wears a blade that I will recognize when and if you bring it to me. I realize this is a sure death mission but you have set the bar high. These elves are number one on my list to die. Sending a large group would not only be foolish but cost me more numbers then I care to loose. Do this for me and you may name your reward. By the time you return I will have grown more of your kind and you will train them in the art of the silent kill they will answer to you and you will answer to me alone."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Jangel13
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Jangel13 The angel of fortune

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Shadow fang grinned at the thought, to be a leader of a pack and to answer to only the chieftain himself Shadow fang was trembling with excitement. of course chieftain one question though. if I bring you their heads will I get more renown? Shadow fang said grinning wide with excitement. Shadow fang felt the urge, he started to feel like he was in a bloodlust but that may be because he was seeing a very bright future ahead of him just by killing another assassin and as many other elves that he could see. He may as well be going to be a part of a genocide. Shadow fang was simply waiting for him to dismiss Shadow fang so that he could be lead down into hell and come out on the other side as an elite
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Markofkri
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The rangers follow, one bets his life on a false grip and falls to his death. Alerting the humans to your location, they realize you are out of arrow range and retreat. The others look at you holding to the rock. This just got a lot harder. Being rangers and hanging on the side of a mountain they knew they had no time to argue. They continue down until they were all safely on the bottom of the mountain. The humans were gone.

(sorry for the late reply RL. )
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Markofkri
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@Jangel13 (I don't know what happened but I would apologize for the lateness.)

The chieftain dismissed you but not before giving you a shroud. "This is from the drow. It will hide your true form and let you stay unnoticed in the city. The you will be in the ethereal plane but the negative is while in this ethereal state, you will be unable to interact with physical objects. You may pass through walls and non living matter. Thrizel will be your guide to the tunnel then seal it behind you."

Thrizel was one hunched over goblin. Probably from digging his whole life he carried a pickaxe on his back. His rags covered the essentials and his eyes were pitch black. "Me show you the way then me get freedom. You follow me now." As Thrizel turned you saw the bag strapeped to his back. it looked full and heavy. He lead you through a network of tunnels and shafts some needing a rope to navigate. He stopped in the near pitch darkness only lite was the very small torch he held. The goblin pointed at a small hole that you would have to crawl threw on your stomach. "You in then me be free. The end is only a finger left to dig through." As you entered the hole and tried you best not to think about being buried alive you heard some singing from the goblin. "Free me, free me, soon me be free whee." You heard a strange hissing sound. The thought brought your mind to Grizzel. The thought also gripped you with dread as you doubled your speed. Making a fist you punched through the thin pack of dirt just in time to be shot out of the hole like a cannon. In the air you saw the massive city of night. You headed toward a spire of stalagmite intricately carved you impossibly made it threw the window like arch to slide across the floor into a chair. The room was empty.

In the room most of the furniture was carved stone. From the chairs to the bed posts it was chiseled the same way most races carve wood. You would think the amount of detail would render the furniture unable to support and type of stress. This was some ones study. Across the room opposite of the window was the door leading out to your right against the outer wall was a small book case. Although small was filled from top to bottom with volumes containing unreadable markings. In the center of the room was a reading table with a large candle half melted from hours of reading. The table only had one chair. The left wall held a tapestry of fine cloth depicting a symbol you fail to recognize as having any significance. The door was made of low quality iron. Before proceeding you look back out the window to se the smoke from the small hole you were shot out of. It was in the side of the cavern wall almost a hundred feet off the cities floor.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Jangel13
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Jangel13 The angel of fortune

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Shadow fang was annoyed at the damn goblin trying to blow him in on that tiny cavern! when Shadow fang gets out of this he will beat that little goblin! Shadow fang didn't have time to worry about that now at least. Right now Shadow fang needed to find his target first then he could go out on a killing spree. Mission first and play time second, Shadow fang grinned at the thought.

Shadow fang looked at the shroud that the chief gave him, it was supposed to make him ethereal and even if it made Shadow fang untouchable it made everything else the same way for him. For the time being Shadow fang put on the shroud and started to slowly pass through the walls, evidently it did work. Now Shadow fang was slowly going through room to room looking for his target or if anyone he found knew where his target was then it would save him the trouble. walk, look, kill, repeat...
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Markofkri
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Most humanoids never expect a danger to come threw the wall. Your blade went into the back of the neck both silent and paralyzing them. You must of murdered a dozen of these drow unarmed and unaware. The only real challenge was trying to find the one that needed to die. The time mattered little as the light from the sky would never reach this place. The air was cool and everything had the scent of these people, only them. The factor would be to find and kill this single drow before the deaths were discovered.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Jangel13
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Jangel13 The angel of fortune

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Shadow fang made sure to collect each ones ear and put them on a string to make a necklace. The chief wanted their ears as many as possible, This meant that while Shadow fang was hunting he still needed to scavenge off the bodies. After 3 more kills Shadow fang heard a rumor about a certain drow assassin that had just come back. Then he overheard the words shadow of death and that meant that she was their which gave Shadow fang an evil grin they talked about how all the VIP's were near the top of the stalagmite. That's where Shadow fang was going next still leaving a trail of bodies with missing ears in his wake as he climbed up looking for his special target...
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Markofkri
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The hall and all the lights in the spire went from a dull white to a bright blue. Moments later you were forced to fade through a wall to duck from an armed patrol. Being one of the cities elite assassins meant that she had one of the top floors all to herself. Unfortunately she was not the only elite assassin the drow had and you had the feeling the others would be ready. It would be harder having the entire spire on alert the good thought was they knew nothing of you.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Jangel13
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Jangel13 The angel of fortune

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Shadow fang had to think fast to avoid the guard patrol. Shadow fang started to think that these drow assassins must have floors dedicated to themselves which meant finding the one he needed to kill would not only be difficult but it would be dangerous if he got to the wrong one and they managed to hurt Shadow fang before he got to his target. Right now he needed to save his strength for his target and avoid unnecessary battle the father up he goes.

Shadow fang was doing well making sure to hide using the shroud to hide in closets, under beds, anywhere that he could still see outward but still be hiding and so far his plan was working as he moved further and further up nearing the top floor where his target should be...
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Markofkri
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You hid well until a stair well encounter getting to the second to the last floor. There were two of them and even though you were semi transparent they drew their short swords. On had a short sword and a kukri. The other was a duel wielder like you but they were a pair of daggers. The green gel on the blade let you know it was serious. Remembering the rules of the cloak you thought of the poison as being organic meaning the blade would pass through you but the poison would not. It was a contact poison and a single touch was fatal.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Jangel13
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Jangel13 The angel of fortune

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Shadow fang sighed a little and he lifted his hands up in a surrender gesture. It was the one who had poisoned their blade come forward first and ordered Shadow fang to take off the shroud and he did. When the enemy got close enough however Shadow fang quickly maneuvered and used his arms to hit his own causing his arms to go up like his did before it was only for a split second but that was all Shadow fang needed as he grabbed the mans throat and sliced it. Then before the other one could call for help Shadow fang went over and quickly disarmed him then he crushed his windpipe with Shadow fangs bare hands. Thankfully that caused very little ruckus so nobody even noticed it. Shadow fang then cut both their ears and then put his shroud back on to continue on way to the last floor where he will find his target...
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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Markofkri
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Only two floors left the assassin had to be in one. The top of the stairs ended on the floor. The room was used for training it had a wall of weapons and candelabra's attached to the walls. There was a sparing circle in the center of the room In each corner was a stone sparing pillar. Across the room were three figures standing. They removed there hoods the one to the left was your target. The other two dropped their cloaks entirely. One wore no armor on his torso but had bracers and leg armor. The other was in full armor He carried two curved swords.
They spoke but you didn't understand them.

The unarmored one made an intricate hand gesture and made a sound. The room plunged into darkness that even you couldn't see through. The hiss of a blade swished by your shoulder you brought your weapon to parry instinctively only to feel no contact. The cloak you wore made the parry impossible and the burning acidic sting of the poison hisses on your right side. You had to work fast. you were blind but you had the hearing and smell of a worg. To win you had no choice but to leave the cloak you wore so the weapons you carried would be effective. The timing was perfect it was like being in a fight with a six armed opponent. The only thing that became more obvious was they too were blind but better at fighting this way. One would attack after the other. Ensuring to not hit the other. If they could see this fight would be your last. You learned the pattern the click sound followed three swings the a click to dis engage. The room was too large and the clicks echoed off the walls. The attacks were to random yet to provide an opening to counter. Some of the hits were deflected by the armor you wore they were aiming for your upper torso, neck, and arms. They must not realize the poison had already hit you. You paused and felt one of them was stronger then the others. He was also slower to swing. That was your opening....

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Jangel13
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Jangel13 The angel of fortune

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Shadow fang appeared into the training area of the 3 assassins and this seemed like it was going to go badly for him and unfortunately he was right. The unarmored one called upon a strange darkness against Shadow fang and he couldn't see. Shadow fang then felt the sting of their poison hit him, now Shadow fang was on a clock to try and defeat them. Shadow fang had to drop the shroud to actually make contact with their own weapons but he was fighting 3 skilled opponents while blinded and poisoned.

Shadow fang had to find their rhythm he had to find their pattern of attack and disrupt it otherwise he would surly die their on the floor with a great victory within his grasp. Soon Shadow fang felt their rhythm so he knew that the big one was slower to swing and that was his chance!

Shadow fang then charged towards the scent of the slow attacker and proceeded to stab them repeatedly with lightning fast attacks, they may have been weak but he was fighting in the dark and as long as he hit him then he would be an easy target as soon as Shadow fang smelled another of the attackers try to get him while his back was turned Shadow fang jumped over the drow at the last minute so he could stab his friend killing him.

shadow fang then went on came up behind the other one and clawed out his throat making them die together. Now the illusion was gone and Shadow fang could see again. Shadow fang also started to pant softly it must have been the poison wearing him out usually after a maneuver like that he would be fine but now he was starting to feel fatigue but he didn't show it as he turned towards his target and grinned evilly knowing she was the last one and now their were no more tricks...
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Markofkri
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She tilted her head to the side. She looked confused. She spoke in orc. "Tell me who you work for so when you die I can repay the kindness." both of her blades where in hand and she looked to know what she was doing. Her stance and subtle foot placement kept her weight off her front foot. the leather she wore was well oiled and silent. "We are servants of death and now we will dance to the threads of fate." As she moved her image shimmered and the one became three. Each one moved independently "You're good but I've been killing for hundreds of years." They crisscrossed and leaped in the air. The only difference was non of them had a scent.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Jangel13
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Jangel13 The angel of fortune

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Shadow fang took his firm stance as he did when he started the fight and he finally understood what she was saying but it was simply a threat to his chieftain. what you don't realize is that I was born for this Shadow fang growled seeing her 3 images shimmer and attack him independently. Shadow fang Knew he would be in trouble with the copies even as skilled as he was the poison would start to take effect soon and would cause him to get weaker and if she was worth her salt as an assassin she would capitalize on it and finish Shadow fang off.

Shadow fang could only avoid and parry her attacks from each copy. He needed to find the true assassin and finish her so he could get to his healing potion. Shadow fang had to find out which one is the real one before he can try to take her down so for now he was dodging and parrying her attacks trying to analyze the situation to turn it to his advantage...
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Markofkri
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As a blade sailed through your swords it donned on you why there was no scent from these images. At the same time a sharp pain struck you from behind as three shuriken catch you in the leg. "I will cut you for every ear butcher. I am an assassin I target a single foe. Your chieftain was given a warning. I don't fail." As you traced the source of the sound you saw her step back into the shadow and vanish. The images were distracting but you knew what to use her scent. It was that invisible tell that would give you the signal to attack.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Jangel13
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Jangel13 The angel of fortune

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Shadow fang growled softly as he felt the blades hit his leg. he kept them in letting them stay their, he knew that if he pulled them out then blood would start to pour out at least this way his leg will stay functional for a few more moments. I am no butcher, I am Assassin as well I've just been given two targets, you and whoever stands in my way! Shadow fang called out to her. Now he smelled her scent and when it was revealed she was as good as dead. The second time she tried to do that same trick Shadow fang howled loudly, his big trick the shuddering howl it made her pause in her attack and that was enough.

Shadow fang quickly went over to her and started to attack her, even if she was as Assassin once an assassin is forced into combat their effectiveness decreases dramatically. The same is said for shadow fang however he is a worg and is bred for combat as well as stealth right now all he needed to do was make sure she didn't vanish into the wall again so he could put her on the defensive...
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Markofkri
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The drow dodged most of the attacks that fell on her like rain She didn't parry but use her dark elven agility and moved like a free runner around your thrusts and flicks of your wrist. The ones that had landed were thin cuts of her getting tired. Assassins did one strike and fade away. Prolonged combat was not what they trained for.

She stood breathing heavy through the dodging and few thrusts of her own that were cut short or else forfeit a hand. "You, I will not yield. You will have to earn this." She leapt over a blade and through your legs she sprung to her feet but she was exhausted and by now you began to tire both from fighting her skill and the poison. You spun to face her driving a blade behind you. She brought down a blade but it twisted in her grip and the flat of the metal hit your neck. "I would have got you." Black blood spilled from her lips. Her eyes went dull.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Jangel13
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Jangel13 The angel of fortune

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may you rest with the shadows, assassin of the drow Shadow fang said paying his respect to the skill of a great assassin before he eyes finally looked empty and she fell with a thud. Shadow fang sighed loudly panting tired from the fighting and the poison. Shadow fang quickly took out his potion and drank a swig of it hoping to recover before he would need to go killing again and find more drow before he left so far his necklace was hardly full.

Once she was dead Shadow fang took her blade that the chief wanted and he cut her ear off. Shadow fang then went over to the other two he was fighting and instead cut their heads off. Shadow fang believed that the head of a skilled opponent would be worth more then the heads of commoners so whenever he fought an enemy worth the time he cut their heads off. Shadow fang went and grabbed the two swords one them used and decided to keep them since they were stronger then what he already had. Shadow fang then sat down against a wall and decided to rest for a little bit if nothing else then to let the potion work its magic and to take a breath from that death fight...
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