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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Markofkri
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The location of the goblin was a curios on not many would choose to live on the coast. The lack of fresh water and caves made little sense. The air began to clear the further you got from the tribes fires. Again the smells of the wild filled your nose. Not bound by the last restraints you traveled across the land during the day. The light did little to you unlike the orc who's vision was hampered by too munch light. You seem to enjoy it. The amount of light did little to affect you. Soon you turned south toward the coast. The sent of the sea would be new to you. As would the image never having seen such a large body of water. Your ears flapped to the stride and the thawing ground kept your hands and feet cool.

As the scent hit your nose you let your dove to the ground. Blood. It was fresh and ahead. You low crawled to the crest of the hill to see a river and on the opposite side a large pack (20+)of gnolls tearing into a fresh kill. They have the traits of the hyena able to break bones in their jaws and eat every part of the kill. They dine on moose filling the air with blood.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Jangel13
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Jangel13 The angel of fortune

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Shiba kept his stride going until he smelled the fresh blood and ducked. Fresh blood means a fresh kill and when theirs a fresh kill it means that their are hunters that killed it. What Shiba saw unnerving as he saw what had to be more then 20 gnolls on the field of battle. Shiba was tempted to try and take their kill but he had to fight that feeling in his gut to try and steal their meal, he is an assassin not a beserker even if he wanted to this had bad idea written all over it so Shiba had to avoid it as best he could.

However seeing that it was daytime his ability to hide in the shadows would be near useless so Shiba had to come up with a different idea so he saw that their were huge trees around them with pretty thick branches. Shiba decided to try it as he extended his claws slightly and used them as tools to climb the trees and once he got to a high enough branch he started to make his way around them thankfully his silent steps made sure that despite whatever rustling they heard they didn't think it was more then birds or something along those lines. Once Shiba got a good distance away he then used his claws once more to get back down and go back into his stride towards the rouge goblins, that would have gotten ugly really fast...
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Markofkri
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Crossing the river using the canopy of the trees was clever. You continued south. The day wore on and you knew if you where going to face this new challenge then you would need to be fresh for the mission. Would you risk fighting exhausted from the travel and wait until the following night or would you rest this night and scout in the day light exposed?
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Jangel13
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Jangel13 The angel of fortune

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Shiba panted softly knowing that doing the climbing was tiring and soon he would need to rest but he couldn't risk sleeping now and attacking during the daytime where he will be at a disadvantage. Shiba was an assassin and without the darkness or shadows to help his job gets that much harder. Shiba decided that he needed to push a little more and keep going until the next day, if he can keep going until daytime then he will sleep during the day and when night finally comes he should feel ready to fight...
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Markofkri
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Sleeping in the caverns during your growth made it difficult to sleep out in the sun. Out in this open wilderness was completely new and made you hyper vigilant to your surrounding. The cave had the same scent and the same darkness. The different scents kept you alert and the heat this sun brought to your fur was bothersome. You did manage to sleep though only after finding a shade tree. The night for you couldn't come fast enough.

With the setting of the sun the surrounding air cooled. Your natural fur kept you comfortable. The scent of smoke came from the south. As you got closer there was your prey. Too heavily guarded as they took part of the fresh kill of a strange creature roasting on a spit. The Goblin Grizzle was flanked by his two guards. The other goblins gathered around the kill cutting away strips of flesh. The sound of the incoming waves and their own loudness make the sneaking around easier. They carried no melee weapons but you could see the small round clay containers you were warned of. The orc guards were carrying heavy crossbows and double quivers of bolts. There were no structures only a rock out cropping north along the beach gave any suggestion of where they might be camped during the day. Grizzle was wearing metal and a metal helm a range kill was not possible. Also you had not seen his scroll for the BOOM fire.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Jangel13
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Jangel13 The angel of fortune

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Shiba looked into the distance and saw the many enemies in front of him they were all numerous and their trap master which was his target was going to be a problem if he was aware of Shiba's presence. Shiba was at a huge disadvantage and as far as he could tell they had no visible weakness like the lizardman so he cant try to sneak past them without someone noticing.

Shiba then thought why should he worry when he just saw a group of very aggressive attackers nearby still looking hungry after their kill, all shiba needed to do was lead them to each other and he can watch the show and even if one side wins against the other Shiba will be rested and still able to kill them. Shiba then ran back and he went back to where he found the gnolls and he grabbed a few stones and he threw them at a few of them knowing that they were aggressive and would attack at a moments noticed if challenged once they noticed eyes watching them they started to chase Shiba as he ran towards the group of goblins and once Shiba thought they were close enough to start fighting Shiba then climbed up a tree and sat on the branch to watch the show...
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Flynn
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Flynn Magnificent Bastard

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Ogroin let's out a yawn before looking at his group of rangers. "Alright lads, good job on the running today. Time to get some shut eye. Make yourself comfortable somehow and eat your grub. Tomorrow we'll continue the climb and make our way east. I want to reach the human lands by nightfall tomorrow. Also... when we get to the human lands... No raiding, plundering, raping or anything else among those lines. We're there to scout, not to bring fear and terror. If any of you step out of line, I will slit your throat personally. And you know I'm not bluffing! Just remember poor old Sazig. I don't want bloody Charoz yelling at me again." After his 'motivating' speech, Ogroin simply gets out a simple blanket and puts it down on the edge of the ledge. He lays down on it, and tries to fall asleep amidst the cold.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Markofkri
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The night returned and the dwarves continued to work on the stone across hey had accomplished munch in the short time. The rangers woke and began to eat some of the rations. The dwarves had iron poles and had begun to push the unusable stone to the valley below. One of the cave trolls foolishly tried to catch one of the larger pieces only to be crushed. To your amazement he did not die. The others lifted the bolder off him and in a few moments the crushed troll was standing.

The sound of the falling rocks with the warming air causes a large section of snow to give way and fall away. You can see a clear cut path that anyone one could walk across and reach the other side of this mountain then it would be a simple part of climbing down to the valley below and far from the trolls. The altitude you could see the land stretching before you. The forest at the foot of the mountains would be helpful to hide your approach but there would also be danger there.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Markofkri
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@Jangel13 The Gnolls did not require munch prodding to give chase. They screeched, howled, and laughed. A dagger buried itself into the tree next to you. You lead them to the encampment and the two groups saw each other they froze for a mere second the Gnolls looked at the meat both over the fire pit and standing on the beach. The goblins screeched at them as a death challenge. You faded out of most of the fight minus two Gnolls that broke off to engage you specifically.

The battle was brutal as the Gnolls charge the goblins the goblins charged the gnolls. The Mighty Grizzle threw the first grenade and a pair of gnolls flailed onto the ground burning to death as they screamed. The two guardian orc showed off their skills one after the other bolts found there way into the gnolls. The gnolls looked like the victors until the dead goblins exploded into large bursts of flame. one by one the goblins exploded taking the gnoll pack with them Only the leader and three gnolls were left standing verses the great Grizzle and the two orc. Grizzle pulled a grenade from the bag on his back. The gnoll squealed and in one fluid motion sent a throwing axe into one of the orc dropping him into the sea.

Grizzle threw the small sphere and screamed. The gnoll leader threw a comrade onto the device and jumped away. The sacrificed gnoll exploded in a firey mess. The two remailing warriors sprinted on all fours to the orc who returned fire. The bolt flew and through the left gnolls shoulder. The two gnolls tore into the orc not noticing the grenade at their feet all three went up in a pillar of flame. They writhed on the ground burning to death.

The matches left were the gnoll leader verses grizzle, and the two gnolls on you.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Flynn
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Flynn Magnificent Bastard

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"Talking about blind luck." The goblin mutters under his breath. But he was not one to complain. Those stupid trolls just made their job a whole lot easier. He turns to the group of rangers and points at the wall. "Right fellows, time to get on with this climb. Luckily, it's just a matter of climbing to that path up there. Then it will be like a tit in the wind. Smooth sailing, well except for the dangers in the forests behind that. But that's a matter for later. Let's get to it! Ossaaaaah!" And with that last 'war' cry, Ogroin jumps on the rocky wall and starts the last climb.

Not much later, he and his rangers are packing up the climbing equipment. They would not need it anymore. Now all they had to do was follow this path. It was like it was made for them. He send out one ranger to scout ahead and watch for potential threats. Wouldn't want to walk into some sort of raiding party who had the same idea as them.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Jangel13
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Jangel13 The angel of fortune

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Shiba grinned as he watched the event unfold in front of him knowing that Grizzle had the boom fire meant that he was going to use when he got the chance. right now the entire fight was taken down the minimal amount of people only two leaders and two grunts who decided to chase Shiba instead of fight. Now it was Shiba's turn Shiba came down from his tree and when the two gnolls got close Shiba pulled out his swords and cut them down with little difficulty now it was time to take down his target.

Shiba went near an overlook position nearby and when he felt that grizzle was in just the right spot Shiba jumped down for an air assassination! using both his swords he brought them down on his enemy one hitting where his heart was and the other hitting his neck so even if Shiba missed his heart he would choke on his own blood and die. Shiba jumped back when he realized the Gnoll leader was pissed off when Shiba took his kill, the fact that the leader was strong was obvious but Shiba was faster however Shiba needed to look for the recipe before daybreak so he had to wrap it up. Shiba used his "shuddering howl" and momentarily got the leader stunned in fear by the howl of a trained worg and that was all Shiba needed as he closed the gap and sliced the Gnoll leaders throat making him bleed out. Now shiba had two heads to offer the chieftain since gnolls were known to be aggressive he would be praised for such a kill.

Shiba cut off both leaders heads and then he searched grizzle and found the recipe in his back. Once Shiba secured the heads and the recipe he then started on his journey back to the tribe...
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Markofkri
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The battle was indeed fierce. The smell of burning flesh and hair clung to your nose for the day. You took rest before making your way back to the tribe. This time you would be made a tribal member. You awoke the next night to make the long trip back. the air was cool and your nose had finally lost the scent of the fire. Crossing the river and over rolling hills you found the tribal marker.

Grull saw the head of grizzle and laughed. The other head he did not know but having killed the gnoll as well earned you more satus with the tribe. The night you were bathed in animal blood and given the name(you pick). You would soon learn that the tribe had more then one assassin and you were now one of its members. For now you wold go see the shaman as he had something to bestow upon you. The leader told you to rest and more dangers would come. You had to wait for the scouting parties to return with news. Your talents could not be randomly directed.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Markofkri
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The night wore on and other then running across some wildlife that you would later eat the journey was dull. As the day aproached and the acursid sun reveild everything in its path your scout came running back. "Humans more then I have arrows. On horses with heavy armor." Seems the retched humans had the same idea as your leader but munch later they were a half day from the last recorded human lands and if they were this far out no reinforcements would come. Still a small band against heavy calvery was a game you just as soon avoid.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Jangel13
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Jangel13 The angel of fortune

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Shiba grinned happy that he finished his mission and earned more status with the others in the tribe that night Shiba was given the chance to name himself as was the custom and Shiba decided to change his name to something that would strike fear into his enemies and the respect of his fellow tribesmen so from that night on Shiba was no longer Shiba and was instead named "Shadow fang" he lived in the shadows so that part was obvious but he decided on it because it felt right and that he always took a head when he killed was part of it.

As usual the Chief talked about the dangers now that he was a tribesman but Shadow fang didn't care because now he was one step closer to becoming an elite in the tribe to be know by all his fellow tribesmen that he was the best at what he was. considering it was his long time goal shadow fang still needed a short term one but for the time being shadow fang was allowed to relax a little after going to two missions back to back as he walked to the Shaman to see what his gift would be...
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Markofkri
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You enter the pits below the ground you see the goblin clans working the forges and building new tunnels in the earth. You see the worg breeding stock to make more like you. Finally you find Gull the tribal shaman. He is overseeing a new breed insect humanoids. "Well if you survived I was told to give you this. Its trolls blood and some herbs. Don't take more then one sip or you will rage into a killing frenzy. The potion is so strong it self regenerates. Don't use it all or you will not get more."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Jangel13
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Jangel13 The angel of fortune

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Shadow fang nodded as the Shaman explained the use of the elixir that was supposed to regenerate his wounds on the battlefield and to not take more then a sip or one would go into a killing frenzy I heard about this stuff. they say drinking to much at once would make you more enraged then a berserker. If you think it about it since im most likely be going to face off against large amounts of enemies at one time a killing frenzy might work as a last resort Shadow fang said to himself thinking about different situations where drinking more then a sip would be appropriate, maybe he could learn to control the rage like the berserkers do. It wouldn't hurt to ask and make it seem like Shadow fang was just curious since he just got accepted into the tribe.

Shadow fang then left to go to his favorite spot as a child or rather as a young pup. This beautiful tree overlooking to the ocean had shade and the scent of the ocean always giving off a cool breeze it was Shadow fangs special spot to relax and after all that he has been through it would be well deserved to just laid down and rest for a while...
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Markofkri
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The sounds of the ocean waves and the cool breeze from the coast sooth your fur. Just then you hear the sound of rushing water and a deep rumbling growl. It's head is above water and easily could eat a ship in a few bites. The newness of seeing such a large creature sends your instinct to remain still into overdrive. As the huge creature slowly pans it's enormous head scanning the shore line sea gulls fly overhead hoping for the scraps of a meal. Thankfully the creature returns to the depths slowly. As the last of the head submerges the waves its movement cause swirls in the water resisting the natural current's efforts to make waves. You body relaxes, and you heart slows.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Jangel13
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Jangel13 The angel of fortune

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Shadow fang was content feeling relaxed and just when he was about to drift off to sleep he heard growling and as he stood up he saw the creature a monster of unimaginable length and what looked like could destroy a ship without a care in the world as if it were an appetizer. Shadow fang for the first time in his life felt unable to make a move against it his legs wouldn't move and his voice wouldn't come out of his gapping mouth. When the creature finally went back into the water Shadow fang felt his legs work again so he ran as quickly as he could back to the Shaman since he seemed like the one to go to about monsters and stuff like this Grull! monster in the water, big monster! it it looked like a sn- snake of some sort but it was huge! like swallow an entire ship huge! Shadow fang said obviously shaken up about seeing such a beast so close to their own shores thankful that he didn't need to go after it, he may have been an assassin but trying to kill that thing would be damn near suicide!
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Markofkri
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Gull slaps you hard in the face. "Get a hold of yourself! NEVER go near the waters edge. If that thing finds out there's food here we will die horrible deaths!" He slaps you across the face. "Now I have work to do and I believe the chieftain has a new mission for you." Gull turns his back to you and walks to the breeding pits.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Flynn
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Flynn Magnificent Bastard

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"I'm not one for killing myself in a useless fight. Let's try to sneak around them." Ogroin spoke to his rangers in a low voice. He always did that when there an opportunity to be sneaky. "According to Darak the humans are walking through a small canyon. If we climb up the walls here, we might be able to avoid them if we're quiet. No time for climbing gear. We have to make haste here. It's a short climb, so come on guys!"

Ogroin looks around the corner of the canyon to see the patrol of humans in the distance. They had to make haste with climbing if they wish to be avoided. The goblin takes a small jump and grabs a hold of the nearest ledge. He quickly glances down to see the other orcs climbing as well.
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